SQL Server 2005 Partitions And SAN Array

Jul 3, 2007

I am looking for information/suggestions in regards to portioning data across a large SAN. The database is several TB in size, and we are looking to partition the data on a date so that the current data is always the fastest available and history can be set as read only but still be available.

If the server has 8 drive letters how can I ensure that the 4 data drives are stripped across the most physical drives for the most through-put??

Are there any specific questions I need to ask the server technicians?

Any pitfalls I should be aware off??


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Any Benefit To Logical Partitions On A RAID 5 Array?

Mar 23, 2000

Hi all,

Quick question in setting up a 3-disk SQL 7.0 system - can anyone think of a benefit to segregating a single RAID 5 disk array into numerous logical partitions for separating out the OS, the database files and the transaction logs? I would assume performance would be unaffected (as the drives are acting as a single array for reads & writes anyway) so other than general organization what (if any) advantage would be gained over making a single large logical partition?


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How Insert An Array Into Sql Server 2005 Using VB.2005

Mar 4, 2008

I have the text file parsed into an array.  How to insert that into  SQLServer Database? (VB 2005)

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Array Data Type In SQL Server 2005

Aug 9, 2006


I was migrating from Oracle to SQL Server 2005 using SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) but i`ve found an issue, i can´t find how to fix it. In my stored procedure in PL/SQL exists this lines:


Somebody know how can i simulate this data type ARRAY. I was reading http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/02/TSQLinYukon/ but some things are not clear for me.... please help me, give me one hand.

Thank you


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Passing A List/array To An SQL Server Stored Procedure 2005

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application...
I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct]
@Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),)
ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15))
Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone)
Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID  Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH'  then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result..
I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+')
In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put  direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ?
Please Hel[p me !!!
Thank you !!!

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RS2005: Export To Excel Error: Destination Array Was Not Long Enough. Check DestIndex And Length, And The Array's Lower Bounds.

Jan 25, 2007


I am using Reporting Services 2005. One of my reports is getting the following error when I try to export to Excel. It will export to .CSV though.

"Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please copy me at machelle.a.chandler@intel.com.


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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Set Up The Partitions

Oct 1, 2015

how to set up the partitions.I have a transaction table with 50 million records that's very hard to query. it holds data for the last 4 years but the application only ever looks at the last 6 months so i believe this is and ideal candidate for partitioning.

Would it be better to

1) create a partition based on each year for all data so would have a 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012?
2) create 1 partition based on month for this years data then 3 based on year so would have jan,feb,march,april,may..., 2014, 2013, 2012

For 1) would you have to perform some maintenance at the turn of each year for accommodating the next years data. For 2) although this would give better performance as query's are mostly in the last 6 months wouldn't this have more maintenance to move month data to year partitions come the turn of the year and then create the next years months partitions.

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How Would I Send A String Array As A Integer Array?

Jun 25, 2007

I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type.
What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array?
@OfficerIDs as varchar(200) 
Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs)

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Add More Partitions To Existed Table

Dec 31, 2011

I have a table that contains records of transactions with ID column is primary key

I use partition follow ID column, each partition have 1 million records.

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pfTBLTRANS_ID](int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000, 6000000, 7000000, 8000000, 9000000, 10000000)


But now I have more records with IDs that are greater than 11.000.000. So how can I add more partitions to this table ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Restoring Database - Delete Data From Partitions

Feb 20, 2015

I am restoring a database with 10yrs worth of data which have monthly partitions but i would like to keep only 5yrs of data after the restore is done, what is the best/faster approach to delete the 5yrs data without deleting the partitions as that may cause the db in accessible.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Partition Existing Table And Archive One Of The Partitions

Jun 22, 2015

I have some table that need to be partitioned and archive one of the partitions.

I did this in Oracle several years ago but not in SQL Server.

I'm looking for a basic example on how to do this.

I know the basic steps but the examples that I found on the Web were not quite what I'm looking for.

Partition an existing SQL Server Table

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Does SQL Server Move Records Between Partitions When Updating The Partition Key Column?

Apr 4, 2007

If I run an UPDATE query on a table which is partitioned by the column I am updating - will the records be moved to another partition?

ie. I have a table where Historical bit column marks whether a particular record should go to Partition1 (=0) or Partition2 (=1). Now, I update a record in that table and change the Historical column value from 0 to 1. What happens with that record?

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Array In SQL Server

Jan 27, 2004

How would one implement an array in SQL Server ?

Specically, i'm parsing a field into the array, and doing operations on these elements.


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Array Concepts In SQL Server 7.0 ?

Jun 30, 2000

I heard from my friend that, in "Oracle 8i", they have Array concepts.

Is there any "ARRAY CONCEPTS" available in SQL Server 7.0?. I have seen in BOL, there they have given command like,

"SetToArray(«Set»[, «Set»]...[, «Numeric Expression»])"

Like 'C'-Language, can we able to store datas in that. If that so, can anyone give explanations on that.

thanks in advance.

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Declare An Array Of Int In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I want declare an array of int in SQL Serverplease help me to convert the following code from VB to TSQL------------Dim md_mon(12) As Integermd_mon(1) = 31-------------Thanks

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Array With Sql Server 2000

May 11, 2006

I have created one store procedures that return a table variable

'CREATE PROCEDURE sptcondconsiglieri @immobile_id varchar(6)
DECLARE @tbl table(condomio_id Varchar(6),titlo varchar(5),nominativo varchar(256),stato int)
DECLARE @colA nvarchar(50)
/*declare @mycursor1 cursor*/

Select nome_consigliere
From t_immoconsiglieri
where immobile_id=@immobile_id
order by posizione
OPEN @MyCursor

Insert @tbl
SELECT dbo.T_Condomini.Condomino_id,dbo.T_Condomini.titolo,dbo.T_Condomini.Nominativo,dbo.T_UniCond.StCon_id
FROM dbo.T_Condomini INNER JOIN
dbo.T_UniCond ON dbo.T_Condomini.Condomino_id = dbo.T_UniCond.Condomino_id INNER JOIN
dbo.T_Unita ON dbo.T_UniCond.Unita_id = dbo.T_Unita.Unita_id
WHERE (dbo.T_Condomini.Nominativo = @ColA) AND (dbo.T_UniCond.Dta_fine = '21001231') AND (dbo.T_Unita.Immobile_id =@immobile_id) and dbo.T_UniCond.StCon_id<>3

CLOSE @MyCursor

select * from @tbl

When i call store procedure with vb6
Dim rs as new adodb.recordset
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Dim pm As New ADODB.Parameter
' conn.BeginTrans
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set pm = cmd.CreateParameter("immobile_id", adVarChar, adParamInput, 6, immobile_id)
cmd.Parameters.Append pm
cmd.CommandText = "sptcondconsiglieri"
Set rs = cmd.Execute
If Not rs.EOF Then
Rs is close
I dont undestand why
Tank you

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Array (or Similar Thing ) In Sql Server

Jul 4, 2005

I would like to write a fun or stored procedure to do some operation. It require me to know that what category is currently belong to certain people(people_table: category_table1               to           Many)However, when i use the select statement in stored proc, it return a set of result, not a scalar , therefore, i cannot use the variable to hold it. In addition, there are no array in SQL server.Question:1. Is there any way to hold the collection of result(like array)?2. Also, how to determine to use fun or stored procedure?(Since a integer is need to return by them)Thx

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Storing Byte Array In Sql Server

Jan 8, 2006

Hello, I am using .net 1.1 and sql server 2000.

I want to store a byte array, but it seems that only a string is stored there.


SHA512 sha = new SHA512Managed();

byte[] ReturnedPasswordByte = sha.ComputeHash(ToCryptByte);

MyGenericCommand.Parameters.Add("@Password", ReturnedPasswordByte);


If I select the record later, all I get is "System.Byte[]" (as string)

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Possible To Move Array To Diff Server?

Jun 11, 2008

My main sql server lost the system board due to overheating. I need to get the (external enclosure scsi attached)array up and running as it has production data as well as SQL backups stored there. My most recent/valid backups are located with the production data. It is possible to connect this array to different server? This is a HP DL380 and all of my other servers are Dell 2900's.

any help is appreciated!

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Help With Inserting Array Contents To SQL Server 2000

Jan 29, 2007

I've been doing this in Access, but cannot find the answer to how to do it with SQL Server.
From a web form, a user can select a number of different dates.  The selected dates are held as text (not DateTime) in an ArrayList.
Clicking the Submit button writes the contents of the form to a database table.
This works for Access:
    insSQL &= "VALUES (@typEvent, @starts, @ends, @starts, @ends, @attend, @title, @room, @department, @contact, @address, @telephone, @email, @telefax, "    For i = 0 to datesArray.Count - 1      insSql &= datesArray.Item(i)    Next i
    insSQL &= "VALUES (@typEvent, @starts, @ends, @starts, @ends, @attend, @title, @room, @department, @contact, @address, @telephone, @email, @telefax, "    For i = 0 to datesArray.Count - 1      insSql &= "#" & datesArray.Item(i) & "#, "    Next i
It doesn't work for SQL Server, and when trying to insert the value "01/29/2007" I get the error message: "The name '#1' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted."
I have also tried the line:
    For i = 0 to datesArray.Count - 1      insSql &= satesArray.Item(i)    Next i
and get: "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'."
I'm not sure where to find the information to correct my error.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Array Data Type In SQL Server Stored Procedures?

Aug 17, 2000

Is there any array data type in SQL Server 7.0. I am using VB 6.0 with ADO 2.1. I am populating a MSFlexGrid with values that I pass to SQL Server one at a time and insert into the database. What I would like to do is pass the entire contents of the Grid at once to a stored procedure and let SQL do the processing so my routine is not going back and forth to the client. I did not find any documentation on any array data types in SQL. What is my best approach to this problem?
Dan Collins

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SQL Server 2008 :: Splitting Param Array Into Groups Of Four With Offset

Feb 25, 2015

I'm getting a file that essentially has a parameter array: a specific like would have three known values, and then x number of groups of four parts;

The question is how to handle logical groups of parameters; i though maybe by using a modulous on their itemnumber ...

So I can easily use DelimitedSplit8K to definitively find the first thee values, but how do I dynamically get X number of groups of four; eventually i need the first three fields combined with each quadgroup.

So a rough example of the desired output is this:

'03,0000001,USD,010,81257946,,,015,121809761,,'is split into rows with the first three columns included in each row:

Here's a setup i've put together:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier] (
[AccountIdentifierID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DateReceived] DATETIME NULL DEFAULT getdate(),
[RecordCode] VARCHAR(3) NULL,

[Code] ....

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Raw Partitions

Jan 9, 2002

Does anyone have any statistics on the performance gains one can get using raw partitions. The database in question is very IO intensive and performs about 1,000,000 inserts/updates per select.


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SQL Installed On Both Partitions

Oct 12, 1999

Please help!

I have a server that has SQL Server installed on both C and D drives. The SQL Server software is currently running from the C drive and the live databases and backups are stored on the D drive.

I need to have everything on the D drive. Is there an easy way to make the registry point to the D drive without reinstalling SQL Server? The software will needs to run from the D drive because the C drive is running out of disk space. I will also need to delete the whole C:mssql directory.


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Moving Partitions From One DB To Another

Jun 19, 2008

assuming that you have two databases, the OLTP db and the OLAP db (take not that both have the same structure -- archiving purposes)... using table partitioning, is there a way where we can move 1 partition from the OLTP db to the OLAP db???

i'm actually trying to use this example with both tables in the DB.. I tried to modify to use two databases but sql server is unable to move the partition...

ALTER TABLE [Production].[TransactionHistory]
TO [Production].[TransactionHistoryArchive] PARTITION 2;

SlayerS_`BoxeR` + [ReD]NaDa

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Configurations For Partitions.

Aug 23, 2007

Hi experts,

In SQL Server 2005 database we have partitioned a very big table into 30 partitions each holding few million of records.

Im just curious to know whether there are some configuration related to processors or system hardware in order to benefit from partitioning ? (Ex : If we have multiple processors Whether they need be configured to do a parallel processing ? )

Any real time experience (other than referring links) would be really helpful for me.

Thanks in advance,


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Merging Partitions

May 21, 2008

Hi There,

I have a quick question regarding merging cube partitions.
If I create partitions sliced by date (let's assume we have year level partitions like 2006,2007,2008...)
Later, if I want to merge selected partition to another partition , for example I have history partition and 2006 partition and I want to merge 2006 to history partition then I can simply merge them using ' merge partition' through Management Studio.

My question is that in script, History partition has condition which is where clause and restricted by year level (i.g. WHERE date < '01-01-2006' ) ; however after merging , script won't change like WHERE date <'01-01-2007').

If so, whenever I merge partitions then I have to alter the script as well based on selected merge partion?
I need to refresh history partition once a month;however even if I merge 2006 partition , once I reprocess history partition then it only process what it was wrote in script. So, after reprocessing 2006 data won't appear in this history partition.
So, wondering it's mentatory to alter the script once partition is merged.
Please give me some comments on this issue.
Thanks in advance.

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Horizontal Partitions - Not Working As Described

Apr 16, 2002

I am testing horizontal partitions to see whether it is a feasible
option for a project. IF I have a composite Primary Key and the
constraint column (a part of the Primary Key) that helps the
partitioned view is defined with DateTime Data Type, select on a restricted set of data through a partitioned view still tries to access all the tables instead of just one table that contains the data. Is this the case or am I
missing something ?

Any help on this is appreciated.

Here is what I am trying to do.

************************************************** **************

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tst01] (
[Dt] datetime NOT NULL ,
[TID] int NOT NULL ,
[Nm] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tst02] (
[Dt] datetime NOT NULL ,
[Nm] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tst01] ADD
[Dt], [TID]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tst02] ADD
[Dt], [TID]

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tst01] ADD
CONSTRAINT [CK_tst01] CHECK (Dt between '11/1/2002' and '11/30/2002')

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tst02] ADD
CONSTRAINT [CK_tst02] CHECK (Dt between '12/1/2002' and '12/31/2002')

insert into tst01 values('11/1/2002', 1, 'SS')
insert into tst01 values('11/2/2002', 2, 'KK')
insert into tst01 values('11/3/2002', 3, 'DD')

insert into tst02 values('12/1/2002', 1, 'LL')
insert into tst02 values('12/2/2002', 2, 'MM')
insert into tst02 values('12/3/2002', 3, 'GG')


SELECT * FROM vtst WHERE dt = '11/1/2002'

************************************************** *********

When I look at the Execution Plan, it shows that clustered index seek
would be performed on both the tables.

|--Filter(WHERE:(STARTUP EXPR(Convert([@1])<='Nov 30 2002
12:00AM' AND Convert([@1])>='Nov 1 2002 12:00AM')))
| |--Clustered Index
SEEK:([tst01].[Dt]=Convert([@1])) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Filter(WHERE:(STARTUP EXPR(Convert([@1])<='Dec 31 2002
12:00AM' AND Convert([@1])>='Dec 1 2002 12:00AM')))
|--Clustered Index
SEEK:([tst02].[Dt]=Convert([@1])) ORDERED FORWARD)


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Update Horizontal Partitions

Feb 24, 2004

I'm considering using horizontal partitions to separate my data by year.
For example, SomeTable_2004, SomeTable_2003, etc. This works well for backups, maintenance, etc. because I'm working with 150+ GB of data. I'll be a partitioned view for queries.

However, I'm new at this and have a few questions. I would also like to do partitioned updates or inserts. But I need to make sure that the tables don't use similar primary keys. Does that make sense? I need to make sure that the primary keys from the first table are not used again in the second table.

primary keys: 1,5,8,9,15

primary keys: 2,3,4,10

I don't really care what keys are used on what table, as long as they are different. I have apps that already use this data, and I don't want to change the application logic.


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Physical Disk Partitions

May 21, 2007

I just inherited a dev box, and need to do some performance analyzing on a 40 gig db for a client. Time is of the essence!

My question is that this dev box only has one disk partition (c: drive). Is it a huge deal that I don't have the db system files on one drive, with the data files on another, and tempdb on another,etc.....

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Table Partitions & RAID 5.

Aug 28, 2007

Hi experts,

We have a huge table with around 250 million records and have implemented SQL server 2005's new table partitioning feature. Now the data seems to be evenly spread across 20 different filegroups ( each 5 GB approx ) for the same table that was occupying 100 GB itself in the PRIMARY filegroup earlier.

Still the query response times have not come down drastically but we could see a good improvement in the execution plans now.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Data Moving Between Partitions

Mar 9, 2008

I have a requirement that I need to reload the last seven days worth of data each night to ensure that we pick up late arriving and updated records. To avoid having to do updates we delete the last seven days data and reload.

I was wondering if it is possible to set up the table as a partition, paritioned on a value (OLD, NEW) or similar.

The job would set the last day in the NEW partition to be old, the theory being that this would cause the rows to move to the OLD parition, and then truncate the new partion rather than deleting. The last seven days data could then be inserted into the empty new partition.

My questions is 1. Is my theory about the data moving from one partition to another correct. 2. Can I actually truncate and individual parition, 3. Do you think it will perform any quicker. We would expect data in the range of 100K to 500K rows in the seven days and will store up to 4 years of historical data.

Thanks for your thoughts


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Better Table Management (partitions?)

Oct 31, 2006


For my work I am now learning Sql server 2005 and I have been given a database that has been set up by someone else to work with. It is my job to get the database ready for use in reports.

My problem is that the current database has one huge table with almost 8GB of data. The table contains data from 2004 to present (and growing) from 14 different countries. The reports we use are mostly per country, but we also want to compare the 14 countries to eachother for say, whole 2006.  At the moment the table is stored in one single file instead of using partitions.

I believe partitions can give a good performance boost when running the queries. But how do I do this? Currently the country codes are just plain text, can they be used for partitions?

Any advice would be welcome,


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