SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue

Aug 14, 2007

I have an application which uses ADO to connect to Database. DSN name is specified in the connection string used by ADO as part of the application logic.

This application is working perfectly fine when it is run from a Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition (EE) Server and successfully connects to a remote MSSQL 2005 EE Database installed in another Windows 2003 EE Server.

This application is working perfectly fine also when it is run from a Windows 2003 Standard Edition (SE) Server and successfully connects to the local MSSQL 2005 EE Database installed in the same Server.

But this application FAILS to work when it is run from the Windows 2003 SE Server and connecting to the remote MSSQL 2005 EE Database installed in Windows 2003 EE Server. Error returned to the Application has this description: "Provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server"

Can somebody give me more insights into the problem and help me in overcoming the issues in the last scenario?


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SQL Server 2005 Express Connectivity With Visual Studio.NET 2005

Dec 5, 2007

I'm having a problem with the server connection and my C# code. The code executes alright but no data is entered into the database behind it.  I'm pasting the connection code over here as well. The sql commands are used in the code. I think I used the sql server mobile edition which is installed along with visual studio.net 2005. Anyone know what's wrong, and can help me out? Thanks in advance.public static void storeInDb(string trackName, string artist, string albumTitle, string year, string path, uint[] fp)
string connStr="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename='"+path+"\Data\ACI.mdf';Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
conn.Open();string sql = "INSERT INTO Clip(Song, Artist, Album, Year) VALUES('" + trackName;sql = sql + "','" + artist + "','" + albumTitle + "','" + year + "')";
 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
 sql="SELECT max(ClipID) FROM Clip";
cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);int id = Int32.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());for (int i = 0; i < fp.Length; i++)
sql="INSERT INTO Hash VALUES ("+id+","+(i+1)+","+(int)fp[i]+")";cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

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Connectivity Between VS 2005 To SQL Server 2000

Apr 29, 2008

I have an application which is under development in VS 2005 but the database is in SQL Server 2000. We are facing some strange problem with the connectivity between VS 2005 - SQL Server 2000.
I have tried all the possible ways or solutions i found when searching in google but unable to find a solution.This had become a major challenge for us now to identifiy the root cause of the problem
"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"
Please suggest.

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SQL Server 2005 Remote Connectivity

Feb 13, 2007

I am an application developer with an existing system developer in SQL Server 2005 Express and Visual Studio 2005.

I have installed the system I wrote at a physician's office, and it is working fine on a local computer utilizing XP operating system.

There is a requirement to allow other terminals to connect to this XP terminal to execute the application, so I am exploring possibilities for connecting remotely from the other computers in the physician's office.

I am running Virtual Machine for my client computer.

I modified SQL Server 2005 on my main computer. I enabled both TCP/IP and Named pipes in the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration utility. I also set SQL Server Browser to start automatically.

The local application is successfully connecting with the following connectionstring: Data Source=localhostsqlexpress;Initial Catalog=MedicalDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=thepassword

I realize that I would have to substitute the server name for localhost before I could connect from the application, but I wanted to first "connect" to the database from my second machine successfully before I began trying to connect from my application. I can Ping the pc that is running sql server express, I am able to "telnet" my pc that is running SQL Server Express.

Both my computers are in the same workgroup and there is no domain.

There are no aliases in my configuration, and there is no encryption on the server.

Ther error message I recieve is:

Cannot connect to DDD

An error has occurred while attempting connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (providor: Named Pipes Providor, Error: 40 Could not open a conneciton to Sql Server) (Microsofi SQL Server, Error: 1326)

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SQL Server 2005 Connectivity From Windows 2000

Apr 30, 2007

We have an OLD vbscript process that is running on a Windows 2000 box. The box has Sql Server 7.0 on it (not sure if relevant). The process used to hit a Sql Server 2000 database, but that database was recently migrated to 2005 (on different server). Now the connection string obviously no longer works, and we can't even add a DSN to 2005 (does not recognize new server). The machine pings the new SQL server without any problem, but cannot connect for data access.

I assume there should be some driver that I can install to fix this, but have yet to find one on the web. Does anyone have a recommended download to remedy this?

Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server 2005 SSIS And AS400 Connectivity

Mar 29, 2006

Hi all

I am trying to connect to an AS400 to download data to a 64bit sql server 2005 server. I am able to do this easily by migrating existing sql2000 DTS packages but how do i do this is in an SSIS project creating the process from scratch? and how do i incorporate activex transforms like you could in DTS2000 into the trasnform with copy columns?

Please help i am slowly turning grey trying to get this to work.



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SQL Server 2000 &&amp; JBuilder 2005 Connectivity

Aug 16, 2007

hi all. i m looking for help in Java - SQL Server 2000 Connectivity.i worked on Java- Oracle & Java - MS Access format.now i m looking to work on Java - SQL Server 2000. I m using JBuilder 2005. what sort of configuration needed in JBuilder or SQL Server 2000, like adding JAR files and all other stuffs? or what to do? lemme know quickly. thanx in advance.

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SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue - SSL Security Error

Oct 5, 2007

We recently moved from SQL 2k to SQL 2K5 and existing application stopped working with following error message.

[DBNETLIN][ConenctionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()).]SSL Security error.

The code used to make connection is as below.

Option Explicit

Const NewConnStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persistant Security=False;User ID=%DBUser;Password=%DBPassword;Initial Catalog=%DBName;Data Source=%DBServer,%DBPort;Network Library=dbmssocn"

Dim oConn
Dim sConnStr
Dim sServer

sServer = "SQLSERV01"
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

On Error Resume next
sConnStr = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(NewConnStr, "%DBUser", "test1"), "%DBPassword", "test1"), "%DBName", "model"), "%DBServer", sServer), "%DBPort", "1433")
Call oConn.Open(sConnStr)

This script runs under stripped-down Windows enviornment (Windows PE) with very basic components (i.e. no GUI, only command-line interface). I am trying to find out if there is any client side setting to bypass "self-generated SSL ceritificate" on server. I have tried all things on server side from disabling shared memory protocol, setting "Force Encryption" property etc. Could somebody help me with name of this property?
Also, is it possible to not use self-generate certificate on server. We don't want any kind of encryption for SQL connections.

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Client/Server Connectivity In SQL Server 2005

Jul 25, 2007

Can anyboday tell me how to connect the  clien  and server in SQL Server 2005.
Thanks & Regards

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Sql 2005 Connectivity

Mar 15, 2007


I am attempting to connect directly to an instance of sql 2005 from the VS Pocket PC emulator running Mobile 5.0. I have installed AtiveSync 4.0 and successfully cradled the device to establish connectivity to the internet. I have also successfully browsed to the IP of the server that i is running sql 2005. I am able to populate a datagrid via a stored procedure resultset which accepts no parameters. When attempting to pass variables into a stored procedure a SqlException was thrown stating that the procedure excpects these parameters. I have successfully built the app and ran the executable from my local machine and successfully passed these parameters to the procedures. I dont know what the problem could be. Any help would be of great assistance, this problem has halted productivity.

/**********Connection string

Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=False;Server=,1234;Initial Catalog=BatchScan;User ID=BatchScanServerUser;Password=B4uBaTch*uSc@n

TCP/IP protocols are successfully configured on sql 2005 with dynamic ports disabled and all ips using port 1234

Thank you in advance.

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Connectivity Issues On SQL Express 2005 On Vista Business

Oct 1, 2007

I read your blogs regularly on SQL-Server Express 2005 which I have been actively deploying with my software product for about a year now. I have migrated most of my products to SQL-Server from Microsoft Access. I have found SQL-Express very stable and have had no significant problems. My products are mainly accounting based such as payroll systems, hotel management systems, school academic results management systems.

My favourite front ends tools are Visual Basic 6.0, and Microsoft Access. Typically, with MS Access I link to tables via the SQL-Server ODBC driver and all the client front ends share a common security file, an access work group file. I have been using this approach for up to a decade with no problems.

Currently I am deploying a hotel management system and payroll system in a hotel about to be opened. Against our advice, they purchased computer systems running Windows Vista Business instead of XP which we are sure our software suites, the wireless network and other software solutions such as CCTV work perfectly. This has caused a lot of problems.

On my side I had the extra task of dealing with Office 2007.
2 key problems arose.

After setting up a simple Ethernet network connecting the Vista computers I could not connect to SQL-Server Express in Windows Authentication mode via SQL Native Client and SQL Server ODBC drivers from another computer on the network (i could only connect locally); I could only connect to it from another machine using SQL Authentication mode, which is not my preference.

Secondly, I could not share the security file with more than one client of the network. The file seems to be locked exclusively by one client that first grabs the file, hence you cannot log on to software. This defeats clientserver idea. HEEEEELP.

A way round this was to have at least one computer on the network running XP (or any windows not Vista) and share the security file from it. I wish to know the reason for this behaviour on Vista.

As to the first problem of not being able to connect of SQL-Server Express 2005 via Windows Authentication mode from another machine on the network, I found the cause: The PASSWORD PROTECTED SHARING setting on Sharing and Discovery option for networking on Windows Vista.

When this setting is turn ON you cannot connect to the SQL-Server engine. The error Login failed for user ": Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection is given. When I turn off this setting, I immediately could log on. I have validated this on several setups and this seems to the consistent. PLEASE SHARED THIS With others.

Thanks Dr Folami

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Connectivity Issue With SQL 2005 Developer Edition Named Instance

May 5, 2007


I have installed one default and one named instance of SQL Server 2005 Dev. Editition SP2 on my server.

The Named service is configured to use Shared, NamedPipe and TCP (Port 4333).

There is no firewall on the machine. But still i am not able to connect to it form remote computer.

can any one help me with these. this is urgent.



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SQL Server Db Connectivity With Asp.net

Dec 27, 2004

I m in new in ASP.net and can't connect sql server db with ASP.net.I write exact code.but it give error in connection string and server error some time.I found that error is in web.config file.can any one have running project of asp.net with sqlserver db..
if any one have then mail the project at this mail address..

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SQL Server 7 Connectivity In C# && ASP .NET

Dec 13, 2005

I am using webforms for ASP .NET which has code in C#. My database is running on SQL Server 7. Whats the best way to connect to database. I have tried ODBC connection through myConnection=new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["dsn"]);but it gives me an error that can not connect to the SQL Server 2005 or it does not allow remote connections though it is running SQL Server 7 and not SQL Server 2005.  Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server And Dos Connectivity

Feb 17, 2000

hello , i have a small problem , an associate want to connect to a micrsoft sql server under nt from a pc with only dos! can such a thing be done?

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SQL Server Connectivity

Feb 19, 2007

I am trying to connect to my dev Sql server instance remotely from my developer edition and I get the following error

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

i Made sure that the following are complete

# [Link] Enable the TCP/IP protocol using the Surface Area Configuration Utility
# [Link] Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Utility
# [Link] Make sure the SQL Server browser is started

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DB2 Connectivity With SQL Server

Jun 6, 2007


We have a DB2 server which is linked to our SQL Server 2005 database. The link is through ODBC connection. Now, we are able to access some of the tables without any problems. But couple of tables are not accessible and we get following error::"

"com.ibm.db.DataException: A database manager error occurred. : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL1822N Unexpected error code "08S01" received from data source "TESTPROD". Associated text and tokens are "Communication link failure". SQLSTATE=560BD "

Any ideas on why this is happening and how to resolve this?


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Connectivity To Sql Server Ad Asp.Net

Mar 20, 2008

Hi All

how i connect sql server 2000 to Asp.Net.

Please Help me

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Sql Server Connectivity

Apr 25, 2007


I am new to SQL Server. I want to connet to SQL Server database and fetch records. SQL Server will be present in some other server.

For connecting to SQL Server is it necessary to create DSN. Is it possibel to connect to SQL Server with out DSN

I want following parameters are enough for opening connetion are not:
MyConnObj.Open _
"Provider = sqloledb;" & _
"Data Source=;" & _
"Initial Catalog=TESTATV;" & _
"User ID=sa;" & _

As per my assumption

Data Source is your server name

Initial Catalog is your database name

please clarify me on this.


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Simple Way For Ms Sql Server Connectivity?

Sep 6, 2006

hi    i am using sql server 2000 i want  to connect from asp.net i am confused with web.config what is this for, to connect should i edit it or simple connectivity is also posible if u know any tutorial please refer me which will guide for database connectivity faisal iqbal ch 

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SQL Server Connectivity Problem

Jun 21, 2001

I had SQL Server working without a problem on my laptop until I changed the identification name of my laptop to make it more recognisable when I connect to a LAN. However, since I've changed my laptops name, my local SQL Server service wont run and I cant connect to my local databases. I can connect to remote SQL Servers though. If I change my laptops name back to what it was before, it still doesnt work. This has happened in the past and the only way I could solve the problem then was to uninstall SQL Server 7, remove all registry keys referring to it then reinstall it. I dont want to do all that again so....HELP!!!???! I'd really appreciate any help anyone could give me. Please email me at adrianmhills@hotmail.com

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MS Access Connectivity To SQL Server

Jul 22, 1998


I am using MSACCESS form to connect to SQL SERVER database..Is that possible.

my tables are defined in SQL SERVER and through MS ACCESSS forms as a front End I am manipulating it...

How should I do that...Can any body help me in the same

Thanks in Advance


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Re:SQL Server Connectivity Problems

Mar 10, 1999

To All,
I have two different servers,server1 and server2
they have the same databases(did a dump from server1 and restored on server2)
now I am using ipx/spx to connect to both the servers on the same network.
the problem is I am not able to connect to them when both are online.(using isqlw)
i have to switch one of them off to login to another,but i want both of them to be up and running at the same time
how to solve this problem?

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SQL Server Network Connectivity

Sep 5, 2001

Has anyone experienced timeouts connecting to SQL 2K from a client and also the server console itself. Typically this error occurs on the client: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error `80040e14`
OLE/DB provider returned message: Timeout expired
conn_info.asp, line 444

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SQL Server Connectivity Issues

Oct 21, 2005

Hello everyone,
I am experiencing problems connecting to me database from my App. I had created this database and my application that calls all the stored procedures at my old work place. I had then moved it all to my home machine. When I open my connection, I get the error saying, "SQL Server is not available or access is denied"! I have added aspnet user to the users group in the SQL Server, disabled my firewall, made sure that physically in the server view I am able to get to the tables inside of the IDE....but to no success. I have been stuck on this for over two days and need serious help from someone.

Kindly let me know of the reasons and troubleshooting methods for this problem.

Thanks in advance

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Sql Server Connectivity - Parameters

Apr 25, 2007


I am new to SQL Server. I want to connet to SQL Server database and fetch records. SQL Server will be present in some other server.

For connecting to SQL Server is it necessary to create DSN. Is it possibel to connect to SQL Server with out DSN

I want following parameters are enough for opening connetion are not:
MyConnObj.Open _
"Provider = sqloledb;" & _
"Data Source=;" & _
"Initial Catalog=TESTATV;" & _
"User ID=sa;" & _

As per my assumption

Data Source is your server name

Initial Catalog is your database name

please clarify me on this.


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JDBC Connectivity With SQL Server

May 19, 2006

How do I configure the MS-SQLSERVER to accept JDBC connections andprocess the sql?I'm using SQLSERVER 2000 on Windows NT.Thanks for your help

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SQL Server Connectivity And Security

Feb 2, 2008

Couple of questions for the SQL Server Guru's out there.

SQLServer 2005
Web Hosting Provider

Ok I am developing a Web application in ASP.NET with AJAX, etc. etc. It will be some time before it is ready to roll out. As a mockup I created the same application in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic (VS 2008), which I can link the tables to the hosting provider on the internet. Works very well and speed is very acceptable.

My question is, is how secure is the data that is moving from the local application to SQLServer 2005 with the web hosting provider ? Is there anything that I can do to increase security ?

Thanks, any thoughts ?

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SQL Server Connectivity Error...

Mar 3, 2008

Hello All -

I am using SQL server 2005 sp1 to work with my applications... and i am using ODBC connection to communicate with SQL serrver...

The connectivity has been working fine for more than a 6 months now .... and suddenly it thows an error ...

"General network error. Check your network documentation.ConnectionRead (recv())."

There about 10 applications accessing SQL server... and all the applications throws this same error...

I intially thought it migjht be bacuase some applications are over utilizing the SQL connection and not closing them properly... but i noticed the connection opened in the Activity monitor are the same as it supposed to be ... no extra unwanted connection opened...

I also noticed that SQLserver.exe process is utilizing almost all the RAM memory and trying to allocate more page memory.... so i restarted the SQL sever service and that reinstated all the connectivity properly....

in couple of days .... the memory utilization again reached the max and this problem started again and i had to restart the SQL server again... and this problem happens every 2 days...

I know SQL server is using up those memory for caching purpose which is normal... but Y would this cause the connectivity to fail...

Is it a problem in SQL server 2005 SP1 ... shd i upgrade it to SP2?

If some of my application is causing this how would i narrow it down to that application and pin point on that particular one?

The thrown error does not have much information for it to guide me in a direction for debugging...

Please can any one help me tro this problem?


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SQL Server DSN Connectivity Problem

Nov 2, 2006

Hi All,

I have made a system DSN to connect to sql server, and in my asp code i got the createObjects for the connection strings.

But it keeps asking me for a data provider. What do I do?


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Check Connectivity Sql Server

Jun 6, 2007

Hello all, I am hoping this is the correct place for this. I have an application that depends on an active connection to Sql Server Express 2005. I am looking for a way is any to check for the existance ofthe server I defined and wether it is online or not. I know I can just catch the error on connection but it takes a bit and I have customers trying to cancel it before it's finished because they think it's locked up. I would like a quick way to check without trying to create a connection if it's online, then if it is, proceed, if not, let the customer know. I was hoping for something like a database server ping of sorts.

Thank you,


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Do I Need To Create A Domain To Get Connectivity To A Report Server Database On A Remote SQL Server Instance?

Oct 23, 2007

I'm setting up a simple SSRS implementation for a non-profit organization, using two servers hosted at a data center. The first server has SQL Server Standard Edition and Reporting Services installed. I've designed and deployed a number of useful reports on this server.

I was hoping to isolate this first server by installing IIS and SSRS on the second server, have users browse from the Internet to that second server (over SSL, of course), and have all reports served up from databases (and, presumably, the report server database) on the first server.

During the installation of SSRS on the second server, however, I'm being prompted to specify the service account. According to the help text:

"Reporting Services. Service accounts are used to configure a report server database connection. Choose a domain user account if you want to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance. If you are using a local report server database, you can use a domain user account or Local System to run the service."

I believe I want to configure SSRS to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance; therefore, it appears that I need to enter a domain user account. The only problem is, neither server belongs to a domain; they are members of a simple two-server workgroup.

Does SSRS, configured to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance, require a domain? Does what I'm hoping to accomplish require a domain? Creating a two-server domain seems like overkill for this implementation, doesn't it?

I appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thanks!

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Connectivity Between SQL Server 7.0 And Windows NT Client

Apr 28, 2000

When trying to run a batch of queries (2 queries in the batch) on SQL Server 7.0 from a Windows NT client,
I am getting the following error.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network
See the network mannual.
Connection Broken
Here are the points to be noted.

1. The queries work when executed individually.
2. The client can PING the server.
3. I tired changing the default network libraries to 'Named Pipes' but this also returns
the following error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionWrite
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection link failed.
Connection Broken
4. the ODBC driver version = 03.70.0623

Does someone have any clue to whats wrong?

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