SQL Server 2008 :: Reporting Services Migration - Subscription Jobs Did Not Get Created
Apr 23, 2013
We are moving to a new data center. We have RS install on appweb server that points to different sql server for Reportserver and Reportservertempdb. So, We created a new virtual appweb server and new physical database sql server 2008 r2 at new DC. I did a fresh install of new reporting services 2008 r2 on appweb server. I backed up and restored Reportserver and reportservertempdb dbs from old 2005 sql server to new 2008 r2 database server.
During new RS configuration, I pointed databases to the new restored databases and restored encryption keys. When launched reporting services URL, it works fine.
I stopped and restarted reporting services after configuration.
However, I am not seeing any single job created on new database server. Old server had 20 jobs.
How do I get these subscriptions back to the new install? I thought this should be created with migration and I do not have to do anything.
One odd thing I had to do during config was that:
In scale-out deployment tab in RS configuration, it was showing both the new and old appweb server name as status joined. I was unable to remove the old server name by clicking 'remove server' there. So, I deleted old server name from keys table in Reportsserver as suggested by some forums to have a clean installation. Does it have anything to do with jobs not created?
What do I need to do now to get subscripts jobs created. Ther eare only 20 jobs here but another RS server has over 800 subscriptions that I can not mess up. So, need to find the issue and correct it before I can move on to the another RS instance.
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Nov 26, 2015
I've installed Reporting Services 2008R2 STD edition on my local system. I was trying to configure the Report Server, I am able to connect to the Report Server but the ReportDB and ReportTempDB are getting created in Database Engine instead of Report Server, when I connect to Report Server from SSMA this is what I see (Attached) Screen 1.
The screen2 is of Reporting Service Config Manager, When I connect to the report server using the URL what I am seeing is blank last screen shot attached.
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Mar 31, 2008
There are a few features in the new SQL Server - Reporting Services that I really need in production. I have tested everything and it works great. I am running the CTP version since Microsoft is saying they aren't releasing the release version until 3rd quarter 2008.
Since Microsoft won't sell SQL 2008 until 3rd quarter, can I run the CTP in production until the release and then purchase SQL 2008?
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Mar 10, 2008
I am new to the sql server, we need to move the database from one server to another from developer's edition to standard edition of sql server 2005. it has the reproting services and lot of reporting service jobs are running on the server now. we need to move all those jobs also to the new server. could some body help me on how to move the database and reporting services jobs to the another server. Thanks!
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Oct 19, 2015
We migrated ssrs from 2008 to ssrs 2014.after that we need to move only subscriptions to  New 2014 report server DB.
How to proceed that.
I am trying to insert record in DB. But subscription ID is not identity column. How to do this.
Can I place old Subscription IDS in New 2014 reporting DB?
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Jun 10, 2007
Can anyone help me with a problem I have with SSRS 2005? How do I configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to deliver subscription e-mails to addresses external to my windows domain?
I've been having trouble configuring the Report Server e-mail delivery component to send subscription e-mails to addresses outside the domain on which the report server is hosted.
For e.g. since my local windows domain is named "smartsystems.com", I have found that the Report Manager does not have any problems sending subscription mails to "eawagu@smartsystems.com" but throws up an error whenever I include "eawagu@yahoo.com" in the recipients' list.
Any insights?
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Feb 4, 2008
Quick question; is SQL Reporting Services 2005 fully compatible with Windows Server 2008 / IIS 7 that RTM'd today?
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Sep 20, 2006
Creating a subscription in Reporting Services/SQL Server 2K/ for the automated delivery of an email notification that report is updated.
In the subscription, there is an option:
Delivered by: Report Server E-Mail
that is in the "Report Delivery Options" section.
When this option is selected and the email generated, it comes from the email address of my predecessor former.person@emailaddress.com, I need to change the address to my own but can't find where to change it. Can anyone point this out?
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Jun 16, 2015
if it is supported to install Reporting Services on both the active and passive nodes in an SQL Server Failover Cluster and use the non-active node as a warm standby?We have relatively simple reporting requirements so the idea would be that if Node 1 went down, we could just repoint our users are Node 2 temporarily. Both reporting services instances would be configured to target the same SSRS database running on the SQL Cluster.
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Jan 28, 2008
Would that be compatible or do I need SQL Server 2008 to display the report?
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Sep 17, 2015
We use Reporting Services in native mode in our environment and have several data-driven subscriptions on reports. Somehow not all of the subscriptions can be executed, this seems totaly random and doesn't always apply to the same report/schedule. In the event viewer, I can see the error message : "Scheduled operations cannot be created. SQL Server Agent is not running" ....
But the Agent is in running state and there are no logs that the Agent has stopped or started again. A few minutes later, everything looks okay again and the rest of the scheduled subscriptions are executed.
This doesn't happen every day but 3 or 4 times a week. The following version of SQL Server is installed :
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4295.0 (X64)  Oct 18 2013 19:22:52  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: ).
What causes these problems or where to look to determine the cause of this error?
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Dec 8, 2006
I've read through several threads concerning the triggering of a subscription in RS by the use of a FireEvent. I have made this work using the following...
C:> rs.exe -i MyScriptFile.rss -s "MyReportServer/ReportServer"
where MyScriptFile contains the subscription/schedule ids. This works if I am signed on to the ReportServer C:> drive and execute the command line.
What I need to do is create a trigger based on data changing in an SQL database on one server and execute this line of code on the ReportServer on another server.
Do I need to use a stored procedure, extended stored procedure, or WHAT???? to execute this command?
Thanks! Wanda
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Nov 2, 2007
Hi All,
I have an issue with Reporting Services that I have been unable to fix or find any answers to. I hope you guys can help. I have a list of 10 reports that run during the period of 1-4 each morning. They are scheduled to run on each database at a different time (5 databases in all). So there should be 50 reports at the end of the night. I wrote a report that looks for the last status of a report that shows that it wasn€™t successful. The only thing it tells me is this:
Failure writing file ABC Production Report: An error has occurred during report processing.
When there is a login error then I get that message so I know it isn€™t that. Also reports can error out one night and then work the next night. When I look at the time that the error status was written I see that it took 4 seconds from run time.
Does anyone have a clue what this means or better yet how I can get all of these reports to work consistently?
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm scheduling monthly subscriptions in reporting services. I would like to receive subscriptions every 2nd Monday of the month. For instance, if the 1st is a Friday, then report should be delivered Monday, the 11th.
So my question is: in reporting services:
if I set the subscription for Monday - 2nd week, and the first day of the month is a Friday
- does it consider the week from 4 -> 10 as the second week (because month began the week before)
- or as the first week (because it takes into account only full weeks)?
Thanks a lot for any help!
Best regards,
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Feb 3, 2008
I am getting the following error when I set up a subscription, I am able to send smtp messages from the same server using a winclient, I also made sure that the user that runs the RS service is the same as the winclient.
Read all the ms docs about setting the email settings, have tried quite a lot of them, but for some reason i have been getting the following error. Just unable to bypass this!
I wonder if someone has had a similar exp.
Failure sending mail: The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: 454 5.7.3 Client does not have permission to Send As this sender
Installing a local SMTP might not work as our polocies are to run smtp from exchange.
Any help is appreciated.
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Mar 12, 2008
Does anyone know how to properly install SQL server 2005 express reporting services on windows server 2008. When ever i try to access the report manager I get an error "Cannot access the remote server" even though the report server is on the local machine. I only have the web server role installed on the server. Im still quite a newbie at managing servers so please keep it as simple as possible.
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Apr 21, 2008
I have a Windows 2008 server 64-bit SP1 and I have installed SQL 2005 SP2 Enterprise Edition 64-bit. My current version is 9.00.3042.00. I am trying to configure Reporting Services and I am having lots of trouble getting the Application Pools to work properly. I have followed the Microsoft Technet paper 839480 "How to Install and Configure Reporting Services on Windows Server 2008". In the "Configure Reporting Services" part, I have successfully configured everything (all arrows are green) and have the following setup:
Report Server Virtual dir: ReportServer Default Web Site
Report Manager Virtual dir: Reports Defualt Web Site
Windows Service Identity: ReportServer with a service acct login
Web Service Identity:
Report Server: ReportServer,
Report Manager: DefaultAppPool (I get an error when I try to configure it to anything else: ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: An unknown error has occurred in the WMI Provider. Error Code 800708AC at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.SetWebServiceIdentity(String applicationPool)
The one thing I notice in the SQL Server configuration manager is that there is a red dot next to the SQL Reporting Services services even though the green arrow is there to show it is running.
When I look in IIS7, I see the application pools Reports and ReportServer and they are both in Integrated mode. When I try to go to http://localhost/reportserver, it gives an error. It will work if I change both application pools to classic. But then when I try to go to http://localhost/reports, I get an error:
I have read up on IIS7 and it says that:
"This error is due to a design change in the IIS7 Integrated pipeline that makes the request context unavailable in Application_Start event. When using the Classic mode (the only mode when running on previous versions of IIS), the request context used to be available, even though the Application_Start event has always been intended as a global and request-agnostic event in the application lifetime."
So, how do I configure these application pools to work using IIS7 with SQL 2005 Reporting Services on a Windows 2008 server? I have tried all kinds of different things based on what I am reading on the net and nothing is working. Anybody have any suggestions?
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Jan 29, 2008
Hye all, running WHS 2008, I try to install SQL Server 2005 with reporting services, but on install, in "components to install" wizard, the reporting services box is hided. I can't check this box :/ Do you know whats wrong ? if anyone knows the problem, thanks in advance.
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Jun 8, 2015
How to find out last created stored procedures in sql.
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Nov 14, 2007
I just created my first report using sql server reporting services
Now I am having some data discrepancies, trying to figureout how I can troubleshoot this issue.
The report has been created against the stored proc, when I run the stored proc within the sqlserver, I get 3 rows, but when I run the report I get only 1 row. I am kind of confused, how can I troubleshoot this issue, Thanks.
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Sep 21, 2007
I have report subscription to send mail to external emails.
It works fine for Internal email id's, external email id's doesn't work.
Any body knows what configuration changes we need to do.
Please let me know if any body knows.
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Jul 4, 2007
I have an instance of MS Reporting Sevices for SQL 2000 installed with existing reports.
I try to use timed subscriptions to export reports via email or network share.
My problem is that the shared or report specific schedule does not seem to fire properly.
When I look into the event table, a new line is inserted as expected (every 15 min) but not report is sent via email neither on the shared drive.
When I try to schedule a snapshot execution it does not work either.
Any suggestion ?
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Oct 2, 2007
Our users tend to generate a lot of one-time reports through Reporting Services. The problem is that this seems to generate a lot of Jobs in SQL Agent. So many, in fact, that we'd like to set up a job to delete them periodically (nightly or weekly). I could go in & delete them through SS Management Studio but I'd like to manage it automatically. Let me state up front that I have limited experience with Reporting Services so if my questions seem basic, forgive me.
First, is there a way to avoid creating a SQL Agent job if this is a non-scheduled report? That would be optimal then there would be nothing to clean up.
Barring that, what's the "Best Practice" for doing this automatically? I found the jobs listed in msdb.dbo.sysjobs and other sysjob* tables. Is it reasonable for me to delete from these various tables (sysjobs, sysjobactivity, sysjobhistory, sysjobschedules, sysjobsteps, & sysjobstepslogs) if the job was generated by reporting services (i.e. sysjobs.description containing 'report server process') and no schedule exists (i.e. sysjobactivity.next_scheduled_run_date IS NULL)? What damage could this cause? Is there anything else I need to take into account?
Pat Brickson
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Nov 6, 2015
As per attachment, i have been created replications but in local subscription it is not populated any thing at the same time, Subscription database has been created but tables is not populated as per publication table.
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May 5, 2014
I am running RS 2012 installation and everything worked until few days ago. Now the subscriptions would not even run. When I configure new ones, after the time passes, there is not error message, not even a sign it ran.
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Sep 24, 2015
Is it possible to set up a report subscription in SSRS where there is no value provided for the 'To' address, instead adding all recipients into the BCC field, so that each recipient receives a copy of the report without being able to see the other recipients?Note, i am wanting to create a data driven subscription rather than a static subscription. I am using SSRS 2008 r2.
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May 20, 2015
sql server edition-2008 enterprise evaluation edition
Operating System- Window Server 2008 R2
I've Created Local Smtp to use gmailid for Subscription of SSRS Report by Email as we don't have an Exchange Server.
User this link to Create local SMTP
Studied few blogs that related it to agent service running under local system account, on my machine it was running on NT/NetworkService change it to Administrator of local Machine. Did same change for Database Engine of Service of SQL Instance.
FYI- My Machine is not in Domain, so used local administrator for giving rights to service mentioned above.
Below is the Screen Shot of rsreportserver.Config File
ERROR : on Report Manager
Below is report log on after time report was executed.
library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 executed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.
schedule!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: ea7fc6ce-00df-4f6a-9050-e713986307ca
library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 execution completed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.
PS: Local SMTP is working, i.e. i am able to receive email if i place an email.text file in C:inetpubmailrootpickup
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Oct 1, 2015
We are facing an issue related to SSRS 2012. We have Reporting Services 2012 configured on a couple of servers. On one server, we have created Datasources and Data-driven subscriptions for our reports and selected email as the report delivery option. But the subscriptions are not working. The LastRunTime column is NULL in the Subscriptions table in the ReportServer database and no email is being triggered. Also, no error message is displayed. The same reporting solution is working on another server that also uses Reporting Services 2012.
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Aug 26, 2015
I have a Data Driven Subscription which runs every day for the previous day. If for any reason the report subscription fails, i would like to get the last time it ran successfully. I know in the subscription table we have lastRunTime, but it will show the recent one which failed but i would like to know when it ran successfully last.Â
Saturday 5:00 AM - Ran Successfully
Sunday  5:00 AM - Ran Successfully
Monday  5:00 AM - Ran successfully
Tuesday  5:00 AM - Failed
LastRunTime column will have Tuesday 5:00 AM.Â
Is there a way to get Monday 5:00 AM which is the last ran successfully ?? How can i get the history of a subscription?
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Aug 8, 2013
I have three SSRS reports that I modified. The original reports had several subscriptions associated with them. When I deployed the new reports, I placed the old reports into a folder called Archive and renamed them. Now I have these new reports with the original names of the first versions of the reports.
My question is is it possible to somehow replicate the schedules of the original reports to the new reports? There are about 30 subscriptions with between 5-10 recipients, and it would be a real pain to have to manually recreate those subscriptions.
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Jan 4, 2012
We have this sporadic problem where when we go in to save an edit on a SSRS report subscription, it gives us a duplicate job number error. When I look at the Jobs in the Agent, there are duplicates, so I need to manually delete both duplicate jobs, then the subscription save will work. If we delete just 1 of the jobs, the issue seems to clear for a while, but then reoccurs. This has happened to us on multiple reports, but not consistently. The subscriptions look fine.
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Aug 13, 2015
How to manage the progression of SSRS reports from DEV > TEST > USER > PROD...I can see that you COULD manage this all from within VS however then all the control is in the developers hands and even though you can control access with permissions and stuff, its not very user friendly to provide a tester or business area manager or project manager with VS just so they can publish reports as they are approved.Are their any such tools to manage migration between ssrs servers or something that you could have a user test a report and then do something like "approve/promote" it to the next environment, or is this something we would need to create ourselves?
I can see that there are a few things that allow PROJECTS to be migrated (powershell scripts and something about octopus deploy) but these all seem to be too "big" for our organisation - we generally develop reports as a "logical group" (project) but migrate them individually or in VERY small groups (5 is probably the maximum), however keeping tabs on what report is at what version in what environment is causing our DBA massive migranes...Maybe there is something we can do from TFS or perhaps we need to build a utility app?
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Aug 5, 2015
I am creating a subscription to deliver reports via email on SSRS. Â One of the problems I am having is I can't add groups to the To: or Cc: fields for report distribution. Â I am able to add individual user email which works fine but it will be a lot of emails to add if I have to go that route. So how do you add groups to report subscriptions?
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