SQL Server 2008 :: Splitting Param Array Into Groups Of Four With Offset
Feb 25, 2015
I'm getting a file that essentially has a parameter array: a specific like would have three known values, and then x number of groups of four parts;
The question is how to handle logical groups of parameters; i though maybe by using a modulous on their itemnumber ...
So I can easily use DelimitedSplit8K to definitively find the first thee values, but how do I dynamically get X number of groups of four; eventually i need the first three fields combined with each quadgroup.
So a rough example of the desired output is this:
'03,0000001,USD,010,81257946,,,015,121809761,,'is split into rows with the first three columns included in each row:
Here's a setup i've put together:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier] (
[AccountIdentifierID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DateReceived] DATETIME NULL DEFAULT getdate(),
[RecordCode] VARCHAR(3) NULL,
And a multivalued parameter that lets the user select which TypeIDs specifically he wants to see:
ParamID ParamValue 1 Q1 2 Q2 3 Q3 4 Q4
And in my Report, I have data showing up something like this:
CountofAllSales: 6 SumOfAllSales: 491.18 CountofCustomSales: (count of sales with type specified in parameter) SumOfCustomSales: (sum of sales with type specified in parameter)
The count and sum of custom sales should show -ONLY- the numbers from the TypeIDs selected in the multi-value parameter. But the CountAll and SumAll show everything, regardless. This is where I run into problems. I can't seem to find an "in" clause in the SSRS expressions. If the TypeID parameter was single value, I could write something like this
Expression for CountOfCustomSales: =SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value, 1, 0))
However, since its multi-valued, that won't work. You'd have to write something like: =SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(0), 1, 0)) + SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(1), 1, 0)) + .... SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(length), 1, 0))
And obviously this doesn't work when you don't know exactly how many elements are going to be selected.
What would be ideal would be something like an "in" clause, but I can't find any such functionality or think how to write my own function: =SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value in Parameters!TypeID.Values, 1, 0))
Short of modifying the StoredProc itself (and for me, that means red tape. :( :( ) can anyone think of a way to count/sum only the values specified in an MVP??
I am still fairly new to Sql Server 2008 R2 (express) , but am enjoying exploring it.
I have several databases up and running and now a large number of users in each.
But I notice whenever I write a stored procedure I have to go in and add each user to give them permission to exec it. When the user numbers are low its not a problem but I now have over 20 users on 1 database and its becoming tiresome.
I have heard of Active Directory on Windows Server but my database is installed on windows xp professional PC. Its running well and we don't have a budget to change it.
I've been searching the internet to see if there is some way I can create a group within sql server give the group all the necessary permissions/ privileges and then add the users to that group thereafter...
Hi, We have just created a new Windows 2008 server running SQL 2005 64 bit. I am in the process of migrating old SQL 2000 databases onto this new server. One of the databases required a SQL login for some Windows groups that get created from the SMS software. I'm having a problem when I go into create a new login, select object type Groups, from this location , I enter the object name and click Check Names and it finds it. I select okay and everything looks good. But when I click ok on the New Login screen, I get the 15401 error saying that Windows NT user or group not found. I have gone into the Server Manager - Groups and verified that the group exists, and it does. The only thing I see when I click properties is on the bottom right had side of the screen it says "Changes to a user's group membership are not effective until the next time the user logs on." It says this for all the groups on this server and I get the same error message when I try to add any group. I have had the user that is a memeber of this group log off and back on a few times, but it still says the same thing and I still get the same error.
Anyone have any ideas on what the problem might be? Is there something on the Windows 2008 server setup that we missed?
We recently translated the backend db from Access(97) to SQL Server.We are still using Access frontends. I have an update query in theAccess front end that uses a lookup table to populate fields. Thecommon fields between the table and the lookup table are the primarykey (LocID) and date & time fields. The query is:UPDATE tblPT_Offsets INNER JOIN tblPT ON tblPT_Offsets.LocID =tblPT.LocID SET tblPT.Offset_ft = [tblPT_Offsets].[Offset_ft],tblPT.Salinity = [tblPT_Offsets].[Salinity]WHERE (((tblPT.Offset_ft) Is Null) AND ((tblPT.Salinity) Is Null) AND((Format([Date]+[Time],"mm/dd/yy hh:nn")) Between [StartDate] And[EndDate]));This worked fine in Access and seemed to work fine after switching toAccess, but on closer look, there is exactly a 2 day error beingintroduced. A quick search of the newsgroups brings up lots of Accessto SQL date problems, but a 2 day offset seems rather strange? Anyideas??I know the field names Date and Time are inappropriate, but legacyissues are a pain in the butt to resolve!! Could this be a problem?David
I have following simple code in my stored proc. even I have hard coded OFFSET to non zero, but it always return result from starting point 0. End limit "Fetch Next" is working perfect.Only problem is with start.
SELECT * FROM #invoices ORDER BY #invoices.InvoiceDateTime ASC OFFSET @StartRow ROWS Fetch NEXT @EndRow ROWS ONLY;
I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type. What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array? @OfficerIDs as varchar(200) Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs) Thanks
I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.
I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:
ID1 ID2 DisplayData
1 1 A
1 2 B
1 3 C
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:
1 1 A
2 A
3 A
2 1 A
2 A
3 A
Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...
I have a query which can return multiple rows. I want to select only the nth row. In other db languages, this is achieved using the OFFSET command, but in SQL Server this command does not exist. I saw that you can hack it using ROWCOUNT and an ORDER BY clause, but I don't have anything to order by. Is there some other way to do this? My query is
Code: SELECT S.SystemName FROM Projects AS P INNER JOIN ProjectSystems AS PS ON PS.ProjectId = P.ProjectId LEFT JOIN Systems AS S ON S.SystemId = PS.SystemID WHERE P.ProjectId = @ProjectID
What is the fastest way to select a value offset by n rows from the start row? I used to use a cursor with FETCH ABSOLUTE in Sybase SQLAnywhere, but this is incredibly slow in SQL Server. Here's the current function I'm using:
FUNCTION dbo.TradingDaysBack ( @ItemID int, @FromDate smalldatetime, @DaysBack int ) RETURNS smalldatetime AS BEGIN declare @BackDay int declare @OADay int set @OADay = dbo.GetOADate(@FromDate) declare curDaysBack cursor scroll for select OADate fromData_Daily whereItemID = @ItemID and OADate <= @OADay order byOADate desc
open curDaysBack fetch absolute @DaysBack from curDaysBack into@BackDay
close curDaysBack deallocate curDaysBack
if @BackDay is null begin set @BackDay= ( select Min(OADate) from Data_Daily where ItemID = @ItemID and OADate <= @OADay ) end
RETURN convert(smalldatetime, @BackDay)
The idea is to get the date n rows of data back from the starting date (i.e. 30 trading days back from 12/1/2003). Any ideas?
Please, please, please, please just add limit/offset to the language. 7 years of working around this unnecessary limitation are enough. And that's just me personally, i'm sure there are those out there with a longer history and are more irritated. I know this isn't the first post on this here, nor will it be the last. I think that should be taken as a hint, and something should be done about this. Something like this: SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10
See, it wasn't that hard =) Now there are no ugly contortions to go through just to paginate the data. And don't recommend I return all 20k rows and do it on the client side, m'kay, or write ridiculous sql. It seems that for all the hard work that went into making those other features work that this could have been done. Don't lie, you know it could have! If there was a voting feature for suggested improvments, or a bug tracker + watch list that functioned the same, it would help. Others do that, as well.
//Another Annoyed DeveloperAnd seeing as there aren't any feature/suggestion channels that work (see:connect), I guess this forum is the best we can do. Sorry.
In MS SQL 2000, I would like to obtain the timezone offset from UTC fora given date. For today's date, I can doDATEDIFF(ss,GETDATE(),GETUTCDATE()). However, the offset for a futuredate may not be the same as today because some countries go in DaylightSaving mode. Can you suggest a way to obtain the timezone offset forany given date?ThanksYash
I'm quite new to SQL. I'm able to extract the info that I need, but only into a result of one row, like:
Order header | Order details
ID | Customer name | Customer address | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price 2 Andy Andy's way 2 24 Glue 3 35 39 Oyster 2 9
What I need is split the data into two columns if data in column Main starts with 'PR-' then output result to column P and if it starts with 'CC-' then to column C (the output needs to be in one table).
Sorry I have to post this here, but its sort of related to MS SQL anyway
I'm running a PHP system with MS Access. I need to order results in pages. (For those who are familiar with MySqL and Postgresql - I need the equivalent to LIMIT/OFFSET in MS Access).
I know I can "SELECT TOP 50" in my sql - so that solves the number of results per page. But what about page 2,3,4..etc.... how do I select results from an offset?
I have the follwing function in my SQL data base which is hosted in Azure.
All date and time field in my db are store as UTC and I have a function define as below :
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[func_GetCurrentLocalTimeFromUTC] ( ) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @OffSet as int = 1 DECLARE @CurrentDate as datetime = getUTCdate()
[Code] ...
Now what I have trying to do is to perform a select statement on a table where I have a dateTime value field and add the proper offset value to the field in order it is display based on where user will run the query. For example if I run this simple query :
Will return the UTC dateTime value.
How can I use the select statement in order to get the field format with proper offset based on user pc timezone/. Please note that the query will be called from a rrs.
Looking for returning multiple entries from a time span. I have a date, start-time, end-time and duration. I need the start-times separated in a list. It's fine if temp tables are needed - I have that clearance.
I have a description field in a table which also stores unit of measure in the same column but with some space between them, I need to split these into two different columns.
Currently I have a column with multiple postcodes in one value which are split with the “/” character along with the corresponding location data. What I need to do is split these postcode values into separate rows while keeping their corresponding location data.
If you see below there are 2 customer names on 1 loan, most of them share the same lastname and address, I want to separate it with fields,LoanID, customer 1 Firstname, Customer 1 Lastname, Customer 2 FirstName, Customer 2 Lastname, Adddress,zip
LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID LEFT JOIN Borrower B on B.LoanID = L.LoanID LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID where S.PrimStat = '1' and B.Deceased = '0'
Hi All,I want declare an array of int in SQL Serverplease help me to convert the following code from VB to TSQL------------Dim md_mon(12) As Integermd_mon(1) = 31-------------Thanks
SET @MyCursor = CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR Select nome_consigliere From t_immoconsiglieri where immobile_id=@immobile_id order by posizione OPEN @MyCursor FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor INTO @ColA WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN
Insert @tbl SELECT dbo.T_Condomini.Condomino_id,dbo.T_Condomini.titolo,dbo.T_Condomini.Nominativo,dbo.T_UniCond.StCon_id FROM dbo.T_Condomini INNER JOIN dbo.T_UniCond ON dbo.T_Condomini.Condomino_id = dbo.T_UniCond.Condomino_id INNER JOIN dbo.T_Unita ON dbo.T_UniCond.Unita_id = dbo.T_Unita.Unita_id WHERE (dbo.T_Condomini.Nominativo = @ColA) AND (dbo.T_UniCond.Dta_fine = '21001231') AND (dbo.T_Unita.Immobile_id =@immobile_id) and dbo.T_UniCond.StCon_id<>3 FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor INTO @ColA END
select * from @tbl
/*SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF*/ GO , When i call store procedure with vb6 Dim rs as new adodb.recordset Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Dim pm As New ADODB.Parameter ' conn.BeginTrans Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Set pm = cmd.CreateParameter("immobile_id", adVarChar, adParamInput, 6, immobile_id) cmd.Parameters.Append pm cmd.CommandText = "sptcondconsiglieri" Set rs = cmd.Execute If Not rs.EOF Then ' Rs is close I dont undestand why Tank you
I would like to write a fun or stored procedure to do some operation. It require me to know that what category is currently belong to certain people(people_table: category_table1 to Many)However, when i use the select statement in stored proc, it return a set of result, not a scalar , therefore, i cannot use the variable to hold it. In addition, there are no array in SQL server.Question:1. Is there any way to hold the collection of result(like array)?2. Also, how to determine to use fun or stored procedure?(Since a integer is need to return by them)Thx
My main sql server lost the system board due to overheating. I need to get the (external enclosure scsi attached)array up and running as it has production data as well as SQL backups stored there. My most recent/valid backups are located with the production data. It is possible to connect this array to different server? This is a HP DL380 and all of my other servers are Dell 2900's.