SQL Server 2008 :: No-lock Across Linked Server With Join?
Mar 9, 2015
I have two servers (lets call them sA and sB) connected from sA -> sB via a linked server (i.e. sA pulls data across from sB).
I'm building a temp table full of stock symbols on sA, and then I need to update some values on sA using content on sB. The tables on sB are very large (about 500m rows) so I don't want to pull even close to everything across the linked server. Ordinarily I'd do this by joining to the linked server table, but the target table needs to have nolock on it due to their high use.
update t
set someValue = s.SomeValue
from #myTab t
inner join lnk_sB.xref.dbo.Symbols s with (nolock)
on t.id = s.id
From reading around I gather that nolock doesn't work across linked servers. It was noted in another SSC article that you could use nolock by using an OPENQUERY, but then I can't join to my local temp table, and I end up pulling all .5B rows across the linked server.
Is there some way I can limit the content on sB by my temp table on sA but still use nolock?
I have express edition [advance] of sqlserver 2008 r2 , is it possible to trace every event with out using profiler as u know it does not ship with it.
Basically i want to see how locks are taken and released in each isolation level when query is executed. I am using
I have a requirement to read a value from table and increment it by 1. There can be multi-threads doing the same operation and would need a ROW LOCK so that read and write both are atomic. How can i put an exclusive lock on the row before I read the value from the table.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblOnboardingSequence]( [OnboardingSequenceID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [NextNumber] [bigint] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OnboardingSequence] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED( [OnboardingSequenceID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
My Stored Procedure has below logic
DECLARE @NextNumber BIGINT ----------- Acquire row lock here SELECT @NextNumber = NextNumber FROM tblOnboardingSequence WHERE Name = 'TPO' UPDATE tblOnboardingSequence SET NextNumber = @NextNumber + 1 WHERE Name = 'TPO' ----------- Release row lock here
I would like to have a row lock for the row having Name "TPO" before SELECT query and release after UPDATE query. What si the best way to deal with this?
We are approaching the "go live" date of a big application upgrade, so while the application is being upgraded i was asked to lock out all users and backup all databases and make sure the data isnt changed during a period of time
It turns out, as one of my databases is being replicated to another server, i cant put that database in read_only mode, or restricted_mode, without removing the replication.
Removing the replication means i have to set it up again and that means another 3 hours added to an already cram-packed weekend without sleep!
How I can lock out the users to make sure there are no changes to a database other then read_only/restricted_mode/single_user ?
I have the linked server connection created and works perfectly well. I mean I am able to see the tables while I am on my database.
how do I write a SQL statement to reference the linked server ?
I tried the following:
Select top 100 * from casmpogdbspr1.MPOG_Collations.dbo.AsaClass_Cleaned
Then I get the error message....
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "casmpogdbspr1" does not contain the table ""MPOG_Collations"."dbo"."AsaClass_Cleaned"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
Using a 32-Bit SQL Server 2008 Express on my LOCAL PC. I downloaded the Advantage 8.1 OLE DB Provider and created a linked server to a REMOTE Advantage 8.1 database server. There is no data dictionary on the Advantage server.
Here is my linked server:
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx', @srvproduct=N'Advantage', @provider=N'Advantage OLE DB Provider', @datasrc=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xxeccET', @provstr=N'servertype=ads_local_server;tabletype=ads_cdx;'--tabletype=’ADS_ADT’ (this test works too) EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=Null,@rmtuser='adssys',@rmtpassword=Null
Testing the link succeeds with above. Using “ads_REMOTE_server” instead of “ads_local_server” and the test fails. Here is my problem, using the following queries will not work. Perhaps it’s a permissions issue? When I specify my local credentials for the remote server in the linked server it still does not work.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([1xx.1xx.xx.1xx], 'SELECT * FROM ActType')
OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx" returned message "Error 7200: AQE Error: State = HY000; NativeError = 5004; [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL][ASA] Error 5004: Either ACE could not find the specified file, or you do not have sufficient rights to access the file. Table name: ActType SELECT * FROM ActType". Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT * FROM ActType" for execution against OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx".
A recent SharePoint upgrade has rendered several views obsolete. I am redefining them so that our upper level executive reports show valid data.(yes, I know that doing anything to sharepoint could cause MS to deny support, having said that, this is something I've inherited and need to fix, pronto) The old view was created like so:
USE [AHMC] GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] Script Date: 09/04/2015 09:28:03 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] AS SELECT
As I said, this view is used in a report showing surgical minutes.SharePoint is now on a new server, which is linked differently (distributed?) I've used OPENQUERY to get my 'new' query to work;
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([PORTALWEBDB], 'SELECT --AllLists AL.tp_ID AS ALtpID ,AL.tp_WebID as altpwebid ,AL.tp_Title AS ALTitle
My data (ie surgical minutes, etc) seems to be in the XML column, AUD.tp_ColumnSet . So I need to parse it out and convert it to INT to maintain consistency with the previous view. How do I do this within the context of the view definition?Here is a representation of the new and old view data copied to excel :
can't format it to make it look decent. InHouseCases =2, InHouseMinutes=419, OutPatientCases =16, OutPatientMinutes=1230. This corresponds to the new data I can see in the XML column; 2.000000000000000e+000 is indeed 2 and 4.190000000000000e_002 is indeed 419.
I am using MS SQL 2008, and I am trying to extract data from a MySQL database. I am having trouble extracting the data I need.
In SQL Server management studio, I can see the linked server...I can browse the different databases on the server. I can see user and system tables in all of the databases.
When I try and query a linked table (select * from server.db.table) I get Invalid object name 'servername.databasename.tablename'.
When I try script the table.. right_click on the linked table, Script table as, Select to, New Query Editor window, I get an error '[servername].[databasename]..[tablename] contains no columns that can be selected or the current user does not have permissions on that object.'
This leads me to believe that it is a permissions problem, but if I have access to the MySQL database using MySQL and the same login/password) and can retrieve the data there, then I think my login credentials should be enough using MS SQL. I guess I think its odd that I could have enough credentials to get in and see table names, but not do a select against it.
Below is the syntax I am using for creating Linked server from SQL Server i.e windows 2008 R2 standard to Postresql database running on Linux 32 bit Debian (Linux turtle 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1+deb7u1 i686 GNU/Linux) and the version of Postresql is 8.3
/****** Object: LinkedServer [HGCDEV] Script Date: 09/15/2015 17:03:37 ******/ EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'HGCDEV', @srvproduct=N'', @provider=N'MSDASQL', @datasrc=N'',@provstr=N'UID=web;PWD=dev123' /* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */ EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'HGCDEV',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser='web',@rmtpassword='dev123'
This the error I am getting " Cannot initializee the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "HGCDEV".
How to setup the linked server........... Below are the drivers installed on the SQL server
I am new in SQL and i need do a query where I need sum values from 2 tables, when i do it the Sum values are not correct. this is my query
SELECT D.Line AS Line, D.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine, D.Shift AS Shift, SUM(CAST(D.DownTime AS INT)) AS DownTime, R.Category, SUM(Cast(R.Downtime AS INT)) AS AssignedDowntime, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), D.DatePacked,101) AS DatePacked FROM Production.DownTimeReason R left JOIN Production.DownTimeHistory D
Select SEC.EntryQty from Item.StockEntryChild SEC where SEC.CEntryNo = ( select SEM.EntryNumber from item.StockEntryMaster SEM where SEC.CBranchID=SEM.BranchID and SEC.CEntryNo=SEM.EntryNumber and SEM.MasterID=1 and SEM.isStockIn=1 )
I am looking for a query where in I can have a conditional statement within inner join after ON statement as shown below.
Declare @roleid int select @roleid = roleid from Role where Name ='Admin' select empid,empName,deptName from employee em inner department dm on CASE when @roleid>0 then 1=dm.RoleId else em.RoleId=dm.RoleId end
I have a XML data passed on to the stored proc in the following format, and within the stored proc I am accessing the data of xml using the nodes() method
Here is an example of what i am doing
DECLARE @Participants XML SET @Participants = '<ArrayOfEmployees xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Employees EmpID="1" EmpName="abcd" /> <Employees EmpID="2" EmpName="efgh" /> </ArrayOfEmployees >'
SELECT Participants.Node.value('@EmpID', 'INT') AS EmployeeID, Participants.Node.value('@EmpName', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS EmployeeName FROM @Participants.nodes('/ArrayOfEmployees /Employees ') Participants (Node)
Select DISTINCT p.dbPatID, p.dbpatfirstname, p.dbPatLastName, s.dbSchTypeCnt as SchDetailType, t.dbSchTypeCnt as SchTypeType, ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc, ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode, ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,
however, I only want the lastest a.dbPatApptTime and only when a.dbPFStatus = 1 and a.ClientRef = 'EPS'
So the stand alone sql could be....
Select Top(1) dbPatApptTime as LastVisitDate, dbSchTypeDesc as LastVisitDesc from appointments where dbPFStatus = 1 and clientref = 'EPS' order by dbPatApptTime desc
I'm just not sure how to incorporate that into my sql or whether there is a better way,
I'm creating a sql stored procedure inside this proc it returns some information about the user, i.e location, logged in, last logged in, etc I need to join this on to the photos table and return the photo which has been set as the profile picture, if it hasn't been set then return the first top 1 if that makes sense?
The user has the option to upload photos so there might be no photos for a particular user, which I believe I can fix by using a left join
My photos table is constructed as follows:
CREATE TABLE [User].[User_Photos]( [Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UserId] [bigint] NOT NULL, [PhotoId] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [IsProfilePic] [bit] NULL,
[Code] ....
Currently as it stands the proc runs but it doesn't return a particular user because they have uploaded a photo so I need to some how tweak the above to return null if a photo isn't present which is where I'm stuck.
I have two queries from two different tables ex ABC and BCD. For table ABC, according to my query, I got 11 records ; for table BCD I only got 9 records.
Bottom line: I would like to see only 11 records from Table ABC including certain data from table BCD after I joined this two tables.
However, no matter what I did I always got 99 records when I joined.
I have data that I want at multiple granularities, 5,15,30 and 60 minutes. To reduce repetition, I have put them all in the same table, so that there is a column for 5,15,30 and 60 minutes, with a filtered index on each of the columns that removes the nulls. This means that each day will have 288 slots, but only 24 of the slots are filled in for 60 min data, and all of them are filled for 5 minute data.
I have another column that specifies the interval granularity, and my first thought was to access my data through a join, where I can use a CASE statement, and depending on the data granularity necessary, it will look at a different column:
INNER JOIN Data d ON AND d.settlement_key = CASE st.interval_granularity WHEN 5 THEN [5_min_settlement_key] WHEN 15 THEN [15_min_settlement_key] WHEN 60 THEN [60_min_settlement_key] ELSE NULL END
Despite the presence of the indexes on the columns, then the process seems to be quite slow, I think probably due to the fact that any query plan isn't going to know beforehand which of the columns it is going to use for any given dataset, until it actually starts to run, so it may not be optimised.
How I could optimise this based on the given structure? Maybe there are hints to be added to the join, or maybe I can clear the query plan each time the SQL is run? My other option for dealing with the data of different granularity was to use one column and repeat the data multiple times, each at the different granularity, but this makes my data, row and table sizes much higher, as we are adding just a column for each additional granularity. Would this work any better in future versions of SQL server, maybe with column store indexes?
I have a query which wants to union join the data. no matter how many times I tried, I got an error. How to change my union query?
select distinct b.lev5 AS "LEVEL 1",b.lev5NAME, C.lev7 "FUND", C.lev7NAME,round (sum(a.data),2) AS AMOUNT (Select distinct b.lev5 from bf_data a inner join bf_orgn_cnsl_tbl b on a.bf_orgn_cd = b.bf_orgn_cd
I have an inline query that I am trying to convert it into JOIN, results are not coming out the same:
Original query:
SELECT distinct (select count (distinct LoanID) FROM Q_C_Main_Sub1 WHERE DAY(LastWorked) = DAY(GETDATE()) and MONTH(LastWorked) = MONTH(GETDATE()) and YEAR(LastWorked) = YEAR(GETDATE()) and PrimStat = '1' and Collector = '3') As DcountMy query:
i am facing a bizarre problem, accessing data from a remote server which has been linked to my sql. My SQL server is 2005 and the remote server is SQL 2000. i have linked the remote server (called LinkedServer) so that when i run this query: SELECT * FROM LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable executes successfully! However, when i run a similar query like this: SELECT Column1 AS Col1, LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column2 as Col2, Alias.Column3 as Col3 FROM LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable INNER JOIN LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeOtherTable1 ON LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column3 = LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeOtherTable1.Column3
INNER JOIN LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeOtherTable2 AS Alias ON LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column3 = Alias.Column3
It gives me this error: The multi-part identifier "LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column2" could not be bound. The multi-part identifier "LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column3" could not be bound. I have noticed that this error is generated only for the selected columns whose path has either been repeated (e.g. "LinkedServer.SomeDB.dbo.SomeTable.Column2" as opposed to "Column2") or for columns which are from aliased tables.
What is going on?!?!?!??!?!?!
Any Help would be tremendously appreciated!!!! 8..)
Can the collation used by SSIS be changed or influenced during install or run time? We have found that our databases, that use a mandatory "LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN", have incorrect SSIS Merge Join output. Changing our database collation in testing didn't make a difference. What matters is the data. Which Windows collation is SSIS using?
put in a Sort task before the Merge Join task as setting advanced properties isn't enough (as described by Eric Johnson here --> [URL] ......
We are using 64-bit SQL Server 2008 R2 w/ SP1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 ENT w/ SP1.
UPDATE from ETL team: Explicitly ordering the source with "COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS" seems to have the same effect as using a separate sort task. We don't feel that we can rely on our findings, however, unless we have documentation that this collation is what is behind SSIS.
I have an intermittent issue where some remote PC's occasionally fail to execute select queries that have a join or return multiple result sets, however simple one table select queries continue to work okay. When it does happen the PC's needs to be rebooted to get to work again. This may only happen some PC's while others continue to work away okay.
I am using a VB6 application and ADO to connect to the database and the error message I get is a General Network Error, Server Not Found when it fails to execute the query. I have ran SQL Profiler on the server and while simple select queries continue to run away okay, a query a join does not even seem to show up in the profiler. The program has been working fine for 15 years with 1000's of users and has only now become an issue on one site for a number of users. Have tried moving the database to a different server and swapping network cards on the local PC's but can't seem to find the cause. The processor and the memory don't seem to be under load, but I am not sure if there is something else in SQL that is causing it to hang under certain conditions.
There have been network analysts experts in to run scans on the network, but I have not had the results of this back yet. Other applications do not seem to be affected so if this analysis does not show up anything.
Hi , On my Desktop i registered Production Server in Enterprise Manager on that Server if i go to SecurityLinked Servers There is another Server is already mapped, when i am trying to see the Tables under that one of the Linked Server i am getting the Error message saying that "Error 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied"
if i went to Production Server location and if i try to see the tables i am able to see properly, no problems why i am not able to see from my Desk top i am using the sa user while mapping the Production Server on my DESKTOP using (ENTERPRISE MANAGER)
And i check the Client Network Utility in the Alias using Named Pipe only, i changed to TCP/IP still same problem What might the Problem how can i see the Tables in Linked Server from my DESKTOP
Lets say I have table A and table B and another table AB where each row in AB refereces a row in A and a row in B. Furthermore, I set both relationships to cascade upon delete.
Then one user deletes a row from A which cascades to two rows in AB. But another user has deleted a row in B which is also trying to delete the same two rows in AB. The first transaction deletes one of the AB rows, the second deletes the other and then both transactions cannot get the other row in AB to delete because its locked. So this is a deadlock! Is it really that easy to get a dead lock?
Hello - does anyone have experience w/SQL Server 2005 in a virtual environment? I'm considering this for a production environment but not sure if performance will suffer. Our databases will have a lot of writing but not too much reading. A SSRS solution is currently the only app. connecting to the SQL db. Max users to server at any given time will be very low (~10 users max). But the databases are pulling in data from other, outside multiple data sources on a daily basis.
Hi I have created a linked server from SQL Server 2005 (SP 1) to SQL Service 2000 (SP 4) with a sql server login that is available on both servers but with different passwords and permissions.
I am getting the following error while accessing the linked server in management studio based on the scenario given below ;
------ Error Message Starts OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "(SQL Server 2000 instance name)" returned message "Communication link failure". Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 0 Login failed for user 'abc'. ------ Error Message Ends
Consider login name is abc. Now this login abc has sysadmin rights on sql server 2005. The same login abc has only db_datareader rights on sql server 2000 on just one database and is not associated with any fixed server role.
I have configured the linked server using the following options; 1. I have tried impersonating login from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 . 2. I have also tried specifying remote login / password option.
Anyone having any idea, would be of great help. Regards, Salman Shehbaz.
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_cpD, Line 14
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "S2" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_cpD, Line 14
Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "S2". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema.
Can I connect from a SQL Server 2005 database to a SQL Server 2000 database, without establishing a linked server connection.
I need to fire a SELECT query on a SQL Server 2000 database, but don't want to add it as a linked server. Is there any way I can do this or its not possible??