SQL Server 2005 Images With VB.NET 2005.. Help Please...

Mar 17, 2008

Hello to all, I really Hope you can help me.
 I need to build an App that has the feature to upload images to a database, as well as retrieve them. I am not an expert in ASP.NET.. here is what I got:
I have a DB with a table named "Slide", in it there is a column named "image" it is image SQL Data type..
I already have the GUI built, a text box for the file name, and a button that will browse the image.
In the VB code i have:
Imports Data.System.SQLClient
' code...
'I know i have to "Split apart" the image into binary data.. how can I do that?????
lets say I want to save the result of the function that will split apart into bits my image into a variable named PIC.
cmdInsert = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Slide (ImageID, Image) VALUES (@ImageID, @Image)", conName)
cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ImageID", myId )
cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Image", PIC)
Assuming i have now save the binary file to PIC, Will this code work?
Thanks to all for your quick reply!
have a great day! 

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Insert Images In SQL 2005 Express DB, Using C# Code For Asp.net 2.0 (VS 2005)

Aug 31, 2006


I found about a dozen samples and articles in the net about inserting images in a sql database, but they were either using VB, or asp only or SQL 2000 and although I tried them all, none worked...
Can you help me by posting some code on how to insert images in SQL 2005, using C# in Visual Studio 2005 (asp.net 2.0)


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Images In SQL Server 2005 Express

Feb 9, 2006

Hey all,I'm working on a database which (I hope) will have photos in it. However, I'm having difficulty how to properly insert photos into an SQL database. I see that it has an 'image' data-type, but I don't know how to make proper use it.Given that the answer to this question could be quite lengthy, if someone could provide me a link to somewhere, or a book to pick up that could answer this answer, I would be most gratified. Thanks!

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Sql Server 2005 And Images Suggestions???

May 24, 2006

i am working on a website that will be storing millions of images. i have read various advantages/disadvantages of saving the images on sql vs. file system.
i would like to keep all the data in one location (sql server in this case), so what i had in mind is following:i am going to save the original image data on a sql server. now, the website user can view a (multiple) thumbnail version(s) of the original image and the orig. image itself, so instead of getting the original image from sql and resizing it everytime, i was going to create a file(s) on a sep. server with the resized image(s) that would be called instead (think of it as file-cache). this would reduce the load on the sql server drastically since all the thumbnails (and orig. image) would have the file version of themselfes and would be loaded from the separate server. this way i could have all my data on a sql server, have thumbnail images on an "image server" and everything should be fine with the exception of the increased disk space. Also, i would not have to worry about having 2 backups since i have all the data on sql and each image/thumbnail would be file-cached on it's first call. if the file-cache of the image is not available for whatever reason i would just load straight from the db.
i would appreciate any suggestions on this.
thanks :)

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Storing Images In Sql Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

Hi There

I have not had much luck finding info in BOL.

I have a directory with many images, i need to load these images into sql server.We want to staore them in the database instead of the file server.

What is the best way to do this? TSQL (i am hoping), .NET code or maybe even SSIS ?

I have been reading what i can find in BOL basically all i know so far is that image data type will be no more in the future and i should use a varbinary(max) data type.
Basically i need a good link or something that can demonstrate how one can go about loading images into Sql Server 2005.


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Load Images Into Sql Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

Hi There

I have not had much luck finding info in BOL for tsql or SSIS that tells one how to load images on the file system into sql server 2005.

All i have really been able to find is that IMAGE data type will not be used in future and that one should use a varbinary(max) data type.

I am thinking of using a for each file loop in SSIS, but then how do i load the images (.tif) into a sql server database table ? Perhaps i need to use a sql task with the filepath , or an active x script.

Anyway if anyone knows how i can load images from the file system into sql server 2005, please let me know.


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How Do I Store Images (like GIFs) In Sql Server 2005?

Jan 2, 2007

I have a web server running fine together with an sql 2005 db. I use asp as my web server programming language and want to be able to display images that are stored in the database.

My question of course is how do I put images, for example an image called "image1.gif" into the database?

After having stored the images in the db, I guess that the are displayed on my web pages the same way as all text information (by writing something like <%=rs("image_column")%> ).... Anyway first I need help with how to store imgs in the database...

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URGENT:How To Store And Retrive Images From SQL SERVEr 2005 In Asp.net 2.0

Jul 2, 2006

 i am working on a uni project based on orkut and is having dfficulty in storing and retrieving images..
can anybody please guide me...

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Loading Images Into SQL Server Express 2005 Tables

Jul 19, 2006

Im new to SQL server express 2005 and im having issues loading images into my tables. can anyone show me how to achieve this?



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Importing Images To SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Database

Sep 5, 2007

Hi,Could someone give a pointer how to import couple of hundred imagesinto Sql Server 2005 Express Edition database?Is there a tool for it? Can it be done with Sql Management Studio oris it just a matter of writing own piece of software (a little helperapp) to do it?-timonardo

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Store And Retrive Images (JPEG/PNG/GIF/JPG) In Sql Server Express 2005 In ASP.net Through C#

Jul 17, 2007

Hi friends

plese help me for my little things.

I m student and develop a website. i want to know how images /pics and video and audio files are store in Sql server2005 database. and ya i want to store whole file not just its address.

i using asp page like uploadImage.aspx in that i put UploadFiles control now i m confuesd to storing Images so plese help me and give code or some good easy trick at my level

And once store image or video and audio file in sql database then after how i used in my asp.net page. which control i wish to used for this files so plese this also slove it. give also code or any easy trick for fullfil my task..

i hope u all help me

Thanx in advance to u all friends

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Dynamic Images In Sql Reporting Services 2005

Dec 19, 2005

Hi all,

 I am currently working on some reports where I need to display images dynamically.

there is one total field whose value ranges between 0 and 100 %. amd I need to display different images depending on the range of the value.

for example,

if the range is between

80% - 100%  smily face.

60% - 80% normal face

40% - 60% sad face.

Can any one help in approaching this.

Initially I worked with only static embeded images.

It also helps me in solving another problem.

I need to change the company logo (header image) as per the company in the common report template provided by the provider dynamically.

Thanks in advance.

waiting for an early help as it is very urgent for me.


Ramesh P







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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:


Thank you,


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SQL Server 2005 Developer's Version Installation Problem -- No SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager Gets Installed.

Sep 3, 2007

I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?


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Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA Synchronization Fails On Table With Index In Sql Server 2005 Database

Jan 21, 2008

We have been using Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA synchronization method successfully on Sql Server 2000 database. Recently we moved the database to Sql Server 2005, sync doesn't work anymore, it just hangs on one table. On further investigation, we found out that it's the index on that table that causes this. We removed the index, it works fine. We are wondering the root cause, removing the index is not a solution for us. Any thoughts?. Thanks.

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Can I Install Visual Studio 2008 Without The SQL Server 2005 Express And Use Instead My SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition?

Feb 22, 2008

(1) I have already installed of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition first.

(1) Can I install visual studio 2008 without the 2005 express edition of SQL server? Will be any problems because I don't have express edition of SQL server? Do I need to install the express edition of SQL server as well?

(3) How to use SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition instance on visual studio 2008?

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Cannot Install SQL Server 2005 On A Windows 2003 Cluster In Virtual Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

am trying to install SQL 2005 in a 2-node virtual Windows 2003 cluster. I set
the cluster up through Virtual Server 2005 with 2 virtual nodes and one
virtual domain. The nodes can connect to each other as well as the
physical machine. When I try to install a fresh copy of SQL 2005 on my
cluster, I get an error every time. The
error stops the installation while checking system configuration after
installing prerequisites. The log file entry is as follows:

Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: --SERVERNAME--
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: Warning
IIS is not installed, therefore Report Server feature will be disabled
Action: Install IIS in order for Report Server feature to be enabled
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "ComputerList" {"SqlComputers", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastoreclusterinfocollector.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Sep 16 13:20:12 2005
Function Name: ClusterInfoCollector::collectClusterVSInfo
Source Line Number: 883
Failed to detect VS info due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastoreclustergroupsproperties.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: ClusterGroupScope.SharedDisks
Source Line Number: 56
Failed to find a cluster group that owned shared disk: J:
WinException : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastoreclustergroupsproperties.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: ClusterGroupScope.SharedDisks
Source Line Number: 56

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Upgrade From SQL Server 2005 Eval Copy To SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Jul 23, 2007

I have a SQL Server 2005 evaluation that has already been installed and setup on a server. I believe it originally had a 180 day eval. There have been numerous databases and users added as well as maintenance plan created...

The eval was put on the machine as an interim solution while waiting for paper work and order processiing things to happen. All the paperwork and ordering... have been completed and I now have the real SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition license key ....

I am very new to SQL Server and need to determine ...

1. Can I update the eval copy to become permanently licensed?

2. Would I want to upgrade the eval to permanent? Will I lose any capabilities by keeping the current eval setup?

If it is reasonable to keep the eval setup

3. How do I go about entering the license key to make it permanent?

If it is necessary to install the new Standard Edition...

4. How do I install it while maintaining the already defined databases, data, users, maintenance plan...

Thanks in advance for any and all help.


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Need Help On A Visual Basic.net Pocket Pc App. With SQL Server CE 2005 And SQL Server 2005 Synchronization Problem

Aug 12, 2007

I am developing an application for pocket pc 2003 smart device which utilizes synchronization between SQL CE 2005 and SQL server 2005 by means of REMOTE DATA ACCESS method call PULL( ) and PUSH( ) but currently these are the details of the error Im encountering when PULL( ) method is called:

Error code: -2147467259
Descripion: An error occured on the computer running IIS.Restart the IIS server.

Minor error: 28022
Source: SQL server CE
Currently Im developing this application as a final project and due to some limitations I have setup my pc to act as the SQL server and the IIS server both on the same machine.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

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Forwarding Variable Number Of Parameters From VB.2005 To Sql Server 2005 Stored Procedure

Jan 15, 2008

I have a problem regarding forwarding 'n number of parameters' from Visual Studio 2005 using VB to SQL-Server 2005 stored procedure.I have to save N number of rows in my stored procedure as a transaction. If all rows are not saved successfully, I have to roll-back else update some other table also after that. I am unable to handle - How to send variable number of parameters from Visual Stduio to Sql - Server ? My requirement is to use the SQL-Stored Procedure to store all the rows in the base table and related tables and then update one another table based on the updations done. Please Help .....

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SQL 2005 Server (SP2) To SQL 2005 Express (SP2) Replication Looping/Excessive Repl Times

Sep 25, 2007

We have a large number of clients attempting to replicate two publications on 2005 Express databases (2 publications subscribed to the one subscriber database) with our 2005 Server (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Standard Edition) and experiencing two significant problems:

1) Users experience the following message:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).

This problem should not apparently occur with SQL Server 2005 (or 2005 Express) instances with SP2 applied. All clients experiencing this problem have SP2 installed as does our Server and the retention period is 30 days. The subscribers have been replicating well under that.

2) Replications never succeed after appearing to replicate/loop around for hours

This issue is the most critical as we have clients who have been installed and re-installed with new instances of SQL Server 2005 Express, new empty databases (on subscriber before snapshot extraction), and using fresh snapshots (less than an few hours old) which cannot successfully replicate.

Interestingly there is at least 1 instance where several computers are subscribed and successfully replicating the same database as another where replication refuses to succeed.

To test we have taken a republished database from another 2005 Server which is working fine and restored it to the same server as the one holding the database with which we are experiencing problems and subscribed to it. This test worked fine and replication of both publications went through fast and repeatedly without showing any signs of problem.

This indicates that the problem is perhaps data related as it appears localised to that database.

Below are two screenshots which may assist.

Screenshot 1 Shows that on the server side the replication attempts look like they are succeeding despite the fact that the subscriber end does not indicate success. Also the history indicates the the subscription has spent all it's time initialising and not merging any changes.

Screenshot 2 Shows a rogue process which has appears on many of the problem child subscribers. It shows a process running with no end time even though the job indicates failure in the message and even though other replication attempts appear to have succeeded after it. This process stays in the history showing that it is running even when I can find no corresponding process for it.

Can anyone suggest a further course of action/further testing/further information required which may assist?

This is extremely urgent and any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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How Do I Measure Bandwith Usage For Merge Replication SQL 2005 To Sql Server Mobile 2005?

Jan 24, 2007


Is there any way to measure bandwith usage during merge replication between sql server 2005 and sql server mobile 2005 running on a cradled wm5 mobile device.

Attaching the windows performance monitor to the network connection established over usb would work although I was wondering if there was something specific for this case integrated into Sql server 2005 / sql server mobile 2005 / Sql server management studio / third party tools that i could use ?



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Merge Replication - SQL Server 2005, Windows Vista And MSVisual Studio 2005

Jul 11, 2007

Hello everybody!

I hope that someone could help me.

I have a problem when i start sincronyzing with the emulator of MSVS2005 to SQL2005 in Windows Vista. I have the same program in the emulator, but sincronyzing with windows XP Pro and no problem...

I configure the connection to use the IUSR.

The source code that i use:

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://laptop/SQLMobileIIS/sqlcesa30.dll";

repl.Publisher = @"laptop";

repl.PublisherDatabase = @"database";

repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;

repl.Publication = @"Pubdatabase";

repl.Subscriber = @"SQLMobile";

repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + nomeFicheiroBD + "';Password='3409'";

The error that returns is:

"Failure to connect to SQLServer with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect"

Does anybody knows what i can do?



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Parameter Passing In SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) 2005 From VB.Net2005

Sep 7, 2007

Is it possible to parm in a value to a SSIS

in my SSIS i have a variable;

Name : FileName
Scope : PackageName
Type : String

Value : ""

I have tried adding the following code in my vb.net project ;

pkg.Variables("filename").Value = "C: emp estfile.001"

but come up with the following error

A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Public member 'Variables' on type 'IDTSPackage90' not found.

can anyone help ?

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Restoring A SQL Server Express 2005 Database To SQL Server Standard 2005

Mar 24, 2007

Hello,If I backup and restore an express database to sql server 2005 standard, will there still be limitations in regards to the database size, cpu...etc.? Thanks,Jon 

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Migrate Database From SQL Server 2005 Beta 3 To Sql Server 2005 Release

Dec 16, 2005

Do you now, How can I move database with datas to release version of sql server?
Procedores backup/restore can't help becouse of unsuported version database.

Any ideas?

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Cannot Upgrade SQL Server 2005 Express To SP2 After Upgrading SQL Server 2005 Enterprise To SP2

Feb 18, 2008

How do I upgrade Sql Server 2005 Express to SP2 if I also have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise SP2 already on the same box? I installed Sql Server 2005 Enterprise first, then applied SP2, then installed Visual Studio 2008 (which installed SQL Server 2005 Express).

When I try to upgrade Sql Server 2005 Express to SP2 using the special Express edition of SP2, I get an error message that says "None of the selected features can be installed". I end up having to cancel the install of SP2.

I'm left with SQL Server 2005 at level 9.0.3054 and SQL Server 2005 Express at 9.0.3042. How can I bring SQL Server Express 2005 to the same level as SQL Server 2005 Entperprise?

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Upgrading SQL Server 2005 Express To SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition

Mar 29, 2007

Hello!! How can I upgrade from SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition? I see allot of example of upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005, but no example on upgrading from SQL Server 2005 Express to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise or Standard. Is this possible?

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Installing SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition When Express 2005 Is Already On Server

Sep 30, 2007

I need to install SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on a new Windows Server 2003 machine that has SQL Server 2005 Express Edition installed by a backup application (Backup Exec). Will I need to uninstall the express edition in order to install the standard edition? Can the two coexist as separate instances or will the standard edition installation simply upgrade the express installation?


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Exporting/Importing Database Data (Sql Server 2005 To Sql Server 2005)

Nov 5, 2007

I'm really new to the whole database deal (as well as VB.net) - specifically with the capabilities surrounding VB and SQL Server 2005. My question is open to any recommendations...

What I have is an application that a user uses to create 'new' products. They are presented a form to enter the information regarding the product they wish to create. They enter the details of the product and also locate an image that represents the product, too. Currently, this application saves the product information (including binary image data) into a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database. This application and database reside on a client pc. What I need to do is to be able save updated and newly created product data into a file of some sort. That file will make its way to a memory stick (USB) and then be transported to a 'field' machine. Quite simply, what is the best way to do this? Are there walk-throughs on this sort of thing? The target database is also SQL Server 2005. I thought I'd post this question on here to get the best design ideas... Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Problems Upgrading SQL Server 2005 X64 Evaluation To SQL Server 2005 X64 Enterprise

Oct 25, 2007

I first tried installing the DVD and of course it told me I must use the command prompt installation method to include the line SKUUPGRADE=1. I found good references to this in the following links:



Below is the command I issued at the command prompt:

start /wait d:serverssetupsetup.exe ADDLOCAL=ALL INSTANCENAME=URHCS63SQL2005DSS UPGRADE=SQL_Engine SKUUPGRADE=1 /qb

My servername is URHCS63 and my instance is SQL2005DSS.

When I execute this command, a installation dialog box opens briefly and then disappears and nothing else happens. Here are the results of the bootstrap log file:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00
OS Version : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Time : Thu Oct 25 16:17:48 2007

URHCS63 : To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005, you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPGRADE=1 parameter.
SQL Server Setup was interrupted. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Thu Oct 25 16:20:08 2007

Any ideas on why this is not working for me?

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Can SQL Server 2005 Express Coexist With SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition?

Feb 3, 2006

Can SQL Server 2005 Express coexist with SQL Server 2005 developer edition on the same PC?

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Working In VB.Net 2005 Inserting NULL Into A Field In Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Feb 2, 2007

I am update/inserting records threw a web form in vb.net. I need to insert 'NULL'  into my microsoft sql server database.  I am not talking about the below line of code where website is the name of my paramater.  If i do that it will just place a blank into that field in the database.  If i dont enter anything into that textbox I want it to to say NULL in that field. So if I go into the actual table in the SQL Server Management Studio and look at the website field of the recored I just added or updated and did not type anything into the web site textbox it needs to say NULL.  I also tried the second line of code but that places a single quote in front and behind NULL. So the field will have the value 'NULL'.
website.value = txtwebsite.text.tostirng
 if txtwebsite.text ="" then
   website.value ="NULL"
end if
The reason why I need the NULL there is because I bind the website filed to a hyperlink template in a gridview.  The actual text of the hyperlink is bound to PAYER which is a name of a insurance payer but the navigateto is bound to the website field.  If i do not enter any data into the website field and it stays as NULL, then when my gridview is loaded, payers that dont have a website will not be underlined and user wont have the option to click on them since there is no value for the navigateto.  But if i use my form to update/add a payer and leave the website textbox blank in puts a blank into that field in my database and when it loads that new row into the gridview the PAYER is underlined and u can click on it but it will just take u to the web site is unavailable page.  So is there anyway to actaull have NULL placed into a filed and not just blank space

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