The first select is running fine but due to extra values added to the table the list of manual difined columns must be added manualy each time new values occur.
Is it possible to make the PIVOT's IN clause dynamicly as stated in the second script (it is based on the same table #source) when running it prompts the next error;
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 315 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 315 Incorrect syntax near ')'.
adding or moving ')' or '(' are not working.......
select * into #temp from #source pivot ( avg(value) for drive in ([C], [D], [E], [F], [G], [H], [T], [U], [V] )) as value select * from #temp order by .........
select * into #temp from #source pivot ( avg(value) for drive in (select distinct(column) from #source)) as value
Code written so far. this pivots the column deck and jib_in into rows but thats it only TWO ROWS i.e the one i put inside aggregate function under PIVOT function and one i put inside QUOTENAME()
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX), @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @columns = N''; SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(deck) FROM (SELECT p.deck FROM AS p GROUP BY p.deck) AS x;
[Code] ....
I need all the columns to be pivoted and show on the pivoted table. I am very new at dynamic pivot. I tried so many ways to add other columns but no avail!!
What I would like to end up with is a pivot table of each account, the trigger code and service codes attached to that account, and the rate for each.
I have been able to dynamically get the pivot, but I'm not joining correctly, as its returning every dynamic column, not just the columns of a trigger code. The code below will return the account and trigger code, but also every service code, regardless of which trigger code they belong to, and just show null values.
What I would like to get is just the service codes and the appropriate trigger code for each account.
SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + ServiceCode FROM TriggerTable FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,2,'')
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchiseid AS FranchiseId, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_brandidname AS Brand, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisetypename AS [Franchise Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisenumber AS [Franchise Number], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_transactiontypename AS [Transaction Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisestatusname AS [Status Code],
[Code] ....
I need to pivot this so I can get one row per franchiseID and multiple columns for [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual]. Each [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual] has associated percentage of ownership.
This has to be dynamic, because each FranchiseID can have anywhere from 1 to 12 respective owners and those can be any combination of of Entity and Individual. Please, see the attached example for Franchise Number 129 (that one would have 6 additional columns because there are 3 Individual owners with 1 respective Percentage of ownership).
The question is how do I PIVOT and preserve the percentage of ownership?
How to write a Dynamic Pivot Statement to Calculate and Organize Columns like:
CREATE TABLE #mytable ( Name varchar(50), GA int, GB int, startdate DATETIME, enddate DATETIME
[Code] ...
Below is Our Sample Table Data.
Name GAGBstartdateenddate Pavan 261/1/20151/1/2015 Hema 561/1/20151/1/2015 Surya 501/1/20151/1/2015 Pavan 811/2/20151/8/2015 Hema 311/2/20151/8/2015 Surya 121/2/20151/8/2015 Pavan 1041/9/20151/15/2015 Hema 301/9/20151/15/2015 Surya 6131/9/20151/15/2015
How to write Pivot Satement to get Oupt like below:
1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal Total 8 11 5 24 GA 2 5 5 12 GB 6 6 0 12
1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal Total 9 4 3 16 GA 8 3 1 12 GB 1 1 2 4
1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal Total 14 3 19 36 GA 10 3 6 19 GB 4 0 13 17
I have tried building an Inline TVF, as I assume this is how it would be used on the DB; however, I am receiving the following error on my code, I must be missing a step somewhere, as I've never done this before. I'm lost on how to implement this clr function on my db?
Error: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure clrDynamicPivot, Line 18 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'external'. CREATE FUNCTION clrDynamicPivot ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @query nvarchar(4000), @pivotColumn nvarchar(4000),
I have a single table that consist of 4 columns. Entity, ParamName, ParamsValue and ParamiValue. This table stores normalized Late Fee related parameters for apartments. The Entity field contains a code that identifies the apartment complex. The ParamName in a textual field that contains the name of the parameter that the other 2 fields define the value for; ParamsValue and ParamiValue. If the Late Fee parameter (as named in ParamName is something numerical then the value for that parameter can be found in ParamiValue else its in ParamsValue.
I don't know if 'Pivot' is the correct term to use for describing what I am trying to do because I've looked at the Pivot examples and I don't see how that will work for this. Using the Table and data as provided below, how would I construct a query so that I get 1 row per Entity in which the columns are the ParamsValue or ParamiValue for the ParamName listed in the column header (for the query)?
Below is the DDL to create the table and populate it.
USE [DBA_UTIL] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PARAMEXAMPLE]( [Entity] [varchar](16) NULL,
I'm working on a script to merge multiple columns(30) into a single column separated by a semicolons, but I'm getting the following error below. I tried to convert to the correct value. but I'm still getting an error.
Error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ';' to data type tinyint".
I have a table with 40k terms and I need to map these to a set of objects where each object is represented as a column(tinyint). The object/column name is represented as a guid and columns are added/removed dynamically to support new objects for a set of terms.
I think I need to then convert this set of rows to a table which I can join to the object runtime table to start these objects if the column has a count/sum greater than 0. This is the table I think I need in order to join on guids to the runtime table:
NAME Count =========== guid10 guid22 guid32 guid40 guid51
I don't know how to construct this table for the former table. I think it may be a pivot table, but I don't know. I have the column names:
NAME is a sysname, which doesn't seem to cast into a guid, also a problem when joining the runtime table with this #Temp table.
I also don't want to use a cursor to construct a table.
I am trying to do a PIVOT on a query result, but the column names created by the PIVOT function are dynamic.
For example (modified from the SQL Server 2005 Books Online documentation on the PIVOT operator) :
SELECT Division, [2] AS CurrentPeriod, [1] AS PreviousPeriod FROM ( SELECT Period, Division, Sales_Amount FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE ( Period = @period OR Period = @period - 1 ) ) p PIVOT ( SUM (Sales_Amount) FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] ) ) AS pvt
Let's assume that any value 2 is selected for the @period parameter, and returns the sales by division for periods 2 and 1 (2 minus 1).
Division CurrentPeriod PreviousPeriodA 400 3000 B 400 100 C 470 300 D 800 2500 E 1000 1900
What if the value @period were to be changed, to say period 4 and it should returns the sales for periods 4 and 3 for example, is there a way I can change to code above to still perform the PIVOT while dynamically accepting the period values 4 and 3, applying it to the columns names in the first SELECT statement and the FOR ... IN clause in the PIVOT statement ?
Need a way to represent the following [2] and [1] column names dynamically depending on the value in the @period parameter.
[2] AS CurrentPeriod, [1] AS PreviousPeriod
FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] )
I have tried to use the @period but it doesn't work.
I found this Microsoft article for creating crosstab-like queries in SSMS.Is it possible, however, to create this same query if I do not know what the values for the columns will be? Using their example for my problem, I will not know what the values in the "IN" criteria will be because my query would be for a "rolling" 12 months (thus causing that IN criteria to change every month).I've tried declaring variables to pull in the values, but since this will eventually go into a view, I don't think that I can use declared variables.
I am trying to pivot some data as you would normally however I am trying to also group the pivot into three sub column groups too.
Basically the scenario is that I have three sub groups Budget, Person, RenewalDate for each Service (Service being the pivot point). So for each unique service I want to display the budget person and renewal date for each service by company.
I have created two tables to illustrate the base data and the required output.
How to do this dynamically because the number of Services is unknown, i.e. it could be 4 Services or 20, each with three sub columns, budget, person and renewal date.
Please find code below. It should be quite self explanatory as to what I am trying to do.
1. I really need it to be dynamic 2. the Services are not standardised names, they are numbered for illustration purposes only, they vary in naming convention.
create table #BaseData ( Company nvarchar(100), Person nvarchar(50), [Service] nvarchar(100), Budget int, RenewalDate datetime )
I have two dynamic pivot tables that I need to join. The problem I'm running into is that at execution, one is ~7500 characters and the other is ~7000 characters.
I can't set them both up as CTEs and query, the statement gets truncated.
I can't use a temp table because those get dropped when the query finishes.
I can't use a real table because the insert statement gets truncated.
Do I have any other good options, or am I in Spacklesville?
I am having trouble figuring out why the following code throws an error:
declare @cols nvarchar(50), @stmt nvarchar(max) select @cols = ('[' + W.FKStoreID + ']') from (select distinct FKStoreID from VW_PC_T) as W select @stmt = ' select *
[Code] ...
The issue that I am having is:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '[' to data type int.
I know that I have to use the [ ] in order to run the dynamic sql. I am not sure what is failing and why as the syntax seems to be clean to me (obviously it is not).
parent | NAme | Checked | contactmethod|Check2 | Other 974198 | Employment | true | Face to Face | true | null 974224 | Other | true | Face to Face | true | skills 974224 | Other | true | Contact | true | skills
I'd like to pivot on "parent"
In a perfect world I'd like to see output like
974198 | Employment | true | Face to Face | true | null
974224 | Other | true | Face to Face, Collateral Contact | true | skills
If there are more than one name or contactmethod for the same parent then they would be strung along with commas
I want to insert the above temp table to another table with column names defined below like this
Empname, Vacation Hours, Sicks Hours EmpA, 12, 10
Basically if it is X it is vacation hours and if it is Y it is sick Hours. Needs a simple logic to place the apprpriate hours(Balance) to its respective columns. I'm not sure how I can achieve this in using Pivot or Conditions.
I have written a script to pivot a table into multiple columns.
The script works when run on its own but gives an error when i try to create a view or aprocedure from the same script. The temporary table #.... does not work so i have converted it to a cte.
Here is a copy of the script below
-- Dynamic PIVOT IF OBJECT_ID('#External_Referrals') IS NULL DROP TABLE #External_Referrals; GO DECLARE @T AS TABLE(y INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
declare @localtab INT SET @localtab = (SELECT Convert(INT,('select count(*) from ' + @specificDB+'.'+'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_TYPE = ''BASE TABLE'' AND Table_name = ' + @tablename))) Print @localtab Print @localtab
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 8 Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'select count(*) from AdventureWorksDW2012.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND Table_name = DimAccount' to data type int.
I currently have data stored in a temporary table and I would like to transpose the data into a better format. I would like for the query to be dynamic since one of the tables currently has over 500 columns.
The attached file provides an example of the table structure along with sample data. Below the first set of data is the desired final format.
I have problem to execute query with interval date.
If try this query I don't have problem and the output is correct:
SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '01/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '09/01/2015', 121);Instead if try this I have error: SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '25/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '28/01/2015', 121);
[Err] 22007 - [SQL Server]The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
We have a table with 500+ columns. The data is non-normalized, i.e. there are four groups of fields for for "people", followed by data that applies to all people in the row (a "household").For ad-hoc queries, and because I wanted to index columns within each person (person 1's age, person 2's age, etc.), I used UNION:
SELECT P1Firstname AS FirstName, P1LastName as LastName, P1birthday AS birthday, HouseholdIncome, HouseholdNumber of Children, <other "household" columns> UNION SELECT P2Firstname AS FirstName, P2LastName as LastName, P2birthday AS birthday, HouseholdIncome, HouseholdNumber of Children, <other "household" columns>
I could get at least the P1... P2... P3... columns with PIVOT, but then I believe I'd have to JOIN back to the row anyway for the "household" columns. Performance of UNION good, but another person here chose to use PIVOT instead.I can' find any articles on PIVOT vs. UNION for "de-flattening".
I got your email address from your web cast. I really enjoyed the web cast and found it to be very informative.
Our company is planning to use SSIS (VS 2005 / SQL Server 2005). I have a quick question regarding the product. I have looked for the information on the web, but was not able to find relevant information.
We are getting Source data from two of our client in the form of Excel Sheet. These Excel sheets Are generated using reporting services. On examining the excel sheet, I found out that the name Of the columns contain data itself, so the names are not static such as Jan 2007 Sales, Feb 2007 Sales etc etc. And even the number of columns are not static. It depends upon the range of date selected by the user.
I wanted to know, if there is a way to import Excel sheet using Integration Services by defining the position Of column, instead of column name and I am not sure if there is a way for me to import excel with dynamic Number of columns.
Your help in this respect is highly appreciated!
Hi Anthony, I am glad the Web cast was helpful.
Kamal and I have both moved on to other teams in MSFT and I am a little rusty in that area, though in general dynamic numbers of columns in any format is always tricky. I am just assuming its not feasible for you to try and get the source for SSIS a little closer to home, e.g. rather than using Excel output from Reporting Services, use the same/some form of the query/data source that RS is using.
I suggest you post a question on the SSIS forum on MSDN and you should get some good answers.