SQL Server 2008 :: Search Any Of Two Names From String
Jun 20, 2015
DECLARE @search VARCHAR(10);
SET @search = 'dog,COW';
SELECT 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'
SELECT 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'
WHERE C LIKE '%' + @search + '%'
I have a string in a cell 'Cat,Dog,Sparrow,Trout,Cow,Seahorse'
I want to search any of the two names from the string.
Search string:'cat,cow'
Result:no result (not working),[size="7"][/size]
Search string:'cat,dog'
result :given string(working fine )
I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.
Interest rate has been stored in comments column along with other information ( e.g. mike's student loan is 5% and car payment is $ 150). I need to extract 5% using Contains .. Why Contains? because it's a 1.7 m rows dataset and searching for fours specific interest rate values (e.g. 3%, 9%, 12% and 15%)
I was given a 2 GB XML file without an XSD. I need to find the element names. I know how to do that using openxml but it takes forever on a file this large. Is there a faster way to do it using xquery?
Is there any danger with renaming the LOGICAL file names behind the database?
There are a bunch of databases that were restored copies and all of them have the same logical database file name. I'm trying to get some growth data so I want the logical files to be different (prefer them to match the actual database name) so I can more easily identify them.
Am I safe to rename the logical names? I can't think of anything that references those logical file names that I would be breaking [backups, applications].
How to write a Query for multiple legal names that have the same CARE Number (same address) with difference of one Legal Name having a period in the name versus the other legal name that doesn't.
For example: Looking for cases of two of the same legal name one set off by period
All Season Equipment Ltd. All Season Equipment Ltd
West End Housing, Inc. West End Housing, Inc
Wellings, Norman L. Wellings, Norman L
North Texas Boats, LLC North Texas Boats, L.L.C.
Oktibbeha County Cooperative (A.A.L.) Oktibbeha County Cooperative (AAL)
S & R Turf & Irrigation Equipment, L.L.C S & R Turf & Irrigation Equipment, L.L.C.
Burke Equipment Company; Burke Equipment-Seaford, Inc.; Newark Kubota, Inc. Burke Equipment Company Burke Equipment-Seaford, Inc.
Pleasant Valley Outdoor Power, L.L.C. Pleasant Valley Outdoor Power, LLC
J & D Lawn and Tractor Sales, Inc. J&D Lawn & Tractor Sales, Inc"
The database has approx. 2500 temporary tables. The temp tables match a pattern such as APTMP... I tried deleting the tables in SSMS with the statement, Delete from Information_Schema.tables where substring(table_name,1,5) = 'APTMP' This returns the error message"Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed".
What is the correct way to delete a group of tables whose name match a pattern from within SSMS?
I would like to search for a particular stored procedure written by a developer. I know the name of the procedure but in which db is it residing in. There are 40 databases in this SQL 2008 instance. I search on the name column in sys.all_objects table and it does not return anything. I end up querying sys.procedures on each database to locate the procedure. Is there a system table/view that I can query to look for a procedure, instead of querying sys.procedures on each database one by one?
Say I want to search for a range of account numbers but only which are active. After I set my field for A (active) this field shows in my results, I dont want it to.
In Access you can easily just uncheck that field in design view, but how do I do it in sql?
I tried to find a forum for "tools" with SQL Server 2008, but couldn't find anything, so hoping this is the right forum for my question.
I have recently installed RedGate SQL Search. Although I can use this tool for a lot of stuff, I mis-understood the details and thought it not only searched database objects, but would search inside individual rows inside tables for a value, but it does not do this.
I have been trying to search for a comparable product. I have found a bunch of stored procedures to do this, but I do not want to create a bunch of stored procedures for all the various databases we have, nor do I have the permission to do this.
Are there any tools like SQL Search that integrate (not a requirement, but definitely a nice bonus) with SSMS and will search the tables for a value in any given row, listing the table and column (it would be nice to list the entire row, but not required as with table and column, I can do a search for the row) for the given value?
I have found this product: [URL] ...., but I do not have any information on the company to know if they are reputable.
I'm creating Indexed view by JOINING multiple tables and trying to create FULL TEXT search index. Unique column is generated by concatenating to ID columns from different table. I can successfully able to create unique index however when trying to create FULLTEXT INDEX getting below error.
"A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, does not have a filter, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key."
The message clearly says the column should be single-column index, non-deterministic.
I am searching for the key word 'Platform Customer Support' using full text search. My code is as below
Set @KeywordSearch = 'Platform Customer Support'
Select AA, BB, CC, DD from SM9..TableName A Right Outer Join SM9_Experiment..TableName C On A.IncdTouchedGSF like '%' + C.SM9GroupName + '%' Where ( Contains(A.[Description], @KeyWordSearch) And A.OpenTime Between @StartDate and @EndDate And C.Classification = @GroupNameClassification )
The code is throwing:
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Line 46 Syntax error near 'Customer' in the full-text search condition 'Platform Customer Support.
I have a query below which filters detail field in the #TempLogins table. The details field is a text field which contains many types of text strings, some containing urls that have parts like "ResultID=5" which is what is contained in the ResultIDSearch and ResultSetIDSearch fields. The records with entries like "ResultID=5" are the ones I'm trying to filter for.
The problem I have is that the query takes way too long to run. The TempLogin table has around 200 K records and the TempSearch table has around 80 K records.
select * from #TempLogins a where exists (select 1 from #TempSearch t1 where a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultIDSearch + '%' or a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultSetIDSearch + '%')
Hi ALL! Our application needs to search for exact match of file names (which will be 70 characters in length) in a table which has thousands of file names in its file_name field. What is the best way to this? Shall we index the table on file_name column? Or any othe way, as the application will do this search several times all day. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks. KSN.
I have tables in database where a VARCHAR(50) string is unique identifier. The database currently has an integer identity column as clustered primary key, and there's a non-clustered index on string column. The customer always queries based on a defined set of the identifier (string) column.
I wonder if someone sees an advantage of adding a persisted computed column to the table as the checksum of the string column, and then create a non-clustered index on the checksum and the string. When a customer requests data, we would compute the checksum of the customer provided identifier and add to the where clause or join, that the checksum and string must match.
Will SQL Server perform checksum check (integer) and only if it succeeds, perform the string check, in which case I see an advantage of added the checksum column? Or will SQL Server always check for both the checksum and string, in which case the additional column only adds unnecessary overhead? To note is the fact that the table(s) will have millions of rows, but the customer will request data for at at most, 100 or so identifiers.
Here is a sample order # we used for one of our shipments: BL-53151-24954-1-0001-33934
I need to extract the "24954" portion of that order # while within an INNER JOIN, but not sure how.
My problem is we have 2 order tables: OrderTable1 contains a field with the full order #. OrderTable2 contains a field with only the "24954" portion. I need to JOIN on these 2 fields somehow.
SELECT ot1.Full_Order_No , ot2.Order_No FROM OrderTable1 ot1 INNER JOIN OrderTable2 ot2 ON ot2.Order_No = [do something here to truncate ot1.Full_Order_No]
How can I do this?
Few notes:
-the 1st part of the order number, "BL-53151-" will ALWAYS be the same. It's our client # which will never change for the purpose of this query. -The portion I need (24954) can be more or less than the 5 current digits. -There will always be 6 portions to the order number, split up between 5 dashes.
I've below value in a column with data type - TEXT
QU 221025U2V/AN G-DT DL A 5 1A- 11,5,SF,230,30162,LZ,2,118,0,0,10170,25,06
This text value has some special characters in it. and I could not paste the exact value as this text box is not allowing me to do so. So, for reference I've attached a screenshot (Capture.png) of the value.
I want to fetch last two values from this text i.e. 25 and 06. (It can be anything like 56R,06T but will be the last two values separated by comma)...
How can we identify the Date Format from a String in SQL Server.
I might get an input from external source as "MM-DD-YYYY" or "DD-MM-YYYY" or "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-DD-MM", all i have to do is return the same with Current Date in the same format as Input.
We're converting to new student info system. Sometimes registrar entered the same school into the schools table but spelled it differently. Trying to find all student assigned transfer credits from the same school but the school name is different. My db shows a max of 9 different schools students have rec'd transfer credits. Spending too much time trying to figure out best way to do it w/o a ton of IF stmts. Looking at Soundex and Difference functions. Still looks like a lot of coding. how to compare up to 9 string variables in sqlserver 2008?
0 AS SalaryMin, 2088 AS SalaryMax, 2088 AS BillableHours, 'Month' AS SalaryPaidCode, 0 AS SalaryBreakdownHourly, 0 AS SalaryBreakdownDaily,
[Code] ...
While outputting to CSV.file
I got :0,2088,2088,"Month",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"N/A","N/A","G","N/A","Exempt","Other",1
How can I remove all double quotes in the string fields? so that O can get the result as below while the output 0,2088,2088,Month,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,N/A,N/A,G,N/A,Exempt,Other,1
I am trying to figure out how I can find the names of people who have a double occurrence or more of characters either in their first name or last name.
We have a legacy database that have hundreds of stored procedures.
The previous programmar uses a string like servername.databasename.dbo.tablename in the stored procedures. We now have migrated the database to a new server. The old server is either needed to be replaced by the new server name, or remove it.
I don't know why he used servername as part of the fully qualified name, we don't use linked servers. So I think better removing the servername in all the stored procedures.
I know I can do a generate script, and replace the text and then use alter procedure to recreate all the stored procedures. But since hundreds of them, is there a programmatically way to replace them?
Our front end saves all IP addresses used by a customer as a comma separated string, we need to analyse these to check for blocked IPs which are all stored in another table.
A LIKE statement comparing each string with the 100 or so excluded IPs will be very expensive so I'm thinking it would be less so to split out the comma separated values into tables.
The problem we have is that we never know how many IPs could be stored against a customer, so I'm guessing a function would be the way forward but this is the point I get stuck.
I can remove the 1st IP address into a new column and produce the new list ready for the next removal, also as part of this we would need to create new columns on the fly depending on how many IPs are in the column.
This needs to be repeated for each row
SELECT IP_List , LEFT(IP_List, CHARINDEX(',', IP_List) - 1) AS IP_1 , REPLACE(IP_List, LEFT(IP_List, CHARINDEX(',', IP_List) +0), '') AS NewIPList1 FROM IpExclusionTest
select Computername from dbo.ADAssets where Computername like 'AIRLBEOF3565%'
I get both records,but if I do this
select * from dbo.ADAssets where Computername in ( 'AIRLBEOF3565 CNF:4e926e06-6f62-4864-aebd-6311543d', 'AIRLBEOF3565' )
I only get AIRLBEOF3565
So the big picture is that I need to compare 2 tables to find records that match & don't but that I get matches that shouldn't be & matches that aren't.
This question is a long shot because it requires familiarity with a specific application called ChefTec which is a program for the restaurant industry, but I'm giving it a try because I have nowhere else to go to get the information I need. I am the developer for a competitor of this program, and some ChefTec users want to switch to our product and have their data, which is in SQL Server 2005 or 2008, converted.
My plan is to create a utility that the users could run to convert the data (written in Delphi, though that doesn't really matter). The problem is that I can't determine the connection string that ChefTec uses. It doesn't seem to be stored anywhere obvious (an ini file or the registry). When ChefTec is installed it either installs SQL Server or gives the option of using an existing instance, but there's no way for me to know how it was set up on any given machine. The program must be using some internal logic to create the connection string but that's not accessible to me.