SQL Server 2008 :: Combining Multiple-same Records With Different Values Into One Record

Jun 25, 2015

I have a question about combining multiple records with same ID but different values between records on different fields into a single record with all values combined for all fields. Example: Multiple records with the same record ID:

RECORD_ID BO_ID Code Code_Date SubMsgCD1 SubMsgCD2 LNMsgCD1
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 L405
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302 1004

INTO a single record:

RECORD_ID BO_ID Code Code_Date SubMsgCD1 SubMsgCD2 LNMsgCD1
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302 L405 1004

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Combining Multiple Records Into One Record

Dec 20, 2007

Hi All,

I'm trying to develop a query that joins one record from a table with multiple matching records from another table all in one record,
Table1 has the primary key
Table2 has the follwing records
id year subject
1 2000 English
1 2002 French
2 2004 English
2 2005 English
2 2006 English
3 2007 French
I want the result to be like this
id 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
1 English null French null null null null null
2 null null null null English English English null
3 null null null null null null null English

Appretiate your assistance

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Easiest Way Of Combining Multiple Fields From Different Records Into One Record?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table;CREATE TABLE theLiterals (theKey varchar (255) NOT NULL ,theValue varchar (255) NULL)INSERT INTO theLiterals VALUES('defaultServer','\MyServer')INSERT INTO theLiterals VALUES('defaultShare','MyShare')INSERT INTO theLiterals VALUES('defaultFolder','MyFolder')INSERT INTO theLiterals VALUES('defaultFile','MyFile.dat')I then try;SELECTdefaultServer = CASE WHEN theKey = 'defaultServer' THEN theValue END,defaultShare = CASE WHEN theKey = 'defaultShare' THEN theValue END,defaultFolder = CASE WHEN theKey = 'defaultFolder' THEN theValue END,defaultFile = CASE WHEN theKey = 'defaultFile' THEN theValue ENDFROM theLiteralsand I get;defaultServer defaultShare defaultFolder defaultFile\MyServer NULL NULL NULLNULL MyShare NULL NULLNULL NULL MyFolder NULLNULL NULL NULL MyFile.datbut I want it COALESCEd like this;defaultServer defaultShare defaultFolder defaultFile\MyServer MyShare MyFolder MyFile.dat....but my syntax is incorrect. Is there an efficient way of doing this.I want to have a script/UDF where I can say...GetLiteralsFor('defaultServer','defaultShare','def aultFolder','defaultFile')and then my one-row recordset will be...RS(0) will = '\MyServer'RS(1) will = 'MyShare'RS(2) will = 'MyFolder'RS(3) will = 'MyFile.dat'Thanks for any help!

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Combining Multiple Records

Dec 19, 2014

I have data that looks like this:

Cus_no Inv_No Trans_type Amt_Inv Amt_Paid
100 12345 Other 0 -21.76
100 12345 Discount 0 -6.39
100 12345 Discount 6.39 6.39
100 12345 Discount 21.76 21.76
100 12345 Sales Inv 218.99 218.99

What I would like to do is a select statement that returns:

Cus_no Inv_no Amt_Inv Amt_Paid Disc_amt Other
100 12345 247.14 218.99 -6.39 -21.76

I've tried something like this but since I'm referencing trans_type I get a message that trans_type must be in Group by. doing that give me multiple records.

select cus_no, Inv_no, Sum(Amount_Invoiced_DC) AS InvAmt,
case trans_type when 'Sales Inv' then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as AmtPaid,
case when trans_type = 'Discount' and sum(Amount_Paid_DC)<0 then sum(Amount_Paid_DC) else 0 end as DiscountAmt
FROM BI50_BankTransactions_AR_InvcDt_H
where cus_no is not null
group by cus_no, Inv_no

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Combining Information From Multiple Records Into One

Nov 21, 2007


I am trying to combine information from two or more records into one and I am completely stuck on a solution for my problem so I hope there is someone out there who can help me.

My table looks like this:
ID - DayNr - Transportation - TransOrder - Route
25 - 1 - Car - 1 - Text A
25 - 1 - Train - 1 - Text B
25 - 1 - Train - 2 - Text C
25 - 7 - Train - 1 - Text D
25 - 7 - Train - 2 - Text E

I want to combine all Route - information belonging to the same combination of ID & DayNr & Transportation into one new record. The result should look like:

Column 1 - Column 2
25/1/Car - Text A
25/1/Train - TextB;TextC
25/7/Train - TextD;TextE

I have tried Coalesce-statements and Cursor-solutions but until now everything I tried didn't work. Ideas anyone?


P.S. ID is not my primary key and doesn't have to be unique

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Combining Information From Multiple Records Into One

Nov 21, 2007


I am trying to combine information from two or more records into one and I am completely stuck on a solution for my problem so I hope there is someone out there who can help me.

My table looks like this:
ID - DayNr - Transportation - TransOrder - Route
25 - 1 - Car - 1 - Text A
25 - 1 - Train - 1 - Text B
25 - 1 - Train - 2 - Text C
25 - 7 - Train - 1 - Text D
25 - 7 - Train - 2 - Text E

I want to combine all Route - information belonging to the same combination of ID & DayNr & Transportation into one new record. The result should look like:

Column 1 - Column 2
25/1/Car - Text A
25/1/Train - TextB;TextC
25/7/Train - TextD;TextE

I have tried Coalesce-statements and Cursor-solutions but until now everything I tried didn't work. The big issue here is that I have to base my concatenation on 3 columns. Ideas anyone?


P.S. ID is not my primary key and doesn't have to be unique

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SQL Server 2008 :: Count How Many Records Within 6 Months From Current Record Date

May 27, 2015

My data has 2 fields: Customer Telephone Number, Date of Visit.

Basically I want to add a field ([# of Visits]), which tells me what number of visit the current record is within 6 months.

Customer TN | Date of Visit | # of Visits (Within 6 month - 180 days)
1111 | 01-Jan-2015 | 1
1111 | 06-Jan-2015 | 2
1111 | 30-Jan-2015 | 3
1111 | 05-Apr-2015 | 4
1111 | 07-Jul-2015 | 3

As you can see, the last visit would counts as 3rd because 180 days from 07-Jul-2015 would be Jan-8-2015.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Multiple Records On One Row

Aug 20, 2015

I have a table of customer sales (dbo].[CustomerSales] which has a complete record od sales of our products for the past 5 years. I would like to create a report that extracts all the sales per customer on one row ie [CustomerID] 00011 has had 25 sales in the past 5 years and I would like to have their sales from left to right (starting with their earliest sale date at the beginning [SaleDate] field on the one row. I would also like to include the store location field [Location] along with the date the sale took place. So in other words the extract would look something like:

[CustomerID], [SaleDate], [Location], [SaleDate], [Location], [SaleDate], [Location], [SaleDate], [Location], [SaleDate], [Location], etc etc

Obviously some customers will have had less sales than others in which case I’m assuming these fields would just contain NULL values.

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Row And Combining Column Values?

Apr 6, 2014

I joined these two tables and it pulled up the proper amount of records. If you check out the image you will see what the results are for this query.

Now all I need for this part would be to roll these up where I have one row per ProgramID and all the AttributeNames' together in a AttributeNames column for each id.

EXAMPLE: All in one row.

ProgramID | AttributeNames
887 | Studydesign, Control Groups, Primary Outcomes.

I have attached an image of the SQL VIEW that I need to modified so it does this.


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID, dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID AS PAattributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID,
FROM dbo.tblProgramAttributes INNER JOIN
dbo.tblAttributes ON dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID = dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID
WHERE (dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID NOT LIKE '%ProgramType%')
ORDER BY dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID DESC

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SQL Server 2012 :: Multiple Records Queried Into Single Record?

Jan 27, 2014

I have 2 tables People and Scores. A person might have 1-5 scores (unknown at time of Query). I would like to query the two tables into a results table and if person does not have a record the score will be zero. Scores also have a test number so you know which score it is. I can get it done with Stored Proc but I have to use Temp tables and then put the temp tables together.

Name ID




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SQL Server 2008 :: Function That Replaces Multiple Values

Jul 16, 2015

I have created the below function and apply it on a column in a table to replace the below identified values with Blank. It works fine but i have so many different varieties of values i need to add to ths list. Is there any way i insert these values in a table and call the values from that table instead of writing separate SET Statements.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[sv_ReplaceChar] (@badString varchar(8000))


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SQL Server 2008 :: Calculate Number Of Months Between Dates For Multiple Records?

Oct 7, 2015

I have a challenge and I'm not sure the best route to go. Consider the following dataset.

I have a table of sales. The table has fields for customer number and date of sale. There are 1 - n records for a customer. What I want is a record per customer that has the customer number and the average number of months between purchases. For example, Customer 12345 has made 5 purchases.

CustomerNumber SalesDate
1234 05/15/2010
1234 10/24/2010
1234 02/20/2011
1234 05/02/2012
1234 12/20/2012

What I want to know is the average number of months between the purchases. And do this for each customer.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Valued Function Where Parameter Has Multiple Values

Jan 29, 2015

Is it possible to pass multiple values to a TVF, such as using an IN clause?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,


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SQL Server 2008 :: Loop Through Date Time Records To Find A Match From Multiple Other Date Time Records?

Aug 5, 2015

I'm looking for a way of taking a query which returns a set of date time fields (probable maximum of 20 rows) and looping through each value to see if it exists in a separate table.


Query 1

Select ID, Person, ProposedEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyOptions
where person = 'me'


Select Person, ExistingEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyTimetable
where person ='me'

Loop through Query 1 and if it finds ANY matching Dayfield AND Timefield in Query/Table 2, return the ProposedEvent (just as a message, the loop could stop there), if no match a message saying all is fine can proceed to process form blah blah.

I'm essentially wanting somebody to select a bunch of events in a form, query 1 then finds all the days and times those events happen and check that none of them exist in the MyTimetable table.

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Displaying Multiple Records From One Record

Jan 26, 2007

Hi there,
I've a complex stored procedure, which I'm trying to get a list of one or more users based the list of records that are being display.  If I mentioned the overall store procedure here it'll turn you off, so I'll put the questions in bitesize chunks.
Example would be if Bob and Luke work for Acrm Corp and John for Maxwellarms Ltd, and there was an intimediate table which linked both.  With my stored procedure I want to display both names in the same row as Acrm Corp.  Is there a way to do this? 
User tableUserid      Username
1             Bob2             Luke3             John
Store procedure resultCompanyname         Username
Acrm Corp               NullMaxwellarm Ltd        Null

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Insert Multiple Records - First Record Is Insterted Twice: Why?

May 5, 2008

Hi and thanks for any advice.Right now I have a for loop that  inserts multiple records.  The first record is inserted into the database and I am not sure why.  Here is the code I am using -   Dim intPhotoKeyID As Integer
Dim InsertCmd As String = "Insert into Photos (OriginalName, GalleryID, PhotoDesc "
InsertCmd += ") values " & _
"(@OriginalName, @GalleryID, @PhotoDesc " & _
") "
InsertCmd += "; SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int);"

Dim DBConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SqlConnGalleries").ConnectionString)
Dim MyCommand = New SqlCommand(InsertCmd, DBConnection)
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@OriginalName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150))
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@GalleryID", SqlDbType.Int))
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@PhotoDesc", SqlDbType.Text))
myCount = myCount & i 'Is zero for first two records
MyCommand.Parameters("@OriginalName").Value = "Orig" & i
MyCommand.Parameters("@GalleryID").Value = 5

MyCommand.Parameters("@PhotoDesc").Value = MyCommand.CommandText & myCount

intPhotoKeyID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCommand.ExecuteScalar())
Catch Exp As Exception
'ResultsLabel.Text = Exp.ToString()
End Try
DBConnection.Close()  Below is the whole procedure which either uploads an image or directory of images and resizes them. Then gets the meta data from the image. Then creates an entry into the database for each image. If I am dealing with 4 images then 4 images are uploaded to the new gallery folder. But 5 entries are added to the database. Thanks again for any help, Jennifer  Protected Sub Upload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

If ListDirectories.SelectedValue.Length > 0 Or fileUpEx.HasFile Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim selectedDirectory As String = ListDirectories.SelectedValue
Dim photoDescription As String
Dim photoAuthor As String
Dim photoTitle As String = ""
Dim photoName As String
Dim myFiles As String()
Dim fileCount As Integer

If multiUpload.Visible = True Then
myFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath(".") & "/tempimages/" & ListDirectories.SelectedValue & "/")
fileCount = myFiles.Length - 1
fileCount = 0
End If

'Get last photo order from Photo table
Dim PhotoMaxOrder As Integer = 0
Dim DS As DataSet ' DataSet object
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT MAX(PhotoOrder) FROM Photos WHERE GalleryID=" & Request("ID").Trim
Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SqlConnGalleries").ConnectionString
Dim sqlDA = New SqlDataAdapter(SQL, connString)
DS = New DataSet
sqlDA.Fill(DS, "Photos")
If Not DS.Tables("Photos").Rows(0).Item(0) Is System.DBNull.Value Then
If DS.Tables("Photos").Rows.Count > 0 Then
PhotoMaxOrder = Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables("Photos").Rows(0).Item(0)) + 1
End If
PhotoMaxOrder = 1
End If

For i = 0 To fileCount

If multiUpload.Visible = True Then
photoName = Right(myFiles(i), InStr(StrReverse(myFiles(i)), "/") - 1)
photoName = fileUpEx.PostedFile.FileName
End If

If InStr(photoName, ".jpg") > 0 Then
Dim MyPhoto As Bitmap

If multiUpload.Visible = True Then
MyPhoto = New Bitmap(myFiles(i))
MyPhoto = Bitmap.FromStream(fileUpEx.PostedFile.InputStream)
End If
'testFile = myFiles(i)
Try 'Get photo description
Dim Make As PropertyItem = MyPhoto.GetPropertyItem("270")
Dim ascii As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII
photoDescription = ascii.GetString(Make.Value, 0, Make.Len - 1)
Catch ex As Exception
photoDescription = ""
End Try

Try 'Get photo author
Dim Make As PropertyItem = MyPhoto.GetPropertyItem("315")
Dim ascii As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII
photoAuthor = ascii.GetString(Make.Value, 0, Make.Len - 1)
Catch ex As Exception
photoAuthor = ""
End Try

Dim photoXmpData As String = GetXmpXmlDocFromImageStream(MyPhoto)

If Not photoXmpData = "" Then
photoTitle = GetXmpXmlNode(photoXmpData)
End If

'insert photo record into photo table

Dim intPhotoKeyID As Integer
Dim InsertCmd As String = "Insert into Photos (OriginalName, GalleryID, PhotoDesc "
InsertCmd += ") values " & _
"(@OriginalName, @GalleryID, @PhotoDesc " & _
") "
InsertCmd += "; SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int);"

Dim DBConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SqlConnGalleries").ConnectionString)
Dim MyCommand = New SqlCommand(InsertCmd, DBConnection)
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@OriginalName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150))
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@GalleryID", SqlDbType.Int))
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@PhotoDesc", SqlDbType.Text))
myCount = myCount & i 'Is zero for first two records
MyCommand.Parameters("@OriginalName").Value = "Orig" & i
MyCommand.Parameters("@GalleryID").Value = 5

MyCommand.Parameters("@PhotoDesc").Value = MyCommand.CommandText & myCount

intPhotoKeyID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCommand.ExecuteScalar())
Catch Exp As Exception
'ResultsLabel.Text = Exp.ToString()
End Try

'check photo width and height
Dim NewFilePath As String = Server.MapPath("/appscode/galleries/photos/g" & Request("ID").Trim & "/") & "p" & intPhotoKeyID.ToString & ".jpg" ' & photoName
lblMessage2.Text = lblMessage2.Text & InsertCmd
If MyPhoto.Width.ToString = "200" Or MyPhoto.Height.ToString = "200" Then
'just copy the image
If multiUpload.Visible = True Then
File.Copy(myFiles(i), NewFilePath, True)
End If
'resize image
Dim NewSize As System.Drawing.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 200)
ResizePicture(MyPhoto, NewFilePath, NewSize) 'and save it
End If
End If

If Not myFiles Is Nothing Then
If myFiles.Length > 0 And multiUpload.Visible = True Then
'delete directory that was just processed
Directory.Delete(Server.MapPath(".") & "/tempimages/" & ListDirectories.SelectedValue & "/", True)
'lblMessage2.Text = "Your file(s) have been added."
End If
'lblMessage3.Text = "Your file has been added."
End If

lblMessage2.Text = "Please select a folder."
End If

lblMessage3.Text = myCount
End Sub     

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Change Multiple Records In One Record

Apr 14, 2015

i have a query i.e.

select project, description from table
with results

chocolate | white
chocolate | black
chocolate | brown
sugar | black
vinegar | yellow

i would like to get a result like:

chocolate | white, blakc, brown
sugar | black
vinegar | yellow

so I would like to get all values of one project in one records included with separators/a space in it

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Only One Record From Table With Multiple Records?

Sep 4, 2015

I have a scenario where ID has three flags.

For example

ID flag1 flag2 flag3
1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 0

Now I want the records having flag2=1 only.. I.e ID=3 has flag2=1 where as ID = 1 and 2 has flag1 and flag3 =1 along with flag2=1. I don't want ID=1 and 2.

I can't make ID unique or primary. I tried with case when statements but it I am somehow missing the basic logic.

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SP Return Multiple Records For A Single Record

May 3, 2007

I have two tables
TermID, Term
1--- Abc
2--- Test
4--- Tunic

TermID, RelatedTermID
1 --- 2
1--- 4
2--- 4

I need to get back something like this

TermID, Term, RelatedTermsInformation
1--- test--- test,tunic#1,4

that above was my solution, get the relatedterms information and comma separate, and then put a # and get all the ids comma separate them and then put the in one field. then I can later parse it in the client

this does not seem like a very good solution ( or is it?)
If posible it would be nice to get something like this

TermID, Term, RelatedTermsInformation
1 test RelatedTermsTwoDimentionalArray

but I am not sure how this idea could be implemented using the capabilities of SQL.

my other option is have the client make one call to the database to get the terms and then lots of another calls to get the relatedTerms, but that will mean one trip to the DB for the list term, and one call for every single term found.

any ideas in how to make this better ?

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Transact SQL :: Use FOR XML To Return Multiple Child Records Within Each Parent Record

Aug 7, 2015

I have a single complex query.

Col1, -- Header, 
Col2, -- Header, 
Col3, -- Detail
Col4, -- Detail 
Col5, -- Detail

The query repeats the Header row value for all children associated with the header.I need the output of the query in XML format such that..For every Header element in the XML, all its children should come under that header element//I am using - 

Table Names 
FOR XML PATH ('Header'), root('root') , ELEMENTS XSINIL 

This still repeats the header for each detail (in the XML) , but I need all children for a header under it.I basically want my output in this format - 

<Header >
  <detail 1>
   </detail 1>
  <Detail 2>
  </Detail 2>
  <detail 3>
  </detail 3>

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Split One Record Into Multiple Records In Query Based On Start And End Date

Aug 27, 2014

I would like to have records in my Absences table split up into multiple records in my query based on a start and end date.

A random record in my Absences table shows (as an example):

resource: 1
startdate: 2014-08-20 09:00:00.000
enddate: 2014-08-23 13:00:00.000
hours: 28 (= 8 + 8 + 8 + 4)

I would like to have 4 lines in my query:

resource date hours
1 2014-08-20 8
1 2014-08-21 8
1 2014-08-22 8
1 2014-08-23 4

Generating the 4 lines is not the issue; I call 3 functions to do that together with cross apply.One function to get all dates between the start and end date (dbo.AllDays returning a table with only a datevalue column); one function to have these dates evaluated against a work schedule (dbo.HRCapacityHours) and one function to get the absence records (dbo.HRAbsenceHours) What I can't get fixed is having the correct hours per line.

What I now get is:

resource date hours
1 2014-08-19 NULL
1 2014-08-20 28
1 2014-08-21 28
1 2014-08-22 28
1 2014-08-23 28
1 2014-08-24 NULL

... instead of the correct hours per date (8, 8, 8, 4).

A very simplified extract of my code is:

SET @startdate = '2014-01-01'
SET @enddate = '2014-08-31'
SELECTh.res_id AS Resource,
(SELECT ROUND([dbo].[HRCapacityHours] (h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue), 2)) AS Capacity,
(SELECT [dbo].[HRAbsenceHours] (9538, h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue + 1) AS AbsenceHours
FROMResources h (NOLOCK)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AllDays] (@startdate, @enddate)) t

p.s.The 9538 value in the HRAbsenceHours function refers to the absences-workflowID.I can't get this solved.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Master And Detail Records In New Table

Sep 4, 2014


The data which will be going into this table is from two table which have a 1 to many relationship:

Here is the 1 side and data:


[Code] ....

Here is the Many side and data:

INSERT INTO FLAGS(CUSTOMERNBR, FLAGCODE, STARTDATE, ENDDATE) VALUES('10001000101', 'H', '02/01/2014', '03/31/2014')

[Code] ....

The CUSTOMERS table holds the record date span into which the FLAGS table records have to "fit". In no case will the date spans from the FLAGS table fall outside the STARTDATE - ENDDATE span in the CUSTOMERS table for any CUSTOMERNBR. Here is an example of the final expected output in the DHS table from combining records in the CUSTOMERS and FLAGS tables:


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Results Produce A Single Record Based Off Of Parameters. Want To Change It So It Returns Multiple Records.

Dec 20, 2007

I have a query that will return one record as its results if you provide two variables: @login and @record_date. This works great if you only want one result. However, now what I want to do is not provide those variables and get the result set back for each login and record_date combination. The hitch is that there are several other variables that are built off of the two that are supplied. Here is the query:

DECLARE @login char(20), /*This sets the rep for the query.*/
@record_date datetime, /*This is the date that we want to run this for.*/
@RWPY decimal(18,2), /*This is the required wins per year.*/
@OCPW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities closed per week.*/
@OACW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to close per week.*/
@TOC decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in close.*/
@OANW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to negotiate per week.*/
@TON decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in negotiate.*/
@OADW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to demonstrate per week*/
@TOD decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in demonstrate.*/
@OAIW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to interview per week.*/
@TOI decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in interview.*/
@OCW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities created per week.*/
@TOA decimal(18,2) /*This is the total number of opportunities in approach.*/

SET @login = 'GREP'
SET @record_date = '12/18/2007'
SET @RWPY = (SELECT ((SELECT annual_quota FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)/(SELECT target_deal FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)))
SET @OCPW = (SELECT @RWPY/weeks FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OACW = (SELECT @OCPW/cls_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOC = (SELECT @OACW*(cls_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OANW = (SELECT @OACW/neg_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TON = (SELECT @OANW*(neg_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OADW = (SELECT @OANW/dem_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOD = (SELECT @OADW*(dem_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OAIW = (SELECT @OADW/int_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOI = (SELECT @OAIW*(int_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OCW = (SELECT @OAIW/app_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOA = (SELECT @OCW*(app_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)

SELECT loginname,
CAST(@TOA AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Approach],
app_time AS [Approach Average Time],
app_perc_adv AS [Approach Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOI AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Interview],
int_time AS [Interview Average Time],
int_perc_adv AS [Interview Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOD AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Demonstrate],
dem_time AS [Demonstrate Average Time],
dem_perc_adv AS [Demonstrate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TON AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Negotiate],
neg_time AS [Negotiate Average Time],
neg_perc_adv AS [Negotiate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOC AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps In Close],
cls_time AS [Close Average Time],
cls_perc_adv AS [Close Perc Adv]
FROM #pipelinehist
WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date

Here is some sample data to use with this. With this sample data what I want to get back is a total of 30 records in the result set each with its data specific to the login and record_date of that returned record.

CREATE TABLE #pipelinehist (
glusftboid int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
record_date datetime NOT NULL,
loginname char(20) NOT NULL,
app_new float NOT NULL,
app_time float NOT NULL,
app_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
int_time float NOT NULL,
int_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
dem_time float NOT NULL,
dem_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
neg_time float NOT NULL,
neg_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
cls_time float NOT NULL,
cls_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
target_deal money NOT NULL,
annual_quota money NOT NULL,
weeks int NOT NULL

INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 56.8, 26.9, 0.57, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 80.7, 0.53, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.2, 0.5, 0.9, 7.7, 0.77, 8, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 210.2, 0.3, 0.87, 6.6, 0.5, 13.7, 0.4, 16.3, 0.43, 1.5, 0.91, 461.25, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 47.6, 5, 0.53, 33.3, 0.6, 57.5, 0.53, 50, 0.7, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 75.3, 110.9, 0.47, 36, 0.5, 17.4, 0.87, 20.3, 0.6, 7.2, 0.83, 2021.74, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 17.2, 23.3, 0.73, 6.8, 0.8, 6.3, 0.93, 29.7, 0.67, 15.5, 0.83, 2218.95, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 105.4, 67, 0.2, 32.9, 0.43, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 116.4, 118.5, 0.33, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 46.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1735.13, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 143.3, 9, 0.77, 96, 0.17, 21.6, 0.77, 39.9, 0.43, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 67.6, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 107.6, 38.2, 0.23, 47.5, 0.47, 21.3, 0.77, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 18.6, 8.3, 0.87, 23.2, 0.57, 2.6, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1229.02, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 4, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.4, 1, 1091.22, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 54, 21.6, 0.57, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 37.6, 24.4, 0.57, 50.1, 0.43, 6.7, 0.87, 15.6, 0.73, 0.9, 0.97, 1163.48, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 57.2, 32.5, 0.6, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 85.6, 0.5, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.9, 0.5, 0.93, 7.8, 0.73, 8.3, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 152.1, 0, 0.87, 4.3, 0.67, 9.7, 0.47, 15.7, 0.47, 1.8, 0.85, 396.43, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 80.5, 9.8, 0.5, 40.7, 0.57, 68.3, 0.43, 64.2, 0.57, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 61, 92.1, 0.5, 31, 0.53, 16.9, 0.83, 17.7, 0.6, 7.3, 0.83, 2318.04, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 19.4, 21.1, 0.7, 5.3, 0.77, 2.2, 0.93, 33.3, 0.7, 9.7, 0.87, 1937.17, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 81.7, 40.5, 0.3, 33, 0.37, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 128.6, 115.7, 0.3, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 48.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1728.29, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 100.9, 3.4, 0.77, 86.2, 0.27, 18, 0.8, 54.7, 0.37, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 63.5, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 285.2, 36.5, 0.1, 46, 0.43, 24.2, 0.73, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 17.6, 7.3, 0.9, 21.5, 0.57, 1.7, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1250.54, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 26.7, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.3, 1, 979.7, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 61.6, 20.8, 0.5, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 31.6, 16.9, 0.63, 50.1, 0.43, 7.2, 0.87, 19.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.97, 1303.48, 330000, 50)

View 3 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One

Feb 4, 2015

How I could accomplish taking several rows for one account and concatenate them into one row, for example I have account_num, invoice_date, transaction_num, msg_counter,Message_2,SQL_LAST_UPDATE the special characters &,",!,$,# are used to determine the Message_2 content for a given account_number that are supposed to be together.

I am needing to put all of that accounts_messages in one row to display on a report, the table I am pulling this data from only has a varchar(40) for the message_2, a proprietary source so can't change that length, "I'VE ASKED THEM TO DO THIS, AND THEY REFUSED". So my only option is to insert this data into my table and create a single Message_2 for that account.

00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000&19 confirmation so 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000"19ACCT 186743. HE SAID RADIO HAD 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000!19CALLED Carl ABOUT DEACTIVATION OF RADIO 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000$19FFERENT ACCT # YEARS AGO, BUT 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000
00000000332015-01-16 10:09:43.00000'19I can cancel the (0.00) billing line on 2015-01-19 15:34:59.000

[Code] ....

View 7 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Parent Records Ordering And Display Child Records Next To It?

Sep 7, 2015

declare @table table (
ParentID INT,
ChildID INT,
Value float
SELECT 1,1,1.2


This case ParentID - Child 1 ,1 & 2,2 and 3,3 records are called as parent where as null , 1 is child whoose parent is 1 similarly null,2 records are child whoose parent is 2 , .....

Now my requirement is to display parent records with value ascending and display next child records to the corresponding parent and parent records are sorted ascending

--Final output should be

PatentID ChildID VALUE
33 1.12
null3 56.7
null3 43.6
11 1.2
null1 4.8
null1 4.6
22 1.8
null1 1.4

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Values Into Comma Separated List - Serialize

Apr 18, 2014

I have a requirement for SSRS where the input has the following structure:

Store NumberStore Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze
542 Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu
557 Tong Yu Lu

but the user would like to see the following:

Store Number

View 1 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Values Into Comma Separated List - Serialize?

Apr 18, 2014

I have a requirement for SSRS report where part of the input has the following structure:

Store NumberStore Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze
542 Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu
557 Tong Yu Lu

but the user would like to see the following:

Store Number Store Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze, Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu, Tong Yu Lu

I am sure that this can be coded, just don't know how. I believe that proper term is to "serialize" the values.

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Multiple Rows Into One Field

Feb 26, 2015

I am needing to combine the Notes field where Number and date are the same...For example

for Number 0000000003 I need notes to Read ('CHK # 2452 FOR $122.49 REJECTED AS NSF ON 2/25/15') the note counter is different for each row, and is combination of special char, 0-Z and looks like the (!) depicts the start of a new Number.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[NUMBER] [varchar](10) NULL,
[HD_DATE_TIMEX] [datetime] NULL,
[TRANS_NO] [varchar](2) NULL,
[MESSAGE_COUNTER] [varchar](1) NULL,

[Code] .....

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update Multiple Column With Multiple Condition

Feb 25, 2015

I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.

For example, this is my Query

update Table1
set weight= d.weight,
(select * from table2)d
where table1.state=d.state and
table1.month=d.month and

If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column

I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select

View 7 Replies View Related

Combining Records

Aug 27, 2007

Can anybody please tell how can I combing all records in field into one field.
For example

If my table is like


and i want result as


I do not want to use cursors for this. Please let me know if somebody knows the answer


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Combining Records

Dec 18, 2006

I have a database table tblobjects like this:

object_name, reference_id

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4

b 2
b 3
b 1
b 4

c 2
c 4
c 5
c 6

d 2
d 4
d 5
d 6

I now would like to have a SQL query which gives me the number of
unique object and reference combinations, like this:


d shouldn't be displayed, because it's equal to c. The problem is also that a sequence of object references is
also important. So, for instance, object a shouldn't be equal to object b. The solution should also work is MS SQL and Mysql.

Any ideas how can I do this?


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Combining Many Records Into 1

Jul 17, 2007

Using SQL 2000, how can you combine multiple records into 1?The source data is varchar(255), the destination will be text. I need helpwith the select statement.example tables:CREATE TABLE [NoteHeader] ([NoteID] [int],[CustomerID] [int] ,[Desc1] [varchar] (255),[Date] [datetime] ,)GOCREATE TABLE [NoteDetail] ([NoteId] [int],[SeqNum] [int] NOT NULL ,[Note1] [varchar] (255),[Note2] [varchar] (255),[Note3] [varchar] (255),[Note4] [varchar] (255),[Note5] [varchar] (255))GOSample script joining tables:SELECT *FROM NoteHeader INNER JOINNoteDetail ON NoteHeader.NoteID = NoteDetail.NoteIdSample results:NoteID CustomerID Desc1 DateNote1 Note2.....Note51111 987 Note Header Description 2007-07-15Notes detail record 1 field 1 Notes detail record 1 field2 .....1111 987 Note Header Description 2007-07-15Notes detail record 2 field 1 Notes detail record 2 field 2Desired results:NoteID CustomerID Desc1 DateCombinedNotes1111 987 Note Header Description 2007-07-15Notes detail record 1 field 1 +Notes detail record 1 field2 +Notes detail record 2 field 1 +Notes detail record 2 field 2 +through unlimited number of records up to 5fields eachThe NoteID field is the unique number. 1 record per NoteID in NoteHeader,NoteDetail can have unlimited number of same NoteID (usually not more than10)

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