Hi! Maybe I ask simple question. But for me it’s not so. The matter’s I plan organize search at my website. It has catalog of firm’s and good’s in SQL Server. I plan to build dictionary table with two fields’ search_item and link. But problem is that I should put all search variant’s in field search_item(name of firm, name of boss, name of good etc.) Maybe there’s another concept to build search? Thank’s for any answer.
Is it possible to stop a query from running if a condition is not met?
I have a stored procedure that returns some email addresses. A condition is that a load of new data should have happened in the current month.
If a load of new data hasn't happened I want the stored procedure to stop and return an error message instead of returning the email addresses.
I have a variable that finds the maximum data load date and I thought I could use an IF... ELSE... to check if new data had been loaded. Like this:
DECLARE @MaxLoadDate as date = (select max(load_date) from #table) IF @MaxLoadDate<Dateadd(month, Datediff(month, 0, Getdate()), 0) --First Day of Current Month <Something here to kill the query> ELSE SELECT email_address FROM... etc
I've tried a couple of things like PRINT 'Error', and SET NO EXEC ON, but the query seems to happily carry on past the IF condition and return the email addresses. I know that data hasn't been loaded this month, so it should fail.
I have a few textboxes on a page that I would like to use as a search page and have clients shown in a gridview that meet the users entry into one or more of the textboxes. I have ClientID, LastName, FirstName, Address, and Keywords. How would I build a stored procedure to allow me to do this?
Now, on the above query I want to insert three extra columns with the name (status, location and contact) where the results in the extra three columns would be based on the conditions I want to define in the query based on the above results…
Something for example (I am not trying to write a condition: my question is how to write it),
if column_code1 = RO1 and column_description2 = PDF/ECOPY on status column it should return a value ‘ONLINE’ & on location column it should return ‘WEB’ and on contact column it should write ‘BOB’.
Also, if column_code1 = RO5 and column_description1 = JOURNAL on status column it should return a value ‘ON PRESS FOR PRINT’ & on location column it should return ‘S.R STREET, LONDON’ and on contact column it should write ‘SMITH’ like below result…so the final output should be the top four columns and the extra three columns…
See the attachment for better formatting...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status location contact --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONLINE WEB BOB ON PRESS FOR PRINT S.R STREET, LONDON SMITH
I want to identify rows that go negative but only for 2 cents or more as well as identify rows that 2 or more.
I have this expression that does not work how I want it to work:
CASE WHEN (SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) < (2/100) THEN 'Less' WHEN SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) > (2/100) THEN 'More' ELSE NULL END AS 'Flag'
But I get:
0.00000815000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number -0.00094700000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number -0.00222000000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number -0.00012250000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number 0.00000000000000000000NULL -- this is zero so null is fine 0.01188576000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
I want to write a query that will cycle through the results and if it comes across another record that has a matching Table.ID I want to exclude that row from the result set.
I am not all too familiar with how to use either a Case or If..Else Statement within a Sql statement that would accomplish this.
I have 5 drop down lists and 1 text box, and I need to build the WHERE portion of my SELECT statment (stored procedure). the drop down lists are named client, ptype, apptdate, inspdate, state, and the textbox is named text. they all need to be this=something AND that=another AND...AND text LIKE mytext. How would I go about building this efficiently? Would I Declare a bit value in the sp called WhereSet = 0 IF @client IS NOT NULL IF @WhereSet = 0 SET @Where = 'WHERE ClientID=@client' SET @SetWhere = 1 ELSE SET @Where = @Where + ' AND CleintID=@client' . . .... Or would this be a lot easier using adhoc SQL instead of a Stored Procedure? (note: I am using a SQL DataSource) Please help, I am going bald from pulling my hair our...
I have a stored procedure which expects one parameter @Company The variable @Company holds pipe delimited value: "CNN|AOL|ABC"
I need to build a WHERE clause by parsing @Company value, so the select will look like below:
SELECT * FROM Company WHERE CompanyID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(CompanyID) FROM v_Company WHERE CompanyName = 'CNN') AND CompanyID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(CompanyID) FROM v_Company WHERE CompanyName = 'AOL') AND CompanyID IN (SELECT DISTINCT(CompanyID) FROM v_Company WHERE CompanyName = 'ABC')
I have a stored procedure which expects one parameter @Company The variable @Company holds pipe delimited value: "CNN|AOL|ABC"
I need to build a WHERE clause by parsing @Company value, so the select will look like below:
SELECT * FROM Company WHERE CompanyName = 'CNN' AND CompanyName = 'AOL' AND CompanyName = 'ABC'
P.S I know that above select doesn€™t really make sense , but I have a bigger query that would be hard to explain in this topic so I just simplified it.
I required to build the search feature for my application which contains combination of at least 20 search fields e.g firstname, lastname. date of birth, sign up date ,etc... I am just wondering what is the best way to do it ,should I create stored procedure with 20 input parameters or should I build it based on each search fields. I need to provide the search results via web services. Could anyone help me? Thank you
Hi This is madhavi am working with a project with ASP.NET Using VB.NET.. i have requirement that i have to provide the result based on search condition.... First : For Serach i have to search based on given CITY and CATEGORY....
For this i have written a StoredProcedure like: ****************************************************************************************************************** Create PROCEDURE YellowPages_Search(@city nvarchar(50),@SearchWord nvarchar(200),@Name varchar(50) OUTPUT,@CompanyName varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Address varchar(1000) OUTPUT,@PhoneNo varchar(50) OUTPUT,@MobileNo varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Fax varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Email varchar(50) OUTPUT,@WebSite varchar(50) OUTPUT)AS declare @sql nvarchar(1000)set @sql='select * from YellowPages_Userdetails where city='''+@city + '''and (category like ''%' + @SearchWord + '%'' or subcategory like ''%' + @SearchWord + '%'') ' exec(@sql) GO ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Now i want to extend this search condition for LOCATION and SUBCATEGORY means my search condition should include CITY , LOCATION , CATEGORY and SUBCATEGORY (here the location and subcategory may be given or may not be given) so please help me out Thanks in Advance, Madhavi
I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.
I am trying to add a where condition on an ID column(type - INT) with values coming from a variable (type - STRING). i am using cast to cast the ID as Varchar and then apply the condition, but i am not getting any results back. following is an example of what i am trying to do.using temp table in the example , so you can copy the t-sql and run as is.
My existing ASP 1.0 site keeps getting hacked using SQL injections. I have rewritten the site in ASP 3.5 to stop the attacks but cannot figure out how to dynamically generate a basic keyword search. I am trying to take the keywords entered into an array and then construct the WHERE clause - not having much luck. Getting either errors or double LIKE statements. Need some help. string[] SqlKWSrch; SqlSrch = KWordSrch.Text;SqlKWSrch = SqlSrch.Split(' ', ','); int AStop = SqlKWSrch.Length; int i = 0; foreach( string a in SqlKWSearch ) { if (i <= AStop) { SqlWHR = SqlWHR + "L_Kwords LIKE '%' + " + " '" + SqlKWSrch[i] + "' " + " + '%' AND "; } else { SqlWHR = SqlWHR + "L_Kwords LIKE '%' + " + " '" + SqlKWSrch[i] + "' " + " + '%' "; } i++; } 1) I can't seem to properly terminate the final LIKE statement2) can't figure out how to pass 'SqlWHR' to the procedure GIVEN KEYWORDS: 'antique chairs' entered I want to end up with the below SP, the @SqlWHR parameter appeared to have worked once but it probably was an illusion. PROCEDURE KeyWordSearch@SqlWHR varchar(100)AS SELECT L_Name, L_City, L_State, L_Display FROM tblCompanies WHERE L_Kwords LIKE '%' + 'antique' + '%' AND L_Kwords LIKE '%' + 'chairs' + '%' AND L_Display = 1 RETURN
I am trying to build a proc that uses a loop to import data into several tables. The data is copied into the appropriate table according to the contents of the variable @PracticeCode. I am also trying to add a date value to each record as it is added to the table. I thought that the best way to do this would be t use the sp_executesql stored proc. but I am having difficulty getting it to work. Here's what I have done so far:
-- insert data into proper tables with extract date added SET @SQLString ='INSERT INTO GMS_48hrAccess.dbo.tbl_Surgery'+@PracticeCode+' SELECT SurgeryKey,'+ @extractDate+', ClinicianCode, StartTime, SessionGroup, [Description], SurgeryName, Deleted, PremisesKey FROM GMS_48hrAccess.dbo.tbl_SurgeryIn'
EXEC master..sp_executesql @SQLString
And here's the error message that I get:
Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 90 Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
I understand why I am getting this error I just can't seem to fix it. I've consulted BOl and have tried various Parameter combinations but to no avail.
I want to join 2 tables, table a and table b where b is a lookup table by left outer join. my question is how can i generate a flag that show whether match or not match the join condition ?
**The lookup table b for column id and country are always not null values, and both of them are the keys to join table a. This is because same id and country can have multiples rows in table a due to update date and posting date fields.
example table a id country area 1 China Asia 2 Thailand Asia 3 Jamaica SouthAmerica 4 Japan Asia
example table b id country area 1 China Asia 2 Thailand SouthEastAsia 3 Jamaica SouthAmerica 5 USA America
Expected output id country area Match 1 China Asia Y 2 Thailand SouthEastAsia Y 3 Jamaica SouthAmerica Y 4 Japan Asia N
I am doing an e-commerce project. This website will have a category of product. Each category will have sub-category. And sub-category may have another level of sub-category. This means the number of sub-category is not fixed. In the sub-category we will have products. Each product will have unpredicable number of properties (1, 2, 3 or many properties).
With the current requirment, I can know exactly the number of sub-category level and the number of properties. But the problem comes when later my boss add more category, sub-category ,... sub-category(more sub-category level), and product, as well as the products properties. At that time my database schema will not suitable for new category, products because the in can only design database with fixed number of sub-category level and fixed number of product properties(attributes or fiels in database).
Therefore, I want to ask all of you that - Is there anyway to solve this problem? - how to design database that meet extended requirements as I present above?
Not sure if this is the place to post this, but here goes.
I need to setup an options screen where my customers can customize which locations will be stored for their user id when pulling reports. I have checkbox list that dynamically loads their locations. I need to store the selected checkbox items in my table and then each time they login in to run a report, it will use the stored Location values in my SQL query.
Synopsis: Selected locations stored in table. When the report is ran, the location values are pulled and added to my queries WHERE clause.
I have a department table like this:DeptID Department ParentID, Lineage1 HR NULL (2 Temp1 1 (1,3 Temp2 2 (1,24 PC NULL (I have a deptmember table like this:DeptID MemberID IsManager1 1 Y4 1 YI need to query table to get all department belong to MemberID 1 withall children departments.My thought is:1. Do Select * from deptmember where MemberID=1 and IsManager=Y2. Loop thru this table to build SQLWhere Lineage like '%1' OR Lineage like '%4'3. Select * from department using where statement from step 2.How do you loop thru results from step1, Do I need to use a cursor?Thanks,HL
From this I have to form the where clause like "Name like'3X5900' ".This will be dynamic , as the search may vary on the next call for search.
How I have to implement this dynamic query in the below mentioned code.I have add the dynamic query where i have mentioned as '---- Where clause has to be added '. Sometime the table input will be having all the value for search. How I can implement this in my query with good performance.
DECLARE @Where varchar(4000); Select @where = 'v.Name LIKE ''3X5900''' SELECT * from (SELECT Row_number()Over(Order By V.ProjectId) Rownum, v.Firstname,
I'd like to modify the dates within this where clause to be dynamic, building the date depending on the current year, but everything I try doesn't seem to be syntactically correct.
SELECT * FROM Openquery(LS_CIS, 'select * from BI_WRKFLW_TASKS where (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and (BI_NEEDED_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011''))OR (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and BI_NEEDED_DT_TM is null)') AS derivedtbl_1 I'd like to replace ''1/1/2011''Â in the where clause with something like: CAST(CAST(YEAR (GETDATE())-4 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) AS DATETIME)
I wonder if someone could suggest a way to obtain the following. Using SQL Server 2005 I want to create some stored procedures. I want to query the DB with various filter arguments and combinations of these. One way would be to create one stored procedure for each function signature. However, as the number of combinations of filter is large, if possible I'd rather have a generic input to the each stored procedure that corresponds to the entire WHERE clause' search condition.
The stereotype behavior I'm looking for is:
SELECT myField FROM myTable WHERE @mySearchCondition
Does any one have some good suggestion, code samples and/or links?
SearchCondition[] sc = {new SearchCondition() {Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Name = "TypeName" ,Values = new string[] {"Report"}Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ,Condition = ConditionEnum.Equals ,ConditionSpecified = true }}; catalogItems = ReportService2010.FindItems("/" ,BooleanOperatorEnum.And ,new Property[] {new Property(){Name = "Recursive",Value="True"}} ,sc );
Returns the following error
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The TypeName field has a value that is not valid. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidElementException: The TypeName field has a value that is not valid. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2010Impl.FindItems(String Folder, BooleanOperatorEnum BooleanOperator, Property[] SearchOptions, SearchCondition[] SearchConditions, CatalogItem[]& Items) Â Â at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2010.FindItems(String Folder, BooleanOperatorEnum BooleanOperator, Property[] SearchOptions, SearchCondition[] SearchConditions, CatalogItem[]& Items)
The type appears to be correct. I've tried type of "Folder" and receive the same error.
I have a table that contains words that will be used to search another table where FullText index has been created on searchable columns. I'm basically trying to run something like this:
SELECT t1.col1, t2.col3 FROM tbl1 t1, tbl2 t2 WHERE CONTAINS (t1.col1, t2.col1)
I know this won't work but is there a way to join these two tables so the words (t2.col1) can be passed as search conditions? There is no common key on both tables so normal join won't work. I'm trying to find a way to pass the search words from one table to another.
Full Text Searches are working on my test server, but not on my production server. My test scenario is as follows:
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON guest.FtsTest(FullName) KEY INDEX PK_FtsTest ON FTC_TestI wait briefly and then check to see if the index has been populated: SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_indexescrawl_end_date is not null,
So I'm assuming I don't have to wait anymore before I try some FTS searches. Right? I can't get any queries to return anything, though.
The following tells me the full text item count for the table is zero:
DECLARE @TableId INT SELECT @TableId = id FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE [Name] = 'FtsTest' SELECT OBJECTPROPERTYEX(@TableId, 'TableFulltextItemCount') AS TableFulltextItemCount
As mentioned, the full text search works on my test server. Both of them are SQL 20012 SP1 (11.0.3000) x64 running on WinServer 2008 R2 SP1.
I am new to Full-Text Searches and FileTables. I am working on a resume search system. I created a FileTable and the Share which contains about 51,000 resumes in Word (DOC/DOCX), PDF and TXT formats that were copied over from our main file server. I followed the instructions on adding the Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0, and all searchable file types are listed in sys.fulltext.document_types.
I have a program that searches resumes by First and Last Name and/or E-mail Address. For a while, we thought it was working fine because we were getting hits, but then we noticed some Names and E-mail Addresses we new existed were not showing up in my CONTAINS queries -- but we verified the documents do exist and the Names exist in the File Name and inside the document along with the E-Mail address.
One example I'm working on now cannot find the First/Last Name with CONTAINS(name,"lastname") in a Word DOC file, but I can find the document using LEFT(name,5) = 'Smith'. It's a Word DOC file. For testing purposes, I opened the DOC file in Word, then used Save As to create a TXT and DOCX file within the same folder. Now, both of those are showing up in the CONTAINS but not the original DOC file.
I'm standardizing street addresses and i think full text search, maybe, work fine with my problem. My problem is that I have 2 millon of errors and using "LIKE" dont work correctly. This is what i have now:
UPDATE addresses SET standarAddress = REPLACE (addresses.streetAddress, errors.streetAddress, corrects.streetAddress) FROM corrects INNER JOIN errors ON corrects.id = errors.idCorrects