I also have a RESOURCES table of phrases (for translation purposes) similar to this:
res_id res_lang res_phrase
AccessDenied en Access Denied
For some rows in the resources table I do not have all language codes present so am missing some translations for a given res_id.My question is what query can I use to determine the RESOURCE.RES_IDs for which I do not have a translation for.
For example I might have a de, en, cz translation for a phrase but not a pl phrase and I need to identofy those rows in order that I can obtain translations for the missing RESOURCE rows.
How can we monitor the all tables in all databases and send notifications to the team.Is there a way to check to find the no of rows and size of a table last month and find out growth % now
I have several databases to deal with, all with + 250 tables. The databases are not identical and do not conform to a specific naming convention for table names. Most but not all tables have a column called "LastUpdated" containing a date/time (obviously). I'd like to be able to find all rows within a whole database (table by table) where the date/time is greater than a specified date/time.
I'm looking for a reliable query that will return all the rows in each of the tables but without me having to write hundreds of individual scripts "SELECT * FROM [dbo.xyz] WHERE LastUpdated > '2015-01-01 09:00:00:000'", or have to look through each table first to determine which of them has the LastUpdated field.
declare tableName table ( uniqueid int identity(1,1), id int, starttime datetime2(0), endtime datetime2(0), parameter int )
A stored procedure has new set of values for a given id. Sometimes the startime and endtime are the same, in which case I update the value of parameter. Sometimes I add a new time range (insert statement), and sometimes I delete a time range (delete statement).
I had a question on merge, with insert, delete and update and I got that resolved. However I have a different question regarding performance of the merge statement.
If my target table has hundreds of millions of records and I want to delete/update/insert a handful of records, will SQL server scan the entire target table? I can't have:
merge ( select * from tableName where id = 10 ) as target using ...
and I can't have:
merge tableName as target using [my query] as source on source.id = target.id and source.starttime = target.startime and source.endtime = target.endtime where target.id = 10 ...
This means I cannot filter the set of rows in the target table to a handful of records where id = 10.
I have a table 300+GB. it holds 10 years of Data. I need to delete 5 years of data and put it to another server so I can have more space.
If I delete 5 years of data, Transaction log gets so huge and size of the database even gets bigger because of the .ldf file which even gets bigger! I think I can shrink the log file and the data file. Is this the best way to do it?
SQL 2k, DDL below.I have a simple table with the following data:fldYear fldCode1 fldCode22000 ABC1 ABC122000 ABC1 ABC132001 ABC1 ABC122002 ABC1 ABC122002 ABC1 ABC13I need to know, for every distinct combination of fldCode1 andfldCode2, if there are any years missing.For example,SELECT DISTINCT fldCode1, fldCode2 FROM MyTablereturnsABC1 ABC12ABC1 ABC13I need to know that in 2001 there was no entry for ABC1/ABC13Thanks!Edwardif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[MyTable]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] ([fldYear] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[fldCode1] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[fldCode2] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO
I have access to a stored procedure that was written previously for a process that uses the output from the stored procedure to provide input to a BCP operation in a bat file that builds a flat text file for use in a different system.
To continue with the set up, here is the stored procedure in question: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[HE_GetStks] AS
select top 15 Rating, rank, coname, PriceClose, pricechg, DailyVol, symbol from
(selectf.rating, f.rank, s.coname, cast ( f.priceclose as decimal(10,2)) as PriceClose, cast ( f.pricechg as decimal(10,2)) as pricechg, f.DailyVol, f.symbol from dailydata f, snames s where f.tendcash = 0 and f.status = 1 and f.typ = 1 and f.osid = s.osid) tt order by rating desc, rank desc
The code in the calling bat file is: REM ************************* REM BCP .WRK FILE REM ************************* bcp "exec dailydb.[dbo].[HE_GetStks]" queryout "d:TABLESINPUTHE_GetStks.WRK" -S(local) -c -U<uname> -P<upass>
This works just peachy in the process for which it was designed, but I need to use the same stored procedure to grab the same data in order to store it in a historical table in the database. I know I could duplicate the code in a separate stored procedure that does the inserting into my database table, but I would like to avoid that and use this stored procedure in case the select statement is changed at some point in the future.
Am I missing something obvious in how to utilize this stored procedure from inside an insert statement in order to use the data it outputs? I know I cannot use an EXECUTE HE_GetStks as a subquery in my insert statement, but that is, in essence, what I am trying to accomplish.
I just wanted to bounce the issue of y'all before I go to The Boss and ask him to change the procedure to SET the data into a database table directly (change the select in the proc to an INSERT to a local table) then have the external BAT file use a GET procedure that just does the select from the local table. This is the method most of our similar jobs use when faced with this type of "intercept" task.
In a t-sql 2012 sql update script listed below, it only works for a few records since the value of TST.dbo.LockCombination.seq only contains the value of 1 in most cases. Basically for every join listed below, there should be 5 records where each record has a distinct seq value of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Thus my goal is to determine how to add the missing rows to the TST.dbo.LockCombination where there are no rows for seq values of between 2 to 5. I would like to know how to insert the missing rows and then do the following update statement. Thus can you show me the sql on how to add the rows for at least one of the missing sequence numbers?
UPDATE LKC SET LKC.combo = lockCombo2 FROM [LockerPopulation] A JOIN TST.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type JOIN TST.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber = LKR.number
Hi, is there a way I can check if a table is empty and contains norows?I have a Table1 which being dynamic can sometimes end up with nowcolumns what so ever. I'm using Table1 in one of my views along with 2other tables and I would like put a condition at the...something likeAND Table1 IS NOTEMPTYIs there a way to do this in MS SQL?Many thanksYas
Wierd issue of a missing master database - wierd because I would have thought this was a newbie topic but I've found nothing for it. I googled and had a 'decent' look through this forum and only found a bunch of topics on 'how to restore master database'.
I wouldn't have thought I need to restore the master database because my SSMS works fine and I can query the master database. I can also see it in the drop down list of available databases in the Query Designer toolbar. The problem is just that I can't see it in the list of databases. I can see all the other databases I've created, and I can see the master database in the DATA folder. But not in the SSMS.
This is SQL Server 2008R2. On the SQL Server Configuration I'm unable to see SQL Server Browser. But when I check the services I can see the SQL Browser running.
Under SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Services
1. Full text 2. SQL Server (Default) 3. SQL Agent (Default)
But I'm unable to see the SQL Browser services here. What is the remedy?
We had some SAN issues and we dont have Transaction Log files for some databases.. The drive which was holding this Tlog files were missing.. How to bring back databases.
We have a situation where SSRS reports are using Testuser account to run the SSRS reports for every user who has access to these reports.Now developers need the password for this login Testuser to proceed with their ssrs reports development, but its sort of mess that no one has password ever saved.So in case is there a way it can be retrieved or what should be an alternative if password cannot be retrieved for that login, as i believe changing the password will break the reports using the current password?
Our database crashed this morning and went into recovery mode.how I can track the progress of the recovery to determine how long it might take?The error log shows that it started up all the databases, then shows the recovery messages fr the msdb database, then shows that sql server is ready for client connections. I don't see any messages about my database recovery or the number of transactions to roll forward or background. If i run the sys.sp_readerrorlog and search for my database name, the only line returned is the starting up database message.
I do expect the database to take a while to recovery as it is about 8TB, there is plenty of free disk space about 3TB.The database started recovery while a transaction log backup was running so that backup failed,the last transaction log backup was taken 2 hours before recovery started. The last full backup completed about 5 days ago. The transaction log backup occurs every 2 hours and is typically around 16GB.
i have 70 SQL database servers and i setup DB Mail on the 70 Servers, i want to know is there a way to find the status of all the jobs which i assigned the DB Mail and if its working/failing... is there a script i can run on powershell or SQL to find out that information
I am working now on optimization of an update query for a particular table and I want to measure the number of page splits after each update. How to check it?
I have groups of records in a table, and I would like to set a necessary condition on each group. The condition is that EXACTLY ONE of the records in each group has a flag field set to True (bit = 1). I can naturally write triggers for update, insert and delete events that test for such a condition.
Something along the lines of this condition:
(select count(ClovekAutoID) from TableOfClovekNames tCN where JeHlavni = 1 group by ClovekAutoID having COUNT(JeHlavni ) > 1) = 1In fact,
I tried this just on whim, but naturally, the SS engine told me to go roll my hoop, that subqueries are not allowed in constraint expressions.
I have to figure out the items that Legal Name implies individual but Legal Entity Structure indicates a incorporation type. In this sample, you can see Alexander, Justin N. is my target. But my problem is how should I use a query to figure out which one is a individual's name? How should I write a function to check the name format (Last, First Middle)?
Legal Name ////////////////////////////////////// Legal_Entity_Struct
S & H Farm Supply, Ltd.////////////////////////////Company F.M.Abbott Power Equipment,Co.///////////////Company Ray's Dixie Chopper, Inc.////////////////////////// Company Alexander, Justin N. ///////////////////////////////// Company Alameda Power Equipment, Inc.//////////////// Company
I downloaded and performed a full install of SQL Server Express 2008 Nov CTP. It was installed on a fresh installation of Windows Vista Enterprise x64.
During setup, I checked the 'Client Tools' box which has the description: "Includes management and development tools: SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server Profiler, and Database Engine Tuning Advisor"
The installation ran fine with no errors. After install I looked for the Management Studio but couldnt find it anywhere. No SQL Server Profiler or Database Tuning Advisor either. The only tool that appears to have installed is the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
If I check my Start Menu, the only 2008 items that exist are Microsoft SQL Server 2008 >
Configuration Tools >
SQL Server Configuration Manager SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting SQL Server Installation Center
I checked the summary log and everythign PASSED: Package results: Passed Execution statistics: Exit code: 0x00000000 Exit message: Passed Package start time: 12/13/2007 14:05:39 Package end time: 12/13/2007 14:09:06 Package install location: c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup Bootstrap Package initial action: Install Media source location: Install Media version: 10.0.1075.23 Machine properties: Machine name: xxx Machine processor count: 2 OS version: Windows Vista OS service pack: OS language: English (United States) OS architecture: x64 Process architecture: 32 Bit Properties provided in package.xml file: LegalProductName: SQL Server Database Services 2008 Description: SQL Server Database Services 2008 Details: Install for SQL Server Database Services 2008 ProductName: SQL2008 Version: 10 SPLevel: 0 KBArticle: KB876234 KBArticleHyperlink: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=876234 Command line arguments provided: ACTION: Install INSTANCEIDSUFFIX: Product features discovered: Product: SQL2005 Product: SQL2008 Feature status after execution: Database Engine Services: Passed Replication: Passed Client Tools: Passed Windows Installer logs generated during execution: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Snac_Cpu64_1.log C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Msxml6_Cpu64_1.log C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Tools_Cpu32_1.log C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_SqlWriter_Cpu64_1.log C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_SqlBrowser_Cpu32_1.log C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog20071213_1405T60-l3ac207_20071213_1405_Sql_Cpu32_1.log
I'm trying to run a query to check the downtime in production lines, but if a line has assigned more than one cause for the downtime it repeat the info for each cause.
This is the code.
SELECT D.Line AS Line, D.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine, D.Shift AS Shift, D.DownTime, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), D.DatePacked,101) AS DatePacked, AssignedDowntime, (D.DownTime - AssignedDowntime) AS NOASSIGNED, R.Enviromental,R.Equipment, R.IT_Systems, R.Material_External,R.Quality,R.Material_Internal, R.Method,R.PreProduction,R.People FROM ( SELECT Line, Shift, DatePacked, SUM(Cast(Downtime AS INT)) AS AssignedDowntime,
[Code] ....
I'm expecting that if is more than one "Down Reason "it will include in the same line. At this moment if i have more than one reason it create a line for each one for example:
If i have a total Downtime of 50 minutes and they are assigned 10 for itequipment, 30 by testequipment and 10 assigned to quality issues i will have and output like this:
I need to create a script task in sql server 2008 R2 to check if a file exists in a directory. For example, to see if output.dat exist under c:results. If the file exists, then send out an email stating the file exists, if not then send out another email stating the file does not exists.I noticed there is a huge difference between the script task in sql 2005 and sql 2008 r2.
Hye all, running WHS 2008, I try to install SQL Server 2005 with reporting services, but on install, in "components to install" wizard, the reporting services box is hided. I can't check this box :/ Do you know whats wrong ? if anyone knows the problem, thanks in advance.
I have huge export files in a DB and i need to check if there are any datasets that have the same value in the first column, but a different in another one, via a query of course.
Like this:
ID IS NULL 1 1 2 1 3 0 1 0
The expected ID i get as a result of my query should be 1 in this case.
I am writing a query to return some production data. Basically i need to insert either 1 or 2 rows into a Table variable based on a decision as to does the production part make 1 or 2 items ( The Raw data does not allow for this it comes from a look up in my database)
I can retrieve all the source data i need easily but when i come to insert it into the table variable i need to insert 1 record if its a single part or 2 records if its a twin part. I know could use a cursor but im sure there has to be an easier way !
Below is the code i have at the moment
declare @startdate as datetime declare @enddate as datetime declare @Line as Integer DECLARE @count INT
set @startdate = '2015-01-01' set @enddate = '2015-01-31'
Hi, I need to write a query which I have never attempted before and could do with some help.... I have a Groups table and a Users_Groups look up table. In this model, users can only be assigned to 1 group. If a group is deleted, a trigger should fire and delete any rows in User_Groups having a matching Groups.Ref. Unfortunately, the trigger hasn't been firing and I now have a load of defunct rows in Users_Groups relating users to groups which do not exist.I now need to find all of these defunct rows in Users_Groups so that I can delete them. How can I find rows in Users_Groups where the parent rows and refs in Groups are null? I've tried searching the net for something similar but don't even know how to word the search properly to get any half relevant results. Cheers PS, I do realise I need to tighten the constraints on my database
Is there a way to check for missing identity numbers in a Primary Key column? I have some databases that are not fully normalized and want to check on tables that might have had some records deleted. Thank you.