SQL Server 2008 :: Best Way To Optimize View That Contains Millions Of Rows?
Aug 26, 2015
I have one view which is based on couple of tables. Here is the definition of view. Which are the options i can use to optimize the view for better performance. This is one of the view which causing issue on database.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_Reqs]
SELECT purchase.Req.RequisitionID, purchase.Req.StatusCode AS Expr2, purchase.Req.CollectionDateTime,
purchase.Req.ReportDateTime, purchase.Req.ReceivedDateTime, purchase.Req.PatientName, purchase.Req.AddressOne,
purchase.Req.AddressTwo, purchase.Req.City, purchase.Req.PostalCode, purchase.Req.PhoneNumber,
Hello, Currently we are in the process of implementing a sql server database where couple tables will have millions of rows (about 98 millions and will grow) and an asp.net site that will retrieve and sort the data
What will be the best practice installing the database in situation like this one? Do we need a cluster server? Indexing needs to be done in a special way? Thanks in advance.
I run the following statement and it will not update beyond 7 million plus rows and I have about 38 million to complete. I keep checking updated row counts and after 1/2 day it's still the same so I know something is wrong because it was rolling through no problem when I initiated it. I need to complete ASAP so it's adding to my frustration. The 'Acct_Num_CH' field is an encrypted field (fyi).
SET rowcount 10000 UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T] SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v' WHERE [Acct_Num_CH] IS NOT NULL WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SET rowcount 10000 UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T] SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v' WHERE [Acct_Num_CH] IS NOT NULL END SET rowcount 0
I am using SQL Server 2012 SE.I am trying to delete rows from a couple of tables (GetPersonValue has 250 million rows and I am trying to delete 50Million rows and GetPerson has 35 Million rows and I am trying to delete 20 million rows). These tables are in TX replication.The plan is to delete data older than 400 days old.
I tried to move data to new tables from the last 400 days and it took me like 11 hours. If I delete data in chunks of 500000 then its taking a long time to rebuild indexes(delete plus rebuild indexes 13 hours). Since I am using standard edition partition wont work.
find ddl below:
GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GetPerson]( [GetPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [LinedActivityPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [CTName] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [SNum] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [PHPrimary] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
The challenge that the spectrum of varchar lengths across the table. I have one attribute that requires varchar(max) and all other attributes (about 40) are varchar (200).
I created two fields (Old_ValueAtrLong and New_ValueAtrLong) dedicated for the one attribute that is a varchar (max). I was trying to avoid storing [Status] for example that's a varchar(200) in a field that is varchar(max). Is this the right approach? Or are there other recommendations in how to handle storing the data in the most efficient manner?
i have an application that generate a lot rows from 1 mellion to 2 mellions rows i wana insert this record in MS SQL server in a fast way
i am currentlly loop through this records while it is loaded in dataset building a command text that generate insert query for each row and run it against SQL server
but it takes a lot of time to be finished is there r a way to bulk insert this data?
Hi everyone - I have an ETL package which loads about 10 million rows from SQL 2005 staging tables to new, empty tables (no indexes or constraints) in another SQL 2005 DB to be SWITCHED into the main partioned data tables.
Both databases reside on the same SQL Server instance - it is a dev server so the disk aren't super fast/SAN speeds but it has plenty of RAM/CPU & SCSI disks.
The insert takes about 45 minutes - can I get this working any faster?? or is this typical for 10 million rows?? I've messed about withe the data flow a few times but I can't seem to get any significant improvements.
Any tips anyone??
I perform several lookups on dimensions - these are not cached.
I do query the source table concurrently with different WHERE clauses & run two pipelines processing the data into 2 destination tables.
Would it be better to query the base table once & use a conditional split instead of the two separate queries??
I also mulicast from each pipeline & use a UNION ALL to log some of the rows from each pipeline to anther destination table.
Hope this makes sense?? Any ideas or tips on how I can speed up this kinda transform would be appeciated..
I'm using oleDB connections.
Hope ths makes some kinda sense!! Thanks for any advice!!
Hello,Currently we are in the process of implementing a sql server database where couple tables will have millions of rows ( about 98 millions and will grow) and a web site that will retrieve and sort the data ( read only). How asp.net gridview and sqldatareader act situation like that? Will it be a very slow response? Is there any alternative? Is there any example on the net? Assuming tables are well tuned and well indexed. Thank you in advance.
I have a DataTable in memory and I want to write a C# code to dump the data into a SQL database. Is there a faster way of dumping millions of rows into a SQL table besides running INSERT INTO row by row?
Question A : I need to truncate a table, it has 21 millions of rows and it has a size of 14 GB.
1- How do I find out if this table is not being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY? 2- Does it Participates in a indexed view? 3- Is being published by using transactional replication or merge replication?
I have a view that takes 14 mins to return 3000 rows. At some points in the execution plan, there are over 4 million rows. The query for the View has a Distinct, a couple columns are populated by functions, there is a cross join, there is a join on a table with no keys or index, joins on non-key varchar columns and so forth. It looks a bit like this:
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT N.Id, N.CountyName, N.OperationName, N_LO.Name, N_LO.LastName,N_LO.Address1, N_TO.Name, N_TO.LastName, dbo.fn_Sections(N.Shape, s.Points) AS Sections
The DISTINCT is in there to get rid of the extra Bob rows, because Bob has many sizes. I need to keep the multiple sizes on Bob's row, but I don't want multiple rows of Bob. Is there a more efficient way to do that other than using DISTINCT?
Second, word on the street is that functions are best avoided if you are going for speed. I don't see a way to use "FOR XML PATH" outside the function, because I can't get it to work on just one column. So I am looking for a way to produce the multiple values on one row.
I am having one querry regarding the same line. In my stored procedure i am fetching the data from one table containing upto 5 to 6 million rows I made use of index in my database but then also I cant optimise my execution time of that sp. Please help me out of this problem.
I have deleted nearly 30 million rows from a table. But however when I used the sp_spaceused command to calculate the data occupied by the table I don't see any difference in the data size of the table. In fact the data has increased to few MBs after the deletion, but not much.
I have a view made up of a few base tables and another view. I have created an INSTEAD OF trigger on this view, but it doesn't seem to fire whenever a new record shows in the view. The purpose of the trigger is to insert a sister record in a table whenever a new record shown in the view. Here's the catch, the table that the trigger is supposed to insert into is not a base table within the view and the view is not an updatable view. My question is... Do INSTEAD OF triggers only affect the base table(s) within the view and does the view itself have to be an updatable view?
A recent SharePoint upgrade has rendered several views obsolete. I am redefining them so that our upper level executive reports show valid data.(yes, I know that doing anything to sharepoint could cause MS to deny support, having said that, this is something I've inherited and need to fix, pronto) The old view was created like so:
USE [AHMC] GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] Script Date: 09/04/2015 09:28:03 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] AS SELECT
As I said, this view is used in a report showing surgical minutes.SharePoint is now on a new server, which is linked differently (distributed?) I've used OPENQUERY to get my 'new' query to work;
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([PORTALWEBDB], 'SELECT --AllLists AL.tp_ID AS ALtpID ,AL.tp_WebID as altpwebid ,AL.tp_Title AS ALTitle
My data (ie surgical minutes, etc) seems to be in the XML column, AUD.tp_ColumnSet . So I need to parse it out and convert it to INT to maintain consistency with the previous view. How do I do this within the context of the view definition?Here is a representation of the new and old view data copied to excel :
can't format it to make it look decent. InHouseCases =2, InHouseMinutes=419, OutPatientCases =16, OutPatientMinutes=1230. This corresponds to the new data I can see in the XML column; 2.000000000000000e+000 is indeed 2 and 4.190000000000000e_002 is indeed 419.
Here's the scenario. We tried to create a full text indexing on a view, unfortunately the view was created based on Left outer join. Hence we were pushed to do the following.
We planned to create a table based on the data that is rendered in this view(this view is formed by combining 14 tables.) . Finally we were able to create a full text indexing on this new table. For simplicity let us called this new table as tableA.
Now the problem is how can we update (if any data is changed on one of the concrete tables of the view) or insert (when new data is inserted in one of the underlying tables of the view) the respective data into this new table - tableA which was created based on this view.
In other words, there should be a sync between the view and tableA. Is it possible to achieve this ???
View is formed based on different tables (not based on tableA)?
We have two databases with same schema and tables (same table names, basically main DB and a copy of the main DB). following is example of table names from 2 DBs.
CREATE TABLE #SourceDatabase (SourceColumn1 VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO #SourceDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6') SELECT * FROM #SourceDatabase DROP TABLE #SourceDatabase CREATE TABLE #ArchiveDatabase (SourceColumn2 VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO #ArchiveDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6') SELECT * FROM #ArchiveDatabase DROP TABLE #ArchiveDatabase
We need a T_SQL statement that can create one view for each table from both the databases(assuming both databases have same number of tables and same table names). so that we can run the T_SQL on a thrid database and the third DB has all the views (one view for each table from the 2 DBs). and the name of the view should be same as the tables name. and all 3 DBs are on the same server.
the 2 temp tables are just examples, DBs have around 1700 tables each. so we ned something like following for each table.
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE1 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE2 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE3 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE4 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE5 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE6 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6]
I gave a user all required permission to view the SSRS report. User is able to select from the dropdown list but unable to view the data, It is showing a blank screen.
I was able to create a view and convert it to excel. Now I want to it to schedule it for everyday and then email the excel file as an attachment to couple of people.
Would SSRS be an option? where I can create a report of the view and schedule it?
Does any know the process I need to follow?
Do I have to uses SSIS ? and then set it up as SQl server job?
The below would work if all of the values in A.Value were numbers but they are not. So I need to restrict the view to only look at the following measures but still show all the other row.
WHERE [Measure] IN ('RTT-01','RTT-04','RTT-07') SELECT M.[Description] ,A.* ,M.Threshold ,M.[Threshold Direction]
[Code] ....
Is there any way that I can create a select statement in the case when to only look for them measures that I know contain numbers?
I'm creating Indexed view by JOINING multiple tables and trying to create FULL TEXT search index. Unique column is generated by concatenating to ID columns from different table. I can successfully able to create unique index however when trying to create FULLTEXT INDEX getting below error.
"A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, does not have a filter, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key."
The message clearly says the column should be single-column index, non-deterministic.
there can be more than one Parentobject so I want to concatenate them so I have them on one line
for example
901 Joe Dow 901 Jane Dow
I want one line - | 901 | Joe Dow, Jane Dow
I found something similar as below but I'm getting dups like
901 |Joe Dow , Joe Dow 901 | Jane Dow, Jane Dow
DECLARE @Delimiter VARCHAR(10) = ' '; -- this is the delimiter we will use when we concatenate the values SELECT DISTINCT ParentObject, (SELECT STUFF( (SELECT @Delimiter + s1.[View As] FROM Signatures s2
I've got a piece of code that returns 53 records when using just the SELECT section.When I change it to INSERT INTO ..... SELECT it only inserts 39 records into the receiving table.There are no keys/contraints/indices or anything else on the receiving table (it's just a dumping ground for some data that will be processed later).
The code for creating the table is here:- USE [CDSExtractInpatients6.2] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[CDS_Inpatients_CDS_Feeds_Import] Script Date: 22/05/2015 15:54:15 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
I know most of the date fields are being created as varchar on here, but this is something I inherited and the SELECT is outputting the dates as text.Don't know if it makes any difference, but the server is running SQL2008.
I get records from a query whose status is "Marked". I need another column to be added to result set which just says "Marked" for every record. Is that possible in query?
The developers in our shop have a need to explicitly grant view definition permissions to themselves on stored procedures they create in their development databases. They have dbo level permissions in these databases and although they can explicitly grant view definition permissions to other developers in the same database, they are unable to do so for themselves. When they attempt this, it appears that they are successful but when they check the stored procedure afterwards the permission is not there for themselves.
While this does not cause an issue in development, the intention is for these view definition permissions to be carried forward to the test and production databases where they only have datareader permissions.
When these stored procedures are scripted out by the dba to move to Test and Production the view definition permissions are not scripted out for the developer in question.
Is there a way that a developer with dbo rights in a database can explicitly grant themselves view definition permissions on a stored procedure they create as dbo?
I am building a query. I have a table with 4 columns and need to try and put the times together. There are some inconsistencies with this, and i'm hoping to exclude them.. Here is a sample table:
Function 1 = Clock In Type 1 Function 2 = Clock Out Type 1 Function 3 = Clock In Type 2 Function 4 = Clock Out Type 2
Basically what I need to do is take the time from rows with Function 1 and match it with Function 2 so I can get a total time of the clock in. Function 3 rows need to match up with Function 4 rows so I can get another set of total times. There may be more clock in rows then clock out rows or more clock out rows then clock in rows, and there may be multiple clock ins & outs per day per employee. I'm basically trying to get totals for each Clock In/Out type.