SQL Server 2008 :: Multiple Languages In Same Column - How To Sort / Select
Jul 29, 2011
We have a database where the nvarchar columns currently holding English only data. It keeps the training information. Currently the default collation is Latin Case insensitive accent insensitive.
Now we are planning to allow multiple language support. When we go for it, we will upload the data from different languages. Based on user preferences, he/she should be able to query the data (One language at a time).
I am worried on how the existing queries will work if I load all language data in the same database.
For example, some characters in English are used in Norwegian too. But they have different sort order. ALso LIKE conditions too may fail.
So far I thought of few solutions: Add the Collation information along with select , order by clauses. It means we need to add more procedures (one set per collation) The other option is to create new database for each language. Each will have its own collation. The dowside is we need more databases which may lead to more servers and more maintenance work.
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.
For example, this is my Query
update Table1 set weight= d.weight, stateweight=d.stateweight, overallweight=d.overallweight from (select * from table2)d where table1.state=d.state and table1.month=d.month and table1.year=d.year
If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column
I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select
Is it possible to store multiple languages in one sql server.Now i have a sqlserver with US English.Can i store spanish and french data in the DB?If possible how can i store it...?
I have a view that retrieves the details for sys.messages in SQL Server Express and noticed that the language ID is 1033 (U.S. English). I will need French and Portuguese, and understand that these are standard. Is there a set of DDL Scripts that will install the sys.messages for these languages?
ID Description ParentID Level B.01 Parent 1 H B.01.01 Parent 1.1 B.01 H B.01.01.01 Parent 1.1.1 B.01.01 H B. Detail 1 B.01.01.01 D B. Detail 2 B.01.01.01 D
[Code] .....
That means, only select Level=H, and display the last record of H with concatenated the description of each rows delimited with comma.
I am using following queries in a stored procedure.This stored procedure is executed through a dot net application.
From my queries,I am providing a available department information.Each user needs to get unique available department information.But when more number of users using the application concurrently, multiple users getting same department information.How to solve my problem?I always wants to get unique department information even though multiple users using the application concurrently.
I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:
COLUMN_NAME Value ----------- ----- colB 123 colA XYZ
I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly..Below is what I have:
I'm working on a query in which I need to get few nodes values from the XML data by using the value from SQL column (MessageContentType) in this query. I'm able to get the nodes value when i hard code the value in the query but the problem is MessageContentType will vary from some records in the table, due to that I'm not getting the corresponding node values. I have tried few ways to get this value dynamically but I'm missing something.
Sample Table Data MessageContentType | BodySegment xx:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF | <ns0:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF xmlns:ns0="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X">.....
Current Query - HardCode Script
SELECT ID,MsgContentType BODYSEGMENT, BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /xx:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF[1]/colxx[1]/colxx[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan FROM s
When i tried the below line of script, I'm getting this error "[color=#FF0000]The argument 1 of the XMLdata type method "value" must be a string literal.[/color]"
Concat MsgContentType Column BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /'+MsgContentType+'[1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
To overcome that error i used sql column but I'm getting this error [color=#FF0000]XQuery [S.bodysegment.value()]: Syntax error near '[', expected a "node test"[/color].
BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /[sql:column("MsgContentType")][1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
I tried this line of script, i didn't get any error by timespan is coming as null, I do hope this script not pointing the correct node to traverse the sibling node.
BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /*[local-name()=sql:column("MsgContentType")][1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
Deciding whether or not to use a CTE or this simple faster approach utilizing system tables, hijacking them.
Just wanted to know if its okay to use system tables in a production environment and if there are any pit falls of using them ?
I'm working on a script to merge multiple columns(30) into a single column separated by a semicolons, but I'm getting the following error below. I tried to convert to the correct value. but I'm still getting an error.
Error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ';' to data type tinyint".
I have an access database that is storing text in english and chinese characters. I am importing the data using SSIS and it is putting a 'square' character in place of all the chinese characters. Can I associate multiple code pages to a control? If this is not possible, I would just like to Extract the data and Load it into a table, and i will just handle the errors and write the key fields to an error log. The problem is that the error handler is not redirecting the row. It just simply fails. I have changed all the error actions to Redirect Row too. I currently have a script checking if the 'square' character exists but i feel this should be handled a better way? Has anyone run into this issue or have any suggestions??
This is the error code i get
Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "FDCDOPS0" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
I am trying to set sorting up on a DataGrid in ASP.NET 2.0. I have it working so that when you click on the column header, it sorts by that column, what I would like to do is set it up so that when you click the column header again it sorts on that field again, but in the opposite direction. I have it working using the following code in the stored procedure: CASE WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'ASC' then Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, Convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end ASC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end DESC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end ASC And I gotta tell you, that is ugly code, in my opinion. What I am trying to do is something like this: case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' then FileName end, case when @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' then FileDataID end, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' then FileDesc when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' then VersionNotes end
case when @SortOrder = 'DESC' then DESC when @SortOrder = 'ASC' then ASC end and it's not working at all, i get an error saying: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'case' when i put a comma after the end on line 5 i get: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DESC' What am I missing here? Thanks in advance for any help -Madrak
Hi, I have got a column which should multi languages data(Chinese,English etc). Source for this data is Excel. I have kept this column DataType as NVARCHAR but Chinese data is shown as 'Boxes'.But when i copy this and paste on Query pane i get proper data.
we'd like our users to have the option of choosing the language (eg French) for column headings (maybe report heading too). I'm sure I'd have to provide the translations somehow but I'd like to know what feature, if any in RS2005 comes the closest to doing/supporting this, even if it is something like making column headings themselves dependent on a variable?
There is always a colour value. But there is not always a value in the MD columns. For example one Product may have values in MD01 MD02 MD03 MD04 MD05 whilst another has values in all MD columns.
My problem is thatI am trying to create a results list based upon selecting distinct values from the colour and md columns
In otherwords i can't have more than only one instance of a word appearing in the recordset list
I'm really struggling with this because there are only 6 colours so if i set distinct purely on 6 colours i only get back 6 rows.
When I try to set disctinct across all the MD columns it seems to ignore it and lists results for example in the table
ProductID Colour MD01 MD02 MD03 MD04 MD05 MD06 MD07 MD08 MD09 MD010 1 red car bike 2 blue bike car train
my select lists results as red car bike blue bike car train
and it is as if it only carries out the distinct command across the row not across all columns for all rows if you see what i mean?
I need to be able to list all data from all rows that have values in the MD columns and colour column but not list the values more than once and not list "empty" (NULL) columns. Does this make sense?
This is the select statement i wrote.
Select DISTINCT md00, md01, md02, md03, md04, md05, md06, md07, md08, md09, md10, colour FROM TEMPLATES WHERE md00 IS NOT NULL or md01 IS NOT NULL or md02 IS NOT NULL or md03 IS NOT NULL or md04 IS NOT NULL or md05 IS NOT NULL or md06 IS NOT NULL or md07 IS NOT NULL or md08 IS NOT NULL or md09 IS NOT NULL or md10 IS NOT NULL
But it returns empty columns and it returns every instance of the same word so in other words the distinct command doesn't seem to be working at all?
I don't know if this is because of my asp code I am trying to list results with the rescordset?
<% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT template_rs.EOF)) %>
I have one more problem. How can I also in addition to being able to list all distinct results list only results for a specific letter
for example
Select DISTINCT md00, md01, md02, md03, md04, md05, md06, md07, md08, md09, md10, colour FROM TEMPLATES WHERE md00 IS NOT NULL or md01 IS NOT NULL or md02 IS NOT NULL or md03 IS NOT NULL or md04 IS NOT NULL or md05 IS NOT NULL or md06 IS NOT NULL or md07 IS NOT NULL or md08 IS NOT NULL or md09 IS NOT NULL or md10 IS NOT NULL WHERE FIRST LETTER ='A'?
I am so far out of my depth here guys I am hoping that someone who has real knowledge of SQL can help me with this statement. I've been pulling my hair out for days now and getting just more and more frustrated listing the same results :(
and i have also another table which is namelist that is linked to the masterlist table.. after i search for the record andrew in the table namelist..i updated andrew as 25 and sex is female..now i want reset andrew's record, same to the records that andrew has in the table masterlist..
I am getting an error importing a csv file both using SSIS and SSMS. The csv is comma delimited with quotes for text qualifiers. The file gets partially loaded and then gives me an error stating The column delimiter for column "MyColumn" was not found. In SSIS it gives me the data row which is apparently causing the problem but when I look at the file in a text editor at the specific row identified the file has the comma delimiter and it looks fine. I am using SQL Server 2008.
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:
I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:
AISC_MANUAL_LABEL W W44x300 300 W42x200 200 (and so on) WT22x150 150 WT21x100 100
(and so on) MT12.5x12.4 12.4 MT12x10 10 (etc.)
I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:
It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode, CurrencyCode,TransactionAmount order by CurrencyCode
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode order by CurrencyCode
But of course this codes gives an error, but how can I get my desired result??
I am writing a query and have the bulk of it already written.
I am looking at a table that contains customer orders. There is a column named Customer_Order.Status Available values for this column is R, F, H, and C.
I'd like for my query to return all lines that have the value R, F, H.
My where clause is written like this
I have a table of customer sales (dbo].[CustomerSales] which has a complete record od sales of our products for the past 5 years. I would like to create a report that extracts all the sales per customer on one row ie [CustomerID] 00011 has had 25 sales in the past 5 years and I would like to have their sales from left to right (starting with their earliest sale date at the beginning [SaleDate] field on the one row. I would also like to include the store location field [Location] along with the date the sale took place. So in other words the extract would look something like:
how to use like operator select statement to retrieve multiple column names in sql server DB...for ex: I have a table say employees where in I want to get all column names like emp_,acc_ etc using '%' And what is this below query used for?
SELECT column_name as 'Column Name', data_type as 'Data Type', character_maximum_length as 'Max Length' FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'tblUsers'
There is a column for Name with data type varchar 50 the input data is like Alok Kumar, Sunita kuamri, Rohit Gupta Like that. The column contains the data as Combination of First name and second name.I would like to write a select query for selecting first part of name like Alok, Sunit, Rohit and so on only, ignoring the second part of name.
ID Name Date 1 A null 2 B 01/01/2012 3 C 01/02/2013
Also, I have a sort parameter @sort and values are (Name, ID, Date)
I want to apply page break whenever @sort=Name. There should be no page break when user selects @sort = ID or Date. Page break should happen only when @sort value = Name
it should be like this...
Page 1: ID Name Date 1 A null Page 2: ID Name Date 2 B 01/01/2012 Page 3: ID Name Date 3 C 01/02/2013
we are queirying an stored procedure multiple times same time,from our application. In this case, few processes executing successfully and few getting failed with error "50000 error executing the stored procedure" and if we run thesame process again its getting executed sucessfully.Does the MySQL cannot handle multiple threads same time?