I am receiving the following error message when attempting to create a new SQL Authenticated login id.
Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15119)
I have four servers all running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Ent. SP1. Of the four servers, only one received the above error message using the same TSQL below.
All four servers are in the same domain, which if I understand correctly, the password policies are therefore inherited at the OS level by the domain. The password being used is within the password policies of the domain.
I have forgotten password of user sa in sql server 2005. But if authentication is window . I still login, and do work normal. So how to solve problem ,if authentication is sql server. Thank you very much.
I am running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows Server 2003 R2 machines.
I am running the SQL Server service under a domain account. This account has the common sense options ticked/unticked.. i.e. password never expires, don't force user to change password at first login.
I find the SQL Server will start fine under this account.. and run continuously without a problem. Then when the machine is reboot, the SQL Server service has not started. So I go to the "Services" app in the administrative tools and click Start. I immediately get the message that "The service could not start due to a logon failure".
The username still appears to be there, and the password appears to be there too but I obviously cannot tell what it is as its masked. The password has not been changed. But for some reason the authentication details are not correct - so when I re-enter them and click Apply it says "account has been granted Log On As A Service right" and I can click Start and SQL server will start up.
Next reboot... and it happens again. Any ideas why this would be? This occurred when we were running SQL Server 2005 with no SP, and with SP1 too. It happens on all our machines, both x86 and x64.
How to install sql server 2005 automatically with sa password
I want to know that i am creating a setup in visual studio 2005, i have set up sql server as prerequsite, by default the sql server installation is silent, it does not ask anything, in MSDE we had the facility of setyp.ini file which automatically creates the database with the settings provided in the ini file. Is there any option like this in sql server 2005 express editon.
I have a complicated question that involves the password policy defined within Windows Server 2003 and how it is used in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I recently installed windows server 2003 on my development system. I am a person that prefers to develop in the same OS that our application runs in production. After installing 2003, then a Domain administrator added my machine to our corporate domain. Now, I cannot change the local password policy to allow a simple password. I believe this is due to policy inheriting from the domain that the machine belongs to.
This ties back into SQL Server 2005 because installing sql server on a Server 2003 causes SQL Server 2005 to follow the password policies defined at the OS level. This breaks our application in a subtle way in that we create login accounts for new client databases with random password. Because the password is random it sometimes conforms to the policy and sometimes not.
In production environments, the password policies are configured differently. So I need to one of the following options:
-change the group policy/inherited policy on my machine to not inherity from the domain I joined (prefered solution but don't know HOW)
-change SQL Server to not use OS password policy
-change code to use CREATE LOGIN statement with CHECK_POLICY=OFF or change password generation code to use a stronger password. (don't want to do this as the code change is only accomodating non-production environments)
If someone has a better place to post this question, I would sure appreciate it.
My application supports both SQL Server 2005 and Oracle. Now, while chaging the password for the user WHOSE PASSWORD IS ALREADY EXPIRED .... the following code works fine for Oracle , but I dont know how to handle the same thing in SQL Server 2005.Please reply at your earliest.I am posting the code below which is creating the problem.
public static boolean changeExpiredPassword(User user, User newUser) throws SQLException, Exception { if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("changeExpiredPassword(User user=" + user + ", User newUser=" + newUser + ") - start"); }
if(conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { passwordChanged = true; conn.close(); } } if (DALManager.getInstance().isSqlServer() && url != null) // This condition becomes true if we are connected to SQL Server 2005 { /// Over here , the connection object is Returning the NULL value since the I have loaded the Properties ( props.put ) with Oracle specifice syntax it ( i.e. OCINewPassword ) . I dont know what to code if its connected to the SQL Server 2005 itstead of Oracle. conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,props); // This part fails
if(conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { UsersQueryModule.changePassword(user.getUsername(), user.getDecryptedPassword(), newUser.getDecryptedPassword(), false); passwordChanged = true; conn.close(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error("changeExpiredPassword(user=" + user + ", newUser=" + newUser + ")", e); throw new AxisFault("Expired password cannot be changed. Possible cause may be TNS Name does not match with Oracle SID. Please consult the System Administrator."); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("changeExpiredPassword(user=" + user + ", newUser=" + newUser + ")", e); throw e; } finally { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) conn.close(); }
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("changeExpiredPassword(User, User) - end - return value=" + passwordChanged); } return passwordChanged; }
We have an application using SQLOLEDB connection to a SQL Server 2005 database. Per domain policy, the users are required to change their password every 60 days.
The accounts are established to 'Enforce password policy'.
When we try to execute the 'ALTER LOGIN' command to change the password, locks are being established and will not free the account without bouncing the instance.
After issuing the command, any interaction with the server using this UserID results in a "lock request time out" error 1222.
I have tried issuing this command using both the application and through SQLServer Mgmt Studio Express and the results are the same.
I am trying to do an upgrade in place from SQL Server 2000 SP3a to SQL Server 2005. I am encountering the following error. SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server] Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short...To continue, correct the problem and then SQL Server setup again. I read the other posting and it mentioned that the sa account needs to be changed. I have changed the sa account to meet the passowrd requirements for our system and have changed the following services I could find over to my domain account which I know meets the password restrictions. If I do a new install, everything seems to load correctly. What options do I have to do this upgrade in place?
Hi, SELECT UserID, UserName, Password, PublisherID, CurrencyFROM [User]WHERE (Password = 'Anitha') I am using the above mentioned it is working but int the password field i had given it as anitha. Now the querry is retriving the record for anitha, it shouldnot happen. The querry should retrive the record of anitha only for where condition anitha and not for Anitha or ANITHA etc.. Thanks Vishwanath
My PC is Window XP Pro and I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. My question is how to create a login userid and password under "SQL Server Authentication"? (as shown in http://www.findingsteve.net/print_screen.jpg) Any tutorial about this I can read?
During an install of SQL Server 2005 Express setting the sa password does not work consistently. The install is being run as administrator and I am using an .ini file to pass the settings,
and while most times it works correctly, occasionally, maybe 4 out of 10 times it fails to set the password and I have been unable to find any warnings or errors in the logs it generates.
We are coming up on release and this is causing us some real problems. Does anyone have any ideas, something I could look at?
SQL Server 2005 Express keeps putting in a different password than the one I chose. I would check the properties on the login I want to change. Then I change the password and it gets accepted. When I try my web application, I get the dreaded "login failed for <loginname>". I look at the properties again and see my password never change. Is this a bug? I ever tried this syntax to no avail:
I was wondering if someone could help me as this is a bit of a puzzle.
I have created a database using a password, the create table scripts are executed successfully using the connection string however when I try and use the same connection string to insert some data into the database an error is produced, with the following message 'The specified password does not match the database password'.
I have opened the database using the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio and provide the password and I can access the database without a problem.
When the connection object is first instantiated all the Connection String property, the connStr variable and the modifiedConnStr are all correct (by this I mean that the data source and the password are present). However when the connection object is accessed again the Connection String property and the connStr variable are both set incorrectly (by this I mean that the password= section of the string is missing) however the modifiedConnStr is set correctly (by this I mean that the password= section is present in the string).
The connection object does not get set in between creating and accessing the connection object.
I have resorted to using no password, however I really need to be able to use a password.
Here is a copy of the connection string I am using (Copied directly from the quick watch window):
Hi. I've looked all over MSDN, newsgroups and the web but I can't find the answer to a problem that I am having.
The application that I am working on used both transactional and merge replication. I want to avoid hard coding passwords into an application that kicks off the pull replication on the client machine.
The client machines are all using SQL Server 2005 Express. The other machine is running SQL Server Standard. The passwords and login details are specified in the subscription properties in the Management Studio.
A fragment of the code is posted below. The transactional sychronization works fine without having to specify any passwords - however the merge replication does not work if both of the passwords are not specified.
private void SynchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set up the subscriber connection details. subscriberConnection = new ServerConnection(subscriberName); try { // Connect to the Subscriber. subscriberConnection.Connect(); // Do the transactional subscription synchronisation independantly of the // merge subscription replication. try { transPullSubscription = new TransPullSubscription(subscriptionDbName, publisherName, publicationDbName, transPublicationName, subscriberConnection); // If the pull subscription and the job exists, start the agent job. if (transPullSubscription.LoadProperties() && transPullSubscription.AgentJobId != null) { TransSynchronizationAgent transSyncAgent = transPullSubscription.SynchronizationAgent; transSyncAgent.Synchronize(); } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { } // Do the merge subscription synchronisation independantly of the // transactional subscription replication. try { // Set up the subscription details for the merge subscription (bi-directional data) mergePullSubscription = new MergePullSubscription(subscriptionDbName, publisherName, publicationDbName, mergePublicationName, subscriberConnection); // If the pull subscription and the job exists, start the agent job. if (mergePullSubscription.LoadProperties() && mergePullSubscription.AgentJobId != null) { MergeSynchronizationAgent mergeSyncAgent = mergePullSubscription.SynchronizationAgent; mergeSyncAgent.DistributorPassword = "<<password>>"; mergeSyncAgent.PublisherPassword = "<<password>>"; mergeSyncAgent.Synchronize(); }etc etc..
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appeciated. Thanks.
We have a need to have separate password policies for different groups of logins. For example: Those IDs that have greater privileges should be rquired to have more complex passwords that expire more frequently than IDs with lesser privileges.
It appears to me that SQL Server pulls the password policy from the default Active Directory domain group. Is there a way to create/utilize multiple policies for SQL Server authenticated IDs?
I have a package protected by a password - I am already unhappy that to get it to use the configuration file to change connection strings for the production servers I have had to hardcode the password into the config file - very insecure! However, the package now deploys correctly to the production server and will run from there OK, but NOT if scheduled as a SQL Server Agent Job. Thus is because however often I edit the command line to include the password after the DECRYPT switch (which it has prompted me for when I click on the command line tab), the Job Step will not retain it. If I open it up after I have edited it and closed it, the password has disappeared.
I know that if I run dtexec plus the code in the Command Line tab (with the password), the package runs OK.
This is driving me insane! I have read all the other posts and so I tried replacing the SSIS package step with a CmdExec step and pasting that code into there - then I get an OLEDB error..
The code I use is: DTEXEC /SQL "ImportRateMonitoringTables" /SERVER servername /DECRYPT password /CONFIGFILE "D:Microsoft SQL ServerSSISDeploymentsRateMonitoringImportTasksDeploymentImportRateMonitoringTables_Production.dtsConfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
and I get
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF
although the same code executes perfectly from a command prompt.
Please does anyone have any experience with a similar problem and if so, how did you get round it?
sometimes the sa password is set correctly, while other times it is not. There does not appear to be any particular environment or system setting when it fails vs. when it works.
We are coming up on a release date and this is causing us a serious problem. Can anyone help?
I tried to install an ALLDATA database which run with SQL Server 2005 express edition. The data base fails to install becase of the following code that come up which is related to AS password requirement. The error that come up is:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ------------------------------
The sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=28001&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlcax.cpp%40SAPasswordPolicyCheck%40SAPasswordPolicyCheck%40x6d61
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
&Retry Cancel ------------------------------
I am trying to install this database in a network server operating under Windows Server 2003 R2 with SP2. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me.
Hi there ,1. i have a database and i want to encrypt my passwords before storing my records in a database plus i will later on would require to authenticate my user so again i have to encrypt the string provided by him to compare it with my encrypted password in database below is my code , i dont know how to do it , plz help 2. one thing more i am storing IP addresses of my users as a "varchar" is there a better method to do it , if yes plz help me try { SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["projectConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *From User_Info", myConnection); SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(myAdapter); DataSet myDataset = new DataSet(); myAdapter.Fill(myDataset, "User_Info"); //Adding New Row in User_Info Table DataRow myRow = myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].NewRow(); myRow["user_name"] = this.user_name.Text; myRow["password"] = this.password.Text; // shoule be encrypted //not known till now how to do it myRow["name"] = this.name.Text; myRow["ip_address"] = this.ip_address.Text; myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].Rows.Add(myRow); myAdapter.Update(myDataset, "User_Info"); myConnection.Close(); myConnection.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.error.Text = "Error ocurred in Creating User : " + ex.Message; }
I am attempting to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. The install stalls permanently, the SQL Server's memeory usage and CPU usage plummets to nothing and the SQL Server 2005 Setup Dialogue's status stops at "Validating Database Password." This occurs on the SQL Server Database Services portion of the install. The last line in the SQL Server Setup.log says "<Func Name = 'SAPaswwordPolicyCheck'>
I have verified that the sa password that I am entering when prompted for it in the install setup is valid with respect to SQL Server and Windows Server 2003 SP 1 (13 chars, at least one symbol, at least one upper and at least one lower). What else could be causing this problem? Any ideas or stabs would be greatly appreciated.
All -- Please help. I have some questions about connection strings.
Note that I am using the "SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider", SQL Sever 2005 Express, ASP.NET, C#.NET, and VS.NET 2005. Note that I do not want to use the "Attach a database file" type of connection string. Note that I am using the site http://www.ConnectionStrings.com as a reference. Note that this "Standard security" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Uid=MyDatabaseUser;Pwd=MyDatabasePassword;" />...does not work and causes the following run-time error...A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) Note that this "Trusted connection" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=yes;" />...works but is less-than ideal because it uses a Trusted Connection rather than a Username/Password combination.
QUESTIONS... (A) What exactly does the error in Item 4 mean? (B) Do 4 and 5 imply that one must use a Trusted_Connection for all SQL Server 2005 Express connection strings when the database does not reside in the web application's App_Data folder or use a "Attach a database file" type of connection string? (C) Are there any alternatives? (D) What do you suggest?
I am using SQL Server 2005 at home. My problem is I forgot my password to log in to my server. I only remember user name is 'sa'. I haven't used it for two to three months. So I forgot password. Previously, When I used sql server 2000, my login is as windows login. so no problem. But this time, I set seperate log in and I got this problem. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks George
I have an internal Project Management and Scheduling app that I wrote internally for my company. It was written to use MySQL running on a Debian server, but I am going to move it to SQL Server 2000 and integrate it with our Accounting software. The part I am having trouble with is the user login portion. I previously used this:
PHP Code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND user_password = password("$password")";
Apparently the password() function is not available when accessing SQL Server via ODBC. Is there an equivalent function I could use isntead so the passwords arent plaintext in the database? I only have 15 people using the system so a blank pwd reset wouldn't be too much trouble.
I need to retrieve the SA Password through MS SQL 2005. The reason why is I am trying to connect a number of computers in the same building for an Address Book to be shared by everyone. I will be using the program, Addressinator! to do this. But I need to have the SA password in order to connect the computers. I am running Windows XP. I have read a few instructions on how to retrieve or make a new password on the net, but most of it doesn't make sense to me.
For Example, this is one that I found: To reset the sa password, you can make the following:
1. Login to the SQL Server box as the Administrator. 2. Run SQL Server Enterprise Manager. (I don't have the Enterprise Manager) 3. Right-click the server name and choose 'Edit SQL Server Registration properties'. (I can't find the properties!) 4. Choose 'Use Windows authentication' and click OK button. 5. Expand a server, expand a Security and click Logins. 6. Double-click the sa login and specify new password on the General tab.
We run a few shared hosting servers in the UK, now we used to run mssql 2000 and moved to 2005 in december 2005.
Microsoft SQL 2005 9.00.1399.06 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00 Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.1399.00 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.3790.1830 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42 Operating System 5.2.3790
We were in the process of improving security on some of our new servers, in the windows password policies settings we enabled the following minimum password length = 6 characters Password must meet complexity requirments = enabled
sql 2005 authentification was set in mixed mode, but we have tried windows authentification only as well.
Now when you try and add a new user even if the password meets all requirments you get an error password is to short etc, we used sql managment studio both manually creating a user and scripting with sql, both with the same result.
In the shared hosting environment we need passwords to be secure, the only way we can get sql users to be created is to disable windows password policies which causes security problems.
We would prefer to use sql authentification not windows but even when we use sql authent it still seems to use the windows password policy and the same error occurs
What are the exact requirements implied by the sql 2005 option:
"Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements "
P.S. I found this one:
-Cannot contain all or part of the username -Must be at least 6 characters long -Contain 3 of the 4 following character groups - A to Z - a to z - 0 to 9 - Special Characters i.e. ! ^ $ *
and I have also found
"At least 7 characters in length"
Combines letters. numbners, and symbolds
Is not a dicitonary word, name of a command, person's name or user's account name
Hello, I am trying to validate a user via a stored procedure. This works OK until I try to validate the password, at which point the validation fails (even though the password is OK). Below is my sproc. If I comment out AND m.Password = @Password the sproc is OK. I am passing in the password as a string when testing the sproc. Any ideas? J. ALTER Proc [dbo].[pru_VerifyApproveUser] @UserName nvarchar(256),@Password nvarchar(128),@ApplicationName nvarchar(256)AS BEGIN IF EXISTS(Select * from dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE Email = @UserName)BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifierSELECT @UserId = NULLSELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications aWHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) ANDu.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName ANDu.UserId = m.UserId AND m.Password = @Password -- If @Userid is Null - then the above credentials are not satisfied-- e.g. wrong password/username combo.. IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN 2 END Update dbo.aspnet_Membership SET IsApproved = 1 WHERE Email = @UserName RETURN 1 END END