Hi guys,
I am pretty happy with the new system views in SQL 2005 but there is
one thing I could not figure out: What is the view that let you see
what object belongs to what DB? Sorry for the simple question, Cheers,
Hi All,I am looking to store a DataSet into a Table in SQL Server 2005, or any object for that matter. I cannot find any code to perform. Can anyone help?Many Thanks,Peppa.
ok...this (going on eight years now) sql server user has a seeminglyvery simple problem with his new developers edition of sql server 2005.I'm trying to script multiple tables and indexes in the mmc...and usingthe usual control/shift keys to select multiple objects isn't working.Is this a bug in the mmc, or am I losing my mind or is there somethingI haven't yet seen in bol?thanks in advance...
I need to knwo if its possible to easily store / retrieve c# objects in SQL Server 2005 as user defined data types or some other type. We need to be able to store collections of simple objects as a single value and be able to and recreate the c# object. For example one type would be a hashtable of objects that just have 2 public members Date and Value
I just upgraded to SQLServer 2005 Standard. I do development in adatabase on one server. When a solution is completely tested, I moveit to the operational database on a different server. With SQLServer2000, I could just open the .adp file and do File->Get ExternalData->Import to move the objects. That does not work with 2005.What is the recommended method for moving objects from one database toanother? Obviously, the objects that changed will not be the sameevery time.Thanks!Jer
We are trying to use source control to store our database objects andqueries in Perforce. The general idea is to produce scripts whichcreate all objects in the DB and then store the SQL in source control.Has anyone done this before and can suggest some advice? Alternativelyif anyone has other methods for using source control on a database,could you please let me know?Also, is there any automated way of extracting individual scripts forobject creation from the database?
Sometimes at the end of a project you'll end up with unused Tables,Stored Procs, Functions, and Views.Since there is not something like a 'SELECT' trigger ... what is thebest way for telling what is not being used by your solution? To turnon some kind of tracing?Any ideas?Thanks,Kelly GreerJoin Bytes!change nospam to yahoo
passing serialised objects to a stored procedure for the purpose of data inserts. I see this as being a way to handle multiple row inserts efficiently.
However, in my limited use of XML data I am not so sure how to link the data when I have a dependency on another "object" within the serialised XML.
Below is a code snippet showing what I have so far.
The first insert statement works fine - but how to retrieve the identifier created by the DB - I want to use an SQL statement that finds the record in the table based on the XML representation (of the PluginInfo), allowing me to insert the ConfigurationInfo with the correct reference to the PluginInfo
DECLARE @Config NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @Handle AS INT DECLARE @TransactionCount AS INT SELECT @Config = ' <ConfigurationDirectory > <ConfigurationInfo groupKey="Notifications" sectionKey="App.Customization.PluginInfo"
Can anyone help me out in migrating Oracle stored procedures & Functions which contains collection types (user-defined datatypes like VARRAYS) into SQL Server 2005. How to achieve this taks? This is very important for me and it's very urgent. Please someone help me.
I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.
Hi guys , can I know is that any way to set up some authentication for user access all the objects within the database after login successfully. For example, after access login into the database server and would like to click on certain database (eg : A) , then pop up the user access login page again. Thx
please help newbieI need to create a lot of objects the same type (let's say: schemas)I wish to use paramerized block in loop to do so.- how to put names of my objects to such control-flow?belss you for help
I am having immense difficulties trying to transfer tables, sprocs, udfs, etc, from a production SqlServer2000 server to a testing SqlServer2005 server.
Under SS2000 this was easy, using the DTS wizard. Apparently that's no longer an option.
I've tried the Transfer Database, Transfer Sql Server Objects tasks and the wizard in BIDS, and they all fail (for different reasons).
- Mark
p.s. -- As a side question, why in the world did you guys get rid of the one workhorse tool in Enterprise Manager that made synchronizing databases easy?
The problem is this: In SQL 2000 DTS there was an option for "Copy Objects and Data Between SQL Servers". However, this option has been removed in SQL 2005 SSIS. Apparently the only way to do this in SQL 2005 is to create a .DTSX package in SQL Server Business Intelligence Developement Studio or VS 2005. You do this by creating a new Integration Service Project and using the Transfer SQL Objects Task. Within the properties of this task you can select any of the options that were available in the SQL 2000 DTS export wizard. I have set up a test package that will copy a stored procedure from one db to another but I am unable to get it to work. It runs fine but the result is that the SP is not copied.
I am new to Visual Studio and I think I probably just need help in know ing how to run a package in SQL Server Management Studio. I was able to import the package into SSIS in the Management Studio and run it without errors not with the expected result (the copy of an SP from one db to another). I'm sure there are people besides me who would like to have the ability to easily perform ad hoc copies of objects between SQL servers. If anyone has any experience with using a SSIS package to do this please help. Thanks!
I am sure there will be a simple answer to this but it has got me stumped.
Having to move over to Vista with my new machine so I am having to switch to 2005 version for my development but still upload to a 2000 server.
I have had a look at 2005, like the new Management Studio, however I ahve a couple of problems which I can not find the answer to.
Firstly, the SQL Query Builder, where has it gone? I often have to import/export data from Excel files and used to use the SQL query builder to create my queries. If I want to copy all columns it is fine but if I want to import select columns I find it easier to view a list and then just add the ones I want.
Am I missing something here?
Secondly, copying stored procedures, before when running DTS ther were three options, Copy Tables/Views, Data Using Query and Copy Objects.
I used the copy opbjects a lot as it was a very quick way of transfering a group of tables and stored prcoedures that I had created. This appears to have now been replaced with Copy Database, which copies everthing, can can not be used to copy from SQL2005 to SQL2000.
If I want to copy multiple stored procedures from SQL2005 to SQL2000 how is it done now? I have tried finding out but have not been sucessful.
creating a simple package and cant get it to run below is the error. when i check the source 2k db its there see below...
i am clue free of the issus...
SSIS error message
Error: 0xC002F325 at Transfer SQL Server Objects Task, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: Execution failed with the following error: "ERROR : errorCode=0 description='FK_MoreBDRInformation_dbo_BatchDataReports' is not a constraint. helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}".
source Server DB sysobjects table record
name id xtype uid info status base_schema_ver replinfo parent_obj crdate ftcatid schema_ver stats_schema_ver type userstat sysstat indexdel refdate version deltrig instrig updtrig seltrig category cache FK_MoreBDRInformation_dbo_BatchDataReports 1618573300 F 1 0 0 0 0 86043838 2006-01-31 12:35:41.530 0 0 0 F 0 11 0 2006-01-31 12:35:41.530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Is there a way in Reporting Services to filter based on a parameter, but get it to use distinct values?
Currently I have a dataset that is grouped on a Branch value and a Team value. The end-user wants to be able to filter out data based on the branch values, however when I set it up to that field it comes back with:
and the same goes with Team, which is a sub-group of branch. Is there any way I could set this up so that the parameter drop-down will only display distinct values? Also, is it possible to do the same with another parameter based upon the branch parameter.
Branch 1 contains Team 01, Team 02, and Team 03 Branch 2 contains Team 04, Team 05
User selects to filter by Branch 1, the Team dropdown should only contain options for further filtering on Team 01, Team 02, and Team 03 not all of them.
We are trying to create some alerts in our SQL Server 2014 BI edition.Issue is that, after I chose "Type" as "SQL Server performance condition alert" nothing is listed in the "Object" list box.SQL Server event alerts are working. Issue is only with "SQL Server performance condition alert".
Hi, I am a Database called "Cache" user and in it and when creating a new table I can create a column of type Object. So basically, I can create an object eg. Address that have the following items StreetNo, StreetName, PCode somewhere in my database; then create a table called eg. Employees that have a column called EmployeeAddress of type Address (as my Address Object). Can this be done in SQL Server!?
Can anyone refer me to good 'recipes' or sources of information on thistopic??I have Visual Studio Tools for Office, which installs SS 2005 Expresslocally to my XP box, and I want to develop in SS 2005, then copy thetables or queries or reports etc. to a SS 2005 Standard server.Thank you, Tom
I was trying to transfer a SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server Objects Task. However, The following error message was encountered: "[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Execution failed with the following error: "Cannot apply value null to property Login: Value cannot be null..".€œ
I need a script to export all the objects from my DB, I can't use DTS because this server is on another private LAN , so the only thing that i can do is drop a *.sql file on a common sharing server and my other server will execute it from that location.
What do you recommend? I know i can do it from My Enterprise Manager but i need to run it on a schedule time .....
I’m trying to create a DTS Package to copy my sql Server objects to a test Server. The server I’m copying from is UMTS1 and the server I’m copying to is UMTSDEV. The database name is ProgramSpecs and exists on bother servers. My login is assigned to all server roles on both servers. I have created databases on both servers manually so I’m pretty sure I have all the necessary permissions. I’m using the DTS task ‘Copy Sql Server Objects’ to copy sql server objects and have selected “Drop Destination objects first”.
When I try to execute the package I get the following error: Error source: MS SQL DMO Error Description: Invalid OLEVERB Structure [SQL DMO] create file error or UMTS1.ProgramSpecs.LOG
I want to copy a database from one server to another. I'm happy abouthow to do this but also want to copy a number of DTS packages, jobs andalerts that relate to this database. Is there any way that I can copythem or will I need to create them again on the new server.Many ThanksLaurence Breeze
We have just installed SQL and C# Express. We have lots of experience with SQL, but none with C#. With both the SQL and C# apps running; if we create a new table, view etc, we cannot see that new object from C# only the objects that existed when we opened the apps for the first time (each time).
If we close everything and re-open everything from scratch, the new objects show..!?!?
Thank you for any information on this difficult problem.
Is there a way to set up the "Transfer SQL Server objects" task and have it dynamically copy of certain tables/data? I see the TablesList values in the "Objects to copy" section and I'm seeing it can be an expression (which I can assign a variable too), but what value is that string if you have multiple tables?
Our company intends to write fully-managed .net code to replace all objects in SQL Server.
The development environment for SQL Server has only tables, each with an associated Primary Key. No other objects exist *whatsoever* in the database: Stored Procedures, Foreign Keys, Triggers, Functions, Views, Indexes.
Many of our main data tables are 1,000,000+ rows.
All functionality exists in .net.
Has anyone else taken this 100% .net approach? Are there any issues to achieving success? Are there any known pitfalls due to practical issues?
Thanks for any comments, in terms of viability and your own personal experience, you might be able to offer.
We have an instance of sql running on one box. We're going to be making a copy of a database on another server. I've been working on a local copy of the db and I've had to add a few new stored procedures and tables along with some fts catalogs. When we set up the copy on the production server, I figured I'd set up the new version that I've been working on so it has the latest structures in place. However, we then have to pull all the data over from the existing database to the new one. Obviously the new tables won't get any data input from the pull, but aside from creating a dtsx project to pull it all over, is there any other way to do it a little easier and faster? Thanks.
How can we store native .NET objects like arraylists, hashtables in Sql Server? Is this possible? If so, can anybody provide some insight on how to do this?
When created database in Microsoft SQL Server, many no. of default objects will be created.when executed the command "sp_tables", so many no.of system tables will appear in addition to our own created tables. How to Hide them?