SQL Server 2008 :: Filestream On Partitioned Table

Jun 12, 2015

I'm having a problem creating a partitioned table with a filestream column. I'm getting error: Cannot create table 'MyTable' since a partition scheme is not specified for FILESTREAM data



I actually managed to get the table created. The table below gets created. I had to specifically indicate that the unique constraint is on [PRIMARY] (non-partitioned) and create a partition scheme in the filestram filegroup. However my problem now is with partition switching. I successfully created a non-partitioned staging table identical to the partitioned table, but the switching operation doesn't work.



I get error:

'ALTER TABLE SWITCH' statement failed. The table 'MyTable' is partitioned while index 'UQNP_MyTable_IndexGUID' is not partitioned.

However, I can't drop the non-partitioned unique index on MyTable as it violates the filestream, and would make the table unusable.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Partitioned Views Table Elimination Not Working

Jul 7, 2015

I have some Partitioned Views and on all queries using a table for the in clause, table elimination isn't happening.

Check Constraint is on the oid column

This works as expected, only goes to 2 tables;
FROM view_oap_all
WHERE oid IN ( '05231416529481', '06201479586431' )

This works as expected, only goes to 2 tables;
FROM view_oap_all
FROM owners
WHERE oid IN ( '05231416529481', '06201479586431' ) )

This is checking all tables (headingnames are unique), ive tried this for the last 3 hours on many different tables containing the oid column.

Unless I write the oid as in the above queries it just doesn't work.
FROM view_oap_all
FROM owners
WHERE headingname = 'TestSystem' )

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replicating Merge Range And File Drops For Partitioned Table?

Jul 28, 2015

I have few tables, which are replicated and partitioned. They also have archival process. I want to avoid having to run that same process on the subscriber.

Replication of partition switching is easy. However I am not sure how to replicate merge range and empty filegroup/file drops.

There the following article options:

Copy file group associations
Copy table partitioning schemes
Copy index partitioning schemes

I am not sure if these are enough to implement the replication of merge range and empty filegroup/file drops.

I could not find and option to copy partition functions.

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Query Server To Find All Partitioned Tables, Partition Name, Column Used, Partitioned By

Dec 17, 2007

I want to find a way to get partition info for all the tables in all the databases for a server. Showing database name, table name, schema name, partition by (maybe; year, month, day, number, alpha), column used in partition, current active partition, last partition (for date partitions I want to know if the partition goes untill 2007, so I can add 2008)

all I've come up with so far is:

Code Block

SELECT distinct o.name From sys.partitions p
inner join sys.objects o on (o.object_id = p.object_id)
where o.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
and p.partition_number > 1

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Truncate A Partition Of Partitioned Table In SQL Server

Nov 13, 2007

Hi All,

I am new to SQL Server. I have a table which is paritioned by Value (String). Can I write a stored procedure or an SQL Statment to truncate a particular partition in SQL Server. Please suggest me on this.


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SQL Server 2014 :: Left Join With A Large Partitioned Table?

Aug 3, 2015

I have a query that has a left join with a large partitioned table. The partitioned table has 10s of millions of records, and each partition has about 100,000 records.

The left join is part of an insert that gets a column from the partitioned table, if the column exists. The query contains the partition ID and all other joined columns are part of a non-clustered index.

Through the profiler, I found that there were millions of reads and the execution plan was giving me a table scan on the partitioned table.

I changed the query to do the insert followed by an update with inner join. That did the trick, but it worries me that SQL Server 2014 behaves differently from 2012 or 2008R2, which can make upgrading very time consuming.

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SQL 2012 :: Change Properties Of A Table Which Have Filestream When Column Added To It

Dec 6, 2014

I store files in db in sql server 2008 by filestream. But when a column would be added to table which have filestream, properties of table would be changed. by every things change on table, retrieve files will faced to error. but store process work probably.

and filestream filegroup at following address will be empty. why?

Right click on table --> properties --> storage --> filestream filegroup

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How To Create Partitioned Table?

Jul 16, 2001

I'm running sqlserver 2000 enterprise edition on windows 2000 and I need
to know, how to create partition table. Please give me a small partition table example.


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Insertion Into Partitioned Table

Apr 8, 2008

i want to ask if the insertion of a record into a partion is slower than insertion it into a non partitioned table or not?
cuz sql has to decide to wich partion the record has to insert according to the partitioning key and is this decesion process is making insertion slower ?

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Inserting In A Partitioned Table

Sep 14, 2007


I have inserted 200m rows into a partitioned table using SSIS, the table has a [RecID] column which is an identity(1,1) primary key.
When I open the table, I see that RecId doesn't start from 1(its not ordered), it starts from 889823. But, when I query the table for RecID = 1, I can see that row.

Is it a typical behavior of a partitioned table? Or am I doing something wrong?

This is the query I used to create the partitioned table.

create partition function pf_LoadDate(Datetime)

as range right for

values ('01/01/1997','01/01/1999','01/01/2001','01/01/2002','01/01/2003',


create partition Scheme ps_RecBuyLoadDateScheme

as partition pf_LoadDate

to (FG1,FG1,FG1,FG1,FG2,FG2,FG2,FG3,FG3,FG3)

I'll appreciate any help.


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Replication And One Row Updates On Partitioned Table

Jul 27, 1998


Has anyone had any problems on one row updates on a table where you have defined horizontal and vertical partitioning of the data to be replicated?
When I execute an update clause that modifies just one row the log reader misses the modification and it does not get replicated to the other databases.

If I do the same update clause but on several rows then all the modifications are read by the log reader and the replication task goes ok.

What might be wrong?


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Truncate A Partition In Partitioned Table

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all,

We have a table with 15 Partitions in SQL Server.Can i write a stored procedure or an SQL statement just to truncate a particular partition by passing the partition name.

Any Suggestions??????????


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256 Table Limit For Partitioned Views

Aug 8, 2005

I have a partitioned view sitting over several tables and I'm slowlyapproaching the 256 number. Can anybody confirm if there is such alimit for the maximum number of tables that a partitioned view canhold?If this is true, does anybody have any suggestions or ideas to workaround this max limit?TIA!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert From Table 1 To Table 2 Only If Record Doesn't Exist In Table 2?

Jul 24, 2015

I'm inserting from TempAccrual to VacationAccrual . It works nicely, however if I run this script again it will insert the same values again in VacationAccrual. How do I block that? IF there is a small change in one of the column in TempAccrual then allow insert. Here is my query

INSERT INTO vacationaccrual

[Code] ....

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Sliding Window Scenario On Partitioned Table

Nov 13, 2007

I began with a partition function as follows:

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [TimeTicksRangePFN](bigint) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (633294720000000000, 633320640000000000, 633347424000000000, 633374208000000000, 633399264000000000)

These numbers happen to correspond to the dates 11/1/7, 12/1/7, 1/1/8, 2/1/8 and 3/1/8 in ticks respectively.

I began with a partition scheme as follows:

CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [TimeTicksRangePScheme] AS PARTITION [TimeTicksRangePFN] TO ([FG_xxx_EventArchive00001], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00002], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00003], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00004], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00005], [PRIMARY])

While running my “sliding window script� , which I hoped would 1) roll off the oldest partition of my EventArchive table and 2) add a new partition with a tick boundary that equates to 3/5/8, I get an error related to my switch out table's index, the same table's Filegroup and Primary.

After getting the error, I scripted the partition function as a create in mgt studio and got…

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [TimeTicksRangePFN](bigint) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (633320640000000000, 633347424000000000, 633374208000000000, 633399264000000000, 633402720000000000)

...which looks like what I had intended cuz the last boundary is the tick representation of 3/5/8 and the oldest has rolled off

scripting the scheme produced...

CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [TimeTicksRangePScheme] AS PARTITION [TimeTicksRangePFN] TO ([FG_xxx_EventArchive00001], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00003], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00004], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00005], [PRIMARY], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00001])

which looks nothing like what I intended, I thought I’d end up with …00002,…00003,…00004,…00005,…00001,PRIMARY

the script steps that seem most relevant start at the 5th step as follows...

5) creates table [dbo].Switch on the switch out filegroup with columns, PK and indexes matching exactly those of [dbo].EventArchive

6) switches partition 1 of [dbo].EventArchive to [dbo].Switch

7) ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION TimeTicksRangePFN() MERGE RANGE (633294720000000000) --this was the oldest date corresponding to 11/1/7

8) truncates [dbo].Switch

9) drops all indexes on [dbo].Switch except a clustered index (IX_TimeTicks), leaves PK constraint alone

10) ships the new data whose values range from 3/1/8 to less than 3/5/8 to [dbo].Switch and deletes them from their source

11) recreates all non clustered indexes on [dbo].Switch

12)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Switch] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT RangeCK CHECK ([TimeTicks] < the number of ticks represented by 3/5/8)

13)ALTER PARTITION SCHEME TimeTicksRangePScheme NEXT USED [FG_xxx_EventArchive00001] --fg isnt really hardcoded

14)ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION TimeTicksRangePFN() SPLIT RANGE (the number of ticks represented by 3/5/8)

15)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Switch] SWITCH TO [dbo].[EventArchive] PARTITION 5

step 15 is the one that fails with message "ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. index 'xxx.dbo.Switch.IX_TimeTicks' is in filegroup 'FG_xxx_EventArchive00001' and partition 5 of index 'xxx.dbo.EventArchive.IX_TimeTicks' is in filegroup 'PRIMARY'.

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DB Design :: Cannot Delete Data From A Partitioned Table

Sep 30, 2015

I have a very large table that I am trying to partition and use to reduce maintenance overhead as well as improve performance. The table contains about 12 years worth of data but only the most recent years is inserted/updated/deleted from thru the app. I created partitions on a computed(persisted) column which holds the "year" value derived from a date column. I have created the partitions with all the default set options, and the stored procedure which performs the delete against this table also was created with no special set options(basically database/session default). Yet, every time I try to run the proc to delete data thru the app, I get this error:

Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xxxx, Line 118
DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_WARNINGS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.

I've tried setting ANSI_WARNINGS on and off when creating the proc, inside the proc etc.., its always the same error whatever I set the option to.

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Transact SQL :: Find If A Table Is Partitioned By Month Or Day

Nov 6, 2015

Is there a way to figure out if a table is partitioned by month/day in SQL. 

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Can The Match Index Of A Fz Lookup Table Be Partitioned?

Oct 8, 2007


The illustration below is for a customer dedupification project.
The Source file, containing customer name and address records, is conditionally split based on 7 ranges of substring(city,1,2) to distribute the load across 7 different threads for parallelization. Each customer record in the source file
is looked up against a reference table named Location_Stage for its existence using the Fuzzy Lookup

The reference table Location_Stage has around 10 miilion+ records. The source file would normally have around 1 million

I am wondering :

- if it would be possible to partition the Match Index of the reference table (NOT the reference table) into
7 partitions based on 7 ranges of substring(city,1,2) and maintain these partitions on different drives?
- if it is possible to specify a particular partition to be used by a FzLkup transformation?
- if the partitioning approach will improve the performance of the Fuzzy Lookups?

Source File Feed
Split data into 7 groups based on substring(city,1,2)
| | | | | | |
UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll
| | | | | | |
FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup
| | | | | | |
Split Split Split Split Split Split Split
| | | | | | |
------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
<- - - - - - - Write the Canonicals and Dupes from each of these splits into database - - - - - - - - ->

Please advice.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Filestream For Filegroup For A DB?

Dec 5, 2014

i have a DB in SQL Server 2008. and i wants to store file in DB.

how can i create filestream for filegroup for a DB in SQL Server 2008.

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Partitioned View Broken After Moving Table To New Filegroup

Jul 20, 2005

I am using SQL Server 2000, SP3.I created an updatable partitioned view awhile ago and it has beenrunning smoothly for some time. The partition is on a DATETIME columnand it is partitioned by month. Each month a stored procedure isscheduled that creates the new month's table, and alters the view toinclude it. Again... working like a charm for quite some time.This past weekend I moved some of the first tables onto a new filegroup. I did this through Enterprise Manager, by going into designmode for the table, then going into the properties for the table andchanging the file group there as well as in all of the indexes. Nowthe partitioned view is no longer updatable. It gives the errormessage: "UNION ALL view '<view name>' is not updatable because apartitioning column was not found."I have extracted the DDL for all of the partition tables and comparedthem and they all look the same. I checked and then double-checked theCHECK constraints to make sure that they were all valid and they are.If I remove the tables that I moved to the new file group from theview, then it is once again updatable, but when I put them back in itfails again.Any ideas? If you would like samples of the code then I can send italong, but it's rather large, so I have not included it here.Thanks!Thomas R. Hummel

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Problem With Sliding Window Scenario On Partitioned Table...

Nov 7, 2007

I have a partition function as follows:
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [TimeTicksRangePFN](bigint) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (633294720000000000, 633320640000000000, 633347424000000000, 633374208000000000, 633399264000000000)

These numbers happen to correspond to the dates 11/1/7, 12/1/7, 1/1/8, 2/1/8 and 3/1/8 in ticks respectively.

I have a partition scheme as follows:
CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [TimeTicksRangePScheme] AS PARTITION [TimeTicksRangePFN] TO ([FG_xxx_EventArchive00001], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00002], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00003], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00004], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00005], [PRIMARY])

After running my €śsliding window script€? , which I wanted to switch out the lowest partition with, and add a new partition with a new tick boundary that equates to 3/5/8, I get an error saying that 1 of my switch out table€™s indexes is in filegroup 1 but partition 5€™s index of the same name is in PRIMARY. At this point the partition function looks like€¦

CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [TimeTicksRangePFN](bigint) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (633320640000000000, 633347424000000000, 633374208000000000, 633399264000000000, 633402720000000000) which looks like what I had intended cuz the last boundary is tick representation of 3/5/8 and the oldest has rolled off

and the scheme looks like€¦

CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [TimeTicksRangePScheme] AS PARTITION [TimeTicksRangePFN] TO ([FG_xxx_EventArchive00001], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00003], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00004], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00005], [PRIMARY], [FG_xxx_EventArchive00001]) which looks nothing like what I intended, I thought I€™d end up with €¦00002,€¦00003,€¦00004,€¦00005,€¦00001,PRIMARY

the relevant script steps are...

5) creates table [dbo].Switch on the switch out filegroup with columns, PK and indexes matching those of [dbo].EventArchive (allows default location for indexes)
6) switches partition 1 of [dbo].EventArchive to [dbo].Switch
7) ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION TimeTicksRangePFN() MERGE RANGE (633294720000000000)
8) truncates [dbo].Switch
9) drops all indexes on [dbo].Switch except a clustered index (IX_TimeTicks), leaves PK constraint alone
10) ships the new data whose values range from 3/1/8 to less than 3/5/8 to [dbo].Switch and deletes them from their source
11) recreates all non clustered indexes on [dbo].Switch
12)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Switch] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT RangeCK CHECK ([TimeTicks] < the number of ticks represented by 3/5/8)
13)ALTER PARTITION SCHEME TimeTicksRangePScheme NEXT USED [FG_xxx_EventArchive00001]
14)ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION TimeTicksRangePFN() SPLIT RANGE (the number of ticks represented by 3/5/8)
15)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Switch] SWITCH TO [dbo].[EventArchive] PARTITION 5

step 15 is the one that fails with message "ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. index 'xxx.dbo.Switch.IX_TimeTicks' is in filegroup 'FG_xxx_EventArchive00001' and partition 5 of index 'xxx.dbo.EventArchive.IX_TimeTicks' is in filegroup 'PRIMARY'.

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Backup And Restore Of Filestream Enabled Filegroup In Server

Oct 16, 2015

I am new to DBA activities. I have a database name Sample_DB in SQL Server 2014.  

This database has below files

LogicalName FileType
Sample_DB_Rows   ROWS Data
Sample_DB_C1 ROWS Data
Sample_DB_C2 ROWS Data
Sample_DB_Docs FILESTREAM Data

My database has 3 tables namely Tbl1, Tbl2 and Tbl3.

Tbl1 data stored in primary file group
Tbl2 is partitioned based on a key column CountryId and stored in respective filegroup
Tbl3 is enabled to store documents, files etc., and its data will be stored in filestream enabled filegroup.

I need to take backup of each file group separately.
I need to restore the backed up file group separately. Is this possible, how to do it.

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SQL 2012 :: Using Partitioned Views In Order To Manage Table Sizes

Oct 13, 2015

I have a few databases that are using Partitioned Views in order to manage the table sizes and they all work well for our purposes. Recently I noticed a table that had grown to 400+ million rows and want to partition it as well, so I went about creating new base tables based on the initial table's structure, just adding a column to both table and primary key to be able to build a Partitioned View on them.The first time around, on a test system, everything worked flawlessly but when I put the same structure in place on the production system I get the dreaded "UNION ALL view 'DBName.dbo.RptReportData' is not updatable because the primary key of table '[DBName].[dbo].[RptReportData_201405]' is not included in the union result. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4444)" error.

I have searched high and low and everything I see points to a few directives in order for a UNION ALL view to be updatable:

- Need a partitioning column that is part of the primary key
- Need a CHECK constraint that make the base tables exclusive, i.e. data cannot belong to more than one table
- Cannot have IDENTITY or calculated columns in the base tables
- The INSERT statement needs to specify all columns with actual values, i.e. not DEFAULT

Well, according to me, my structure fulfills these conditions but the INSERT fails anyway. CREATE scripts below scripted from SQL Server. I only modified them to be on a single row - it is easier to verify that they are identical in a text editor that way.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Capture Sessions Which Modify A Table With Details Modified In Table?

Apr 10, 2015

I created am inventory table with few columns say, Servername, version, patching details, etc

I want a tracking of the table.

Let's say people are asked to modify the base table and I want a complete capture of the details modified and the session of the user ( ) who (system_user) is actually modifying the details.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Inserting Data From Staging Table To Main Table

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to insert bulk data into main table from staging table in sql server 2012. If any error comes, this total activity is rollbacked. I don't want that to happen. I want to know the records where ever the problem persists, and the rest has to be inserted.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create A Table Valued Function That Fetch Through The Table?

Apr 24, 2015

I would like to create a table valued function that fetch through the table below using a cursor and return the records that are unique

EmpidChDateSiteuseridinitsal finsalNote
-------------------------------------------- ----------
236102015-4-21 22:02:10.8072570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236112015-4-21 22:02:11.0502570 0.696176161change inisal value
236122015-4-21 22:02:11.1202570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236132015-4-21 22:02:11.2452570 0.696176161change inisal value

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Setup And Upgrade :: Enabling FILESTREAM Server - Unknown Error Applying Settings

Apr 14, 2013

I'm trying to activate FILESTREAM on my SQL Server 2012, however i'm not accomplishing it. I've tried to follow this instructions: [URL] ...

My SETUP is the following:

Windows 8 (64 bit)SQL Server Standard Edition - Service Pack 1 (64 bit)SQL Version: (11.0.3128.0)

When I go to the configuration manager, on the FILESTREAM tab has a message:

"A previous FILESTREAM configuration attempt was incomplete.

FILESTREAM may be in an inconsistent state until re-configured."

If I click Enable FILESTREAM and "Apply", I get the following message:

"There was an unknown error applying the FILESTREAM settings. Check the parameters are valid. (0x80070002)"

I also read somewhere to run "EXEC sp_configure", which produces the result:

"filestream access level - 0 2 2 0"

Running "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('FilestreamEffectiveLevel');" returns 0.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Non Blank / Non Null Value From Table To Update Same Table

Mar 13, 2015

Here is the sample data for table.

create table #sample (emp varchar(max),data1 varchar(max),data2 varchar(max), Rdate date)
insert into #sample (emp,data1,data2,rdate)

insert into #sample (emp,data1,data2,rdate)

[Code] ...

I need to update the data1, data2 from yesterday or before but they should be non blank and non null and update to todays data.

It means, I can't update to 2015-03-12 values to 2015-03-13, as they are blanks or nulls.

So I need to go 2015-03-11 and check the values, if they are not blank , i need to update with todays values.

Before the update :


After the update:


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SQL Server 2008 :: Alter Table Triggers Recreate Table?

May 26, 2015

which ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN- Statement has a Recreate Table as result ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update A Table With Date When There Are New Records In Another Table

Sep 16, 2015

I have a scenario where I have to Update a table with date when there are new records in another table

For example:

I load ODS table with the data from a file in SSIS. the file has CustomerID and other columns.

Now, when there is new record for any customerID in Ods, then Update the dbo table with the most recent record for every CustomerID(i.e. update the date column in dbo for that customerID). Also Include an Identifier that relates back to the ODS table. How do I do this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get Column From Another Table And Insert Into Other Table

May 18, 2015

I have two table 'Cal_date' and 'RPT_Invoice_Shipped'.Table cal_data has column month_no, start_date and end_date. And table RPT_Invoice_Shipped has columns Day_No, Date, Div_code, Total_Invoiced, Shipped_Value, Line_Shipped, Unit_Shipped, Transaction_Date.

I am using below insert statment to insert data in RPT_Invoice_Shipped table.

insert into [Global_Report_Staging].[dbo].[RPT_Invoice_Shipped]
(Day_No, Date, Div_code, Total_Invoiced, Transaction_Date)
select , CONVERT(DATE,Getdate()) as Date, LTRIM(RTRIM(div_Code)),
sum(tot_Net_Amt) as Total_Invoiced, (dateadd(day, -1, convert(date, getdate())))
from [Global_Report_Staging].[dbo].[STG_Shipped_Invoiced]
group by div_code

while inserting in column Day_No in RPT_Invoice_Shipped table, I have to use formula (Transaction_Date-start_date+1) where Transaction_Date from STG_Shipped_Invoiced and start_date from Cal_date table. I was using datepart (mm, Transaction_Date) so it gives month_no, and this month_no we can join with month_no of Cal_date table and fetch start_date from Cal_date table, so that we can use start_date for formula (Transaction_Date-start_date+1).

But I am getting difficulty to arrange this in above query. how to achieve this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replicating Table A Into Table B Within The Same Database

Jun 9, 2015

I am trying to replicated table A into table B withing the same server and the same database.

I am getting an error message when trying to configure the subscription: You have selected the Publisher as a Subscriber and entered a subscription database that is the same as the publishing database. Select another subscription database.

Is there any workaround for this?

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.

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SQL SERVER 2000 Partitioned Views Bug

May 12, 2008

Thanks in advance in reading this post ! I'm facing a situation in sql server 2000 sp4 with partitioned views.

I have a partition views that joins about 10 tables, in each table there is a check constraint.

For example, if a exec a select count(*) from VIEW where col1 = '20080101' , it goes for the table that has data for '20080101' .

If I exec a select col1,col2,col3,col4 from VIEW where col1='20080101', it goes to all tables and make an index seek.

I want the beaviour of query 1, beause it is just looking on 1 table and not one the 10.

Thanks in advance !

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