SQL Server 2008 :: Trigger To Encrypt A Column?

Jul 23, 2015

Can I accomplish encrypting a column with a trigger similar to below, but without the 'SSN' column?

I added the SSN column just so I could pass an UNencrypted value. Seems round-about & clunky.

This works:

Insert into TestSSNs(UserID, SSN, Name) VALUES (NEWID(), '890-12-0007', 'Gina')

SSNVarchar(11) , --plain text, should always be null
eSSN VarBinary(128), --encrypted value


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Transact SQL :: Encrypt Server Column Using Trigger

Oct 20, 2015

We have to encrypt one of the SQL Server column data at the database level, we don’t want to modify the application programs, because we use ERP application and we don’t want to reapply our customization very few months, so we are looking for an option  to encrypt and decrypt the column level data value using trigger/procedure/function,  I used  instead of trigger on that table to encrypt and decrypt the values but it is not working, we want only one user(Application Service account) have an ability to encrypt and decrypt the data, not for any other id.. I read somewhere we cannot automatically encrypt/decrypt the column value using trigger, is that true...

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Encrypt Either Columns Or Tables

Nov 2, 2015

how to encrypt a either columns or tables in SQL server (2008 R2).

Do I need to encrypt a whole table of can I encrypt certain columns of a table ?

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Trigger To Encrypt Field Before Write

Apr 28, 2006

Hello,While working through my encryption questions from preivous posts, I amfinding that I may have to resort to use triggers to do the encryption(not that this is the only way, but might be the best way for mycircumstances).I would like to create a trigger that will encrypt the field before thewrite is committed.I've found serveral posts about triggers, but nothing that fits what Iwish to do.Upon an insert or update I want to modify the ssn field with this:cast(EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('Student_aKey'), cast(SSN asnvarchar(11))) as nvarchar(40))so, ssn '123456789' in SSN would become <something encrypted> in SSNThis is the trigger I have so far, but it is generating an error:CREATE TRIGGER F_Student_SSN.eSSNON F_STUDENT_SSNINSERT, UPDATEAS SELECT cast(EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('Student_aKey'), cast(SSN asnvarchar(11))) as nvarchar(40))TIARob

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Encrypt Column

Nov 3, 2006

Is there a way to encrypt one column of data in a table in SQL Server 2000? Thanks!


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SQL Server 2008 :: INSTEAD OF Trigger On A View

Mar 11, 2015

I have a view made up of a few base tables and another view. I have created an INSTEAD OF trigger on this view, but it doesn't seem to fire whenever a new record shows in the view. The purpose of the trigger is to insert a sister record in a table whenever a new record shown in the view. Here's the catch, the table that the trigger is supposed to insert into is not a base table within the view and the view is not an updatable view. My question is... Do INSTEAD OF triggers only affect the base table(s) within the view and does the view itself have to be an updatable view?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Why Does Backup Cause Trigger To Fire

Mar 2, 2015

A job runs every morning at 3.00 am to back up a database. Many of the tables have triggers on to write updates, deletes and inserts to audit tables.A typical trigger looks like this.

USE [ProjectDB_Live]
/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[trgStakeHolders] Script Date: 03/02/2015 10:23:38 ******/


I added a trigger to a table over the weekend - structured the same as the one above and, when the back up ran last night, it copied every row in the table into the audit table as if every row in the table had been updated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Enable And Disable Trigger

Oct 25, 2015

the disable trigger will be enable again.Because I already disable the trigger on last month, but when I check through the database, it enable again.I understand that, when we restore the database, all the trigger will be enable.How about SQL Cluster? will it enable the trigger??

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SQL Server 2008 :: Display A Column Alias As Part Of The Result Set Column Labels?

Feb 26, 2015

Is there a way to display a column alias as part of the result set column labels?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Table / Set Default Column Value To Value Of Another Column?

Mar 11, 2015

when creating a new table. How can I set the default value of the column to equal the value of another column in the same table?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Error - The Column Delimiter For Column Was Not Found

Mar 26, 2010

I am getting an error importing a csv file both using SSIS and SSMS. The csv is comma delimited with quotes for text qualifiers. The file gets partially loaded and then gives me an error stating The column delimiter for column "MyColumn" was not found. In SSIS it gives me the data row which is apparently causing the problem but when I look at the file in a text editor at the specific row identified the file has the comma delimiter and it looks fine. I am using SQL Server 2008.

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How Can I Encrypt A Single Table Column

Dec 28, 2007

Does some know of an easy to understand way to encrypt a single table column? I have never worked with encryption before.

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How Can I Encrypt Or Mask A Column In The Database

Sep 26, 2007

How can i encrypt or mask a column in the database?

Any help will be appreciated

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create A Trigger With A Stored Procedure?

Jun 5, 2012

I am trying to create a trigger with in a stored procedure. When I execute the stored procedure I am getting the following error :

Msg 2108, Level 15, State 1, Procedure JPDSAD1, Line 1

Cannot create trigger on 'FRIT_MIP003_BOK_BTCH_LG.P62XB1.XB1PDS' as the target is not in the current database.

Here is the code for the stored procedure :

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertTRIGGER](@databaseA varchar(50))
exec ('USE ['+@databaseA+'];')
exec ('CREATE TRIGGER [P62XB1].[JPDSAD1] ON [' + @databaseA + '].[P62XB1].[XB1PDS] ' +
'BEGIN ' +
' INSERT INTO [' + @databaseA + '].[P62XB1].[XL1TDS] SELECT CAST(SYSDATETIME() AS DATETIME2(6)) , ''B'' , ''D'' , IDA_DELETE ' +
' ''0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000'' , '' '' FROM DELETED ' +

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Trigger For Import Wizard

Mar 11, 2015

I have created an insert trigger to update an address column with a default when it is null, for different clients using a case statement.

When I import data using the import wizard, the trigger doesn't fire.

Doesn't SQL see an import as an insert?

How can I get this trigger to fire for an import?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Delete Before Insert Trigger Statement

Apr 6, 2015

What statement do I use, as part of an insert trigger, to insert xml data from the xml database to a flat file database, to check if a record with a specific ID exists to delete first then insert the changed record, instead of adding the changes or an updated from the original xml database.

What I’m trying to do is take the xml formatted data out of one sql server database and insert the data only in that xml into a another sql database. So I can play with the data.

Problem is if the data in the xml is updated or changed for a specific record on the original xml database then the trigger inserts another copy into the created database (which I don’t want).

This is on SQL Server 2008R2.

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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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Transact SQL :: Any Way To Encrypt Varbinary Column Data?

Nov 4, 2015

Is there a way to encrypt 'varbinary' column data?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Trigger On Master Detail Table

Mar 14, 2015

I have two tables. Order table and order detail table.

What I want to do is send notification to a service when an order is created. And I want to include both header and detail of the order.

I can't get working with on insert trigger . How to go around with trigger ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Add A Trigger That Inserts Original Data From 1 Table To Another

Apr 10, 2015

I am trying to create a trigger on a table. Let's call it table ABC. Table looks like this:

[id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

When someone updates a row on table ABC, I want to insert the original values along with the current date and time getdate() into table ABCD with the current date and time into the updateDate field as defined below:

[id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

[Code] .....

The trigger I've currently written looks like this:

/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ABC_trigger] Script Date: 4/10/2015 1:32:33 PM ******/
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[ABC_trigger] ON [dbo].[ABC]

[Code] ...

This trigger works, but it inserts all of the rows every time. My question is how can I get the trigger to just insert the last row updated?

I can't sort by uniqueidentifier in descending as those can be random.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Trigger To Show Which Stored Procedure Has Updated A Table

Jul 9, 2015

I am looking to created a trigger that inserts records into a log table to show the stored porcedure that has updated a specific column to a specific value in a specific table

At present I have:

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trUpdaterTable]
ON [dbo].[t_account]-- A DB level trigger
--Event we want to capture
IF update (document_status)

[Code] ...

However this doesn't appear to bring back the procedure that triggered the update...

The value the trigger should update on is document_status = 0

NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 07:42:01.677
NULLNULLLOMBDA im64602015-06-25 07:51:34.503
NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 07:52:01.610
NULLNULLLOMBDAadministrator2015-06-25 08:02:01.417
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trTableupdateaccount] ON [DoesMore].[dbo].[t_account]

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Column Value To A Column

Sep 9, 2015

I just have a question regarding storing values to a column in ms sql 2008.

Why is it that the value I inserted at the column is truncated when selected in a query.

The column for this is created to accept max. values.


The string which I need to insert is a combination of characters with a length of 14,720.

According to some forums, the max value that a column can hold is 8000 chars. only (Is this true? even though I set it to MAX?)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Trigger Fire On Each Inserted Row To Insert Same Record Into Remote Table

Sep 9, 2015

I have two different SQL 2008 servers, I don't have permission to create a linked server in any of them. i created a trigger on server1.table1 to insert the same record to the remote server server2.table1 using OPENROWSET

i created a stored procedure to insert this record, and i have no issue when i execute the stored procedure. it insert the recored into the remote server.

The problem is when i call the stored procedure from trigger, i get an error message.

Stored Procedure:

[Code] ....

When i try to insert a new description value in the table i got the following error message:

No row was updated
the data in row 1 was not committed
Error source .Net SqlClient Data provider.
Error Message: the operation could not be performed because OLE DB
provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" returned message "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transaction.".

correct the errors entry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).

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Is There Any Built In Facility To Encrypt A Column Data In SQLSERVER/MSDE

Jun 8, 2005


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Divide Value In Row 1 By The Value In Row 2 In Same Column

Mar 4, 2015

I try to take the value from row 1 divided by the value from row 2 but it is not working, here is the following:

Here is my table called Trans

ID Period Sales Profit
1 Current 20 5
2 Previous 40 20

I want to take 20 divided by 40(20/40), 5 divided by 20(5/20)

Here is the result I want:

ID Period Sales Sales_Per Profit Profit_Per
1 Current 20 50% 5 25%
2 Previous 40 50% 20 25%

Here is my query:

(t1.Sales/NULLIF(t2.Sales,0) * 100) as Sales_Per
From Trans t1
on t1.Id = t2.ID - 1

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SQL Server 2008 :: Extract Value From XML Column

Mar 12, 2015

I have table Called as ‘DC_BIL_ActivityLog’ and XML column name is ‘ActivityDescription’ in SQL Server 2012.

The following information stored on that Column. I want to read cancellation date (12/23/2015) using select statement.

<text value="PCN was initiated for Policy ^1 on 12/07/2015. Cancellation Date is: 12/23/2015. Amount needed to rescind PCN is: $XX.80." />
<link id="1" linkText="GLXXXP2015 12/02/2015 - 12/02/2016" linkType="policy">
<linkId parm="1" value="1140" />

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Concatenate Column Value

Jul 29, 2015

I have a column name Classname and I would like to to Concatenate value.

ID ClassName
1 Class A
2 Class B
3 Class C
4 Class D

I need a output in ssrs report with title like (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D) .

Can I do in SSRS as well ?

I tried join function in ssrs and I am getting #error join(Field!classname,",")

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SQL Server 2008 :: View Creation Using XML Column On Linked / Distributed Server?

Sep 4, 2015

A recent SharePoint upgrade has rendered several views obsolete. I am redefining them so that our upper level executive reports show valid data.(yes, I know that doing anything to sharepoint could cause MS to deny support, having said that, this is something I've inherited and need to fix, pronto) The old view was created like so:

/****** Object: View [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] Script Date: 09/04/2015 09:28:03 ******/
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] AS


As I said, this view is used in a report showing surgical minutes.SharePoint is now on a new server, which is linked differently (distributed?) I've used OPENQUERY to get my 'new' query to work;

,AL.tp_WebID as altpwebid
,AL.tp_Title AS ALTitle


My data (ie surgical minutes, etc) seems to be in the XML column, AUD.tp_ColumnSet . So I need to parse it out and convert it to INT to maintain consistency with the previous view. How do I do this within the context of the view definition?Here is a representation of the new and old view data copied to excel :

<datetime1>2014-08-14T04:00:00</datetime1><float1>2.000000000000000e+000</float1><float2>4.190000000000000e+002</float2><float3>1.600000000000000e+001</float3><float4>8.110000000000000e+002</float4><sql_variant1 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sqltypes="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/sqltypes"

[Code] ....

can't format it to make it look decent. InHouseCases =2, InHouseMinutes=419, OutPatientCases =16, OutPatientMinutes=1230. This corresponds to the new data I can see in the XML column; 2.000000000000000e+000 is indeed 2 and 4.190000000000000e_002 is indeed 419.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Capture Database / Server Name In A Derived Column To Identify Source Of Data?

Feb 1, 2012

I am task with identifying the source database name, id, and server name for each staging table that I create. I need to add this to a derived column on all staging tables created from merging same tables on different servers together.

When doing a Merge Join, there is no way to identify the source of data so I would like to see if data came from one database more than the other servers or if their are duplicates across servers.

The thing that bugs me about SSIS Data Flow task is there is no way to do an easy Execute SQL Task after I select my ADO.NET Source to get this information because my connection string is dynamic and there is no way of know which data source is being picked up at runtime.

For Example I have Products table on Server 1 and 2:

Server 2 has more Products and would like to join the two together to create a staging table.

I want see the following:

Product ID, Product Name, Qty, Src_DB_ID, Src_DB_Name, Src_Server_Name
1 IPAD 1000 2, MyDB1, Server1
100 ASUS Pad 40 1, YourDB, Server2

get database name and server name in DATA FLOW only (without using a for each in Control Flow)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Getting Formula Of A Computed Column

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to write a query that will display the formula for a computed column in SQL Server 2008R2.

I have looked here: [URL] ....

and it say (at least I think) that I can look at the Formula property of COLUMNPROPERTY like this:

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Event' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'CurrentAttendance'

I know the column is computed and I can see the formula in SSMS. I wanted to do this in T-SQL. How to get this value?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Export To Excel - Column With CR / LF

Jan 30, 2015

I have a request to export some table data to excel and the "notes" column (varchar 255) contains multiple lines separated by CR/LF. when I export to excel, the first record with CR/LF messes up the column alignment in excel, throwing off the format from that point on. how can i export to excel so that it preserves these CR/LF. or if not, how can I remove these characters so that excel can handle it?

See attached example

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SQL Server 2008 :: Get XML Text From Varchar Column

Jan 30, 2015

create table tblxmldata
(id int, xmltext varchar(max))
insert into tblxmldata values(1,'<associatedText><value type="PO">GTT taken</value></associatedText>')
insert into tblxmldata values(1,'<associatedText><value type="PO">Check sugar today please</value></associatedText>')

I want the output as

GTT taken
Check sugar today

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