SQL Server 2008 :: Query To See What Components Or Features Are Installed
Feb 23, 2010
I've been trying to find a simple way to query to see what components and features are installed on my servers but it doesn't seem that simple. I'm looking for something that will identify components and features for a security audit and I'd prefer not to have to manually looking up each component to see if they're installed.
We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page. In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.
I have a Windows XP machine that I have run SQL Server on in the past.I recently re-formatted the hard drive and re-installed XP from scratch,and now when I try to re-install SQL Server 2000, I get an error messagesaying that the "server component is not supported on this operatingsystem. Only client components will be available for installation." Ihave a hard time understanding why the server components can't beinstalled on XP, especially since I've installed them before on thissame machine.Can anyone explain why this might be, and what I can do (if anything) sothat it can be installed again?Thanks.Steve
I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express with Advanced Features (SP2), ideally with Reporting Services. However, every time I try to install it, setup fails the IIS Feature Requirement.
This is starting to get annoying, as every single component for IIS 7.0 is installed.
Strangely, if I go into the Programs and Features thing (I'm on Vista HP), select SQL Server 2005, and click Change, the setup here passes the IIS test.
Could it be that because SQL Server is already installed (just the database engine), it is affecting an 'upgrade' to the Advanced Features pack? Will I have to uninstall SQL Server completely, then reinstall it (no biggy) ?
We have serveral app groups that have installed SQL 2005 Express, but each group have installed different components. How can I determine, specifically if the following components were previously installed.
I have 2008 installed and have 'smoke tested' it (tried it on the several projects and don't appear to have any show stopper type issues). Anyways, I'd really like to remove VS 2005 if at all possible. My concern is what effect removing that is going to have one the following other installs:
SQL Server 2005 Express SQL Management Studio (Enterprise NOT Express) .NET Framework v2.0
If anyone can weight in on the effect uninstalling 2005 is going to have, or ways to 'safely' uninstall it without affecting any of the other installs, please let me know...
I want to find whether SQL Server 2005 x86 is installed or SQL Server 2005 x64 is installed programatically(Any API would do.) If anyone can recommend a registry key that I can rely on find whether it is a 32 bit or 64 bit SQL Server that would suffice.
Everything I've read says that custom data flow components are built by inheriting from the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineComponent class.
But the stock components such as the Derived Column data flow transformation must each be implemented by their own class. So how do I base my custom components on those classes? The documentation for the PipelineComponent class doesn't list any such subclasses.
In another thread Jamie Thomson very informatively said "The components in SSIS are deliberately atomic (i.e. they do something very specific) so that its easy to put them together to build something greater than the sum of the parts". Which does make a lot of sense. However, I've been finding that I end up having to create exactly the same "pattern" of combined transform components again and again in order to solve the same problem but in different dataflows (or even within the same dataflow). Cut-and-paste-tastic! In order to obtain real re-use, it seems to me like SSIS is crying out for an easy way to create new components by using composition - i.e. the ability to take commonly-used combinations of existing components and create new "super" components (without having to write Custom Transform Components in C#/VB.Net and handle everything in code).
Does anyone know if this sort of functionality is likely to make it into SSIS in the forseeable future?
Can any one give me the details of the Security level or measure which are supported my MS Sql Server. How much it is security while we are accessing any database over the internet and what are the Security measure we have to take and level did Software provides. It is URGENT
What are the major differences between SQL SERver 7 and 2000 ? Looking for a job and found a position where the client prefers the database developer specifically expericenced in SQL 2000. What is really so hot and important to know?
Hi All, Just curious about the features that are not available in the Express version. Can you import data from other sources? Can you perform DTS packages?
Hello All, I am in the process of upgrading my current database in SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. I have finished my analysis using the upgrade advisor and have found a lot of SPs having upgrade related issues. From what I estimate I think it will take around 3-4 weeks to resolve all of those issues. I wanted a quicker way to upgrade my database since we have very little time for the final release. The main reason for upgrade to 2005 was use of new features like Database Mirroring and/or peer to peer replication alongwith the Partitioning features and the new T-SQL enhancements.
The question I wanted to ask was does the compatibility level 80 of SQL Server 2005 supports these new features. From what I have read on the KB article at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822400 is that mirroring is supported in any compatibility level, but there is no specific mention on the peer to peer thing. Also when I personally tried using the New Partitioning Features of 2005 on the database having compatibility 80, it worked fine. Also other features like SQLCLR and TRY...CATCH works fine. One thing I observed was that new T-SQL statements like PIVOT/UNPIVOT is not supported
It will be nice if someone can give out the entire list of features that will be supported in the compatibility Level 80 and also the list of the ones that are not supported.
For the following query, I am trying to fetch only one row (no duplicates) for each BL_ID based on the logic that if I have multiple rows for one BL_ID, then only the one which has the largest LEG_SEQ_NBR should be displayed and the other rows should be ignored.
I am using the below code get to the above logic:
I want to take this XML and put it into a table with CustomerId and MatchingSetId. With this SQL, each MatchingSetId gets assigned to each CustomerId instead of retaining the relationships in the XML.
I have a person table with 1 billion rows on it, partitioned equally at 10 million rows per partition. The primary key constraint is a composite of an identity column and ssn( char(11) ) with the partitioning column built on the SSN.
This is built on my home grown workstation:
Microsoft 2008 Server 64 bit, Microsoft SQL server 2008 64 bit, Intel 2.66 quad core, 8 gb ram, Os/ raid 1, data on 6 drives hardware/software raid 50, transaction logs on 4 drive raid 10, all drives sata II/ 3gb burst.
I have updated statistics on the table and I have 2 queries that give clustered index seek , one never comes back before I get impatient, the other comes back instantly, and the showplan looks the same for both queries.
FROM Person
WHERE PersonKey > -1 and SSN = '219-09-3987'
FROM Person
WHERE PersonKey > -1 and SSN = '219-09-3987'
Incidentally the query with the top 100 percent is the one that returns instantly.
I am puzzled
1) Why the estimated plan looks the same
2) Why a top 100 Percent query is faster than one without it
SELECT CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate) AS Year, SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (9) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG Attended], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG DNA], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Cancelled, gp.CCGRegion FROM dbo.tblGP_Practices AS gp INNER JOIN
[Code] ....
I wanted to add anohter column where it counts the results of the followign query:
SELECT dbo.tblPatient.NHSnumber, dbo.tblPatient.DateOfBirth, dbo.tblPatient.DateReferralReceived, dbo.tblGP_Practices.OrganisationCode FROM dbo.tblPatient INNER JOIN dbo.tblGP_PatientLink ON dbo.tblPatient.PatientID = dbo.tblGP_PatientLink.PatientID INNER JOIN dbo.tblGP_Practices ON dbo.tblGP_PatientLink.GPPracticeID = dbo.tblGP_Practices.GPPracticeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblAppointments ON dbo.tblPatient.PatientID = dbo.tblAppointments.PatientID WHERE (dbo.tblAppointments.PatientID IS NULL)
Using a 32-Bit SQL Server 2008 Express on my LOCAL PC. I downloaded the Advantage 8.1 OLE DB Provider and created a linked server to a REMOTE Advantage 8.1 database server. There is no data dictionary on the Advantage server.
Here is my linked server:
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx', @srvproduct=N'Advantage', @provider=N'Advantage OLE DB Provider', @datasrc=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xxeccET', @provstr=N'servertype=ads_local_server;tabletype=ads_cdx;'--tabletype=’ADS_ADT’ (this test works too) EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=Null,@rmtuser='adssys',@rmtpassword=Null
Testing the link succeeds with above. Using “ads_REMOTE_server” instead of “ads_local_server” and the test fails. Here is my problem, using the following queries will not work. Perhaps it’s a permissions issue? When I specify my local credentials for the remote server in the linked server it still does not work.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([1xx.1xx.xx.1xx], 'SELECT * FROM ActType')
OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx" returned message "Error 7200: AQE Error: State = HY000; NativeError = 5004; [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL][ASA] Error 5004: Either ACE could not find the specified file, or you do not have sufficient rights to access the file. Table name: ActType SELECT * FROM ActType". Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT * FROM ActType" for execution against OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx".
I am trying to look into a query thats taking 5 mins to execute on our production. Its an LinQ generated 6000 Line SQL query that the dev team is trying to put into production without any testing. They want me to add indexes to the database( brand new) so that the query will run fast. The execution plan really looks weird. So Just as a starter I tried to tune it using the DTA and I am getting the below error. I am using a .sql query file as the input.
The minimum storage space required for the selected physical design structures exceeds the default storage space selected by Database Engine Tuning Advisor. Either keep fewer physical design structures, or increase the default storage space to be larger than at least 441 MB.Use one of the following methods to increase storage space: (1) If you are using the graphical user interface, enter the required value for Define max. space for recommendations (MB) in the Advanced Options of the Tuning Options tabbed page; (2) If you are using dta.exe, specify the maximum space value for the -B argument; (3) If you are using an XML input file, specify the maximum space value for the <StorageBoundInMB> element under <Tuning Options>
My question is what value is the maximum value that I should consider adding per recommendation (2) in the above error.
I wish to make a query with if condition Implemented in a database sql server 2008 R2.
I would like to set up a system FEFO (first expired first out) based on batch number based on the dates of Lapsed but since I struggle to put my request in place. The principle of my request is:
if amount of movement (QTEMVT)> = amount entered by the user via a user interface then withdraws the amount entered by the user in the batch (NUMLOT) the amount of movement of the item that lapses the first (execution of my request). else if amount of movement (QTEMVT) <amount entered by the user then the difference between the amount entered by the user and the amount of movement (QTEMVT) (execution of my request) and the following conditions: the amount of movement (QTEMVT) = the amount of movement (QTEMVT) of this item stored in my database and the amount of movement (QTEMVT) <> 0 by taking the difference of the item requested directly from the batch (NUMLOT) of the item directly after lapses.
Basically I want to set up an item management query based on batch number and expiration dates.
ps: QTEMVT = quantity of the item stored in my database NUMLOT = batch number items DATFABRIC = manufacturing date items DATPEREMP = expiry date items
Here is my request:
My query is pulling to many records becuase of the last join. This table can have multiple registration files for a computer. I just want the latest one or last one insert which is based on dttRegistration. I thought a top 1 select and order by would do it, but now returns no computer names.
I have a table with lots of xml files in one column(more than 1000), like this
1. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema... 2. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema... 3. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...each is big
I want to query some values for all to see the duration but now I can only query one of them
declare @bp xml select @bp=xml from bloodpressureohneschema ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.openehr.org/v1' as bp,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi,'OBSERVATION' as type) select * from( select m.c.value('(./bp:time/bp:value)[1]','date') as time, m.c.value('(./bp:data/bp:items[1]/bp:value[1]/bp:magnitude)[1]','int') as value from @bp.nodes('/bp:content/bp:data/bp:events') as m(c) )m
I have the query below which produces a succesful output but as there is more than one course date the month appears for example three times where there are three courses in Jan as the example output below how can I change the query to group these
SQL QUERY SELECT CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate) AS Year, SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (9) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG Attended], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG DNA],
I have run into a perplexing issue with how to UPDATE some rows in my table correctly.I have a Appointment table which has Appointment Times and a Appointment Names. However the Name is only showing on the Appt start Time line. I need it to show for its duration. So for example in my DDL Morning Appt only shows on at 8:00 I need it to show one each line until the next Appt Starts and so on. In this case Morning Appt should show at 8:00,8:15, 8:30.
I am working with a bunch of records that have duplicates on the Persid and the intPercentID where there are duplicates I want to remove when I stick them in the temp table, I tried join on tempo table and doing not exists but still inserts, so now I am trying a merge but same thing. how can I keep duplicates from being inserted in the temp table. I made a cursor as well but its slow as heck, but it does work. trying better ways.
Create table #TempStr (STRId int not null Identity(1,1) primary key, Persid int, percentId int, dtCreated datetime, CreatedBy int)
INSERT #TempStr (Persid, percentId, dtCreated, CreatedBy) select intPersonnelID, intPercentID, dtSubmitted, intSubmittedBy from tblSTR whereintpercentId in (61,62) group by intPercentID, intPersonnelID, dtSubmitted, intSubmittedBy UNION ALL
Each item will have 3 tags. I am having trouble on how to filter the data. For example if i chose TagID 1, 8, and 62, the result set should return only one result. If I do an IN clause, it acts like an OR and I need something to act like an AND.It seems like the only option is to do a dynamic where clause, but there are thousands of items and that might hinder performance of the database. Is there any other option?
I get records from a query whose status is "Marked". I need another column to be added to result set which just says "Marked" for every record. Is that possible in query?
It installs the SQL Server and Reporting Services. It configures (creates Virtual Directories for report server and database) but it is not initializing the Report Server.
Having done the installation when i check the Report Server Status it was running and everything seems to be OK except it wasn't initialized.