SQL Server 2008 :: Get Max And Min Date Corresponding Values
Aug 26, 2015
I have two tables.
id | Deptno | sdate | edate | locid
1 | 10 |2014-09-19 |2009-09-25 | 100
1 | 10 |2014-11-06 |2009-11-06 | 100
1 | 10 |2014-12-11 |2014-12-14 | 100
1 | 10 |2009-07-01 |2009-07-20 | 100
2 | 20 |2007-07-11 |2007-07-17 | 104
Id | Deptno | edate | refid | refid1
1 | 10 | 2014-11-06 | 201 | 204
1 | 10 | 2014-12-13 | 204 | 202
1 | 10 | 2014-12-12 | 207 | 124
1 | 10 | 2003-05-04 | 105 | 103
2 | 20 | 2007-07-14 | 102 | 106
I am trying to combine these two tables into the output below:
Id | Deptno | locid | current_refid | current_refid1 | last_refid | last_refid1
1 | 10 | 101 | 201 | 204 | 204 |202
2 | 20 | 104 | 102 | 106 | 102 |106
The tables share the common columns id and deptno. To get the above result, the emp1.edate must be between emp.sdate and emp.edate.
If that condition is met, we need to retrieve the refid and refid1 values corresponding to the lowest edate as last_refid and last_refid1. Then we need the refid and refid1 values corresponding to the emp1.edate between emp.stdate and emp.edate to be retrieved as the current_refid and current_ refid1.
select a.id,a.deptno,a.locid,b.refid,b.refid1
emp b
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Jun 11, 2015
Script to find the details of creation date and modified date of all files located in a path?
I wanna write few custom messages before I delete some files from a path.
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Mar 20, 2015
I am trying to find a beginning date from multiple date ranges, for example:
RowNumberidBegin dtEnd Dt
For this id: 0793319, my beginning date is 2011-09-06
408203492011-12-122012-07-03--not a continuous date range
For this id: 0793319, my beginning date is 2012-09-04
For this id: 0820349, my beginning date is 2014-09-02
To find continuous date, you look at the beginning date in row 1 and end date in row 2, then if no break in dates, row 2 beginning date to row 3 end date, if no break continue until last date There could multiple dates up to 12 which I have to check for "no break" in dates, if break, display beginning date of last continuous date.
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May 15, 2015
I have a list of students who have taken a test on different dates.
I need a function to calculate year ago date from the date of test.
eg Sam took the test on feb 23 2015
I need to get a feb 23 2014 to see what subjects he studied from feb 23 2014 to feb 23 2015.
How can I do that.
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Jan 29, 2015
I am new in SQL and i need do a query where I need sum values from 2 tables, when i do it the Sum values are not correct. this is my query
SELECT D.Line AS Line, D.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine, D.Shift AS Shift, SUM(CAST(D.DownTime AS INT)) AS DownTime,
R.Category, SUM(Cast(R.Downtime AS INT)) AS AssignedDowntime,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), D.DatePacked,101) AS DatePacked
FROM Production.DownTimeReason R
left JOIN Production.DownTimeHistory D
[Code] .....
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Jun 8, 2015
I have a table Tbl1 which has 7 columns.This table will be my base table.By using our current application version ,i'll be creating record for Client1. Col1 will have value that application will generate(id).Then i'll be creating Tbl2 with same columns.Then i'll be creating same record for Client1 again ,using our new application version .Col1 will have different (id)value.I would like to compare the rest of the columns if there is any discrepancy caused by new version(columns Col2 -Col7).If there are same ,don't show me anything.
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Jul 17, 2015
I have a table of raw data with supplier names, and i need to join it to our supplier database and pull the supplier numbers.
The issue is that the raw data does not match our database entries for these suppliers; sometimes there are extra periods, commas, or abbreviations (i.e. FedEx, FederalExpress, FedEx, inc.) etc. I'm trying to create a query that will search for entries that are similar.
I tried setting a variable to be equal to the raw data field, and then using a LIKE '%@Variable%' to try and return anything that would contain it, but it didnt return any rows.
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Jul 29, 2015
Why can i get the numeric values from this string?
{_cpn}=1743; {_cpnll}=4511
Result: 1743, 4511
Position and len of the value can be different...
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Sep 17, 2015
I want to concatenate the column_names with the respective values.
Create table #test1 (Id int,Name varchar(10),Country varchar(10))
insert into #test1 values ( 1,'JOHN','USA'),
select * from #test1
I have temp table with columns (Id,Name, Country). I want to concatenate column_name with their respective values; means i want column_header with every value for the column and then i want to concatenate multiple columns. I am looking for something like below:
ID values
Note: This is just a sample .i am looking something dynamic because i have around 50 tables.i can do with query below but since i don't have static columns and table i am looking for something dynamic
select ID, (a+'-'+B) as Value from (
select ID,'NAME'+'-'+NAME as a,'Country'+'-'+Country as b from #test1
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Sep 25, 2015
I have to increment sequencial values for the following:
Current Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
13.456.789 0002 43
Updated Data
Col1 Col2 Col3
12.345.678 0001 32
12.345.678 0002 32
12.345.678 0003 32
13.456.789 0002 43
13.456.789 0003 43
13.456.789 0004 43
What I need is: Increment up to 3 times the values in Col2. Need to identify the first number in Col2 and increase the number up to 3.
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Oct 15, 2015
I've a table that has salescode(124!080) and salesamount(125.65!19.25) and I need to split the columns. Salesman(124) has commission(125.65). Here is the DDL:
USE tempdb;
, SalesCode NCHAR(80) NOT NULL
, Amount NCHAR(80) NOT NULL
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Oct 16, 2015
I need to split the amount equally into 12 months from Jan 2015 through Dec 2015.There is no date column in the table and the total amount has to be splitted equally.Guess I can't use Pivot here because the date column is not there ...How can I achieve this ?
CREATE TABLE #tbl_data (
Region Varchar(25),
Amount FLOAT,
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Oct 20, 2015
I have imported a txtfile to access and have some problem making the data appear in my wanted way. I want to shift the cells in the first row one step to the left, i.e to overwrite the zeros with the left value. Then I want to assign the first row values as field names.
Current data
Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5
0 Name Major Sector Hi
Wanted outcome
Name Major Sector Hi
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Oct 26, 2015
This is the database structure I setup:
--Main Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_RF_Items](
[ItemID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ProgramID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[StatusID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
[Item] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
--Mapping Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_RF_Tags_Map_Items](
[TagID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ItemID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DateModified] [smalldatetime] NULL,
[Code] ....
This a result set of the Items Map table so far:
Each item will have 3 tags. I am having trouble on how to filter the data. For example if i chose TagID 1, 8, and 62, the result set should return only one result. If I do an IN clause, it acts like an OR and I need something to act like an AND.It seems like the only option is to do a dynamic where clause, but there are thousands of items and that might hinder performance of the database. Is there any other option?
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Apr 6, 2015
I have 2 tables, one is table A which stores Resources Assign to work for a certain period. The structure is as below
Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000
The table B stores the item process time. The structure is as below
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
V 2015-04-01 09:30:10.000 2015-04-01 09:34:45.000
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
A 2015-04-01 16:40:10.000 2015-04-01 16:42:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:43:01.000 2015-04-01 16:45:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:47:00.000 2015-04-01 16:49:25.000
I need to select the item which process in 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and 2015-04-01 17:30:00. Beside that I need to know how many resource is assigned to process the item in that period of time. I only has the start date is 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and end date is 2015-04-01 17:30:00. How I can select the data from both tables. There is no need for JOIN, just seperate selections.
Another item process time is in 2015-04-01 10:00:00 and 2015-04-04 11:50:59.
The result expected is
Table A
Name StartDate EndDate
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000
Table B
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
A 2015-04-01 16:30:10.000 2015-04-01 16:32:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:33:01.000 2015-04-01 16:35:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:37:00.000 2015-04-02 16:39:25.000
Scenario 2 expected result
Table A
Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Table B
Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
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Feb 11, 2015
Which values are best prepared value for given below memory objects
Total memory=
SQL Cache Memory=
Lock Memory=
Optimizer Memory=
Connection Memory=
Granted WorkSpace Memory=
Memory Grants Pending=
Memory Grants Success=
Cache Details:
Cache Hit Ratio=
Cache Used/Min=
Cache Count=
Cache Pages=
Scheduled Jobs:
Job Status=
Run date & time=
Job Time=
Retries Attempted=
Need to know the above performance counters prepared values.
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Mar 13, 2015
I have results that are XML data and I am trying to figure out how to parse the data to select certain values from the xml.
<InformationRequest xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" teamid="TEAM003341507" playerid="PL341508" gameid="G000000852" playertype="Starter" FolderName="Test" CurrentYear="2015" Ultimateid="P00000688505" xmlns="http://schemas.sports.com/Messages/Stats" />
I would like to write a statement that just pulls the game id G000000852. So just the id right of gameid=.
Not really sure where to start. Table is GAME, and column is XMLDATA.
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Mar 20, 2015
We had a requirement that need to sum the data based on quater we will be having 12 months data in the system for an year suppose we have 12 records for 2014 year. jan month sales data should be same when we were in feb month it should sum jan+feb sales and should show in sales column whereas we were in march month it should sum jan+feb+mar sales, then same for next quater also apr month it wil be same value in may it should be apr+may in may sales value etc ....
We will be having date column values as 201401,201402,.....
How can we implement in sql sever performance should be good.
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May 13, 2015
I am stuck on a query where I need to display all the month year values even if the corresponding count_booking values are NULL. The requirement is to display the 13 month year period from current date.
For e.g. if the date exists in the current month then starting from May 15 go all the way back to Apr 14.
My current query works in terms of displaying all the 13 months if the count_booking values exist for all the months. However, if some months are missing the values then those months don't show up.how to display all the months even if the values are NULL ? Query below:
AS month_name
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May 25, 2015
For finding size values of temp database:
select * from sys.master_files -
size column value here is 1024 for .mdf,size here for .ldf is 64
select * from tempdb.sys.database_files -
size column value here is 3576 for .mdf,size here for .ldf is 224
Why is there a difference and not the same. size columns in the above 2 tables for temp db's do they represent different values ?
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Jun 11, 2015
Everytime I try to open up SSMS, I get this error:
"Values cannot be null. Parameter Name: ViewInfo"
When I press ok to login, It doesn't show me the database and system dbs aren't expandable.
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Jul 16, 2015
I have created the below function and apply it on a column in a table to replace the below identified values with Blank. It works fine but i have so many different varieties of values i need to add to ths list. Is there any way i insert these values in a table and call the values from that table instead of writing separate SET Statements.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[sv_ReplaceChar] (@badString varchar(8000))
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Sep 20, 2015
I have basic knowledge of T-SQL and I am using Cursors to get the first value, the last value and the peak value and some other values from other tables. I found some examples on google but the code I am using is mixed up. I am using multiple Cursors. I need to join three tables to get the result set into the Cursor. The first example uses 2 tables.
@FirstName NVARCHAR,
@FirstValue decimal,
@HighestValue decimal,
@LastValue decimal
-- First Cursor
[Code] ....
The above code seems totally inefficient but it gives the correct result. Now I want to pull some more value and join a third table (TABLE z) in the above CURSORS and not sure how to make it working using CURSORS.I would like to use the following in the CURSORS above.
SELECT x.publishdate, y.firstname, y.lastname, y.age, z.initialValue AS FirstValue, z.HighestValue AS Highest, z.LastValue AS Last
ON x.id = y.id
ON x.id = z.id
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Oct 18, 2015
I have a table with constantly changing data - stock.
I want to start monitoring the value of stock at the end of each month. I can do this with a simple query, export the results to Excel and store on the network.
My question is:
Are there better ways to do this with SQL Server?
I thought of a monthly "job" that does the query and outputs to a file. (Need to be able to look at each month separately though for trend monitoring.)
Then wondered, if I should have an extra table to store the data and write queries on that in the future?
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Nov 2, 2015
I tried to find a forum for "tools" with SQL Server 2008, but couldn't find anything, so hoping this is the right forum for my question.
I have recently installed RedGate SQL Search. Although I can use this tool for a lot of stuff, I mis-understood the details and thought it not only searched database objects, but would search inside individual rows inside tables for a value, but it does not do this.
I have been trying to search for a comparable product. I have found a bunch of stored procedures to do this, but I do not want to create a bunch of stored procedures for all the various databases we have, nor do I have the permission to do this.
Are there any tools like SQL Search that integrate (not a requirement, but definitely a nice bonus) with SSMS and will search the tables for a value in any given row, listing the table and column (it would be nice to list the entire row, but not required as with table and column, I can do a search for the row) for the given value?
I have found this product: [URL] ...., but I do not have any information on the company to know if they are reputable.
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Apr 8, 2015
i was trying to use the XML read functionality using t-SQL for XML attached.The column is coming with the token names and token-values in XML format and we are using the XML nodes() functionality to read the token names and token value.I am able to read only the parent token names and its values(using the sql attached) and could not be able to get the child token names and its values.how can i acheive the tokenNames with its values with the SQL query.i am attaching both SQL script which i am using and the XML entity.
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Apr 24, 2015
I am pulling down out of range values from a single table on one database to a different table on a different database on a different server (one i have full access to). Basically, it looks something like this:
id1 value1 prev_value1 value2 prev_value2 date prev_date
id2 value1 prev_value1 value2 prev_value2 date prev_date
id3 value1 prev_value1 value2 prev_value2 date prev_date
all the "prev"'s are null. I want to do one do one query that will get me the previous values and dates for each id from the original database. how to do this.
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Jun 6, 2015
I have the table as
|start || end1 |
1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 3:00
1/06/2015 3:20 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || NULL
I want the output as : -
|start || end1 |
1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 1:30 || 1/06/2015 2:00
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 3:00
1/06/2015 3:00 || 1/06/2015 3:20
1/06/2015 3:20 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || NULL
I am trying the below mentioned code but it is not giving me the desired output..
with cte as
,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select 1)) as rn
[Code] .....
I am getting wrong output as -
| start || end1 |
1/06/2015 1:00 || 1/06/2015 1:30
1/06/2015 1:30 || 1/06/2015 2:00
1/06/2015 2:00 || 1/06/2015 4:00
1/06/2015 4:00 || 1/06/2015 4:00
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Jun 25, 2015
I have a question about combining multiple records with same ID but different values between records on different fields into a single record with all values combined for all fields. Example: Multiple records with the same record ID:
RECORD_ID BO_ID Code Code_Date SubMsgCD1 SubMsgCD2 LNMsgCD1
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 L405
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302 1004
INTO a single record:
RECORD_ID BO_ID Code Code_Date SubMsgCD1 SubMsgCD2 LNMsgCD1
1380900 XZ01 12 1/6/2015 P302 L405 1004
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Aug 6, 2015
I have below script
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestPivot(
CollectionDate DATETIME,
Products VARCHAR(40),
ItemCount INT
INSERT INTO dbo.TestPivot
SELECT '4/1/2015','Benz' , 20
[Code] ....
-- Original Output
ProductsApr 2015May 2015Jun 2015
****Required output where ever we have negative values we need to display message Invalid out put message for those negative rows
ProductsApr 2015May 2015 Jun 2015
Benz10Invalid NULL
Toyota5NULL Invalid
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Aug 13, 2015
Below is a XML column data. How to get the Id and respective Names for "Case Manager" Dropdown ONLY in SQL server 2008. I don't want to get anything related to "Intake Staff" drop down.
<DropDown Prompt="Case Manager" Column="case_manager" AddOnly="false" ReadOnly="false" Required="false" CanHaveNotes="no" LabelCssClass="" IndentLevel="1" FirstEntryBlank="false" CssClass="" DefaultValue="" ChoiceType="1">
<Item Id="1">ABC</Item>
<Item Id="2">DEF</Item>
<Item Id="3">GHI</Item>
<Item Id="4">JKL</Item>
<Item Id="5">MNO</Item>
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Oct 19, 2015
I am trying to use get date function, I want dates of my column in between, first of this month and first of the previous month, at this moment the expected result would be: (09/01/2015 and 10/01/2015)..
Seems like it would involve datediff and dateadd both...
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Mar 24, 2008
Has SQL Server 2008 been released already?
Someone told me it was released in February, but others have said it won't be released until Q3 2008. Which is correct?
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