SQL Server 2008 :: Querying XML Data Type With UNICODE Characters
Oct 12, 2015
I am having an issue fetching Chinese characters in a XML data type. It return questions mark (?).
Below is the sample script.
SET @XMLVAR = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<POLICY_SEARCH xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
SELECTI.xmlParam.query('./NAME').value('.','NVARCHAR(25)') NAME
,I.xmlParam.query('./NUMBER').value('.','NVARCHAR(25)') NUMBER
I use Visual Studio's, integration project to load XML file into SQL Server. In the XML file, i have defined collumns as string. When i try to load XML file with parts defined in scheme as string, i get an error "cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data type.
Destinated collumns in SQL are defined as varchar and char.
We have this query that pulls number of days worked from the current Quarter to Date.
I need changing it to bring up LAST Quarter's data.
way to read data from database already stored as question marks .that because by mistake i insert the data "arabic" from the VS as sqltext but the field in the database is nvarchar now i want to get the data back.
I'm working on a query in which I need to get few nodes values from the XML data by using the value from SQL column (MessageContentType) in this query. I'm able to get the nodes value when i hard code the value in the query but the problem is MessageContentType will vary from some records in the table, due to that I'm not getting the corresponding node values. I have tried few ways to get this value dynamically but I'm missing something.
Sample Table Data MessageContentType | BodySegment xx:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF | <ns0:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF xmlns:ns0="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X">.....
Current Query - HardCode Script
SELECT ID,MsgContentType BODYSEGMENT, BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /xx:ADT_A03_26_GLO_DEF[1]/colxx[1]/colxx[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan FROM s
When i tried the below line of script, I'm getting this error "[color=#FF0000]The argument 1 of the XMLdata type method "value" must be a string literal.[/color]"
Concat MsgContentType Column BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /'+MsgContentType+'[1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
To overcome that error i used sql column but I'm getting this error [color=#FF0000]XQuery [S.bodysegment.value()]: Syntax error near '[', expected a "node test"[/color].
BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /[sql:column("MsgContentType")][1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
I tried this line of script, i didn't get any error by timespan is coming as null, I do hope this script not pointing the correct node to traverse the sibling node.
BODYSEGMENT.value('declare namespace xx="http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X"; /*[local-name()=sql:column("MsgContentType")][1]/EVN_EventType[1]/EVN_2_RecordedDateTime[1]','varchar(300)') AS TimeSpan
I'm connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database using the latest (beta) sql server driver (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 CTP June 2006) from within Java (Rational Application Developer).
The table in SQL Server database has collation Latin1_General_CI_AS and one of the columns is a NVARCHAR with collation Indic_General_90_CI_AS. This should be a Unicode only collation. However when storing for instance the following String:
__ÙÚÜÛùúüû_ÅÆØåæøßÇçÑñ__ЎўЄє?ґ_пр?туф_ЂЉЊЋ ... it is saved with ? for all unicode characters as follows (when looking in the database): __ÙÚÜÛùúüû_ÅÆØåæøßÇçÑñ__??????_??????_????
The above is not correct, since all unicode characters should still be visible. When inserting the same string directly into the sql server database (without using Java) the result is ok.
Also when trying to retrieve the results again it complains about the following error within Java:
Codepage 0 is not supported by the Java environment.
Hopefully somebody has an answer for this problem. When I alter the collation of the NVARCHAR column to be Latin1_General_CI_AS as well, the data can be stored and retrieved however then of course the unicode specific characters are lost and results into ? So in that case the output is as described above (ie __ÙÚÜÛùúüû_ÅÆØåæøßÇçÑñ__??????_??????_????)
We would like to be able to persist and retrieve unicode characters in a SQL Server database using the correct JDBC Driver. We achieved this result already with an Oracle UTF8 database. But we need to be compliant with a SQL Server database as well. Please help.
Hi,usually, I'm not using MS servers, but I have a big problem with aAccess table.I should create a web application for a Historical Dipartment.They have create a populated a Access database using unicodecompression field (for ancient language).I would like to export this table into MySQL o Postgres, but it'simpossible because when I export this table in a .txt o cvs format theunicode charaters have been "destroyed" for memory allocation problems(cause Access use a compression tool for unicode fields).Also with professional tools for dump Access to another DBMS.I would to know if using a MS SQL server I can skip this problem causeboth MSQLserver both Access are Microsoft product.Thank you ;)J
I'm presented with a problem where I have a database table which must be migrated via a "custom tool", moving the data into a new table which has special character requirements that didn't exist in the source database. My data resides in an SQL Server 2008R2 instance.
I envision a one-time query which will loop through selected records and replace the offending characters with --, however I'm having trouble understanding how this works.
There are roughly 2500 records which meet the criteria of "contains bad characters", frequently containing multiple separate bad chars, and the table contains roughly 100000 rows.
Special Characters are defined as #%&*:<>?/{}|~ and ..
While the field is called "Filename" it isn't always so, it is a parent/child table where foldernames are also stored.
The examples I'm finding are all oriented around SELECT statements, to change the output of what I see returned, however I'd rather just fix the entire column using an UPDATE. Initial testing using REPLACE fails because I don't always have a single character as the bad thing in a string.
In a better solution, I found an example using a User Defined Function to modify the output of a select, but I cannot use that UDF in an UPDATE.
My alternative is to learn enough C# to modify the "migration tool" to do this in-transit, but I know even less about C# than I do of SQL.
I gather I want to use @@ROWCOUNT to loop through the rows but I really can't put it all together in a cohesive way.
There are some more columns with more 'nvarchar' (max) and other INT data types. Anyway, I know a page is 8K size. How do I find out how much space does A ROW takes with above datatypes? If users add 5000 Rows per day, how do I figure out how much size the table will increase?
I'm using the SQL below to work out recruitment figures. The query works well, but I now need to build this query into a DotNet application as a webpage. I therefore need to declare and manipulate the values such as 'Total', 'Jan' to 'Dec' and 'YearRecruited' in order to write these values into my chosen data control. I therefore need to know the datatypes of these calculated values.
Total I think is straightforward as DNAScreeningID is an int datatype. But what about the others?
SELECT YEAR(SamplingDate) AS YearRecruited,
COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 1 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Jan', COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 2 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Feb', COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 3 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Mar', COUNT(CASE WHEN month(SamplingDate) = 4 THEN DNAScreeningID END) AS 'Apr',
I've never worked with the XML data type in SQL Server, although I know its been there for a few iterations of SQL SErver. Now I've got a situation in which it might store some configuration data as XML, since that's the way it comes. (We had thought about storing the data in a VARCHAR(MAX) field.)
The first question is does the XML data type have a size limitation? For example do you do something like:
ConfigFile XML(1000) NULL
Or is it just something like this:
ConfigFile XML NULL
The second question is persisting the data to a file. As the name I choose for the variable suggests, we want to save the data from a configuration file into a SQL Server database. How do we go about doing that? We'll be developing a C# application, it will read and write the data both from the SQL table and the user's local HD.
Should data type money allow nulls? Are there valid arguments both pro and con?
Yes, there is the age-old question regarding how one might interpret a NULL found in any column - does it mean the amount is not known or that the amount is zero (in the case of a numeric type)? You get the drift...
Other than that, though - are there any practical considerations an old data hound ought to be aware of?
hi all does anybody know why the fields of my db with the type "text" can store max. 64 characters? i thought fields of the type "text" could save unlimited characters. is it any wrong setting?i'm using visual web developer with sql server express
I have problem to execute query with interval date.
If try this query I don't have problem and the output is correct:
SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '01/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '09/01/2015', 121);Instead if try this I have error: SELECT * FROM dotable WHERE dotableDate BETWEEN CONVERT (datetime, '25/01/2015', 121) AND CONVERT (datetime, '28/01/2015', 121);
[Err] 22007 - [SQL Server]The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
Not seeing the Review Data Type Mapping Screen in SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?
Is there only a certain version where that screen shows up?
I am trying to import data from an MS Access application to SQL Server and all of the connections are good, but some of the data isn't and if I let it migrate using this tool it crashes on the bad data and there is no data that migrates. The Review Data Type Mapping screen will allow me to bypass the records in error and load the rest. however, I can;t do that if I cannot see the screen.
I get the following error : "Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1.. Arithmetic overflow error converting nvarchar to data type numeric. The statement has been terminated."
The table is set to nvarchar, and i am just trying to make the prices go up 10%.
Hi, Data in the table appearing with strange characters [probably unicode]. For instance obeserve the string [marked in red color] "Rod. Anhang?era s/n§". When I export the same to excel and apply language as portuguese it shows properly. The actual portuguese languguage has ascents in the sentence. This where the problem is seen.
I wanted to display them back in normal form could please suggest me the best possible way to cast such characters.
I have a table (we will cal DateTable) with several (20) columns, each being a date type. Another table's (Project) PK is referenced in the DateTable.
I am trying to write a query that will pull all dates for a specific project from the DateTable if they meet certain criteria(i.e. if the date is <= 7 days from now.
I started with a normal select statement selecting each column with a join to the project and then a where clause using
(DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()) OR (DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE())) ...
The rest of the columns(all with OR between them).
The problem with this is that because I am using OR once one of the dates meets the criteria it selects all the dates that are associated with the project. I ONLY want the dates that meet the criteria and don't care about the rest.
Obviously because I have all the columns in the select statement... So I need something like
Select ALL Columns from DateTable d Join Project p where p.ProjectID = d.ProjectID AND only dates BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()))
I have a table with nVarchar column.If i do a search like this ----------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT ID, Book, Chapter, Number, Amharic, EnglishFROM tbl_testWHERE (Amharic LIKE '%??ቅር%')----------------------------------------------------------------------it doesn't return anything but if i add 'N' after LIKE as ----------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT ID, Book, Chapter, Number, Amharic, EnglishFROM tbl_testWHERE (Amharic LIKE N'%??ቅር%')----------------------------------------------------------------------It returns the whole table without filtering.Can someone help me with this?
I got a weird problem here, i hope your valuable suggestions will help me in solving it... we extract data from AS400 servers to our Extract Database(SQL Server) using SSIS. The data coming from china has a weird problem, Couple of columns come in chinese language, though we have set the respective columns as nvarchar(50) we see on our extract database that they are not chinese charecters but something really bad data symbols as:
2¬ o|a&]
2¬ o|a&]
+N|( <
I hope you are understanding what i mean ...may be i need to do something(probably change some properties) in the SSIS packages which extract data from the AS400 Servers.
Has anyone encountered such a problem...I will look forward for your valuable suggestions.
Hi,Our school has an application in which :- Teachers enter comments through a web interface built in asp (notasp.net).- Comments are stored in a SQL server 2000 (in a nText field)- Comments are printed through a MS-Access 2002 front-end...Most comments are in English, Spanish or French. Some comments areEnglish + Japanese.- The Japanese teachers can enter their comments through the webinterface without any glitch.- The comments are obviously stored properly in the nText field, asthey can be displayed through the web interface.Here is where problems start to occur...- When browsing through the table using the Enterprise Manager, thecomment appears blank if it contains some Japanese.- When browsing through the table in Access (the table being linked),we can see the series of unicodes :漢字テス... while, in the next paragraph, theEnglish text is perfectly readable...- Similarly, on the printed report, the Japanese text appears as aseries of Unicodes, while the English text appears perfactly readable.If I copy the Japanese text from the web interface and paste it intothe linked table in Access, it displays perfectly and prints perfectlyin Access. But of course, I can't do that manually for all students...However, if I now look at the same record through the EnterpriseManager, I see the text (at last !) but only as a series of unreadablecharacters. I can imagine that that last problem is due to a lack ofJapanese font in the Enterprise Manager, bacause if I copy theseuneradable characters and paste them in the original web form, theydisplay perfectly...I would really appreciate if someone could help me sort out thatproblem.Many thanks for all ideas.DL
hi all, I got a weird problem here, i hope your valuable suggestions will help me in solving it... we extract data from AS400 servers to our Extract Database(SQL Server) using SSIS. The data coming from china has a weird problem, Couple of columns come in chinese language, though we have set the respective columns as nvarchar(50) we see on our extract database that they are not chinese charecters but something really bad data symbols as:
(9( + 2 o|a&] 2 o|a&] +N|( < .... .... etc....
I hope you are understanding what i mean ...may be i need to do something(probably change some properties) in the SSIS packages which extract data from the AS400 Servers.
Has anyone encountered such a problem...I will look forward for your valuable suggestions.
I create my database table with a text field of nvarchar(), added some japanese kanji characters and so on. Everything works great, I can insert kanji and retrieve kanji and display them just fine from my c# application, however if I try to search for kanji using a WHERE = '' or a WHERE like '' clause, it doesn't score a match. Not even a direct one.
I'm on XP using a japanese locale with IME installed. The kanji shows up in Enterprise Manager correctly, it even shows in the query for the table, yet the WHERE clause won't record a hit. Changing the collation on the field to "Japanese" or "Japanese UNICODE" doesn't seem to have any effect.
I am following the SSIS overview video- URL...I have a flat file that i want to import the contents onto a SQL database.I created a Dataflow task, source file and oledb destination.I am getting the folliwung error -"column "A" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types".in the origin file the data type is coming as string[DT_STR] and in the destination object it is coming as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]"I used a data conversion object in between, dosent works very well
Y'all:I am needing some way, in the SQL Server dialect of SQL, to escape unicodecode points that are embedded within an nvarchar string in a SQL script,e.g. in Java I can do:String str = "This is au1245 test.";in Oracle's SQL dialect, it appears that I can accomplish the same thing:INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (TEST_COLUMN) VALUES ('This is a1245 test.");I've googled and researched through the MSDN, and haven't discovered asimilar construct in SQL Server. I am already aware of the UNISTR()function, and the NCHAR() function, but those aren't going to work well ifthere are more than a few international characters embedded within astring.Does anyone have a better suggestion?Thanks muchly!GRB-----------------------------------------------------------------------Greg R. Broderick Join Bytes!A. Top posters.Q. What is the most annoying thing on Usenet?---------------------------------------------------------------------
I have an SSIS package that pulls data from a MYSQL DB (Using RSSBus for Salesforce in SSIS to accomplish this). Most of the columns are loading properly, but I have many columns that I need to convert.
I have been using the Data Conversion dataflow task in SSIS to convert the rows.
I have 2 data conversions that work on most of the columns, but the DESCRIPTION column continues to return an error saying "Cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode types", regardless of what I choose on the Data Conversion task. So, basically I want to dump this column data into a SQL table with NVARCHAR datatypes. Here is what I am doing in my SSIS package...
1) Grab subset of data from SOURCE 2) Converts to TEXTSTREAM. (Data Conversion) 3) Converts to STRING. (Data Conversion) 4) Load Destination table. (OLE DB Destination)
I have also tried to simply convert the values to STRING, but that doesn't work either.
So, I have 2 Data Conversions working here that process most of the data correctly. What I can do to load the DESCRIPTION column?
MS SQL 2000. Does anyone know how to find all rows where an nvarchar column contains a specific unicode character? Is it possible without creating a user defined function? Here's the issue. I have a table Expression (ExpID, ExpText) with values like 'x < 100' and 'y ≤ 200'. where the second example contains Unicode character 8804 [that is, nchar(8804)]. Because it's unicode, I don't seem to be able to search for it with LIKE or PATINDEX. These fail: SELECT * FROM Expression WHERE ExpText LIKE '%≤%' -- no recordsSELECT * FROM Expression WHERE PATINDEX('%≤%', ExpText) -- no records However, SELECT PATINDEX('%≤%', 'y ≤ 200') will return 3. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I've had some great headaches with SSIS this morning, which I have managed to get a workarounds for, but I'm not happy with them so I've come to ask for advice.
Basically, I am exporting data from an SQL Server database into an Excel spreadsheet and hitting issues with unicode and non-unicode data types.
For example, I have a column that is char(6) and have added a data conversion step to the data flow, which converts it to type DT_WSTR and then everything works!
However, this seems like a completely un-neccessary step as I should be able to do the conversion in T-SQL - but no matter what I try I keep getting the same problem.
SELECT Cast(employee_number As nvarchar(255)) As [employee_number] FROM employee WHERE forename = 'george'
ErrorValidation error. details: 1 [1123]: Column "employee_number" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
I know I have a solution (read: workaround) but I really don't want to do this everytime!