SQL Server 2008 :: How To Hide Criteria In Search Results

May 28, 2015

Say I want to search for a range of account numbers but only which are active. After I set my field for A (active) this field shows in my results, I dont want it to.

In Access you can easily just uncheck that field in design view, but how do I do it in sql?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Hide Specific Record(s) From Results

Nov 2, 2015

I have written a SQL statement.There is a table called customer.It contains all customer data with customerid as PK.There is another table called logs and it contains customerid as foreign key and it contains a field to keep more than 90 days older user accounts.That field name is "Checked"

What I need get all records from these 2 tables and remove/hide more than 90 days older customers from record set.See my illustration.

I have written this code but I dont understand how to remove more than 90 days older user from result (because customer table doesnt contain a record called "Checked")

FROM [dbo].[Customers],[dbo].[VIESLog] WHERE [dbo].[VIESLog].[Checked] < DATEADD(day, -90, GETDATE())

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SQL Server 2008 :: Elegant Way For Returning All Results When Subquery Returns No Results?

Mar 25, 2015

I have four tables: Customer (CustomerId INT, CountyId INT), County (CountyId INT), Search(SearchId INT), and SearchCriteria (SearchCriteriaId INT, SearchId INT, CountyId INT, [others not related to this]).

I want to search Customer based off of the Search record, which could have multiple SearchCriteria records. However, if there aren't any SearchCriteria records with CountyId populated for a given Search, I want it to assume to get all Customer records, regardless of CountyId.

Right now, I'm doing it this way.

DECLARE @SearchId INT = 100
CountyId IN
SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT CountyId FROM SearchCriteria WHERE SearchId = @SearchId)
THEN SearchCriteria.CountyId

[Code] .....

This works; it just seems cludgy. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Delete Tables In Database Whose Table Names Match A Criteria

Jul 22, 2015

The database has approx. 2500 temporary tables. The temp tables match a pattern such as APTMP... I tried deleting the tables in SSMS with the statement, Delete from Information_Schema.tables where substring(table_name,1,5) = 'APTMP' This returns the error message"Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed".

What is the correct way to delete a group of tables whose name match a pattern from within SSMS?

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Command With Several Search Criteria

Dec 4, 2013

I am very new to sql programming. I have a database with 15 columns. At this moment I do this to get all rows containing the year 2013:

WHERE DATEPART (yyyy, DownloadDate) = 2013 .

But I also want to add a criteria so that I can have all rows where DownloadDate contains 2013 AND WHERE IsRead(BIT) contains NULL. I tried this:

WHERE DATEPART(yyyy, DownloadDate) = 2013 AND IsRead = null .

But this gave me nothing!

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Criteria Search Query

Jul 30, 2007

I have four criterias in my .aspx page. They are "First Name, Last Name, Title, Year". I have a Book and an Author table. The Author table would contain all the author's information and the Book table contains all the books information such as title, publisher, subject, and so on. So here's what I'm trying to do.

I want to write a transaction statement that will query the four criterias above if the criteria textbox is not black. So for example, when the user click the submit button, all the four criteria fields are filled except Year. That means the query would search the Author and Book tables for "First Name, Last Name, Title" but not "Year" for any potential matches. I also wanted to use "Like" instead of "=" for a wider search.

Actually I'm trying to create a store procedure that will accept those four criterias and search the tables based on those criterias.

Any help is appreciated.

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Using Results From One Query As Criteria For Next

Jan 4, 2006

I have a database with some over normalized tables in it.  The best I can do with one query is get the file ID.  In the second query I want to get all the file names, based on all the fileID's I got from the first query.  How would I go about doing this?

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How To Put Single Quatation ' In Search Criteria

Feb 3, 2007

i am working for a Library Project. in that project i want to search Book by putting book content. in book content there could be single quatation
e.g William's. when ever i put single quatation my string type is terminated and my query is not executed successfully.
select Book_ID,Title,Auther from book_details where Contents like '%xyz%'
here xyz is my object name.
if i put William's in xyz it does not work.
plz tell me how to solve this problem.
New Delhi, INDIA

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Variable In Search Criteria(URGENT)

May 31, 1999

dear friend,
the problem i am finding is moreover a concatenation problem
what i did is that have stored procedure which is accepting any character and i have to show all the records where this character is existing
it is like this only
name1 like '% @str %'
but then it is not treating the str as a variable and treating it as a string so if you have any solution please let me know early
please give the answer with example
waiting for reply
ashish bhatnagar

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Handling Multiple Search Criteria

Mar 20, 2012

I am working on SQL Server in VB 2008. I have a table 'Records' having 8 columns. I have a search page where I can choose 5 different parameters to search as 'Category' , 'Name' , 'Date' etc.

I can successfully search with a single criteria selected either Category Name Or Date. But I want to create a single SQL command that can search my 'Records' table for either two or all the parameters depending on the selections made by the user.

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Criteria; Search Any Word In Field

May 26, 2004

I am trying to set up a query that will allow the user to input a string, and the search will match ANY word in that string. Currently, I have it configured so that the search will only match the exact string that the user inputs. I have google searched for the answer, but no luck yet. Any ideas?

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SQL 2012 :: Search Criteria Parameter Value

Jun 20, 2014

Say I have a query like

I want to pass values to @ID and @SOMEDATE, such that it meets the WHERE criteria for all values in the respective fields.

What parameter value should I pass such that all values are selected? In the actual SP, I have uniqueidentifier, varchar and date parameters.

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Output Search Criteria For Multiple OR?

Oct 21, 2014

My selection criteria is as follows:

where content like '%EditLiveJava%'
or content like '% Sys__%' ESCAPE '_'
or content like '%<div class="row"/>%'
or content like '%<a href="" title=""%'
or content like '%cmsprod%'
or content like '%Error processing inline link%'
or content like '%see log for stack trace%'

I output the content field if the search is true but would like to also output which specific 'like' has been found.

Can I do this in the one pass or do I have to read the database separately for each condition?

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Stored Procedure - Search By Two Or Any One Of Criteria

Apr 7, 2015

I have a store procedure that search by Firstname and Lastname. I want it search by either both (Firstname and Lastname) or any of them. For example if only FirstName passes to it shows all the record with that Fistname. Currently I have to pass both Firstname and Lastname to my store proc to get the result.

This is my stor proc:

USE [CustomerPortal]
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CSA_Search_Customer_By_Name]

[Code] ....

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How Do I Search For The Same Criteria In Three Or More Fields In One Table?

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to create a query that will show me who is phoning who in anorganisation from available Telephone Billing information. I am creating aMSAccess 2000 database with a few few tables, two of which are:TableMembers: (containg fields Refs, DateCreated, MembershipNo,OfficeLocation ...NB: Refs has a Primary Key - No Duplicates)TablePeople: (containing fields: Refs, Name, Addr, TelHome, TelWork,TelMobile & TelFax)TableTelBills: (containing fields: Refs, TelNo, DateCalled, Duration,TelType)I am trying to create a query that will use a simple searching criteria eg.,Like "*" [Enter the Tel No or part Tel No to search:] & "*"to search all the Tel fields in the TablePeople and TableTelBills (TelHome,TelWork, TelMobile, TelFax and TelNo) but am running in difficulties.I start by creating a query and adding the tables TablePeople andTableTelBills and TableMembers.I use the Refs from the Table Members as a base criteria but do not know howto create criteria that will search all Tel fields at once!I would appreciate any and all help people!Jan

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SQL Search :: Can't Get Expected Results With Contains And Full Text Search?

Nov 1, 2015

I am using Sql Server 2014 Express edition.I have a table with a varchar(max) column. I have created a full text search that use the stoplist "system". column has this struct: xxx.yyy.zzz.... where xxx, yyy, zzz... are numbers, like 123.345.123123.366456...I can have rows like that:


I am trying this query:

select * from Mytable where
contains(MyColumn, '123.345.')

I gues the contains would return all the rows with column contains 123.345, but this does not return all the expected rows, only one row.I have tried to replace "." with "-" but the result is the same.I have also tried with '123.345.*. In this case I have got more results, but no all the exptected rows.If I use this query:

select * from MyTable where
MyCOlumn like '123.345.%';

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NO Records In Result Set When Non-alphanumerics Are Used In Search Criteria

Nov 5, 1999

I'm trying to figure out why I am not getting any result set back from a search that includes non-alphanumeric
or non-printable characters. For instance, if I have a table with a 20 character name column with names with
beginning ranges from A-Z, why doesn't the following return any rows:
select * from table where name < CHAR(126).
In the ASCII character set, 126 is a tilde (~) which is numerically above the alphanumeric ranges 1-9,a-z, and
A-Z. Shouldn't all records that sort lower in the character range be included in the result set ?

I'm assuming this has something to do with the default collation sequence being used which somehow does
not include characters outside the alphanumeric range. Any ideas ?

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Hide Subquery Results In Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

Hi everyone, I have a stored procedure which I use to query a table.The first part of the stored procedure uses a cursor to update a temp tablewhilst the second part of the query actually retrieves information from adatabase table utilising information based on the temp table.My problem is that when I run the procedure, the cursors status is outputand therefore becomes part of the result set. I really only want theinformation returned returned by the second query as my result set.So, is it possible to hide the results of the cursor so that it does notbecome part of the result set? I have tried nocount on around the cursorroutine but this does not workThanks in advanceMark

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SQL 2012 :: Limiting Query Results With 3 Criteria For Each Record

Mar 20, 2015

I am trying to write a query that gives me the personal records from speed skaters on e.g. the 500 mtrs. I do this with the query:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, min(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
FROM tb....... INNER JOIN etc..
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

In itself this works fine. However, there are complicating factors. Sometimes a speed skater has multiple PRs, meaning the he/she has the same fastest time more than once.

If these times are achieved on multple days, the 1st date is the official PR. (meaning: "Min of racedate")
If they are raced on the same day the 1st race is the PR (meaning: "Min of distancenumber")

Changing the code to:

SELECT cdsDistance AS Distance
, prsFirstName
, prsLastName
, MIN(crtFinalTime) AS MinTime
, MIN(cdsStartDate) AS RaceDate
, MIN(cdsDistanceNumber) AS DistanceNumber

FROM tb.......
GROUP BY cdsDistance, prsFirstName, prsLastName
ORDER BY min(crtFinalTime)

This gives me the wrong outcome because it gives me the "MIN" of every field, and they are not necessarily on the same row.

An option would be to calculate min(crtFinalTime), if for a person there is more than 1 result, calculate min of date, and then (if there is still more than 1 row) min of distancenumber.

Seems complicated, and I have the feeling there must be a better way (apart from: how to get this code)

Stacking subqueries in the FROM statement seems like a option be costly (time wise). There are more than 10 million rows (and growing) to run through.

As an example a few times:

DistanceFirst nameLast name Time Date Distance nr.
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311155
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311153
500 Yuya Oikawa 34.49 201311172

Yuya has 3 best times (34.49), 15-11-2013 is the 1st date, then distance nr 3 is the 1st distance raced. Therefore the 2nd row is the only row I would like to get in my endresult.

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Simple Function For Returning A Character Based On Search Criteria..

Feb 20, 2007

Hi,how do I do a simple formula, which will search a field for specialcharacters and return a value.If it finds "%" - it returns 1elseIf it finds "?" it returns 2endIf this is the incorrect newsgroups, please direct me to the correct oneregards Jorgen

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SQL Server 2008 :: Search For A Percentage Value In String Using Contains?

May 6, 2015

Interest rate has been stored in comments column along with other information ( e.g. mike's student loan is 5% and car payment is $ 150). I need to extract 5% using Contains .. Why Contains? because it's a 1.7 m rows dataset and searching for fours specific interest rate values (e.g. 3%, 9%, 12% and 15%)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Search Any Of Two Names From String

Jun 20, 2015

DECLARE @search VARCHAR(10);
SET @search = 'dog,COW';
SELECT 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'
SELECT 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'
WHERE C LIKE '%' + @search + '%'

I have a string in a cell 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'

I want to search any of the two names from the string.

Search string:'cat,cow'
Result:no result (not working),[size="7"][/size]
Search string:'cat,dog'
result :given string(working fine )

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SQL Server 2008 :: Search For A Stored Procedure

Jun 25, 2015

I would like to search for a particular stored procedure written by a developer. I know the name of the procedure but in which db is it residing in. There are 40 databases in this SQL 2008 instance. I search on the name column in sys.all_objects table and it does not return anything. I end up querying sys.procedures on each database to locate the procedure. Is there a system table/view that I can query to look for a procedure, instead of querying sys.procedures on each database one by one?

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Full Text Search Does Not Return Expected Results On Production Server

May 7, 2013

I have a FullTextSQLQuery which I am trying to search a phrase(The Multi-part identifier) on full text indexed table. I am getting expected results on running the below sql query on QA machine and PreProduction servers, but not getting the same results on our development and production servres as even though same code running.

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 50 c.case_id,c.status_id,cal.cas_details
FROM g_case_action_log cal (READUNCOMMITTED)
INNER JOIN g_case c (READUNCOMMITTED) ON (cal.case_id = c.case_id)
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(es.g_case_action_log, cas_details,
' "The multi-part identifier" OR "<br>The multi-part identifier" OR
"The multi-part identifier<br>" ') as key_tbl
ON cal.log_id = key_tbl.[key]
ORDER By c.case_id DESC

We are using SqlServer 2008 R2 version on all servers.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Full Text Search Not Returning Certain Results?

Oct 28, 2015

We are running SQL 2014 SP1. We are using defined Full text indexes on several tables in the database. However, on one specific set of servers, a certain search will not return any data. This exact same search works on another set of servers built identically. The first responses I'm sure will be stop list, but I have dropped and recreated the FTI multiple times with different stop lists or no stop list at all and get the same results.

The specific word being searched on is YUM. If I change the value to YUMk, it actually returns, and if I change the data to TUM it returns, but YUM does not. This exact query is working on multiple other systems, so it seems to be something environmental, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get Rid Of NULL In Results From Case When

Sep 21, 2015

I'm trying to get a result set without the NULLs. Here is the code I'm using. I'd like the results to look like:

17285204 90471 090471
17285204 90715 090715
17285204 99396 099396
17285204 99420 099420
17285204 90471 090471
17285204 NULL G0444

create table #Test
AppNum varchar(10),
CPT varchar(10),
src char(1)
insert into #Test(AppNum, CPT, src) values('17285204','090471','b')

[Code] ...

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SQL Server 2008 :: Tools To Search Database For Values

Nov 2, 2015

I tried to find a forum for "tools" with SQL Server 2008, but couldn't find anything, so hoping this is the right forum for my question.

I have recently installed RedGate SQL Search. Although I can use this tool for a lot of stuff, I mis-understood the details and thought it not only searched database objects, but would search inside individual rows inside tables for a value, but it does not do this.

I have been trying to search for a comparable product. I have found a bunch of stored procedures to do this, but I do not want to create a bunch of stored procedures for all the various databases we have, nor do I have the permission to do this.

Are there any tools like SQL Search that integrate (not a requirement, but definitely a nice bonus) with SSMS and will search the tables for a value in any given row, listing the table and column (it would be nice to list the entire row, but not required as with table and column, I can do a search for the row) for the given value?

I have found this product: [URL] ...., but I do not have any information on the company to know if they are reputable.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Full Text Search On Indexed View

Mar 25, 2015

I'm creating Indexed view by JOINING multiple tables and trying to create FULL TEXT search index. Unique column is generated by concatenating to ID columns from different table. I can successfully able to create unique index however when trying to create FULLTEXT INDEX getting below error.

"A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, does not have a filter, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key."

The message clearly says the column should be single-column index, non-deterministic.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Full Text Search - Searching For Keyword

Apr 8, 2015

I am searching for the key word 'Platform Customer Support' using full text search. My code is as below

Set @KeywordSearch = 'Platform Customer Support'

Select AA, BB, CC, DD from SM9..TableName A Right Outer Join SM9_Experiment..TableName C
On A.IncdTouchedGSF like '%' + C.SM9GroupName + '%'
Contains(A.[Description], @KeyWordSearch)
And A.OpenTime Between @StartDate and @EndDate
And C.Classification = @GroupNameClassification

The code is throwing:

Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Line 46
Syntax error near 'Customer' in the full-text search condition 'Platform Customer Support.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Speed Up Text Search In Large Result Set?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a query below which filters detail field in the #TempLogins table. The details field is a text field which contains many types of text strings, some containing urls that have parts like "ResultID=5" which is what is contained in the ResultIDSearch and ResultSetIDSearch fields. The records with entries like "ResultID=5" are the ones I'm trying to filter for.

The problem I have is that the query takes way too long to run. The TempLogin table has around 200 K records and the TempSearch table has around 80 K records.

select * from #TempLogins a where exists
(select 1 from #TempSearch t1 where
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultIDSearch + '%'
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultSetIDSearch + '%')

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Search Full-text Indexed Table And Return Results

Apr 19, 2014

I have written this sample query to search a full-text indexed table and return the results. If the word occurs more than once I want it to return as a new record and the results show a short summary of the location. I was using 'like', but the full table scans were really slowing it down. Can performance be improved for the following (The results returned by my query are accurate)


DECLARE @searchString nvarchar(255);
DECLARE @searchStringWild nvarchar(275);

SET @searchString = 'first';
SET @searchStringWild = UPPER('"' +@searchString+ '*"');

SELECT id, '...' + SUBSTRING(searchResults.MatchedCell, searchResults.StartPosition, searchResults.EndPosition - searchResults.StartPosition) + '...' as Result

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Display List Of Indexes - Add Database Name In Results

Apr 6, 2015

I written a proc to display the list of Indexes But I needed to print the database where the objects do belong to. How I should write the Dynamic script to add the database Id? I thought to use derived table kind of stuff, but unable to find a solution.

DECLARE databasecursor CURSOR FOR

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Results Output Into CSV File To Use In VBA Macro

Jul 31, 2015

I have the following code below where I need to have all of the query results output into a .csv file to use in a VBA macro. The issue I am running into is that the data is not deliminating correctly and my rows are being shifted incorrectly. Any better way of out putting the results into a .csv file with a common delimiter.

-- Declare the variables
@DelCMD VARCHAR(4000),
@Combine VARCHAR(4000),
@Path VARCHAR(4000),

[Code] ...

Output from query (please post in a text editor. The line starting with (only ) should be on line 1 after 20 pks and is shifted to a new line.):

557898^1^9885E25^80082^9.0 CM GLASS FIBER PADS 20PKS
(only 12 pks in stock that will ship today)

[Code] ....

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