write a query that lists item, mfg serial number, and inspection date. The caveat is that, where there is more than one record for an item, he only wants item listed once. For example:
I am trying to print Companies with less than 100 employees for all dates.Here's my table structure
Create table CompanyEmployeeArchive( Company varchar(100) not null, Employees int, Dateinserted date)
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1001,'2015-01-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1050,'2015-02-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1600,'2015-03-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('IBM',10,'2015-01-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('IBM',80,'2015-02-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',90,'2015-01-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',900,'2015-02-01') Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',1000,'2015-03-01')
I want companies that have employees less than 100 for all dates i.e. Only IBM. Apple has < 100 employees only on one month.Select Company, dateinserted, employees from CompanyEmployeeArchive group by company,dateinserted,employees having employees < 100 order by company, dateinserted this query lists Apple too. How can I change the query so Apple does not show up in the list.
I need to add a calculated column item in the same column. Please see SQL Codes for both existing data and desired outcome.
Product O is added according to:
for 201501 Product O= sum of en_count for product Y,W,N when yrmnth=201501 for 201502 Product O= sum of sum of en_count for product Y,W,N when yrmnth=20150
--Existing Data --===== If the test table already exists, drop it IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Table1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Table1
--===== Create the test table with CREATE TABLE #Table1 ( product char(100), yrmnth varchar(6), en_count int,
[Code] ....
--Desired Outcome
--===== Create the test table with CREATE TABLE #Table2 ( product char(100), yrmnth varchar(6),
I am designing an application where multiple users can be assign to a product for review. If a user doesn't have access to the product, they are not allowed to see it. I have attached my table design. All users are assign to a role. See attached screen
I have a report that has 2 dropdowns, selecting from the first dropdown populates the second one. This works fine in the BI Studio.
When I deploy this report to the 'Report Manager' and make a selection from the first dropdown, the second dropdown loads (as expected). I tried to select from the second dropdown (which has only 1 item - which is correct), the dropdown does not appear correctly - as in, I can't see that item.
Since we can't attach anything here, below is the link to a screenshot of my issue: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddd6j2xn_52c5qd5
If you look closely at the screenshot from the link above, you'll see that there is a value in the second dropdown - it just won't show completely - as if the dropdown is not rendering correctly. I can view source on the page and see that the dropdown has a value.
What appears to be happening is the if only 1 item is in the second dropdown and that item is longer than the size of the dropdown, the dropdown won't render.
Here is my value for the second dropdown '012 Candy Gadler David Thapero'. This is the only value in the second dropdown. - You can try 35 chars or more in the dropdown to confirm.
Notes: + No special chars are in either dropdown + I am using IE 7 (Also had someone test this on IE 6 - same problem) + Using Visual Studio 2005 to build report - where this works fine
Work around: + If I add another item to the dropdown via a UNION query, I see the original value + the new item in the dropdown #2
I have a query below to show all the records with joining these two tables.
My goal is only to show all the duplicate records.
Bf_ORGN_CD LEV5 BF_ACTY_CD AC_21234_2 AC_21200_1 402 AC_21236_2 AC_21200_1 402 AC_21238_2 AC_21200_1 402 AC_29000_1 AC_29000_1 802 ---> NOT SHOW (ONLY 1 RECORD) AC_29988_1 AC_29988_1 801 ---> NOT SHOW (ONLY 1 RECORD)
Using the code below, my cursor processes the last record twice. I know it has to be something simple but I haven't been able to find it yet. Please help.
select top 10 clientkey, max(id) As enrollmentkey into #temptable1 from clientenrollment group by clientkey
Declare Test_Cursor Cursor for select clientkey, enrollmentkey from #temptable1 Open Test_Cursor
Item Date A 2015-01-02 A 2015-03-01 A 2015-02-17 B 2015-01-07 B 2015-03-20 C 2015-01-02 C 2015-03-17 C 2015-01-14 C 2015-02-02 D 2015-03-25 E 2015-02-09 E 2015-02-09
Is it possible to get a list with only one of each item and then the latest date possible?
Hey,I have a SQL database that has a list of data, the table is called books, there's a column called book and one called author On the front end, I also have a drop down menu that is populated with the name of the books. What I want is that when a book is selected, a label is automatically generates the author. for example, Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets is selected...the label displays J.K. Rowling. All the data is already in the database and I have had no problem getting the name of the books displayed in the dropdown menu.Can anyone point me in the direction of a good do it your self tutorial? Thanks!-Ian
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
I am looking to created a trigger that inserts records into a log table to show the stored porcedure that has updated a specific column to a specific value in a specific table
At present I have:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trUpdaterTable] ON [dbo].[t_account]-- A DB level trigger FOR UPDATE --Event we want to capture AS IF update (document_status)
[Code] ...
However this doesn't appear to bring back the procedure that triggered the update...
The value the trigger should update on is document_status = 0
I have been trying to convert an existing table that used adjacency list model (parentid,childid) to a table that use hierarchy Id type. So early on, I notice my original data does contains multiple roots. So I took a step to create dummy nodes to ensure all nodes fall into a single root structure. Another important fact is that each child node can have multiple parents.
My original source table contains 22461 records, when running the query below step 2 produces explosive number of records around 175,000+ records. I spent hours study the result and couldn't understand what actually causing this, I ran it against small set of test data I didn't seem the issue caused by child with multiple parents.
select * from SourceTable -- produces 22461 records
--step 1: first, get row number of child records in each parent
Total Validated hours for the Employee 12345 will be 32 NOT 47. How do I list employees who worked less than 80 validated hours. The hours are validated only when it is true.
I written a proc to display the list of Indexes But I needed to print the database where the objects do belong to. How I should write the Dynamic script to add the database Id? I thought to use derived table kind of stuff, but unable to find a solution.
i was trying to use the XML read functionality using t-SQL for XML attached.The column is coming with the token names and token-values in XML format and we are using the XML nodes() functionality to read the token names and token value.I am able to read only the parent token names and its values(using the sql attached) and could not be able to get the child token names and its values.how can i acheive the tokenNames with its values with the SQL query.i am attaching both SQL script which i am using and the XML entity.
Looking at an execution plan today I noticed something I've not seen before. The plan includes a non clustered index seek, followed by a RID lookup on the heap. The output list for the index seek contains the expected "Bmk" column (in this case "Bmk1473"), but also includes "IsBaseRow1475". This isn't a column from the table.
I have about 100 K records of the form below in Example 1 and I would like to turn them into the form of Example 2, basically turn the entries in field2 into a coma separated list of values sorted by field1.
We noticed a deadlock 3-4 weeks ago on a table (table1) and deadlock graph was captured.
When I am analyzing the deadlock graph, page number using DBCC PAGE, I am getting the object id for a different table (table2). But deadlock graph shows the name of the object as table1.
Is it possible that subsequent defragmentation of indexes would have caused the respective page id to got re-allocated to a different table? I checked the deadlock graph lately only after 3-4 weeks.
Any list of commands that require exclusive access in order for the command to complete? I had an instance today where a DBA executed sp_changedbowner command which is the alter database command on a production database and it locked it up.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NWHCConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [Title], [URL], [Date] FROM [Article] ORDER BY [Date] DESC"></asp:SqlDataSource>
<asp:Repeater id="myRepeaterUL" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li><a href="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "URL") %>"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%></a><br /><%# Eval("Date") %></li> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> </ul> </FooterTemplate> </asp:Repeater> This is my code above, I am trying to order them to show the four new list of news. Here is a picture, yeah its old and everybody loves pictures. see the box on the right, i want to show only four, not all of it.
SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.
Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.
I have 2 SQL Server 7 databases installed on 2 Windows 2000 servers. One box shows all the SQL performance counters with in performance monitor, the other one doesn't. Is there a way to register those SQL counters in performance monitor?
SELECT prin.[name] [User], sec.state_desc + ' ' + sec.permission_name [Permission] FROM [sys].[database_permissions] sec JOIN [sys].[database_principals] prin ON sec.[grantee_principal_id] = prin.[principal_id] WHERE sec.class = 0 ORDER BY [User], [Permission];
but the results are this: 2 columns - User and Permission
IS there a way in SQL Server (2005/2008/2012) to run a script against a Database that will show all users that have permissions to that Database and the type of permissions?