SQL Server 2008 :: Handle Space Between Multi-value Parameter Values In SSRS?
Jul 8, 2015
how to handle space between multi-value parameter values in SSRS. For e.g. if the values are as follows -'KLO LUG', 'HGY KIU', 'LOT JUY', I know I can use the split function for the commas but its the space between the value which is the problem.
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Jul 7, 2015
There is a multi value parameter called  "include" in the report where "Allow Multiple Values" is checked and it has 4 Available values as shown in the attached screen shots and preview of the report is also shown .There is no data set for this parameter and the values  will get displayed on the report based on the visibility condition set in the report.Example : If first value  is selected  then 1 is passed and based on the visibility condition set in the report - the report output is displayed.None is default value and has value 4  and when the report is run with this option i.e. "None" then rest three parameter values are not applicable .
Requirement :
-When the end user selects (Select All) Check box then (None)
-check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user
-When the end user selects check boxes either of the first three except None then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for -selection for the end user
-when the end user selects a combination of first three then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user
-The None is set as default with a value as 4 and is applicable only when the user does not select either of the first three values and the report will run.
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Sep 29, 2015
i design SP for insert data in 2 tables i need to store list of array in one parameter to complete my query i try the table value but it`s not good for me because table value is readonly and i need to insert data with list of array .....
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Feb 4, 2008
I would like to be able to adjust the multi-value property of a parameter based on the value of another parameter in my report. The controlling paramter would be binary with two options for Single or Multiple selection. I would like my parameter to default to multi-value, which I can do on the screen selection. I have tried to add an IIF statement to the XML code, with no success. Any ideas would be helpful.
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Apr 11, 2008
I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)
, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?
The field is a Varchar 20
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Jun 11, 2015
Everytime I try to open up SSMS, I get this error:
"Values cannot be null. Parameter Name: ViewInfo"
When I press ok to login, It doesn't show me the database and system dbs aren't expandable.
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Sep 21, 2015
I am facing some issues with parameter in SSRS reports that when my parameter contains the space then i get the syntax error can be seen below.If i choose any other parameter value which do not contains the space then it works well. I am using SSAS cube as a data source.
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Apr 22, 2015
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.Â
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?Â
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Jan 29, 2015
Is it possible to pass multiple values to a TVF, such as using an IN clause?
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Apr 1, 2008
I know this is the code to add a single valued report parameter to a report via asp.net
Dim paramList As New Generic.List(Of ReportParameter)
paramList.Add(New ReportParameter("MyParameter", "MyValue", False))
But how do I go about adding a multi valued parameter?
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Feb 21, 2011
I've been running into this issue quite a few times, and have been unable to solve it through reading various posts/forums. Here is the issue
Software Details:
Datawarehouse Database - SQL Server 2008 R2
Reporting Services Version - SSRS 2008 R2
Development Environment - Visual Studio 2008
Problem Details:
I have been writing reports based of a Relational Datamart with dimensions and facts. The report in question uses dimensions for parameters and facts for content. Multi valued parameters are enabled in the report query by using the 'IN(@Paramenter)' statement within the report query. It has a total of 6 multi-value parameters. I assign the same available values from dimension datasets for each parameter to it's default parameter. Theoretically all the values in the option lists should be selected after first render. This is not always the case.
FROM dbo.MyTable
TableColumn0 IN (@Parameter0)
TableColumn1 IN(@Parameter1)
AND ....N (continue syntax to 6 multi valued parameters)
Some of the multi-value drop down lists are defaulting to have every value selected, and some are not. The problem is I need to know why some parameters are not selecting all by default when specified.
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Dec 15, 2007
At the top of my report, if I want to display the selected value for a given
parameter, I can put this expression in a text box:
="The xyz param's value is: " & Parameters!paramXYZ.Label(0).ToString
How do I go about displaying all the selected values for a multi-value
parameter (one that has mulitple checkboxes in the drop-down list)? Is it
possible to do a for loop and iterate through the values of the param within
an expression? Something like
for i = 0 to Parameters!paramXYZ.Count - 1
mystring = mystring & ", " & Parameters!paramXYZ.Label(i).ToString
And then display mystring in the textbox? Or can I use a list control on the
Thank you,
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Oct 16, 2006
Is it possible to pass values from UI to a multi-value parameter in a report and from this report, select values from this multi-value parameter to finally display data?
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May 1, 2008
I'm using SSRS 2005 which connects to SQL Server 2005. I need to pass Multi valus for single parameter...
E.g. Command type : Text
SELECT * FROM COUNTRY where CountryId IN ( @CountryID)
If i tried to preview using single parameter, it shows the record without any problem. However when i tried to put multi values, it gives error message?? I read somewhere which says, need to set to multivalue. But, i could not find the place to set the multi value option...
How to solve it?? Your suggestion/recommendations greatly appreciated.
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Jul 12, 2007
I have a parameter that gets it's available values from a dataset.
I use this exact same data to populate the default values.
When I run the report, the available values get populated; however the default values are not being selected.
This works on other parameters on the same report. However, on this parameter, it is not working.
I have tried ltrim/rtrim (Been burned with that before when the field type is a char)
I change the data field in the query, without changing the parameter setup, and it works...
Here is my query:
Code Snippet
Select distinct
from dimHotel dH (NOLOCK)
Inner join factHotel fH (NOLOCK)
on dh.HotelKey = fH.HotelKey
Where dH.CityName <> ''
and dH.CityName is not null
and fH.ClientKey in (@ClientID)
Order by CityName
The parameter is setup correctly, and matches the setup of another parameter on the same report that is working fine.
I have tried deleting the parameter and re-adding it. This did not work.
I also deleted and re-added the query. No luck.
Any ideas??
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Jul 24, 2015
I have an SSRS report with several variables, some of which are multi-valued. Â The main query that feeds the report uses some table value functions. Â For example, the query looks something like this:
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv2.y, tbl.m, tbl.n
from tableValueFunction1(@MultiValueParam) as tv1
inner join tableValueFunction2(@MultiValueParam) as tv2 on tv1.xxx = tv2.xxx
inner join regularTable as tbl on tv1.xxx = tbl.xxx
where tbl.abc in (@MultiValueParam).When I try to run this, I get an error saying that I'm feeding the wrong number of parameters into the table value functions. Â I've fed multi-valued parameters to stored procedures before and used a splitter function to split out the comma separated values, so I was planning to do the same thing in this scenario. Â However, this is different. Â When I look at the query in SQL Profiler, it shows discrete values for the multi value parameter. Â For example, the same query above looks like this when viewed through the profiler (using 1,2,3 as my multi-value selection):
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv3.y, tbl.m, tbl.n
from tableValueFunction1(1,2,3) as tv1
inner join tableValueFunction2(1,2,3) as tv2 on tv1.xxx = tv2.xxx
inner join regularTable as tbl on tv1.xxx = tbl.xxx
where tbl.abc in (1,2,3)
In other words, SSRS isn't converting the multi-value parameter to a comma separated string, like it normally does.
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Feb 15, 2007
How does one return all selected values in a multi-valued parameter? Right now i have a filter on the dataset where
This is just giving me data from the first value that is selected in the multi-valued dropdown. I need all returned from the parameter. Any ideas.
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Apr 16, 2009
I am trying to get a null value to pass to a multi-select parameter in SSRS 2005. The multi-select box is getting its possible values from the following query:
This query is pre-pending a row with NULL as the first ID. The resulting data set is exactly what you would expect - Row 1 has a null in column CMP_ID, and <all companies> in column COMPANY. All the rest of the rows have proper data. My multi-select parameter box is of type Multi-value Int, with possible values populated by this query and a default of NULL. However, when I preview the report, the <all companies> row disappears.Â
It's not even in the list, and it's not getting selected by the default selector. So, of course, when I try to View Report without selecting anything, I get prompted to select a company. Why the prepended row in my dataset is getting dropped from the multi-select box at display time? And yes, I have to be able to pass a null value because the stored procedure on which the report is based expects this parameter to be optional.
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Apr 16, 2013
I got issue when passing multiple values to a single parameter. Here is my stored procedure as following:
@Grade AS varchar(50),
@Class As varchar(50)
SELECT Name, Grade, Class
FROM School
WHERE Grade = (IsNull(@Grade, Grade)) AND Class IN (IsNull(@Class, Class ))
In the front end, I got multiple values for Subject parameters such as Math, English, Reading, etc... in a specified class. How do I can modify my above stored procedure to receive multiple values for a single parameter.
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Apr 21, 2008
Hi there,
I have a problem with multi-value parameter in ReportingServices2005, hope to find a solution here.
if I use ordinary parameter in a report(multi-value checkbox is not selected), after deployment I can click on drop down list and type possible value of that parameter using keyboard(it will be selected from what i typed).
if I use multi-value parameter somewhy it doesn't respond to anything i type from my keyboard.
Why is that?
What should i do to make that multi-value parameter select possible result from what i type?
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Apr 14, 2008
I understand that Multi-Select Parameters are converted behind the scenes to an In Clause when a report is executed. The problem that I have is that my multi-select string parameter is turned into an in claused filled with nvarchar/unicode expressions like:
Where columnName in (N'Value1', N'Value2', N'Value3'...)
This nvarchar / unicode expression takes what is already a fairly slow-performing construct and just drives it into the ground. When I capture my query with Profiler (so I can see the In Clause that is being built), I can run it in Management Studio and see the execution plan. Using N'Values' instead of just 'Value1', 'Value2','Value3' causes the query performance to drop from 40 seconds to two minutes and 40 seconds. It's horrible. How can I make it stop!!!?
Is there any way to force the query-rewriting process in Reporting Services to just use plain-old, varchar text values instead of forcing each value in the list to be converted on the fly to an Nvarchar value like this? The column from which I am pulling values for the parameter and the column that I am filtering are both just plain varchar.
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Feb 13, 2012
I have 2 datasets, dataseta is a list of tickets and their relevant owner and databsetb is a list of owners and a days worked first against them.I have a table with a detail grouping on ticketid and a normal grouping on owner which works well... all straight forward to this point. In this table on the owner grouping level I also have a lookup to datasetb which pulls back the days worked per owner which works fine as well. But what I now need to do is total the days worked over all owners, which sounds simple but doesn't work. This is the expression on the days worked for each owner -
=lookup (Fields!owner. Value, Fields!owner.Value, Fields!Days_worked.Value,"datasetb")
If I add a sum around this then it uses the figure above but multiplies it by the amount of tickets in the detail grouping.
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Jun 17, 2015
I am trying to test the concept of passing multi value parameters from one report using the Action Property of a textbox to open another report is a new Window with the Multi Value parameter values already passed. The test involves the following:
Report 1:
1. Multi Value Parameter @ReportParameter1 has three Values: Value1, Value2, Value3
2. Has a text box with the Action Property set to Go to URL with the following Expression:
+ JOIN(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value,"&ReportParameter1=") + "'))"
Report 2:
1. Has Two Parameters @ReportParameter1 and @ReportParameter2
2. @ReportParameter1 has Available Values as follows:Â Value1, Value2, Value3
Does not have any default Values.
When I click on the textbox on Report1, it does navigate to Report2 but none of the Values are being set.
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Jun 25, 2015
I'm modifying a report that uses a date parameter as a report filter. The original report had no restrictions on what dates may be entered, so it displayed a neat Calendar picker tool for use in selecting the date for the parameter.
Thing is, this new version needs to have the dates limited to only those available in the source data. So, when I provide a query to describe the available values in the parameter properties window, instead of the nifty Calendar picker, I get a texbox dropdown list. [insert sad sound here]
I was hoping that it would still provide the Calendar picker, but with available dates highlighted in bold or some color or the unavailable dates greyed out, something along those lines; not an unimaginative dropdown list. To define the available values, I use a very simple query;
FROM Census
ORDER BY Load_Date
Is there a way to get it to display a Calendar tool rather than the dropdown list, if the parameter is given a list of available dates?
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Jul 16, 2015
I am using SSRS 2008 and the reports we have use parameters of type Date/Time. Â The reports work well when the parameter values are entered correctly.
When entering an invalid date format for one of the Date/Time parameters the following error is displayed "The value provided for the report '<parameter name>' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch). Â This seems to be working correctly as well. Â However, when the correct date format is then entered for the report parameter for which the report threw an error, the error persists and the report doesn't run again. Â Setting the parameter to "NULL" doesn't work either.
The only way to get the report to run again is to refresh the entire report. Â Of course, if at that point one has entered a bunch of other parameter values, those values all disappear.
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Apr 19, 2013
i have below table in DB
DB Table
Row data
Supplier CODE
Supplier Name
now I create  one report parameter order1 IF I will  give order1.value=1,2,3 then Report will come like this :--
Supplier Name
IF I will  give order1.value=3,2,1 then Report will come like this :--
Supplier Name
IF I will  give order1.value=1,3 then Report will come like this :--
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Nov 19, 2015
I have a SSRS report with data in below format.
ID      Name   Date
1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â AÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â null
2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 01/01/2012
3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 01/02/2013
Also, I have a sort parameter @sort and values are (Name, ID, Date)
I want to apply page break whenever @sort=Name. There should be no page break when user selects @sort = ID or Date. Page break should happen only when @sort value = Name
it should be like this...
Page 1:
ID      Name   Date
1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â AÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â null
Page 2:
ID      Name   Date
2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 01/01/2012
Page 3:
ID      Name   Date
3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 01/02/2013
I need achieving the above task.
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Jul 24, 2012
we are queirying an stored procedure multiple times same time,from our application. In this case, few processes executing successfully and few getting failed with error "50000 error executing the stored procedure" and if we run thesame process again its getting executed sucessfully.Does the MySQL cannot handle multiple threads same time?
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Sep 21, 2007
I have created a report using Report designer (Visual Studio, using Data Model as a data source), in the report I had created few datasets (with single filed) to populate the report parameters, lets say I have created a multi valued Parameter CustomerName and assigned field from a dataset,
result are coming correctly and combo box is getting populated but the customers are not in alphabetical order!
I want to sort it and need to specify it in report (please note that I am using Report Model as a data source and I can€™t sort the source table in the data base to get the result sorted)
Please let me know if anybody has done that or forward me if know some link which talks about it.
Thanks in advance.
Jayant Jape
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Apr 22, 2015
In an existing SSRS 2012 report, I have a requirement for a user to be able to select by multiple school(s) and/or multiple grade(s). This is fine except certain schools like elementary have grade levels of KG to 06, Middle school has grades of 06 to 09 and high school has grades of 10 to 12. Thus for example, if a user has initially selected grades 11 and 12 and then they select an elementary school that has grades KG through 06, the 'grade level' selection would need to change.In other words, I am thinking of initially having the available and default values for the parameter called 'Grade' set to KG through 12. However if a school is selected that only has specific grade levels like elementary school, how can I override the original grade level and only allow the user to select grades that the particular school contains?
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May 12, 2010
I have a parameter that chooses its available items from a query (with a label and a value column). I set the default for the parameter to the a particular value.
It works in Preview from design mode, but when I deploy it and run the report, it does not set the default.
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Dec 2, 2014
I am creating matrix report with grouping on WEEK and Fiscalyearweek,I need to calculate of difference between FY14W01,FY15W01 ande  percentage of those..how to calculate in ssrs level.
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Aug 17, 2005
If myDateTimeColumn contains a <NULL> value. How do you handle that when reading into a DateTime object in your code?DateTime myDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["myDateTimeColumn"]);Does not work, it throws: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
I am curious as to what others are doing to handle this?
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