SQL Server 2008 :: Comparing A Column Between Two Tables With A Wildcard?
Aug 9, 2015
I have a table containing records of criminal convictions. There are over 1M records and the only change is additions to the table on a monthly basis. The two columns I need to deal with are convicted.NAME and convicted.DOB
I have a second table that has 2 columns. One is the name of the defendant and the other is the birth date. This would be monitor.NAME and monitor.DOB
There are no primary keys or any other way to join the tables for this search I want to do.
I would like to be able to put a name in the "monitor" table and run a query to see if there is a match in the convicted table.
The problem I am having is middle initials or names. If I want to monitor.name = 'SMITH JOHN' it will return the results fine. The problem I am having is if the conviction is in the database as 'SMITH JOHN T', or 'SMITH JOHN THOMAS'.
How can I use the monitor table with a 'LASTNAME FIRSTNAME' and return results if the convicted table has a middle initial. I tried with a JOIN:
select distinct convicted.*
from convicted
join monitor
on monitor.name like convicted.defendant
and monitor.birthdate = convicted.dob
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Jul 17, 2015
I have a table of raw data with supplier names, and i need to join it to our supplier database and pull the supplier numbers.
The issue is that the raw data does not match our database entries for these suppliers; sometimes there are extra periods, commas, or abbreviations (i.e. FedEx, FederalExpress, FedEx, inc.) etc. I'm trying to create a query that will search for entries that are similar.
I tried setting a variable to be equal to the raw data field, and then using a LIKE '%@Variable%' to try and return anything that would contain it, but it didnt return any rows.
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Mar 6, 2015
how best to approach a problem involving two tables across two different servers.
Table 1: Contains IP Address along with assessment findings. Lets say the fields are IPADDRESSSTR, FINDING
Table 2: Contains Subnet information stored in integer format. The fields are SITE_ID, LOW, and HIGH
What I'd like to do is load the IP range information into memory and then return the findings from table 1 where the IPADDRESSSTR is between the LOW and HIGH integer value.
1) Is there a way to load all of the ranges from table 2 into an array and then compare all the IP addresses (IPADDRESSSTR) from table 1?
2) How do I convert IPADDRESSSTR (a string) to an integer to perform the comparison.
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Jan 30, 2015
I have a backup that comes to me nightly in the format of XXXX_YY_MM_DD.bak where the date is incremented each night the previous night backup is deleted when the next days is added so in general . I have only one in that folder. I wanted to setup a restore to run nightly
RESTORE DATABASE [XXXData] FROM DISK = 'C:folderExtractedDataapp_XXX_backup_15_01_28.bak' --location of .bak file
I would like to do something like
RESTORE DATABASE [XXXData] FROM DISK = 'C:folderExtractedDataapp_XXX_backup*.bak' --location of .bak file
While I'm asking.. In case there is an older one left behind(which shouldn't happen) I saw something about "LATESTFULL" but think its a redgate command?
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Mar 19, 2015
I have a query, I am trying to update a certain column in my query you can see that is hard coded. The column that I am trying to update is "O_Test" I used a select statement trying to figure out how many records that accounts for with the entire database of all the tables. I got 643 records. So I am wondering if there is a way I can update all the columns without looking up each table and updating each one. This Update statement wont work because I am accounting for all records in the DB of all tables associated of what I hard coded
SELECT t.name AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name,
c.name AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
WHERE c.name LIKE '%O_Test%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;
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May 1, 2015
I am trying to find a way where I can search for a column that is associated in all tables of the database. I have created a query but is not executing correctly.
SELECT t.name AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name,
c.name AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t8
WHERE c.name LIKE '%Status%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;
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Sep 29, 2015
I am trying to join two tables and looks like the data is messed up. I want to split the rows into columns as there is more than one value in the row. But somehow I don't see a pattern in here to split the rows.
This how the data is
Create Table #Sample (Numbers Varchar(MAX))
Insert INTO #Sample Values('1000')
Insert INTO #Sample Values ('1024 AND 1025')
Insert INTO #Sample Values ('109 ,110,111')
Insert INTO #Sample Values ('Old # 1033 replaced with new Invoice # 1544')
Insert INTO #Sample Values ('1355 Cancelled and Invoice 1922 added')
Select * from #Sample
This is what is expected...
Create Table #Result (Numbers Varchar(MAX))
Insert INTO #Result Values('1000')
Insert INTO #Result Values ('1024')
Insert INTO #Result Values ('1025')
Insert INTO #Result Values ('109')
Insert INTO #Result Values ('110')
[Code] ....
How I can implement this ? I believe if there are any numbers I need to split into two columns .
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Jun 8, 2015
I have a table Tbl1 which has 7 columns.This table will be my base table.By using our current application version ,i'll be creating record for Client1. Col1 will have value that application will generate(id).Then i'll be creating Tbl2 with same columns.Then i'll be creating same record for Client1 again ,using our new application version .Col1 will have different (id)value.I would like to compare the rest of the columns if there is any discrepancy caused by new version(columns Col2 -Col7).If there are same ,don't show me anything.
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Apr 26, 2015
I have 2 SQL server installs for 2008 R2 configured as multi instances. I have a product called Esri ArcMap 10.3 that can be used to generate a database. When I run the wizard against one installation, the wizard successfully creates the database. When I then run the same against the other installation it fails with the following error [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Invalid cursor state
I've attempted to look at the configuration of each using
select *
from master.sys.configurations
From this I found several differences
Successful Mulit instance
Optimize for Ad hoc Workloads – False
Max Degree of Parallelism - 0
UnSuccessful Multi instance
Optimize for Ad hoc Workloads – True
Max Degree of Parallelism - 4
I attempted to co-ordinate the differences running the wizard for each iteration but it always failed with the same error above. The error always seems to occur when a particular store procedure is run. There are quite a number of scripts run prior to this and are technically under the covers and only discovered via tracing, in this case using SQL Profiler. I don't have access to individual scripts that I can run incrementally to replicate the issue. I have to rely only on the Esri Wizard.
Reviewing the error against several forums suggests that this is an ODBC error but the trace I ran using SQL Profiler finds that the driver used is Native.
My question then is "What are the conditions that would cause this error above (Invalid Cursor)?" "Is there other configuration settings that are not captured via the SQL identified above?" "Could this be caused by mapped drives for data, Logs and Temp?"
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Jul 31, 2015
Below is the code for two data sets and I can't seem to get my head around the issue. I need to find the number of 'ER' visits and 'IN' visits, separately, in dbo.VisitData for the 'Active' patients in dbo.PatientStatus. So, consider patient 69. He is Active on 5/5/2014 but becomes Inactive on 9/15/2014. I only want to count the number of visits ER or IN that are between those dates. In addition if patient 69 becomes active again after 9/15/2014, I need to capture that data as well. Patients can change there status multiple times.
create table dbo.PatientStatus
patient_id varchar(10),
status_type varchar(10),
status_date datetime
[Code] ....
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Jun 2, 2015
I'm trying to avoid a large amount of manual data manipulation.
Here's the background: Legacy system that has (well let's call apples apples) pretty much no method of enforcing data integrity, which has caused a fairly decent amount of garbage data to be inserted in some tables. Pulling one of the [Individuals] table from within this Legacy system and inserting it into a production system, into the Table schema currently in place to track [Individuals] in this Production system.
Problem: Inserting the information is easy, how to deduplicate the records that exist within the staging table that the legacy [Individuals] table has been dumped into in production, prior to insertion. (Wanting to do this programmatically with SQL or SSIS preferably, so that I can alter it later to allow for updating existing/inserting new)
Staging Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stage_Individuals](
[SysID] [int] NULL, --Unique, though it's not an index intended to identify the [Individuals]
[JJISID] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[NameLast] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameFirst] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameMiddle] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
Scenario: There are records that duplicate the JJISID, though this value is supposed to be unique for every individual. The SYSID is just a Clustered Index (I'm assuming) within the Legacy system and will be most likely dropped when inserted into the Production [Inviduals] table. There are records that are missing their JJISID, though this isn't supposed to happen either, but have valid information within SSN/DOB/Name/etc that can be merged into the correct record that has a JJISID assigned. There is really no data conformity, some records have NULLS for everything except JJISID, or some records will have all the [Individuals] information excluding the JJISID.
Currently I am running the following SQL just to get a list of the records that have a duplicate JJISID (I have other's that partition by Name/DOB/etc and will adapt whatever I come up with to be used for those as well):
select j.*
from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY JJISID ORDER BY JJISID) as RowNum, stage_Individuals.*, COUNT(*) OVER (partition by jjisid) as cnt from stage_Individuals) as j
where cnt > 1 and j.JJISID is not nullNow, with SQL Server 2012 or later I could use LAG and LEAD w/ the RowNum value to do my data manipulation...but that won't work because we are on SQL Server 2008 in this environment.
With, the following as a potential solution:
GSquared (3/16/2010)Here's a query that seems to do what you need. Try it, let me know if it works.
Performance on it will be a problem, but I can't fine tune that. You'll need to look at various method for getting this kind of data from the table and work out which variation will be best for your data. Without access to the actual table, I can't do that.
AS (SELECT master_id,
MIN(ID) AS first_id,
MAX(Account_Expiry) AS latest_expiry
FROM #People
GROUP BY master_id)
SELECT P1.master_id,
Unfortunately, I don't think that will accomplish what I'm looking for - I have some records that are duplicated 6 times, and I'm wanting to keep the values within these that aren't NULL.
Basically what I'm looking for, is to update any column with a NULL value to the corresponding Duplicate [Individuals] record value for that column.
**EDIT - Example, Record 1 has a JJISID with NULL NameFirst & NameLast BUT Record 2 has the same JJISID and values for NameFirst & NameLast. I'm wanting to propogate the NameFirst & NameLast from Record2 into Record1
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Dec 29, 2004
I have two tables that share (supposedly) 2 fields (PartID and RaceID) and those two tables should be identical as far as those two fields are concerned. That is, there should be the same number of rows in both tables and if listed in the same sort order in reference to these two fields, they should be identical. The problem is, they are not. There are in excess of 3000 records in each field and I need to write a query that will allow me to compare them row-by-row.
I am using sql server 2000 and I am (kind of)familiar with the SQL Query Analyzer. What I really need to know is how to write the select statement that will allow me to compare the two tables line-by-line to find the discrepancies or, better yet, simply show the discrepancies so I can focus on them.
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Apr 27, 2006
I am writing a stored procedure to pull records from a table of personal data related to jobs applied for.
There are 3 tables involved, the jobs, the applicants and the applications.
I need to search on job title, job ref from the jobs table and on forename, surname and applicant ID from the applicants table.
There are some quirks here, if the user enters an applicant ID then we can simply scan the jobs table for that id where it also matches the job title wildcards, so that is quite easy to manage.
My own idea for the more complicated searches was to gather the unique ID's from the jobs table into a var, then do similar with the applicants and then search the applications table where both these ID's matched? I think that wouldn't work so well if using the 'WHERE IN()' clause for the main query?
So what approach would be best here to perform the second part of the SP if the client hasn't passed an ApplicantID?
Obviously the applications table has both JobID and ClientID's to relate back to the applicants table.
So can anyone help here, it seems a fairly complicated statement or set of statements would be required here.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 15, 2015
In a stored procedure, the following code is causing a huge read and CPU load when it really shouldn't. The @IDParameter below is coming in as a parameter to the proc.
Here's the snippet of code where the problem is coming in:
SET @ID = (SELECT ID From OtherTable WHERE FKID = @IDParameter);
FROM LargeTable
WHERE MostlyZeroID = @ID AND MostlyZeroID > 0Most (90+%) of the MostlyZeroID rows are 0 (hence the name) but regardless of distribution this should evaluate with minimal work on SQL Server's part to 0. However, when this was run, it is using a ton of CPU and doing a ton of Reads as it seeks through the entire index. When I look at the execution plan, I see under the seek predicate a Scalar Operator(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(int,[@1],0)) which is what is destroying the performance.
I've confirmed that the MostlyZeroID column in the LargeTable is defined as an INT NOT NULL. I also tested the scenario outside the stored procedure without any variables as the following to make sure it wasn't some kind of strange parameter sniffing scenario:
FROM LargeTable
WHERE MostlyZeroID = 0 AND MostlyZeroID > 0
However, this query also did the implicit conversion. I then tried this out on a temp table populated with a similar number of records (100 million) with a similar distribution and I didn't get the implicit conversion (I got a constant scan as I would've expected) when I did this:
FROM #TestTable
WHERE MostlyZero = 0 AND MostlyZero > 0
I also tried the same on several other tables that are set up similarly (large amount of zeros in an INT column) and I always got a constant scan and didn't do an implicit conversion.
why the query engine is interpreting this 0 as something other than an INT and doing an implicit conversion when getting the count in the scenario above? What can be done to protect against it? In the above scenario, an IF @ID > 0 statement was placed before the code including the count since there was no reason to even run the code if the @ID was equal to zero.
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Sep 21, 2007
Is it possible to have some thing like:
SELECT columns beginning with 'a' from mytable
kinda thing?
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Jul 28, 2015
I was looking for a way to use a wild card on a date column, but could only convert the file first then use the wildcard Is there another way of conducting the wild card search on a date column without conducting a conversion on the specified column? Sybase has the ability to use a wildcard on the datetime column so I would assume SQL SERVER does too.... Right? I can see that there are some workaround to get the information I need . I have conducted multiple searches and I still cannot find a suitable answer. Anyway, below is some links where I received some of the information:
[URL] ....
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May 8, 2006
Hi All,
I have a company table with CompanyName and Address details.
In the Company Name field - I have got companies with names like - 'The 1% Club', '99% Pure Water', 'The 1% Golfer' etc...
I want to search for Companies with % using the LIKE clause - Say for ex.
SELECT CompanyName from Company WHERE CompanyName LIKE 'The 1%%'
I was expecting the above query to return - All Companies starting with 'The 1%' - So from the above list - I expected it to return - 'The 1% Club' and 'The 1% Golfer'.
Unfortunately the query isn;t accepting % in the WHERE LIKE clause except for the wildcard character.
Is there a way out to escape the Wildcard Characters present in the Field Values while searching.
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May 16, 2007
Is it possible to do a wildcard search on an encrypted column?
Many thanks!
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Feb 26, 2015
Is there a way to display a column alias as part of the result set column labels?
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Mar 11, 2015
when creating a new table. How can I set the default value of the column to equal the value of another column in the same table?
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Mar 26, 2010
I am getting an error importing a csv file both using SSIS and SSMS. The csv is comma delimited with quotes for text qualifiers. The file gets partially loaded and then gives me an error stating The column delimiter for column "MyColumn" was not found. In SSIS it gives me the data row which is apparently causing the problem but when I look at the file in a text editor at the specific row identified the file has the comma delimiter and it looks fine. I am using SQL Server 2008.
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Sep 9, 2015
I just have a question regarding storing values to a column in ms sql 2008.
Why is it that the value I inserted at the column is truncated when selected in a query.
The column for this is created to accept max. values.
The string which I need to insert is a combination of characters with a length of 14,720.
According to some forums, the max value that a column can hold is 8000 chars. only (Is this true? even though I set it to MAX?)
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May 3, 2001
Hi ,
I have three tables T1 , T2 AND T3. T3 is having fields as a combination of T1 and T2 fields.How can I compare T1 and T2 field values with T3 FIELD VALUES.
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Aug 2, 2004
Hi everyone,
I have 2 seperate databases and I need to check for rows that are different from each other in a table.
I used access to link the tables in a database and am using queries to check the tables. However, I am having trouble formulating the SQL. What I want to do is not just check for the ID field to see if it exists, but to make sure the whole row exists. How can I form an SQL statement for this?
I tried something like:
Select * from table1 where Column1 NOT IN (Select Column1 from Table2) AND Column2 NOT IN (Select Column2 from Table2). However, I do not think this is correct. I want to make sure that the rows are compared, not individual values.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Oct 29, 2004
IS there an easy way to compare two tables in sqlserver? I only need to display items that are different between table a and b.
thanks in advance for your help!
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Aug 24, 2007
I'm having a bit of a brain melt.
I've got two identical tables (except for the names) and I need to run a query that outputs the rows that aren't in the primary table.
To clarify table one has 38,450 records and table two has 30,703. I need to output the records that are in table one but not table two.
Everything I've tried keeps returning the records that are in it. They have a ID as primary key and a userid field which is what I want to be able to list.
Any ideas?
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Dec 24, 2007
How can I select records that have changed or are new when comparing a previous copy of a table with the live version of the table? There is no datetime stamp in these tables. Many thanks in advance.
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Dec 28, 2007
I need to compare two tables and update the records that have changed.
The following code works great for that:
SELECT MIN(TableName) as TableName, ID, COL1, COL2, COL3 ...
SELECT 'Table A' as TableName, A.ID, A.COL1, A.COL2, A.COL3, ...
SELECT 'Table B' as TableName, B.ID, B.COL1, B.COl2, B.COL3, ...
) tmp
However, I also need to compare the two tables and see if there are any new records or deleted records. What would those queries look like? Can they all somehow be combined into one query?
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Mar 13, 2008
Is it possible to compare a table in an sql database with a database connected through odbc - in my case it's a dbf file.
If so, any tips? Please help as im stuck on this for the past week.
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Oct 17, 2004
hi there,
im currently doin my proj on asp.net, so i need some help on this.
i need to get a special price which muz be constant throughout all the pages which requires to show the product and the special price.
i haf 2 table which are products and promotion. and in products there is a column name price,productid, etc and in promotion, it displays the productid of the product which is having promotion and also a column name specialPrice.
i need to get the special price from the promotion tables.
so how do i go about retrieving wat i need for my databind specialprice.
ive tried using join, but there is cartesian, and i tried to use in, but its not constant throuh all the pages.
any help would greatly be appreciated.
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Aug 7, 2000
Is there a way to compare two tables?I need to compare two table which are suppossed to be same in all respects including the data.any help?
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Aug 4, 2005
I am working with the article that MAK wrote on SecurityLogs http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3515886
I have completed this, but I have made some changes to the database (for normalization to 3NF purposes). I now have problems with a query.
I am trying to "Insert a new record in a table if it does not already exist in the table". To try to clarify I perform the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT EventID, EventType, EventTypeName from Tmp
Which gives me the Tmp_Event table consisting of EventID's etc. (no duplicates). What I then want to do, is compare the 'Tmp_event' table and an already existing 'Event' table. These two tables are in fact identical. I would like to insert any records from 'Tmp_Event' into 'Event' if they do not already exist in 'Event'.
This query gives me all records that do not exist in 'Event'
SELECT EventID, EventType, EventTYpeName from Tmp_Event
WHERE EventID NOT IN (SELECT EventID from Event)
How can I change this query into performing an INSERT INTO Event as well?
Hope this makes sense :)
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Jul 23, 2005
I would like to compare data across two tables. I have partinformation in a table. I get a new set of information periodically.I would like to compare my new info to my old info. I recognize thatdoing a compare of every attribute of every part will take FOREVER. Isthere some way I can do a "diff" based on the columns that I careabout?Thanks!--gloria
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