SQL Server 2008 :: Load Latest CSV Files From File Server Automatically

Feb 4, 2015

I need to load the latest csv files from file server , The files are placed in a folder called -

Posted 02022015- --> csv files .

I am able to copy the csv files from filserver using bulk insert (manually) , giving the file location

I am having difficulty picking up the latest folder which is posted on the server and import it into database using a stored proc .

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SQL Server 2008 :: Can SSRS Report Be Automatically Saved As Excel File

Feb 13, 2015

I have a report that is scheduled to run a once a week. This works fine. But now I would like this report to be saved as an Excel file automatically when it runs. how / where do I do this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Checking Files In A Shared Path If Folder Or File?

Jun 3, 2015

I wrote the below script to print all folders and files located in the share path. How to extend my script to mention by adding another column whether the file is a folder/file , sort of 0 or 1.

declare @chkdirectory1 varchar(4000) = 'shared_pathfolder';
declare @finalserver3 varchar(4000);
create table #tmp (directory_name varchar(4000))
SET @finalserver3 = '''"DIR ' + @chkdirectory1 + ' /B"''';
--select @finalserver3
--SELECT @finalServer
DECLARE @ExecCmd varchar(100)
--SELECT @ExecCmd = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ' + char(50) + 'mkdir D:'+ CONVERT(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) + '' + char(50)
SET @ExecCmd = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ' + @finalserver3
--SELECT @ExecCmd
drop table #tmp

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SQL Server 2008 :: Use Folder Name As Database From Batch File To Execute Files

Jul 17, 2015

I've been struggling with this issue,

1) Test--FolderName (This Test folder name should use as a database name for below sub folders)

a)Create--Sub Foldername
b)Alter---Sub FolderName
c)Insert---Sub FolderName

[Code] .....

The scripts need to be run in order. So script one needs to run first folder in that sub folders after that next second folders etc..

Is there a way to create a bat file that automatically runs all these scripts, in order against, the databases they need to?

The databases that they need to run against have the name of the database at the beginning of the name of the folder.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get Latest Records From Table

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table where i am inserting into temp table, I mean selecting the records from existing table. From this how can i get latest records.

create table studentmarks
id int,
name varchar(20),
marks int
Insert into dbo.studentmarks values(1,'sha',20);

[Code] ....

How to write a sql query to get the below output

studentname totalmarks

sha 90
hu 120

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Group And Find Latest

Aug 25, 2015

I have a scenario as below for one ID -

| id | amount | date | descr|
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:10:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:05:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-25 12:07:57.107 | 3 |

I want to fetch below 3 records from the above scenario i.e. latest record of each amount (Latest is determined using "descr" column i.e. 4 is greater then 3 -

| id | amount | date | descr|
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-25 12:10:57.107 | 4 |
| 5689 | 10.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 3 |
| 5689 | 130.00 | 2015-08-24 12:07:57.107 | 4 |

But in case of same amounts I am unable to fetch the latest status as even using partitioning will treat them as one.


(5689,10.00,'2015-08-25 12:10:57.107','4')
,(5689,10.00,'2015-08-24 12:07:57.107','3')
,(5689,10.00,'2015-08-25 12:05:57.107','3')
,(5689,130.00,'2015-08-24 12:07:57.107','4')
,(5689,130.00,'2015-08-25 12:07:57.107','3')

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Automatically Daily Load Data From Oracle?

Oct 7, 2015

how to load the data from oracle to sql server

oracle source is having 7 tables
sql server target is having 7 tables

i have used VISUAL STUDIO and created the one data for individual but how to run in sql server that ssis package

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Integration Services :: Load Flat Files From S3 Into 2008 R2?

May 12, 2014

We have a few customers dropping files in Amazon S3. how to load this data into SQL Server 2008 R2 database using SSIS? We are 2008 R2 BIDS environment.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Automatically Execute Script Once Database Has Been Attached

Jul 29, 2015

our clients have the flexibility to detach and attach databases (I know there are a lot of considerations around this but there is now way of changing it), once they attach a database we need to run some code to update a bunch of values in the database.

Other than creating a SQL Agent job are there any other options available to automatically execute a script once the database has been attached?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Fails To Load Files From Network When Executed Via Agent (2008 R2 SP2)

Aug 5, 2014

I have a simple SSIS package that reads a flat file and copies it into a SQL Server table.

When the flat fiel is on the C drive I have no problem runnign this package from SQL Server Agent, but as soon as I update the path to a network location the package only works when I run it manually, but fails when is executed via the SQL Server agent job.

The error says "cannot open the datafile", while the datafile location is valid.

Is this a kind of limitation of a SQL Server Agent that only local files are allowed to be processed?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Test Backup Restores (full And Log) - Restore Databases Automatically?

Apr 4, 2015

I am working towards automating the process of testing our backups. For the meantime, I do it all manually - I copy the backup files (full + transaction logs) to our test server and then run the restore script. Once database restored I run the DBCC CheckDB. The results of checkdb I manually upload to our Sharepoint portal as proof that the backup file is intact with no errors.

here are some ideas I have but have not yet tested:

Create a maintenance plan with each 3 jobs:

--> Powershell script to copy the files from Prod server to Test server - add this scrip to Job1
--> Powershell script to restore databases files - add this script to Job2
--> Run the DBCC in powershell (yet to find if possible in PS) - add this script to Job3

I would like to use seperate jobs as to get a report on the duration and status of each job

Would also like to get the results of the DBCC Checkdb as proof that no errors were found for upload to our Sharepoint portal. Dont know if possible via the job.

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How To Load .dbf Files In Sql Server 2005

May 1, 2007


i have a dbf file which i need to import in sql server 2005.

anyone having any idea to import these files either through integration services or any other tool ???

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Load Dimension And Facts

Apr 15, 2015

I have some source tables like Customer, Order, ship, item, invoice. Among these source tables, I have to create 5 dimension tables and 1 Fact called orderFact using sql server queries just to test data. So i have created 5 dimensions and pulled dimension keys from each dimension and loaded into fact using join. For measures I have joined those 5 sources created a Rawfact table which have all measures.

Now loading into fact I have joined Rawfact with all dimensions and get keys and for measures i directly pulled from rawfact. Is this process right or we can do it by some other method?

And I want to avoid any Cartesian product for below queries. What I can do to avoid this?

DimCustomer, DimOrder, DimShip,DimItem, DimInvoice and Fact is FactOrder:

Loading Rawfact:

select o.ord_id, o.full_order_value,o.open_order_value,o.div_code, o.order_type_code,o.order_status,o.order_date,
it.net_weight, it.gross_weight,it.warranty_days,it.item_type,it.item_num,
c.terr_code, c.largest_bal,c.last_amt_pay,c.last_inv_amt,c.num_invoice_paid,c.cust_num,
from order o

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Load A Customer Database

May 26, 2015

I need to load a customer database onto our SQL 2008 server. I always use restore database option in the management studio and create a new database from device (customer database backup file), it used to work just fine. But when I do the same now, I get this below error:

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.(Microsoft SQL Server,Error: 262)

I also tried to create new database option in the management studio, but get the same error. I did run management studio as 'Run as admin'.

Server - Windows 2008 R2
SQL Server 2008 R2, SP1

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SQL Server 2008 :: No Option To Automatically Partition Table Based On Unique Values Of Column?

Jun 17, 2015

A common partitioning scenario is when the partition column has the same value for every record in the partition, as opposed to a range of values. Am I the only person who wonders why there isn't an option to automatically partition a table based on the unique values of the partition column? Instead of defining a partition function with constants, you ought to be able to just give it the column and be done. This would be particularly valuable for tables partitioned on a weekly or monthly date; when new data is added it could simply create a new partition if one doesn't already exist.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Restore The Latest Transactional Log File Job?

Sep 23, 2015

I'm trying find a way of crating an sql server job which would restore only transactional log file just once a day. The trouble I'm having is trying to get only the latest transactional log file it it possible to achieve through e.g powershell etc as I can't find a way through sql query?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Incremental Load Only Required Data?

Apr 30, 2015

I have a table in Server A and it has 5 columns. One is Address & ID, CreateDatetime,..

I need to transfer data from this table from Server A to server B for a report pupose. The Address column in this table has some places two address in the table. I am giving ex below

Houston, Dallas
New Jersey, New York

I want to avoid the rows where address are two Houston, Dallas & New Jersey, NewYork to the destination table in server B and need to do incremental loads.

how to proceed with this?

The version we are using is Sql Server standard edition 2008r2

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replication Subsystems Failed To Load

Sep 4, 2009

I am running SQL 2008 Enterprize Edition with SP1 on Windows 2008. I am trying to set up replication. I have completed the following:

1. Created distribution Database
2. Created publisher
3. Granted SQL Agent access to the ...MSSQL100Com folder to execute the agent_exe files
4. Granted SQL Agent access to ...MSSQLinn where the subsystem_dll files are located
5. Granted SQL Agent write permissions to ...MSSQL
epldata in order the write the bcp files

Each time I try to initialize the snapshot, I get the following errors in the SQL Agent Log

1. Log Step.......cannot be run because the LogReader subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended.
2. Log Step.......cannot be run because the Snapshot subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended.

I found posts where the records in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems pointed to different folders than where the dll and exe files are located. So, I checked that, but they are correct.

The SQL Agent has sysadmin on the SQL Server and is using a windows service account.

I believe it is a security issue because I can run the executables from the command prompt to generate the snapshot for the publication. Have I missed the forest for the trees?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Verify Partition Data Load Syntax

Feb 28, 2015

What is the syntax to verify that the partition data is loaded into the correct partition.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Verify Partition Data Load Syntax?

Mar 2, 2015

What is the syntax to verify Partition data load.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Load SSIS Package For Any Specific Date

May 18, 2015

I have a ssis package which runs daily. This ssis package has couple of execute sql tasks which load data for yesterday's transaction. Ex.

INSERT INTO Shipped (Div_Code, shipment_value, ship_l_id, shipped_qty, shipped_date, whse_code,

ord_id, ship_id, ship_l_ord_l_id, Created_date) select ord.DIV_CODE as div_code, ship.SHIPMENT_VALUE as shipment_value, ship_l.SHIP_L_ID as ship_l_id, ship_l.SHIPPED_QTY as shipped_qty, ship.SHIPPED_DATE as shipped_date, ship.WHSE_CODE as whse_code, ord.ORD_ID as ord_id, ship.SHIP_ID as ship_id, ship_l.ord_l_id as ship_l_ord_l_id, Getdate() as Created_date from SHIP ship, ORD ord, SHIP_L ship_l where ship.SHIPPED_DATE=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))) and ship.WHSE_CODE='WPP' and ord.ORD_ID=ship.ORD_ID and ship.SHIP_ID=ship_l.SHIP_ID

All execute sql task has query like above query. and in some query we have date filter which loads data for yesterday. Ex. one query has ship.SHIPPED_DATE=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))). some other query has ord.trans_date=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))). this package runs daily through sql server job, so It loads data for yesterday. Now If i want to run for any particular date, How could we achieve from ssis?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Load Data For Yesterday And Specific Date

May 31, 2015

I have a ssis package, which runs on date parameter. If we dont specify the date it always load data for yesterday's date. And if we give any specific date like '2015-05-10', It should load for that date. How can we achieve this dynamically (using package configuration)? Once we load for any specific date, package should be set for yesterday's date dynamically. How to achieve this as I am new to SSIS.

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Code To Find The Latest File In A Folder And Export It To A Sql Server Table

Feb 15, 2008

Hi Experts,

I have to find the latest file in a folder and export data to a table in sql server.
The code should be something that has to be incorporated into a t-sql stored procedure.

The file name would for example abc_defYYYYMMDD.xls.
would i be able to find the latest file in the folder using the the datestamp (YYYYMMDD) in the filename.

Please note i would have files in other format and names with datestamp attached to it, so the code has to pick specific file for which the file name starts with 'abc_def'

and export data to a table.

Any help would be highly appreciated

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Integration Services :: Send CSV Files To Secure FTP - Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Aug 3, 2015

Task- To Send csv files to Secure FTP.

Problem: Script Task using Third Party DLL for Secure FTP mainly "Eldos" is not able to load dll ,when deployed on integration server.

Resolution: Usually i Follow and it works even : Copy and Paste Dll in below location depending on Server Configuration.

If Server is Window 32 Bit
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinn"
If Server is Window 64 Bit
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTSBinn"

Tried Another Resolution:

If Server is Window 32 Bit
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies"
If Server is Window 64 Bit
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies"

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query A Column Of XML Files?

Feb 12, 2015

I have a table with lots of xml files in one column(more than 1000), like this

1. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...
2. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...
3. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...each is big

I want to query some values for all to see the duration but now I can only query one of them

declare @bp xml
select @bp=xml
from bloodpressureohneschema
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.openehr.org/v1' as bp,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi,'OBSERVATION' as type)
select * from(
m.c.value('(./bp:time/bp:value)[1]','date') as time,
m.c.value('(./bp:data/bp:items[1]/bp:value[1]/bp:magnitude)[1]','int') as value
from @bp.nodes('/bp:content/bp:data/bp:events') as m(c)

is there somewhere I can make better?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Locate Archived Log Files

Jun 18, 2015


The number of files to retain for SQL Server Logs is set to 99. When I expand the SQL Server Logs node in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows the current log file through Archive#49. The oldest archive file is dated 2015/05/26. If I select that archive in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows me the details and entries of that archive file. Yet when I go to the directory on SQL Server for the log files there are only the 5 most recent files. I have searched for '.trc' files on the entire drive and have found no other files.

How can SQL Server Mgt Studio show archive files that have no corresponding archive file in the directory that is supposed to contain the log files?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Locating MDF / Log And Backup Files?

Aug 21, 2015

I am trying to locate the mdf,log and bak files but I am not seeing folder (MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER) the only folder I see there are 90,100,110 and Report builder.

I located the properties of one of the databases below right clicking the properties on SSMS, but when I physically go there, I don't find that folder.

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA

I gave myself all the permissions under the security tab fro the folder Microsoft SQL Server but still nothing.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Download Files From FTP Using Filter

Feb 8, 2015

I need to use SSIS to connect to an FTP server. From there I need to download files to a local folder. I need to download only today's files and also on those files starting with Training or Recruitment. I have managed to set up tasks that copy all but I am having such a hard time writing a script using C# that will download using the filters.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Expression On Getting The Specific Files?

Feb 26, 2015

I am developing the SSIS and stuck on copying specific files.

1. We receive CSV file to our drive on a daily basis.

2. The csv file name has the last 8 digits formatted with the yyyymmdd. For example, the file name might be abcdef_20150226.csv This means it will be our CSV file for today, Thursday, February 26, 2015.

3. There are a lot of files in this directory.


What we would like to do:

Add the constraints (or expression) that will copy the files from this directory to another directory that have the date equivalent to Monday only. For example, the file abcdef_20150226.csv will not be copied because it is Thursday file. But the abcdec_20150223 will be copied to a new Directory because it is Monday.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query A Column Of XML Files In A Table

Apr 30, 2015

I want to query a column of xml files in a table,

use mysql1
declare @bp xml
select @bp=xml
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.openehr.org/v1' as bp,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi,'OBSERVATION' as type)
select * from (
m.c.value('(./bp:data/bp:items[1]/bp:value[1]/bp:magnitude)[1]','int') as systolisch
BloodpressureMitSchema cross apply
@bp.nodes('/bp:content/bp:data/bp:events') as m(c))m

But with this "cross apply" I can only query all the values in one xml and repeat them. Is there something wrong at "declear"

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SQL Server 2008 :: Restore Database From Raw MDF And LDF Files Of Old To New Computer

Aug 18, 2015

I have a client that has POS software called Restaurant Pro Express (RPE) from www.pcamerica.com
Their old POS computer had a hardware failure, but I was able to attach the hard-drive to another computer and recover the data. RPE uses a MSSQL database system. However, my client doesn't seem to make backups very often - the last one is dated January 5, 2015.

I was able to copy the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server folder over which contained the instance as well as all the data files - and has up-to-date information. The instance in the recovered Microsoft SQL Server folder was called MSSQL.1. I installed the RPE software on their new computer, and it too now has an instance called MSSQL10_50.PCAMERICA. The new computer is using MSSQL 2008 R2, while I believe the old computer would have been using MSSQL 2005.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Move Database Log Files Massively

Sep 14, 2015

I want to to move all database log files from drive E to F .

There are more than 10 databases so I don’t wanna move them 1 by 1 .

At the moment I use detach – attach method .

-Detach db
-Move log file
-Attach db

How do I do this massively in one go ?

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly To Server

Nov 29, 2007

I have a custom library (ReportLibary.dll) and ı added it as a reference to the report (Report.rdl). I also copied the dll file to ..IDEPrivateAssemblies. The report uses a methot from the dll to get some data.
When ı run the report from my local computer there is no problem, the data is generated from the dll. But when I depoy it to the sever an exception occurs.

"Error while loading code module: €˜ReportLibary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null€™. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'ReportLibary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Can not find the file. d:...Report.rdl"

I hope ı can find a solution to my problem. Thanks in advance.

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