SQL Server 2012 :: Alter Query To Avoid Hard-coding?

May 25, 2015

using below query to raplace the string values (REPLACE abc with T1223), how to use the query without hard coding.

i want to store the values in another temp table and access in main query.

'abc', 'T1223',
'def', 'T456',
'ghi', 'T789',
'jkl', 'T1011',
'mno', 'T12'
select id,name,
'abc', 'T1223'),
'def', 'T456'),
'ghi', 'T789'),
'jkl', 'T1011'),
'mno', 'T12'))) New_id
from TAB

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Variable In Sql Satement Not Working - Hard Coding Does Work

Jan 10, 2008

I have a variable that is created dynamically that will be used as an input for a sql statement. 
When I display the variable in a text box it looks like this:
(PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' ))  
The following works when I hard code the values into the SQL statement:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM web_transfer WHERE (PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' )) AND ........."But I get no values returned when I use the variable directly in the sql: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM web_transfer WHERE (PROP_CLASS IN (" & propertyClass & ")) AND ..........." The propertyClass variable is the text string “(PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' ))“. How do I add this variable to the sql string so that it is recognized.  I guess that it is adding some hidden  characters.  Any help please??  I am a newbie to this, s

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Desired Output Without Hard Coding Values?

Jun 6, 2014

See DDL and sample data below. What would be the easiest way to get the desired output without hard coding the values? Data in both tables may change over time.

,Price MONEY


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Hard Coding Colum Names In Returned DetailsView Table

Apr 13, 2007

Hi all,We're selecting data from our database, FirstName, LastName, MobileNumber etc.We're using the detaials view function to return it in a table upon selection. However all of the variables are returned as they are in the database, ie: without spaces. We tried putting in spaces by selecting "AS what ever", but MSSQL does not seem to like spaces.Any ideas?Thanks 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Can Use Lag To Avoid Recursive CTEs?

May 13, 2014

Let's say I have a scalar functions that I'd like it's input to be the output from the previous row, with a recursive CTE I can do the following:

;with rCTE(iterations,computed) as (
select 0 [iterations], 1e+0 [computed]
union all
select iterations+1,dbo.f(computed)
from where rCTE
where iterations < 30
select * from rCTE

Thus for each iteration, is the nTh fold of the function f applied to 1. [e.g 5 is f(f(f(f(f(1)))))]

However, for some illogical reason this relatively simple function did lots of read and write in tempdb. Can I reform this query somehow to just use lag instead? I know for a fact I only want to get let's say 30 iterations. It'd be very nice to be able to enjoy a window spool which will spawn a worktable with minimal IO.

I know I can put 30 rows into a table variable and do a quirky update across it, but Is there a nice way to do this without doing some sort of hack.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using WHILE To Avoid Cursor Under Certain Conditions

Mar 20, 2015

I need to use WHILE to avoid Cursor under certains conditions.

My SELECT statement is:

SELECT ref, ano, numberofyears ,nreint, naoreint,degress,
tabela, tax, taxamaxima,[evactual],
FROM deprec

numberofyears= 100 /tax for exemple for a good where lifecycle is 4 years ,ex:
Tax = 25% Then 100/25 = 4 years

I see this WHILE script, but i need to run :

1. for each REF + Until years < 4 in this exemple, because i have goods years depend on Percent.

the WHILE script i see is:

DECLARE @table1 TABLE (Id int not null primary key identity(1,1), col1 int )
INSERT into @table1 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM table2
SET @num_rows=@@ROWCOUNT

SET @cnt=0
WHILE @cnt<@num_rows

[Code] .....

My doubt is how to make the LOOP for each REF until Year < 4 (like my example)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Product Join - How To Avoid

Oct 27, 2015

This query below is giving product join for me, is there a way to avoid this?

SELECT DISTINCT a.RevID, indexdate, transadate
FROM temp1 AS a
INNER JOIN temp2 AS d ON transdate BETWEEN indexdate-60 AND indexdate+60

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Know The Hard Disk's SQL Server Space Available From SQL Query

Oct 5, 2007

I would be able to determine how much hard disk space is available on the Server with a SQL Query, and from an other computer on the LAN.

How can I do something?

Thanks for your help.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Formatting XML Output - Avoid Normalizing Structure On Client

May 28, 2015

I have a script that resolve's data into xml like this, ex:


And works perfectly, but ... how to make sure every item has an element "nodes" ? The case here is for the child leafs obviously. This, because on the client i have to inject this element "nodes" on a json version of this xml, and just wanted to avoid normalizing the structure on the client.

For the root I am using

FOR XML PATH('root'),TYPE; and for the hierarchy that follows
FOR XML RAW ('node'), root('nodes'), ELEMENTS

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SQL - How To - I Need A Query Solution, No Coding....

Nov 1, 2007

Hi. I'm looking at a problem and I can't find any solution short ofcoding.I have a pool of, say, 1000 PINS. I have 7 tables (buckets). Any ofthe 1000 PINS can be in 0, 1, 2, or... or all 7 buckets. So let's saythat-bucket A has 100 PINS-bucket B has 300 PINS-bucket C has 600 PINS-bucket D has 200 PINS-bucket E has 500 PINS-bucket F has 350 PINS-bucket G has 700 PINSI need to know, for each PIN, the number of buckets (tables) itbelongs to, and which ones, i.e:- PIN 1 belongs to A, C, D, so it belongs to 3 buckets- PIN 2 belongs to A, C, D, F, so it belongs to 4 buckets- PIN 3 belongs to A, so it belongs to 1 bucket- PIN 4 belongs to A, B, C, D, G, so it belongs to 5 buckets- PIN 5 belongs to ..., so it belongs to 0 bucketsetc, etcWhat would be the simplest way to achieve that, please ?Thank you very muchAlex.

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I Need Help Coding A Query In SQL? (filtering Data

May 17, 2006

I have a big presentation tomorrow and I have a query I'm trying to
make a little more presentable. query text itself formatted (filtering data)


The query:

select Firstname+' '+Lastname as [FirstName LastName],synctime as
[Nestle synctime],sum(DurationInMinutes)
from tpeople
join tsynclog on people_id = id
where synctime > '2006-05-05'
group by
having sum(DurationInMinutes) > 100
order by synctime desc

As you can see I need some alias added and maybe the whole thing formatted a little
different. Can anyone help?

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Hard Query

Feb 13, 2006


i have a proplem in query

i have 2 tables in my sql db one named stuednt include fields(id,name)

and one table named stu_cources include fields(id,course_name)


i want to query the student that have courses EX. mcse

the result that i want from 2 tables

ID | NAME | Coures_NAME


any one help me plz ...

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SQL 2012 :: How To Avoid SSIS To UN-protect Excel Template

Nov 1, 2015

I am exporting the data from database to an excel template that will have 100+ columns and approx 4000 rows of data. Then the business user will make changes to some columns without modifying primary key columns and will send back to us where we will update the same to database.

In order to this am using an excel template by protecting the primary key columns with a password protection.

At template level am fine and whenever am trying to modify any primary key column it's not allowing and am totally good there. But when I use that excel template as a destination to load data from SSIS, all the protected columns are no longer protected and i could able to make changes.

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Hard Question.. Is It Possible To Update Many Column Of Data In 1 Query?

May 15, 2007

in my original database have a column which is for "path" ,the record in this column is like → �mms://】
this kind of column is about 1202,045 .. I don't think is a easy job to update by person.. it may  work but have to do same job 1202,045 times..
I have to change � mms://】 to � mms://】
I tried to find the reference book and internet . can't find out the answer for this problem.
can you help? or maybe is it a impossible job?

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Very Hard Question On How To Query Data And Return By Months

Oct 18, 2007

I have a data set that returns the following











but I need this






Any Idea Help

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Query Performance Hard Coded Value Versus Table Driven

Nov 6, 2014

I want to be able to return the rows from a table that have been updated since a specific time. My query returns results in less than 1 minute if I hard code the reference timestamp, but it keeps spinning if I load the reference timestamp in a table. See examples below (the "Reference" table has only one row with a value 2014-09-30 00:00:00.000)

select * from A where ReceiptTS > '2014-09-30 00:00:00.000'

select * from A where ReceiptTS > (select ReferenceTS from Reference)

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Query To Avoid Certain Rule

Jun 16, 2014

I have a query that maps all products to some customer levels. In this case levels 0,5,7 and 8

DELETE FROM ProductCustomerLevel
WHERE CustomerLevelID IN (0, 5, 7, 8)
INSERT ProductCustomerLevel

[Code] ....

Basically this maps all products in a database to these customer levels so that they get a discount.

I know need to create a new customer level, example number 9. These will only have 1 or 2 products applied to it.

How can I change the SQL above so that it does not map those products already in Customer Level 9 to levels 0,5,7 and 8

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Want To Avoid Cursors ... Need Help With Query

Oct 30, 2006


I have a customer who is using vba to pull a result set from an sql server stored procedure into excel. She wants a calculated column added to the result set that gives:
The number days (datediff) between the end date (autend_dte) on one row and the begin date (autbeg_dte) on the next row for each client (clt_num). The rows are to be ordered by client and begin date. The number should be associated with the second row used to calculate the date diff. The first row for each client will have a date diff of 0.

I could do this using a cursor in the stored procedure or a loop in the vba, but I would prefer to do it with the select, but I don't even know where to start.

See expected results below.

CREATE TABLE #testit (
clt_num int NOT NULL ,
autbeg_dte datetime NULL ,
autend_dte datetime NULL)

INSERT INTO #testit (clt_num, autbeg_dte, autend_dte)
SELECT 510, '2004-09-01 00:00:00.000', '2005-09-30 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 510, '2005-10-01 00:00:00.000', '2006-04-06 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 600, '2006-08-01 00:00:00.000', '2006-11-06 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2529, '2006-01-13 00:00:00.000', '2006-04-11 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2529, '2005-11-30 00:00:00.000', '2005-12-12 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2602, '2006-03-29 00:00:00.000', '2006-05-02 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2602, '2005-11-12 00:00:00.000', '2006-02-27 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2602, '2006-05-26 00:00:00.000', '2006-06-12 23:59:00.000' UNION ALL
SELECT 2602, '2006-06-18 00:00:00.000', '2006-06-28 23:59:00.000'

SELECT * FROM #testit
order by clt_num,autbeg_dte

Expected result:

clt_numautbeg_dte autend_dte Days Diff
5102004-09-01 00:00:00.0002005-09-30 23:59:00.0000
5102005-10-01 00:00:00.0002006-04-06 23:59:00.0001
6002006-08-01 00:00:00.000 2006-11-06 23:59:00.000 0
25292005-11-30 00:00:00.0002005-12-12 23:59:00.0000
25292006-01-13 00:00:00.0002006-04-11 23:59:00.00044
26022005-11-12 00:00:00.0002006-02-27 23:59:00.0000
26022006-03-29 00:00:00.0002006-05-02 23:59:00.00030
26022006-05-26 00:00:00.0002006-06-12 23:59:00.00024
26022006-06-18 00:00:00.0002006-06-28 23:59:00.0006



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SQL 2012 :: How To Drop Columns From Alter View

Mar 20, 2015

I have a VIEW which is dynamically generated through complex dynamic SQL. Unfortunately the dynamic SQL uses "Select * from table" to select the columns because the programmer did that to reduce the amount of code in the dynamic SQL string as the code can't be debugged if it's too long.

Therefore, I have a VIEW with columns in it I don't need, and want to remove them from the view - I need to remove all columns with column names matching the syntax '%1%_2' .

The view is called TEMP_EXPORT_1

I can either use the code below to return a list of columns that I want removed:

select column_name from information_schema.columns

where table_name='TEMP_EXPORT_1' and column_name like '%1%_2'

Or I can use the code below to return the list of columns that I want to keep:

select column_name from information_schema.columns

where table_name='TEMP_EXPORT_1' and column_name not like '%1%_2'

Now how would I go about altering TEMP_EXPORT_1 view so that it no longer has these columns? I know views don't have a drop statement...

Therefore I tried the following but I'm not sure of the syntax:

SELECT (select column_name from information_schema.columns
where table_name='TEMP_EXPORT_1' and column_name not like '%1%_2')

Am I on the right track? how can I ALTER this view to remove these columns? ... I want to keep this separate from the code that generated the view as I want it as an optional procedure that can be run if needed.

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SQL 2012 :: Alter Logical FileName During Restore

Aug 12, 2015

Can two databases have same logical filenames in the same instance?

In my instance, database already exists say A.

I have to restore DB B with the same backup used for database A in the same instance.

So, once the database B is restored, A and B will have same logical fileNames.

Can I leave it as is? Or do i alter only after B is restored?

Or is there a way where I can change the logical file for B while restoring?

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Avoid Reusing Query Plan..

Mar 23, 2004


I'm trying to test some queries in SQL analyser without reusing the query plan (already cached). I know that there is a way to avoid that but I don't remember right now. Another option would be to restart MS SQL service but I don't want to do that.
Any thoughts...?



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How To Avoid Temp Tables And Do It In One Query?

Feb 5, 2008

I have a table T1 with columns: Date, Salesman, Sales. Salesman is a userid for each person and Sales is a decimal capturing sales done on Date.

From the data in T1 I would like to have a table with the following:

Salesman Sales-To-Date Sales-Last-Week

I have been able to do it with a temporary table, temp, as follows:

select Salesman, Sum(Sales) as ToDate into temp from T1 group by Salesman

with T2 as (

select Salesman, Lastweek=sum(Sales) from T1 where week>='1/28/2008' and week<='2/3/2008' group by Salesman

) select temp.Salesman, ToDate, Lastweek from temp full join T2 on temp.Salesman=T2.Salesman

How can I do the above in one query statement?


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SQL 2012 :: Alter Database Set Partner Command Failed

Jun 23, 2014

Running this query in DR server to start SQL mirroring but encountered an error below.

use master
alter database test set partner= N'TCP://HOSTNAME.DOMAIN.GROUP.INTRANET:5023'

Msg 1452, Level 16, State 6, Line 2

The partner server instance name must be distinct from the server instance that manages the database. The ALTER DATABASE SET PARTNER command failed.

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SQL 2012 :: Permission To Create / Alter Proc But Not DBOwner

Feb 5, 2015

Without giving dbowner how can we grant permission to user to alter/create procs?

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SQL Server Best Practice Analyzer And T-SQL Coding Standards

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know much about this tool? Also, if anyone can point me toa TSQL coding standard, please let me know.-- Dave

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Is There A Site Or A Document For Query Optimization Tips And TSQL Coding Tips?

May 9, 2008


Me any my team are soon going to work on a performance critical application. My team has some experience of writing SQL, however we have not done performance oriented coding.

I am looking for a comphrehensive document which lists information for writing good SQL with performance. Please guide if there is such a document or web site.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Avoid Duplicate Records (across Columns)

Jan 3, 2015

rewrite the below two queries (so that i can avoid duplicates) i need to send email to everyone not the dup[right][/right]licated ones)?

Create table #MyPhoneList
AccountID int,
EmailWork varchar(50),
EmailHome varchar(50),
EmailOther varchar(50),

[Code] ....

--> In this table AccountID is uniquee

--> email values could be null or repetetive for work / home / Other (same email can be used more than one columns for accountid)

-- a new column will be created with name as Sourceflag( the value could be work, Home, Other depend on email coming from) then removes duplicates

SELECT AccountID , Email, SourceFlag, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY AccountID, Email ORDER BY Sourceflag desc) AS ROW
INTO #List
from (
, EmailWorkAS EMAIL
, 'Work'AS SourceFlag
FROM#MyPhoneList (NoLock) eml
WHEREIsOffersToWorkEmail= 1


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SQL 2005: Query Is Not Using Non-clustered Index! Need To Avoid Hints!

Oct 26, 2006


I have two tables:



CustomerOrderDetail table has clustered unique index for ID and non-clustered for Order_ID

SQL Server 2005 is using table scan for CustomerOrderDetail table When I user the following query:

from CustomerOrder co
inner join CustomerOrderDetail cod ON cod.Order_ID = co.ID
co.StatusID = 8 -- Pending

Both of the tables are pretty big, detail table has more than million records, so scanning the table is a bad idea.

When I specify hint to use index then sql seeks, but how do I make SQL server to use index automatically? I don't want to use hints in my queries.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS To Avoid Writing MDX Query?

Sep 21, 2015

When I use an SSAS cube in Excel the command text is just the name of the cube itself and does not require an MDX query.  Is it possible in SSRS to avoid writing an MDX query?

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Need Coding For Inserting Data Into SQL Server Using Stored Proecdure.

Dec 19, 2007

Hi to all..
I am new to ASP.Net, I want coding for inserting data in to SQL server 2005 that code contain the following criteria.
  1.ASP.Net using C#.Net.
  2.Using Stored Procdure.
  3.the connetion string ,command , Data reader is in the same class. this class will be reusable for other page also without modifying any thing in it.
Please Help me.
  Advance thanks.

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Is This The Correct Coding To Connect To Sql Server For Login Page?

Jan 28, 2008

 Partial Class Default3
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


    Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As
Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Handles Login1.Authenticate

        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
        con6 = New
        cmd.CommandText = "select
Status from usr where Uid='" & txtUsername.Text & "' and
Pass='" & txtPassword.Text & "'"
        cmd.Connection = con6

    End Sub
End Class

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding Count To Query Without Duplicating Original Select Query

Aug 5, 2014

I have the following code.

SELECT _bvSerialMasterFull.SerialNumber, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNStockLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNDateLMove, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLoc,
_bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.StockCode, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccount, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLocationDesc,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxDate, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxReference, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTrCodeID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTransType,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNWarehouseID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransAccount, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransTypeDesc,


However, as you can see, the original select query is run twice and joined together.What I was hoping for is this to be done in the original query without the need to duplicate the original query.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Pull Value Of Query And Not Value Of Variable When Query Using Select Top 1 Value From Table

Jun 26, 2015

how do I get the variables in the cursor, set statement, to NOT update the temp table with the value of the variable ? I want it to pull a date, not the column name stored in the variable...

create table #temptable (columname varchar(150), columnheader varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))
insert into #temptable
SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10
--column name
declare @cname varchar(30)


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