SQL Server 2008 :: Adding Column To Existing Replicated Table

Feb 9, 2015

I have a scenario where I need to add a blank column to a table that is a publisher. This table contains over 100 million records. What is the best way to add the column? In the past where I had to make an update, it breaks replication because the update would take forever as jobs are continuously updating the table so replication can't catch up.

If I alter a table and add a column, would this column automatically get picked up in replication?

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WARNING When Adding A Column On SQL Server Existing Table

Feb 28, 2007

After i run the sql which adds some columns on one particular table.I am getting this Warning

Warning: The table 'usac499_499A' has been created but its maximum row size (9033) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.

I got a series of the above warning message , but the coulmn wa created.

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Adding A Not Null Column To Replicated Table

Apr 23, 2007


I'm merge replicating a SQL Server 2005 database (publisher) to SQL Compact databases (subscribers) on mobile devices. I understood that I could add a "not null" column to a replicated table on the server as long as I specified a default value, but it seems this is not possible. I ran the following script on the server database:

ALTER TABLE Activity ADD ActivityRequiresProject bit not null default(0)

which executed OK. When I went to synchronize the db on the mobile device I got the following error:

Alter table only allows columns to be added which can contain null values. The column cannot be added to the table because it does not allow null values.
The SQL statement failed to execute. If this occurred while using merge replication, this is an internal error. If this occurred while using RDA, then the SQL statement is invalid either on the PULL statement or on the SubmitSQL statement. [ SQL statement = alter table "Activity" add "ActivityRequiresProject" bit not NULL constraint "DF__Activity__Activi__4A47DDAE" default ( ( 0 ) ) ]

Does anyone know if this is a valid error? Is is possible to add a not null column with default, and if not how do I update the schema on a replicated database?



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Problem Adding NOT NULL Column To Replicated Table

Jan 15, 2003

I'm new to replication and am trying to determine the best approach to add a column (NOT NULL with no DEFAULT) to a replicated table. The only success I have had is if I do the following:

Delete entire Subscription
Delete entire Publication
Add column to table
Create new Publication
Create new Subscription
Run SnapShot

The problem with this approach is that each step affects the entire database and not just the modified table. I think it is inefficient to redo replication for a simple object change. What am I missing? Is there a way to only replicate the changes made to the one table without having to run a SnapShot for the entire publication?
Keep in mind the column must be defined as NOT NULL and cannot have a Default.

Thanks, Dave

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Adding And Populating A Column To Existing Table

Dec 5, 2005

Sorry I'm pretty new to SQL so I don't know if this is a simple question. I have a table, and I am trying to add a column to the table and populate this column using what would be called an 'IF' function in Excel.

Basically 'column A' has numbers in it. I want SQL to look at 'column A' and if the first 5 digits of the number in 'column A' are 00001, then put 'description A' into new column 'column B'. If the first 5 digits of the number in 'column A' are 00002, then put 'description B' into 'column A' etc.

Any ideas?

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Adding Column With Primary Key In Existing Table

Jan 21, 2014

I want to add new primary key into existing table which already has a primary key. But,I do not want to remove the old primary key, since there are many records and the old primary key also have relationship with other table

When I am using this query:

alter table hem154
add indexNO uniqueidentifier default newid()

alter table hem154
add CONSTRAINT pk_hem154_indexNo PRIMARY KEY (PK_indexNO)

Hem154 ~ Table name
indexNo ~ Column Name

I get this runtime error:

Msg 1779, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Table 'hem154' already has a primary key defined on it.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

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Adding An Identity Column To Existing Table

Sep 11, 2006

I removed all constraints in order to load a bunch of data into a table, now I'm wondering if I can add an identity column to this table which does contain data or if I have to create a new table with the identity column and insert the data into that.



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Adding A Indentity Column In An Existing Table.

Feb 20, 2008

Dear Friends,

I need a SQL Query to add a identity coloumn for anExisting table. (ie) when i try to alter the table i want to add an identity coloumn.

Thanks in advance.

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Adding Column To A Table Before An Existing Column

Mar 30, 2004

I simply need the ability using SQL to add columns in an existing table before (or after) columns that already exist.

The MS SQL implementation of ALTER TABLE doesn't seem to provide the before or after placement criteria I require. How is this done in MS SQL using SQL or is there a stored procedure I can use?


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Adding An Auto-increment Column To Existing Table With A Particular Order

Oct 19, 2005

Hello all,I'm using SS2K on W2k.I'v got a table say, humm, "Orders" with two fields in the PK:OrderDate and CustomerID. I would like to add an "ID" column whichwould be auto-increment (and would be the new PK). But, I would reallylike to have orders with the oldest OrderDate having the smallest IDnumber and, for a same OrderDate, I'd to have the smallest CustomerIDfirst. So my question is:How could I add an auto-increment column to a table and make it createits values in a particular order (sort by OrderDate then CustomerIDhere)?In the real situation, the table I want to modify has around 500krecords and the PK has 5 fields and I want to sort on three of them.Thanks for you helpYannick

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SQL Server 2008 :: Adding Zeros Into Date Column

Oct 1, 2015

I have a date column (not datetime) in SQL Server and the dates are in the format yyyy-mm-dd

I need to replace the date values with zero's so it looks like 0000-00-00

I can currently get the current date in to the column like this:

UPDATE TestTable_1
set datecolumn = CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 10)

But instead of GETDATE() I need to enter the zero's like this: 0000-00-00

How can I do this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding RowID To Existing Table - Inconsistent Results

May 6, 2015

I am getting inconsistent results when BULK INSERTING data from a tab-delimited text file. As part of my testing, I run the same code on the same file again and again, and I get different results every time! I get this on SQL 2005 and SQL 2012 R2.

We have an application that imports data from a spreadsheet. The sheet contains section headers with account numbers and detail rows with transactions by date:

AAAA.1234 /* (account number)*/
1/1/2015 $150 First Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Transaction
1/1/2015 $350 Third Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Transaction

My Import program saves this spreadsheet at tab-delimited text, then I use BULK INSERT to bring the data into a generic table full of varchar(255) fields. There are about 90,000 rows in each day's data; after the BULK INSERT about half of them are removed for various reasons.

Next I add a RowID column to the table with the IDENTITY (1,1) property. This gives my raw data unique row numbers.

I then run a routine that converts and copies those records into another holding table that's a copy of the final destination table. That routine parses though the data, assigning the account number in the section header to each detail row. It ends up looking like this:

AAAA.1234 1/1/2015 $150 First Purchase
AAAA.1234 1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/1/2015 $350 Third Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Purchase

My technique: I use a cursor to get the starting RowID for each Account Number: I then use the upper and lower RowIDs to do an INSERT into the final table. The query looks like this:

SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

Results look like this:

But every time I run the routine, I get different numbers!

Needless to say, my results are not accurate. I get inconsistent results EVERY TIME. Here is my code, with table, field and account names changed for business confidentiality.

TRUNCATE TABLE GenericImportTable;
BULK INSERT GenericImportTable FROM 'SERVERGeneralAppnameDataFile.2015.05.04.tab.txt'
SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericImportTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Partition On Existing Table?

Mar 4, 2015

Can we create the Partition on Existing Table?e.g Create table t ( col1 number(10,0), Col2 Varchar(10)) ;After the table Creation can we alter the table to partition the table.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Changing Large / Existing Table To Sparse Columns?

Sep 21, 2015

I have some huge tables (think 200+GB for a single table) which are excellent candidates for sparse columns. The tables have many columns which are defined with decimal datatypes (13,2) with a large percentage of them (over 50% in most cases- some as much as 99%) being 0.00. Since this is very expensive in terms of storage my idea is to set all the 0.00 values equal to NULL then set them as sparse. Across 100 or so identical databases, I have 5 such tables, with 20-40 columns in each table.

1.) three steps for each column in each table in each db.

Step 1: update table to allow for nulls

Step 2: update tabe set column=null where column =0.00

Step 3 update table set sparse columns


Step 1: Create entirely new table with sparse column definitions

Step 2: copy entire table, transforming 0.00 to null for affected columns via SSIS

Step 3: drop original table, rename new table to original name

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Adding A Default Constraint To An Existing Column

Mar 9, 2000

I cannot figure out how to add a default constraint to an existing column. The syntax I'm using is :


This gives me a syntax error.

The column was originally added with a default constraint of 1 to a 2.6 million row table.
I dropped the existing constraint and need to add the new default constraint of 0 for that column.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Adding A Data Column To An Existing Report!?!? Need Help...

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to add new data to an existing report. I already updated the SQL query, but the new data does not appear within the report. How can I modify the rows, columns and data fields???

Thanks in advance!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Recover Data In A Table - Restoring A Database Alongside Existing DB

Apr 17, 2015

I need to recover some data in a table but i'm not 100% sure the right way to do this safely.

I'll need to query the two tables to compare the before and after but how do i go about restoring/attaching the backup database to SQL without causing conflicts?

If I restore, I assume this would just overwrite which is obviously the worst thing that can happen. if i attach the backup, how does this affect the current live DB? how do i make sure that it's not getting accessed and mistaken for the live DB?

The SQL server is 2008 R2 running as a VM.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Adding Columns To Table Type?

Jul 24, 2015

Is there a good way to add columns to a table type?

I built several procs which make use of table-valued-parameters, and they work pretty nicely, until I need them to accept additional columns. Then I have to drop all the procs that use them, alter the types, and rebuild all the procedures, which is a huge pain in the rear.

Is there any good way (built in, or custom) to alter the def of a table type that's used as a parameter to multiple stored procedures?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Adding Percentile Calculation To A Table

Sep 16, 2015

Any good way to add a percentile calculation to a table in sql server 2008 r2?

I've got 4 fields and I'd like to add a 5th labeling the records according to the percentile they fall in for one of the fields.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Is Not Getting Replicated

Jun 24, 2015

We are using push subscription using transactional replication. Is there a recommended value for retention period on distributionDb? We are using default value of 72 hrs and recently we saw an issue where data was not replicated with an error that subscription was inactive. When I searched, I fid that it is related to the retention period setting on distribution DB.

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Adding A Field To Existing Table

Jan 13, 2005

I want to add a computed field to an existing SQL table:
where Field1 is >0 and field2 is not null
set newfield = 'Y'
else set newfield = 'N'

I want to keep this existing table because I'm using it as the basis for an Access Report that is nearly complete.

BTW this table is the result of a DTS package that is comprised of several SQL executables so I need to be able to repeat this as part of a larger process.


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Adding Identity For Existing Table

Apr 26, 2008

Hi Friends,
I have a existing table named as activity, and have the column like ID,Description. I want to add the Identity for the ID column using script only.. Have any ideas how to do in sql query analyser?

Thanks in Advance

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Adding Columns To An Existing Table

Dec 18, 2007

how do i add columns to an existing table?

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Adding 500 More Columns To Existing Table

Oct 18, 2007

Dear Friends,

what is best and quicker way to add 500 columns to existing table having 145 columns already.

Is there any way to avoid manual work of adding columns one by one in design mode or using script.

I have a TXT file (comma delimited) that contains all those columns names as a first row,but I am not sure if i can use DTS package to create table design having such sourcre TXT file.

Any advice?


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New Column For Replicated Table

Sep 20, 2007

Hope to be my last question.
I used Transacational with update sub method. When adding new column to replicated table. Do I need to generate new snapshot again? Just want to know how can I apply the new schema to subsciber DB without doing all regenerate snapshot, recreate all tables and bulk copy.. Please help

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Columns To Existing Table

Aug 21, 2014

I have a table. I want to add 2 date columns. One when we are inserting any record it will show and another whenever the record updated to record that.

I want to insert dummy data for the previous dates. How to insert those dummy dates in batch wise?

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Computed Column In A Replicated Table

Apr 10, 2015

I have a strange problem. I have a computed column in a replicated table, the Formula is as follows:

(isnull(hashbytes('SHA2_256',CONVERT([varchar](256),[AccrualReference],(0))),(0))) the column is also Persisted.

This gets around a case sensitivity issue and is used as the Primary Key column, which works well.The problem is that this table is then replicated to another server. On the subscriber the value of this computed field is being returned as 0x00000000 for every row, so this must be the ISNULL function doing its job. But why? The AccrualReference is the true PrimaryKey and is never NULL.

If I remove the computed specification and set the field up as varbinary(64) the value then gets replicated. This then means maintaining a different table schema for in excess of 500 tables.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Add A Primary Key For Existing Column In The Table

Oct 19, 2015

How to add a primary key for existing column in the table

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Changing Column Length Of A Replicated Table

Jul 31, 2006

Can I increase the length of a varchar column of table involved in transactional replication without dropping and recreating publication/subscription?

Any help/short-cuts/undocumented features greatly appreciated.



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Replication :: Rename A Column In Replicated Table

Jan 29, 2010

I tried to run this(below) the table is replicated(transactional).

sp_rename N'dbo.Tablename.Columnname, N'New_Columnname', 'COLUMN'But getting this error message:
Msg 15051, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 227

Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication.

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SQL Server 2012 :: New Column In Existing Table And Uploading Data

Jan 13, 2015

Need to change the datatype of existing column which has huge data.

I'm performing below steps

1. Create new column with correct datatype in the same table
2. copy data into new column
3. drop indexes on column
4. <<<>>>
now the existing column also has many SP dependent and I do not wish to drop them.
5. rename existing column to xxx
6. rename new column to correct column
7. drop old column
8. make required indexes

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Table / Set Default Column Value To Value Of Another Column?

Mar 11, 2015

when creating a new table. How can I set the default value of the column to equal the value of another column in the same table?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Identify Which Indices Are Replicated - Transactional Replication

Feb 20, 2015

Is there a script to find which non-clustered indices are replicated? I know i can do this easily through GUI , having a script will make my life much easier ....

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