I have table Called as ‘DC_BIL_ActivityLog’ and XML column name is ‘ActivityDescription’ in SQL Server 2012.
The following information stored on that Column. I want to read cancellation date (12/23/2015) using select statement.
<ActivityDescription> <text value="PCN was initiated for Policy ^1 on 12/07/2015. Cancellation Date is: 12/23/2015. Amount needed to rescind PCN is: $XX.80." /> <link id="1" linkText="GLXXXP2015 12/02/2015 - 12/02/2016" linkType="policy"> <linkId parm="1" value="1140" /> </link> </ActivityDescription>
Here is a sample order # we used for one of our shipments: BL-53151-24954-1-0001-33934
I need to extract the "24954" portion of that order # while within an INNER JOIN, but not sure how.
My problem is we have 2 order tables: OrderTable1 contains a field with the full order #. OrderTable2 contains a field with only the "24954" portion. I need to JOIN on these 2 fields somehow.
SELECT ot1.Full_Order_No , ot2.Order_No FROM OrderTable1 ot1 INNER JOIN OrderTable2 ot2 ON ot2.Order_No = [do something here to truncate ot1.Full_Order_No]
How can I do this?
Few notes:
-the 1st part of the order number, "BL-53151-" will ALWAYS be the same. It's our client # which will never change for the purpose of this query. -The portion I need (24954) can be more or less than the 5 current digits. -There will always be 6 portions to the order number, split up between 5 dashes.
Currently we have SQL instance on C: Â drive.We are now going to upgrade SQL Server 2008 RTM to SQL 2008 SP4.Can we change the path of SQL instance during upgrade?What services need to be stopped during upgrade.
I'm, using my script to many location to create folder to save output files and if the folder is removed/not present it can create it without any noise. But the problem is, while I use the same sort of script to check if a folder is present in the sharedpath it will not create it to copy all bkp files from local to remote path works good, but if you delete the folder or rename the exisitng folder and if the below script tries to create the folder it created as "fILE", very interesting. Per IT team they have given SQL Server account the full rights to create/delete/alter folder/files.
Do I need to use seperate script or way to create / alter folders in the sharepath?
I wrote the below script to print all folders and files located in the share path. How to extend my script to mention by adding another column whether the file is a folder/file , sort of 0 or 1.
After updating TempDB path to a wrong path (without file name only folder name) the service is not starting. How can i sovle this and start the service
When trying to install Business Contact Manager (BCM) for Outlook 2007, the setup failed and I was refered to a log file in my Local Settings/Temp folder. The log actually says that Business Contact Manager was installed sucessfully! BCM is supposed to install SQL Express 2005 as an instance or as instance if SQL Express is already installed. There is an MSSMLBIZ instance in Services..
Who can I send the Log File to for analysis and the fix feedback?
When I first went into Computer Management and clicked on Services and Applications in the left panel, the error message appeared "Snap-in failed to intialize. Name: SQL Server Configuration Manager CLSID:{CA9F8727-31DF-41D2-975C-887D84903967} This message diappeared when I clicked on Services and Applications again. Under Services, there are 3 SQL services - one is an application that was uninstalled 3-4 weeks ago and I disabled this service. The other 2 are: SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) and the other one is SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) When I tried to start either of the last 2, the message appeared: Services "Could not start the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified. Under Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSGL.1 folder is mostly empty. So, it seems like the Path in the Registry is not valid and that nothing is being installed in the MSSQL.1 folder. If so, how do I fix this?
How do I get the BCM SQL instance to install and run properly? what do the messages in Services mean and how do I resolve these.
There are a few features in the new SQL Server - Reporting Services that I really need in production. I have tested everything and it works great. I am running the CTP version since Microsoft is saying they aren't releasing the release version until 3rd quarter 2008.
Since Microsoft won't sell SQL 2008 until 3rd quarter, can I run the CTP in production until the release and then purchase SQL 2008?
Hello - does anyone have experience w/SQL Server 2005 in a virtual environment? I'm considering this for a production environment but not sure if performance will suffer. Our databases will have a lot of writing but not too much reading. A SSRS solution is currently the only app. connecting to the SQL db. Max users to server at any given time will be very low (~10 users max). But the databases are pulling in data from other, outside multiple data sources on a daily basis.
Hello! Recently, I set up server with Windows Web Server 2008 RC1, SQL 2008 Express beta, .NET 3.5, IIS 7. I'm running ASP.NET web application with SQL database. Everything works fine until the first application state on the server expires. After that, any postback that starts a new application state on the server and connects to the database, results in the following error: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. Is this a bug that will be fixed in release of Windows / SQL or am I doing something wrong? Many thanks for help, Jan
I am developing a Recruitment Agency WebsiteI am using MS SQL Server in which I have a table called CV_Details which stores all the details of different Job Seekers. I have stored all the Word and PDF docs of the Job seekers in a 'mycatalog' using Index Server and stored the path in the CV_Details table along with rest of the cv details. Basically I want to download the cv's which i get after making a search in the doc's. I am able to get the filename, Path, Filesize by using Index Server Query.Is it anyway possible to extract all the CV Details data by matching the path.I want the cv details from the SQL Server of all the Related Paths at the same time not one at a time. Is it possible.I tried alot but i'm going nowhere. I'm giving my code below. Can anyone help me please.Thank you very much in Advance string strCatalog = "TestCatalog", strsearchstrings=""; string strQuery=""; strsearchstrings = txtsearch.Text; strQuery = "Select Filename,PATH from Scope() where FREETEXT('" +strsearchstrings+ "')"; // TextBox1.Text is the word that you type in the text box to query by using Indexing Service. string connstring = "Provider=MSIDXS.1;Integrated Security .='';Data Source="+strCatalog; System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connstring); conn.Open(); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand objcmd = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strQuery, conn); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader objRdr; objRdr = objcmd.ExecuteReader(); DataGrid1.DataSource=objRdr; DataGrid1.DataBind(); objRdr.Close(); conn.Close();
I downloaded the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express CTP, February 2008€? from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=749BD760-F404-4D45-9AC0-D7F1B3ED1053&displaylang=en
I simply replaced the 2005 file €œSQLEXPR.EXE€? with the 2008 file €œ€?, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail. I than read the 2008 books online and noted the change in command line options.
I then changed the command line to suit the Microsoft 2008 books online, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail once more.
Interestingly I tested the install from the default GUI and at the point of adding the €œsa€? login credentials it fails to allow the installation to proceed. Strangely by selecting the windows authentication credentials, €œnext€? than €œback€? it now allows me to add the €œsa€? login credentials and continues to install correctly as required.
I hope I have explained this clearly enough.
1. Is this a bug in the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 2008€? installation? 2. If so is this causing the command line install options to fail? 3. How do I obtain a version of €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express€? that will work installing from the command line?
I am trying to write a query in sql query analyzer that will extract a date that appears after the first comma in the string. An example of the data is below:
When I restore db from backup on another server, it always remebers the source db path. This is very annoying as drive mappings are different. I have to go and manually change those paths each time to point to the existing mdf... Is there any way so I do not have to do this???
Good afternoon SQL dudes Does anyone have any experience of extracting data from IBM's UniData (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UniData) (or any post-relational Pick nested relational multi-valued relational database) into a SQL Server?More info here (http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/ProdsXMLEnabled.htm), here (http://www.pick-ware.co.uk/) and here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pick_operating_system) I don't (which is why I am asking) but I could imagine it being a right bugger. No need for detailed or technical info - I have no more info at this stage - just wondered if anyone has any similar experience. Super duper, thank you SQL troopers :)
I need to extract the .ispac file from the SSISDB. I can retrieve the stream with catalog.get_project sp. However, the file I end up with cannot be unzipped, giving an error message. My guess is that it is meta-data on the zip/ispac file that has a problem, because I can actually unzip it with Winrar, but not with any of those I (programmatically) need to unzip it with.
Below is the code for my stored procedure - My own suspicion is in the BCP usage to turn the stream into a file.
USE [SSISDB] GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetIspacFile] @project VARCHAR(255) , @environmentFolder VARCHAR(50) , @ispacTempFolder VARCHAR(100) , @ispacFilePath VARCHAR(200) OUTPUT
We extract 10k tables every night and I have a table that keeps track of ETL tables that fail or succeed. I would like to know if a table fails during the night and nobody kicks off another job to fix it during the day.
Table_Name = varchar(20) Time_Start = DateTime Status varchar(7) = Success or Error Duration = Number Time_End = DateTime
Select Table_Name into #MyTempTable From ETL.STATS_Table Where Status = 'Error' AND Cast(Time_Start as Date) = GetDate()
How do I take the table names from #MyTempTable and find out if they where successful for the same date? Duration time and Time_End fields aren't needed.
All the column names in upper case are actually symptom names, and in those columns are values {NULL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and they belong in a column, so the normalized structure should be like this:
CREATE TABLE Symptom ( PatientID INT NOT NULL, Cycle TINYINT NOT NULL, SymptomName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -- from the source column *name* Grade TINYINT NOT NULL -- from the value in the column with the name in uppercase PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, Cycle, SymptomName));
I can untwist the repeating groups with the code I borrowed from Kenneth Fisher's article [ here ], but the part I'm having a harder time with is grabbing the information that's still left in the column name and integrating it into the solution...
I can retrieve all the column names that are in uppercase using this:
DECLARE @db_id int; DECLARE @object_id int; SET @db_id = DB_ID(N'SCRIDB'); SET @object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SCRIDB.dbo.BadTox'); SELECT name AS column_name , column_id AS col_order FROM sys.all_columns WHERE name = UPPER(name) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS AND object_id = @object_id;
but I can't figure out how to work it into this (that I built by mimicking Kenneth Fisher's article...):
ALTER PROC [dbo].[UnpivotMaxGradeUsingCrossApply] AS SELECT PatientID , Toxicity , MAX(Grade) AS MaxGrade
The problem is that I need to extract the column names (where ToxicityName[n] would be). I can do that by querying the sys.all_columns view, but I can't figure out how to integrate the two pieces. About the only thing I have even dreamed up is to build the VALUES(...) statements dynamically from the values returned by the system view.
So how do I get both the value from the ToxicityName[n] column and the column name into my final data query?
I am using following sql to extract locking information in database. It only work on current selected database, how can I tune to work on all databases and not only currently selected?
SELECT DISTINCT ES.login_name AS LoginName, L.request_session_id AS BlockedBy_SPID, DATEDIFF(second,At.Transaction_begin_time, GETDATE()) AS Duration_Sec, DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName,