SQL Server 2008 CTP Feb With Compact 3.5 - Can't Connect

Mar 3, 2008

I need to be able to manage my Compact 3.5 database (script tables, edit columns etc).

As far as I understood, only way to do this is to install SQL Server 2008 CTP. So I did that, installed the February release. But when I try to connect to my Compact 3.5 database, I get this error:
Cannot connect to %path to my db%
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' ...'

Any ideas?

Or do anyone know an other way to handle Compact 3.5 databases?

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How To Connect ADODB With Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider For Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5)

Sep 12, 2007

We are checking VB 9 (Orcas).

we connected to database created under with sql server 7. with this code

Public cn As New ADODB.Connection

Public Sub OpenDB()

cn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial catalog=Reservation;Data Source=.")

End Sub
this code worked well.
we know sql7 is not compatiable with vista. please tell us how to connect it wiith sql2005 . we downloaded orcas express edition beta. we created a database also. please let u know how to connect with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5).


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SQL Server Compact Edition Cannot Connect To Big Databases

Sep 24, 2007

In my IPAQ, I have been using SQL CE for databases with various sizes without any problem. I am creating the databases on my desktop using VS 2005. After I moved to VISTA, I have upgraded my VS 2005 to SP1 and SQL CE to 3.1. My databases which were created before worked without any problem. After I have created my databases via 3.1 on the desktop and moved them to Mobile, I had problems.

1. I specify Max database size parameter as the size of the database
2. If the size of the database is smaller than 16 then I specify 128
3. If the database is old version then program runs without any problems whatever the database size is
4. If the database is created with 3.1 and size is small (20MB, 60MB, etc) no problems arise
5. Ä°f the databse is created with 3.1 and size is large (133MB, 174MB) then dbconnection.Open() command runs indefinitely and program hangs up .

My IPAQ runs "Microsoft Pocket PC Version 4.20.1081" and desktop runs VISTA Home Premium. I have installed VS 2005 SP1.

Thanks for any help

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Add Data Connection To SQL Server Compact 3.5 From C# Express 2008

Apr 25, 2008

Well, what I want is to be able to do some tooling on a database (.sdf) on my WM5 device using C# Express 2008.

The problem is that when I select the "Tools/Connect to database" option, I choose my data source to be "Sql Server Compact 3.5" in the next screen, and when I press Continue, I am taken to the next screen, and here I cannot select the "ActiveSync connected device" in the "Data Source" section...it is disabled. The only option is selecting "My computer"...but I do not need that.

Is there something I need to install in order to activate that option?



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Cannot Connect To A Named Instance Of SQL Server From Compact Framework 2.0

Mar 14, 2008

I have two instances of SQL Server on the same PC:

Default instance: SQL Server 2000
Named instance with name €œMS2005€?: SQL Server 2005.
Also I have another SQL Server 2005 on another PC.

I created a .NET 2.0 Compact Framework application that connects to the database and executes simple query. This application can connect to any instance of the SQL Server when it is executed on the PC (not on the server). But the problem is that when I try to execute the application from the windows CE 5.0 device, the application can only connect to the default instance (SQL 2000 and 2005) and can not connect to the named instance (Name: MS2005).
Is it some kind of limitation of the SqlClient library for the compact framework?

Below are the code and connection strings:

string connectionString = €œServer=;Database=DB1;Uid=sa;Pwd=€?
string connectionString = €œServer=\MS2005;Database=DB1;Uid=sa;Pwd=€?

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
connection.Open(); //This is the point where exception is generated

using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "select count(*) from users";
object result = command.ExecuteScalar();

Console.WriteLine("Result: [{0}]", result);


Thank you for your time and advice.

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Visual Studio 2008;SQL Server 2005;SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 Question

Aug 26, 2007

I have a question about a problem that I cannot seem to tackle. I have installed the following programs on Windows Vista:

- SQL Server 2005
- Visual Studio 2008
- SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5
- SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 Server Tools

I want to do the following:

1. I want to create a SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 database in the SQL Server Management Studio
2. I want my SQL Express server in SQL Server 2005 to be a distributor and publisher

About 1. In SQL Server Management Studio I cannot choose SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 .
ABout 2. I tried to setup my server to be a distrubutor by running a stored procedure with the following name: sp_adddistributor. I get the following error: This edition of SQL Server cannot act as a Publisher or Distributor for replication.

Does anyone have a solution to both problems.

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SQL Server Compact Tool 3.5 On Windows Server 2008

Apr 21, 2008

Im trying to install the SQL Server Compact Tools in Windows Server 2008, but the installation program won´t let me continue since it says that I must install the IIS Backward Compatibility Tools. The problem is that I can´t find where I do that.

I know that Windows Server 2008 is not listed as a supported os for the server tools, but surely I must at least be able to install them?

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Trying To Connect To Northwind Database, On SQL Compact Server 3.5, An Error Generated, 'The Event Log Is Full'

Dec 26, 2007

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Connect SSIS To SAP BW

Oct 6, 2010

How to connect SSIS to SAP BW.

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C# 2008 + SQL Compact Edition 3.5

Jun 4, 2008

I'm trying to start an application in C# with visual Studio 2008 and I want to connect it to a SQL CE 3.5 Database (local .sdf file).
I only found samples or How-to guides that use the wizard to add the datasource and the way dragging the dataset to the form. All things binded to the database where you don't have to do coding.

I don't want to have the binding navigator bar, I just want to use text box, date picker and buttons and Save that to the database myself. That way I think it will be more easy for me to validate or manipulate data before the insertion in the DB.

Some time ago a make an ASP.net that was doing same kind of thing with an Access DB...
Hope this can help to show what i really want...
(sorry for my bad english....)


Code Snippet
Private Sub btnAskSql_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAskSql.Click
lblMsg.Text = ""
Dim MyDS As New DataSet

'txtRequest.Text is a SQL command like Select * from.....
MyDS = SQLRequest(txtRequest.Text)
DG01.DataSource = MyDS.Tables(0).DefaultView
DG01.DataKeyField = "ID"
Catch ex As Exception
lblMsg.Text = Err.Description
End Try
End Sub

Function SQLRequest(ByVal TheRequest As String) As DataSet
Dim _Con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Ole DB Services=-4; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("Gifts.mdb") & ";")
Dim selectCMD As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(TheRequest, _Con)
selectCMD.CommandTimeout = 30
Dim custDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
custDA.SelectCommand = selectCMD

Dim TheDS1 As New DataSet
custDA.Fill(TheDS1, "Request")
Catch ex As Exception
lblMsg.Text = Err.Description
End Try
Return TheDS1
End Function

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How To Connect To Compact Edition Database

Dec 18, 2007

I need to create a desktop program on vb.net , based SQL compact edition. but I do not know how to connect to CE database. I already create the sdf file, but I can not connect it from the poject , is there any way to do it ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Click On ADD Button To Connect To Secondary Server

Feb 27, 2015

I am configuring log shipping. On the secondary server, I already restored the DB.From the primary server, I was following all the instructions on how to. Now this is the problem. I click on ADD button to connect to the secondary server. I put in the IPInstanceName and the DB. I also chose option 3 (No, the secondary database is initialized), clicked OK after all the option, now getting this error.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Unable To Connect To Clustered Instance From One Of The Nodes

Jun 11, 2012

We have SQL Server 008 R2 failover clustered instance.

Installation and everthing went smooth. But I'm getting a weired error

Unable to connect to SQL Server clustered instance from one of the nodes

When SQL Server Resources are on sql1:

Connect from SSMS from sql2--> NOT Able to connect to SQL instance (A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2))

Connect from SSMS from sql1-->Working fine

When SQL Server Resources are on sql2:

Connect from SSMS from sql1-->Working fine
Connect from SSMS from sql2-->Working fine

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Sqlceoledb35.dll - Error 25123 - A SQL Server Compact Edition DLL Could Not Be Loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition.

May 5, 2008


we've got a SQL Server 2005 which replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.5. Every 10 to 20 synchronisations we're getting the error mentioned above. A Soft reset of the device helps to make the synchronization working again.

Why is this error happening and how can we resolve this?

BTW, we've also running system that replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.0 without having this problems.


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A Sql Server Compact Edition DLL Could Ot Be Loaded Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition [ DLL Name = Sqlceca30.dll]

Mar 11, 2008

Hi there,

everything is ok for first run. but i leave the program relogin
than that error occured ppc2003 second edition devices. Windows mobile 5.0 device works fine.
can anybody help me?

VS2005 ver 8.0.50727
SSCE31VSTools-ENU.exe loaded
SSCE31SDK-ENU.msi loaded

machine 1
SQL 2005 loaded

machine 2
"Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent" looks fine

pocket pc side
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1SDKinwce400armv4

.net cf 2.0 sp2
sqlce30.repl.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB installed too.

my code

Dim RdaStr As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=" + Server + ";Initial Catalog=" + DataBase + ";Integrated Security=SSPI"

Dim rda As SqlCeRemoteDataAccess


rda = New SqlCeRemoteDataAccess "THIS LINE GIVES ME THAT ERROR
Catch ex As Exception



End Try


rda.InternetLogin = [String].Empty

rda.InternetPassword = [String].Empty

rda.InternetUrl = "http://" + IP_no + "/ssce/sqlcesa30.dll"

rda.LocalConnectionString = ConnectString

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox("Bağlantı hatası..")


End Try
i added the following code to very beginning of my code too.
that code lock my device

Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "coredll" Alias "LoadLibrary" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As IntPtr

Dim pt As IntPtr

pt = LoadLibrary("\windowssqlceca30.dll")

pt = LoadLibrary("\windowssqlceoledb30.dll")

pt = LoadLibrary(\windowssqlcecompact30.dll)


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SQL 2008 Developer Edition Management Studio Does Not Work For Compact Edition 3.5 Databases

Sep 27, 2007

I am attempting to use the SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition (Management Studio) to create/manage a Compact Edition 3.5 database. My problem is that I cannot even create/open the compact database in Management Studio. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. TIA

Problem Creating the Compact Database:

Open 2008 Management Studio

From menu choose File | Connect Object Explorer...

Choose SQL Server Compact Edition as the Server type.

Choose <New Database...> as the Database file.

Browse to folder where file will be created (C:MyDatabase#1.sdf was used in my example)

Leave all other field as default selections OR make changes, either way it does not work.

Click OK.

At this point the OK button just becomes disabled and nothing happens.
Problem Opening An Existing Compact Database:

Open 2008 Management Studio

From menu choose File | Connect Object Explorer...

Choose SQL Server Compact Edition as the Server type.

Choose <Browse for more...> as the Database file and locate a ".sdf" file that I created using VS2008.

Enter password, if any.

Click OK.

The following exception is displayed:
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to C:Documents and SettingsdarrinbMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsTestSQLCompactEdition35TestSQLCompactEdition35AFS.sdf.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&LinkId=20476

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Enumerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) (mscorlib)

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Integration Services :: Using 2008 Native Client 10.0 Provider To Connect 2012 DB?

Jul 9, 2015

In our packages, we are using Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 provider to connect our SQL Server 2008 DBs, which is working fine till we are migrating 2008 DB server to 2012. after the upgrade, some of our packages are working fine, some are not. I'm just curiuos to know will the
old provider(Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0) will work fine for connecting 2012 DBs? or I need to update all our packages to re-point to new 2012 Provider.

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Can I Run SQL Server 2008 - Reporting Services CTP Until Microsoft Sells SQL 2008

Mar 31, 2008

There are a few features in the new SQL Server - Reporting Services that I really need in production. I have tested everything and it works great. I am running the CTP version since Microsoft is saying they aren't releasing the release version until 3rd quarter 2008.

Since Microsoft won't sell SQL 2008 until 3rd quarter, can I run the CTP in production until the release and then purchase SQL 2008?


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Seeking Advice: SQL Server On Win 2008 Virtual Server Or Just Win 2008?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello - does anyone have experience w/SQL Server 2005 in a virtual environment? I'm considering this for a production environment but not sure if performance will suffer. Our databases will have a lot of writing but not too much reading. A SSRS solution is currently the only app. connecting to the SQL db. Max users to server at any given time will be very low (~10 users max). But the databases are pulling in data from other, outside multiple data sources on a daily basis.

Any pointers to documentation or any advice?


A Brown

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Problem With Windows Server 2008 And SQL 2008 Express

Feb 25, 2008

Recently, I set up server with Windows Web Server 2008 RC1, SQL 2008 Express beta, .NET 3.5, IIS 7.
I'm running ASP.NET web application with SQL database. Everything works fine until the first application state on the server expires. After that, any postback that starts a new application state on the server and connects to the database, results in the following error:
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
Is this a bug that will be fixed in release of Windows / SQL or am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks for help,

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Cannot Connect W/ Java App But Can Connect W/ .Net App - SQL Server Express 2005

Dec 12, 2006

I'm having a problem connecting with a Java application but I CAN connect using my .Net application - the user name and password are the same for both (using the same database on SQL Server Express 2005).

The error I get is: "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot open database "CORNERS" requested by the login. The login failed." An interesing note - I get the same message if the database is not running.

SQL Server Express 2005 is installed in mixed mode.

Here is my connection string in the .Net appplication: <add key="connectString" value="Server=(local);UID=sa;PWD=myPasswd;Database=CORNERS" />.

These are my values in my Java app web.xml -

<param-name>DBURL</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:sqlserver://localhostsqlexpress:1055;databaseName=CORNERS</param-value>

And yes, the port is 1055 - I checked to find it.

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 (sqljdbc_1.0.809.102).

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong so that the login fails in the Java application but works in the .Net application?

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 2008

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,

New to this so please be patient and please help.

I have developed an SQL 2005 Express command line option install for our company which has been working seamlessly for the last 18 months.


I downloaded the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express CTP, February 2008€? from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=749BD760-F404-4D45-9AC0-D7F1B3ED1053&displaylang=en

I simply replaced the 2005 file €œSQLEXPR.EXE€? with the 2008 file €œ€?, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail. I than read the 2008 books online and noted the change in command line options.



I then changed the command line to suit the Microsoft 2008 books online, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail once more.

Interestingly I tested the install from the default GUI and at the point of adding the €œsa€? login credentials it fails to allow the installation to proceed. Strangely by selecting the windows authentication credentials, €œnext€? than €œback€? it now allows me to add the €œsa€? login credentials and continues to install correctly as required.

I hope I have explained this clearly enough.

1. Is this a bug in the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 2008€? installation?
2. If so is this causing the command line install options to fail?
3. How do I obtain a version of €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express€? that will work installing from the command line?

Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server Compact Edition Data Source Missing In Server Explorer

Apr 3, 2007

Trying to learn how to use Sql Server CE, Tutorial says to open server explorer, add connection, new connection, select data source as .net sql ce (words to that effect). On my visual studio, it ain't there and I can't figure out how to get it there. I have uninstall all of the Sql Ce stuff and reinstalled it. So I'm missing some key link. What are the magic incantations to get to first base?

Ed Warren

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SQL Server Compact Edition Server Tools Setup Error On Vista

Oct 21, 2007

SQL Server 2005 SP2 Replication

I am having problems installing the SQL Server Compact Server Tools on my
Vista laptop to allow me to connect my Mobile Device running SQL Server
Compact directly to my SQL Server 2005 database through IIS.

I have done this successfully with an XP machine so I'm not sure if it is
Vista problem or not.

I have installed SQL Server 2005 SP2. When I try to install the replication
server tools (Sqlce30setupen.msi), in "System Configuration Check" window I get a failure on "SQL Server requirement" that says: "You must first install the Replication Components for SQL Server 2000 SP 3a
or higher or the SQL Server 2005 Replication Components" and the client components are full instaled in my computer.

I need help for detect and correct the problem.

Alonso Junior

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How Can I Access SQL Server Compact Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express?

Jul 26, 2007


I just installed SQL Server Compact Edition, since I am considering using it instead of SQL Server Express for a local database in my application. The documentation mentioned that I could use SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to the Compact Edition and create and manipulate databases.

To try to connect, I run Management Studio and bring up the "Connect to Server" dialog. Unfortunately, the pull-down list of "Server name"s does not include the SQL Server Compact Edition server. I do not know how to type in the server name manually, so I cannot connect.

To install Compact Edition, I downloaded it and ran "SQLServerCE31-EN.msi". This installed, and I assume registered, a number of DLLs in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1".

Is there perhaps an additional step that I left out to complete the installation?

Might I need an upgrade to some other components? My Management Studio Version is:

- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.2047.00

I would appreciate any help you can provide.

Thank you,


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SQL Server Management Studio Express Won't Open SQL Server Compact 3.5 Databases

May 7, 2008

Hi all

Which tool can I use for structure editing of SQL Server Compact 3.5 databases? I'm installed SQL Server Compact 3.5. I have SQL Server Management Studio Express which was installed with SQL Server 2005 Express. Unfortunately this SSMS can create and open only 3.1 databases.

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Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 Support RDA Synchronization With Sql Server 2000 Database?

Jan 21, 2008

Does Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 support RDA synchronization with Sql Server 2000 database?

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Which SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Server Tools Installation Package Do I Use?

May 26, 2007


I am using SQL Express 2005 server and sql compact edition for my PDA. For synchronization, which SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Server Tools installation package do I use?

Is it Sqlce30setupen.msi or sql2kensp4.msi or sql2kensp3a.msi? I know for sql server 2005 its Sqlce30setupen.msi. Is it the same for the SQL Express 2005?


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SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 Can't See SQL Server Compact

Feb 13, 2007


I am very new to SQL Compact. I am trying to create one database which can work on the desktop application and also on a pda application. I want to create the database but I am unable to start without Management Studio. Can you guide me to the right tools so that I can create database, view it and manage it use something like Management Studio Express.

Also one more question is if my database needs to be at both places on the desktop and on pda how can i synchronise them. PDA will take using c# application data from RFID scans and then i need to sync that database on the desktop so that reports and other info can be generated from the desktop c# application. How to do this?

Please can you guide me to any webcasts or labs so i can clarify my doubts about the design.



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Error While Connecting To SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database With SQL Server Management

Mar 11, 2008


i tried to connect to a SQL Server Compact Database (version 3.5) with SQL Server Management Studio Express (Version 9.00.3042.00).

But i get the follwing error message (sorry, it's a german message):

Es kann keine Verbindung mit 'D:DocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projects\_ProduktivSuperkalibrator_PrototypenSuperkalibrator_PrototypenDatenbankDatabaseTest.sdf' hergestellt werden.


Sie versuchen, auf eine ältere Version einer Datenbank von SQL Server Compact Edition zuzugreifen. Falls es sich um eine Datenbank von SQL Server CE 1.0 oder SQL Server CE 2.0 handelt, führen Sie 'upgrade.exe' aus. Falls es sich um eine Datenbank von SQL Server Compact Edition 3.0 oder höher handelt, führen Sie die Komprimierung und Reparatur aus. [ Db version = 3505053,Requested version = 3004180,File name = D:DocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projects\_ProduktivSuperkalibrator_PrototypenSuperkalibrator_PrototypenDatenbankDatabaseTest.sdf ] (SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider)

Is there a solution to manage Compact Databases in Version 3.5?

Stefan Wagner

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SQL Server Compact Edition Server/IIS7 &&amp; Vista Incompatibility

Mar 20, 2007


We are currently having a problem with a client running Vista business for a mobile application that uses SQLCE RDA with the Web Synchronization on IIS7.

I have run through the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard and it doesn't create a virtual directory. I manually create the virtual dir and point it to the new folder the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard created.

Browsing to the url "http://localhost/sqlce/sqlcesa30.dll" gives a valid test string.

Here is the ?diag response...
SQL Server Mobile Server Agent Diagnostics
2007/03/20 15:39:49

General Information


Server Name


Authentication Type

Server Port


Server Software



Logging Level

Impersonation and Access Tests


Impersonate User


SQL Server Mobile Modules Test




Reconciler Test


9.0 Database Reconciler

8.0 Database Reconciler

SQL Server Module Versions



9.0 replrec.dll

9.0 replprov.dll

9.0 msgprox.dll

8.0 replrec.dll

8.0 replprov.dll

8.0 msgprox.dll
When a Windows Mobile or Pocket PC device tries to do a ServerExecute or Push or Pull it gets this error message with SQLOLEDB ...

HResult = -2147467259
Message = " [ 600 ]"
NativeError = 29022
numericErrorParameters = {600,0,0}
Source = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition"

Which roughly translates to from the header file ...

#define SSCE_M_INCORRECTPROVIDERVERSION 29022 // The version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server is not correct. Install MDAC 2.8 or later. [,,,Version,,]

When a Windows Mobile or Pocket PC device tries to do a ServerExecute
or Push or Pull it gets this error message with SQLNCLI ...

HResult = -2147467259

Message = " [ 9 ]"

NativeError = 29022

numericErrorParameters = {9,0,0}

Source = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition"

A very similar error.

From this it seems that both SQLCE 2 and 3 seem to want MDAC 2.8+ drivers. The drivers installed with Vista for SQL Native client seem to be versioned 6.0.* and the required versioning would seem to need to be in line with MDAC 2.8.

Are there installable drivers to bump the versioning of SQLNCLI or SQLOLEDB upto MDAC 2.8+ levels?

Or is there an alternative that will make it possible to run SQLCE RDA apps with Vista as the SQLCE server (i.e. sqlcesa30.dll)?



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ASP.NET And SQL Server Compact Edition

Sep 25, 2007

I am writing an application that is designed for the desktop, or small group (3 or less) desktops.  The application is being deployed using the Cassini web server as a complete "embedded" solution.  I wanted to use SQL Server Compact because of its small footprint and because of the synchronization capabilities with SQLServer.  Also, it is very easy to deploy vs. SQL Server Express.  The idea behind this APP is that someone might use it locally and then decide to subscribe to the service and then connect the same application to  a web services application. 
 That being said, and with knowledge of Microsoft's stance on SQL Compact under ASP.NET, I have most everything working and it works great except for one thing.  When I add a SQLDataSource to the page and set the connection string to my file and the DataProvider to System.Data.SqlServerCe and then bind a data grid to the SQLDataSource, it runs fine on my development machine, but when I deploy to my clean test machine, I get an error when the page loads saying:
Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.  It may not be installed.
I can create a dataset in code (in fact,in several other places I do) and it works fine.  It is just the SQLDataSource(s) that are throwing this error.  I have a copy of System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll in the bin folder and I have all of the compact DLL's in the bin folder as well.  I can't figure out what I need to do.  I also have a reference to the System.Data.SqlServerCe in the web.config file.
 Can anyone help?

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Sql Server Compact Edition3.5

Jan 2, 2008

We have just installed visual studio 2008 for a windows mobile application development. This application requires a database also. VS 2008 installs sql server 2005 express edition and the sql server compact edition 3.5. We installed sql server management studio but this is for the express edition only. Please let us know how to use a similar tool for compact edition, we could not find any suitable for the same.

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