SQL Server 2012 :: CTE To Remove Overlaps And Produce Result

Aug 7, 2014

I am having problems building a CTE. I have a table:

declare @tbl table ( ID int, S time(0), E time(0) )

with the following data:

insert@tbl ( ID, S, E )
values ( 1, '03:00', '05:00' ),
( 1, '04:00', '06:30' ),
( 1, '22:00', '23:00' ),
( 1, '23:00', '23:40' ),
( 1, '23:30', '23:45' )

I need to build a CTE that will eliminate overlaps and produce the following result:

-- --------- ---------
1 03:00:00 06:30:00
1 22:00:00 23:45:00

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Produce Permutation Combination

Jun 4, 2015

I need a query to produce permutation combination.

declare @t2 as table (tab varchar(100))
insert into @t2 values ('V')
insert into @t2 values ('VL')
insert into @t2 values ('1099')
insert into @t2 values ('VOI')

declare @t1 as table (tab varchar(100))
insert into @t1 values ('I')
insert into @t1 values ('U') from the above I need following output (attached output),

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6 Month Gap Doesn't Produce Result

Feb 18, 2008


iam having some strange problem. iam searching for records between from date and todate. this query works well except these conditions

a) if i give input say fromdate-2/2/2007 and todate-8/2/2007, the query goes for infinite execution time(pls note the difference between twodates is less than or equal to 6 months)

b)whereas if i give fromdate-2/2/2007 and todate-10/2/2007, the query works fine.(more than 6 months interval) seems strange for me.

pls if anyone came across these kind of errors and solved pls help me.
Thanks in advance

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Combine 2 Queries To Produce One Result Table

Jan 9, 2014

I would like to pull all the columns from a table where the date column is within 6 months from the max date (i.e. Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, & Dec). In addition to that, I would like to pull another column -the summary column - from the same table where the date = max(date) (Dec only).

I have written 2 queries and they produce the correct data. However, I don't know how to combine them into one resultant table. I tried to do a left join and had difficulties dealing with the different where statements from the 2 queries..

Here is query #1:

select investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) < 6
group by investor, full_date, month_end_summary, category, loan_count
order by investor, full_date

Here is query #2:

select investor, full_date, month_end_summary
from cust_table
where datediff(month,full_date,(select max(full_date) from cust_table)) =0
order by investor, full_date

Can they be combined into one query to produce one result table??

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove First And Last Char

Jun 5, 2015

How to remove first and Last character from below select query.

FROM Years

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SQL 2012 :: Produce Report To Calculate No Of Days Based On User Input Start And End Date

Jan 5, 2015

I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date.

say for eg: in the tables I have emp name
user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff
within his work period he did different roles:

PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days
PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days
PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days
Total days 53 Days
for this :


HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Non Alpha Chars From A Column

Mar 1, 2014

How to remove non alpha chars from a column ?

I googled the following code
Create Function [dbo].[RemoveNonAlphaCharacters](@Temp VarChar(1000))
Returns VarChar(1000)


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SQL Server 2012 :: Function To Remove Excess Characters

Mar 5, 2014

I am looking for a function or way to return only results which does not include appended characters to order numbers.

For instance, below is a list of order numbers. I only want the order number that is SO-123456


I would like my query to only show the below results


What functions or query methods could achieve this?

I was hoping for something similar to RTRIM but that is only specific to white space.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove CR-LF In Between Column Which Is Text Datatype?

May 1, 2015

I have a column A as 'text' datatype. This has CR-LF in between data.How to remove it.

I am trying to copy result from SQL to Excel


The output should be:


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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Unwanted P/L Transaction Lines?

Aug 20, 2015

I am creating a report query that returns all unreconciled P/O lines. I am near completion but I am unable to find a way to remove the reconciled records.

I have included a script to produce some sample table, data & query.

The recordset dispalys 6 rows. All reconciled Supplier Invoices are duplicated and have transaction codes 40, 50 and reconcile code of 9 (5024, 921689471).

All unreconciled only appear once and have transaction codes 40 and reconcile code of 0 (4835 & 921978016). These are the only records that I want to show.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Purch_Ledger](
[EPDIVI] [nvarchar](3) NULL,
[EPSUNO] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[EPSINO] [nvarchar](24) NULL,
[EPDUDT] [numeric](8, 0) NULL,
[EPTRCD] [numeric](2, 0) NULL,


Whatever I try I cant find a way to get rid of the unwanted records.

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Remove Trailing Zeroes From Result Set

Jan 31, 2008

I have a column of type Decimal(14, 4) in my SQL server 2005 database.
When producing the result set on this column, i need to convert the values to varchar datatype and also i do not want the trailing zeroes to be displayed.
For eg:
If the value stored is 98.7500, my select query should provide an output of 98.75.
Similarly if the value stored is 98.0000, my select query should output 98.

I tried converting the value to "float" and then assigning to varchar data, however doing so i am incurring precision loss in some scenarios
See below:

Declare @ele as varchar(25)

Select @ele = Convert(float, 99999.9990)

select @ele

Output I received: 100000
Output I wanted: 99999.999
Are there any in-built functions in SQL to achieve what I need?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedure To Remove All Records That Don't Have Max FileID

Jan 6, 2014

I have a SQL 2012 database that has 10 tables. One of the tables is populated by manual import from CSV file. Each time a user calls custom ASP.NET code., records get inserted into a table called forecast_data with incremental increase in FileID. So first import has FileID of 1, second import has FileID of 2 etc.


TABLE [dbo].[forecast_data](
[recID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[FileID] [int] NULL,
[Project_Name] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Stoplight_Status] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Country] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Region] [nvarchar](255) NULL,


What I am trying to do is only keep the data that has the highest FileID (MAX(FileID). I would like to write a store procedure that removes all older data once a new import is written into the table.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Remove Next And Previous Record Amount Equal To 0

Jun 2, 2014

Having below data. SHCOMP (Customer ID), CBLNAM ( Customer name), SHDESC (service description), SHAMT (service charge), SHTYPE (F-> From T-> To)

[SHCOMP] [numeric](7, 0) NOT NULL,
[SHDESC] [char](35) NOT NULL,
[SHTYPE] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[SHAMT] [numeric](9, 2) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

I need to remove records that have the same ID, Name, Description and Amount summary = 0, For example


123 cust1 desc1 45 F remove
123 cust1 desc1 -45 T remove
123 cust1 desc1 45 F remove
123 cust1 desc1 -45 T remove
123 cust1 desc1 45 F

[Code] ....



123 cust1 desc1 45 F

123 cust1 desc1 -35 T

234 cust3 desc2 30 F

here is what I did but didn't work because sum is <> from 0 so is leaving all records

into #t1
FROM #Temp
having SUM(SHAMT)=0
order by SHCUST

delete S from #Temp S

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Named Instance From Failover Cluster

Oct 13, 2014

In QA we have a two-node cluster with four instances of sql. In trying to add a fifth, I was given an IP address already in use so the install hung.

I removed it from the cluster but it is still there in the registry etc on the node I was working on.

I read about using the maintenance tab of the sql server install to "remove a node" but the terminology is confusing. To me a node is a physical server and an instance is an instance of sql server -- not the same at all but they are often referred to as the same thing.

I definitely don't want to remove one of the servers from the cluster.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Some Database Updates From Transaction Scope?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a stored procedure that does the following


Copy records from live to archive
END TRANSACTION with commit or rollback
execute sproc to write audit log with success or fail
IF transaction was committed
Delete records from live the archive
END TRANSACTION with commit or rollback
execute sproc to write audit log with success or fail
End IF

END TRANSACTION OUTERTXN with commit if both inner transactions were successful or rollback if either failed

If either inner transaction rolled back execute sproc to write audit log saying whole process is rolling back End IfMy problem is that if the outer transaction rolls back then I am losing the two audit records because they are part of the transaction scope. I want these executes to commit even if the master transaction fails.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove String From Column Post Code Field

Sep 8, 2015

I am querying with a SELECT statement against an address table that has a post code column with corrupt data.

Sample record:- Northants NN4 0NB
Should be NN4 0NB

I have used the following on another column:-

LEFT(A.Addr1,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ('(', A.Addr1) =0 THEN LEN(A.Addr1) ELSE CHARINDEX('(' ,A.Addr1) -1 END) AS 'Address 1'

but unable to correct this problem?

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Remove Space Between Columns In Result To Text

Sep 20, 2006


When you set the results from a query to text, very often you end up with a format like:

job_id name
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there a way to get rid of the extra space between two columns? Sometimes it's more than the width of my screen between columns



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SQL Server 2012 :: Result Export To EXCEL

Apr 27, 2015

using below query to compare columns in two tables.

Col1 = ISNULL(a.name,b.name),
Col2 =
WHEN ISNULL(a.name,'') = '' THEN 'Table B'
WHEN ISNULL(b.name,'') = '' THEN 'Table A'


How to export the result to EXCEL from SQL Server 2008 R2.

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Remove Double Results Inside A Delimited Result

May 6, 2004


I have now this (1 record) result:
;Admins;Sales;SalesAdmin;Other;Sales;Admins;All users;

Now, as you can see, there are some double rolenames.
I see admins and Sales 2 times between ";".

Is there a way to filter that out?
So that this will be the result:
;SalesAdmin;Other;Sales;Admins;All users;


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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Case Statement To Remove Part Of String After One Or Two Specific Characters

Jun 3, 2015

I have an Address column that I need to Substring. I want to remove part of the string after either, or both of the following characters i.e ',' OR '*'

Example Record 1. Elland **REQUIRES BOOKING IN***
Example Record 2. Theale, Nr Reading, Berkshire
Example Record 3. Stockport

How do I achieve this in a CASE Statement?

The following two case statements return the correct results, but I some how need to combine them into a single Statement?

,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',Address) =0
THEN LEN(Address )
ELSE CHARINDEX(',' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test'

,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('*',Address ) =0
THEN LEN(Address)
ELSE CHARINDEX('*' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test2'

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SQL Server 2012 :: Updating A Field Based On Result Set

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to update records based on the results of a query with a subquery.

The result set being produced shows the record of an item number. This result produces the correct ItemNo which I need to update. The field I am looking to update is an integer named Block.

When I run the update statement all records are updated and not the result set when I run the query by itself.

Below you will find the code I am running:

create table #Items
ItemNovarchar (50),
SearchNo varchar (50),
Historical int,
Blocked int

[Code] ....

Below is the code I am using in an attempt to update the block column but it updates all records and not the ones which I need to have the Blocked field set to 1.

Update #items set Blocked = 1
Where Exists

[Code] ...

Why is the update changing each record? How can I change the update to choose the correct records?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Comma Separated In A Single Result

May 30, 2014

I have the following table

CREATE Table #Table1
ID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Class VARCHAR(10)
Select 1, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL
Select 2, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

Is it possible to have each name and its corresponding class in a single line separated by commas to give a result like the one below in #table2 ?

CREATE Table #Table2
ID INT, CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 1, 'name1, a' UNION ALL

[Code] ...

What I have

Select * FROM #Table1

Final Result
Select * FROM #Table2

Note that I still want to see all the IDs regardless.

If that is not possible to see all the IDs, I think the results below in #Table3 should suffice.

CREATE Table #Table3
CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 'name1, a' UNION ALL
Select 'name2, b, c, d' UNION ALL
Select 'name3, e, f'
Select * FROM #Table3

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Result For Sequential Range

Aug 9, 2014

I wanted to know the best way to achieve the following results. I have a table that I need output sequential range of vouchers in a table. For instance I have the following data in a column called vouchers. The output will consist of a years worth of vouchers, so voucher numbers may contain gaps and so the need to have a sequential range that has a From and To output. The query needs to know the min and max within that numerical range and then output the next min and max range until it gets to the end.

The data looks like:

Desired out put:

From To
ABCD-001869202 ABCD-001869205
ABCD-001869209 ABCD-0018692011
ABCD-001869309 ABCD-001869314

I have tried the following, but it does not quite do what I need it to do, so not sure if I am taking the right approach:

SELECT voucher vouchers,right(voucher, charindex('-', voucher) + 3) voucher
INTO #tempVoucher
where TRANSDATE between '10/1/2013' and '7/31/2014' and VOUCHER like 'APIN%'

[Code] ...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Replace A Result Value Based On Value Of Another Field?

May 7, 2015

I would like to replace the value in the Select query of CO OWNER with a space ' ' or NULL if the ORDINAL value = 0.

The CO OWNER name is stored in the CARDNAME table, and the OWNER name is stored in the NAME table. I can not change the db structure.

JEAN is the ACCOUNT owner and BILL is CO OWNER of two cards.

Current Select Results:

200500 9999999999999100 2 BILL JEAN
200500 9999999999999101 1 BILL JEAN
200500 9999999999999102 0 BILL JEAN

Desired Select Results:

200500 9999999999999100 2 BILL JEAN
200500 9999999999999101 1 BILL JEAN
200500 9999999999999102 0 NULL JEAN

Current SQL Select statement:



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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating A Pivot Like Table Result?

May 20, 2015

I have 2 tables (#raw1 & #raw2). Each has a year (yr) and month (mnth) and a count (cnt1 / cnt2) field. I need a table created as follows:

2013 2014 2015
cnt1 cnt2 cnt1 cnt2 cnt1 cnt2
jan 5 77 77 8 88

Normally, I would ask about a pivot but since it is months down one side and year and columns on the top, I don't know if a pivot will work.

create table #raw1 ([yr] int, [mnth] int, [cnt1] int)
insert into #raw1 values
(2013, 1, 5)
, (2013, 2, 5)
, (2013, 3, 5)
, (2013, 4, 5)
, (2013, 5, 5)
, (2013, 6, 5)


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Exclude Row From Result Set Based On Condition

Sep 15, 2015

Lets say I have a set of columns as follows:

Table.Name - Table.ID - Table.Code

I want to write a query that will cycle through the results and if it comes across another record that has a matching Table.ID I want to exclude that row from the result set.

I am not all too familiar with how to use either a Case or If..Else Statement within a Sql statement that would accomplish this.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Add Columns To Result That Don't Exist In Table?

Oct 7, 2015

I am trying to produce a query result that will be using a Case statement to determine values based on scores in a table for each row. The result needs to be exported to be used to upload to a state reporting website. My problem is that the state requires in the CSV file that is uploaded a lot of fields that we do not actually have in the database table we are creating the result set from. After I receive my result set using the Case statement, is there a way to add additional columns that don't actually exist in a table so I can export directly from SQL?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Unable To Get Required Result Using Update Statement

Jun 18, 2014

I am unable to update the data using record by record below scenario.

Required output:

patient will able to Admit/Re-admit multiple times in hospital, if a patient readmitted multiple times in hospital after the first visit, first visit record will get Re-admission=0 and Index=1. This visit should cal Index_Admission of that patient. using this index_admission should calculate the 30-day readmission.

Current Output:

Calculation: From index_admission discharge date to next admit_visit date,

1) if the diff is having less than 30 days, readmission=1 and Index=0

else readmission=0 and Index=1 should be update.

For checking this every time should check using the latest index_admission discharge_date.

To get this result i written below logic, but it's updating readmission=0 and Index=1 after 30-day post discharge of using first index admission.

UPDATE Readmission
(SELECT Patient_ID, MAX(Discharge_Date_Time) Max_Index_Dis FROM Readmission
WHERE Index_AMI = 1 AND FPR.Patient_ID = Patient_ID GROUP BY Patient_ID) Sub)
, FPR.Admit_Date_Time) between 0 and 31 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END),

[Code] ....

Expected Result:

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Subtract A Column From A Query Result And Add Difference To Another

Mar 20, 2015

I have a query which provides the below result set:

1165 6
9740 6
9820 13
2271 6
2287 13

I want to achieve something like below. It should subtract the '13' row to '6' row and provide another column with the result. the '6' and '13' category code share the same Key.

1165 6 -8.00
9740 6 -80
9820 13 -80


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SQL Server 2012 :: SSIS - Stop DataFlow Task If Result Set Is Empty?

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to create a SSIS package that will create a csv of a dataset for daily events in the database. However there will be days that there was no activity and thus an empty dataset. The package still runs fine but I want to stop the package if the dataset is empty.


DATA FLOW task: get daily data and put in CSV file

FTP TASK: upload the file to FTP server

MAIL/Copy file task: Move the file and then send a confirmation mail on task completion status.

Pretty simple and it all works great, I do have a few complexities in there. What I would like to add and I am at a loss is at the beginning, if the OLE DB Task resultset is empty then move to Mail Task otherwise process normally. I have tried conditional split, derived columns, the only thing I haven't tried in Script task and am not sure about that yet.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Records Where Combination Of Two Values Are In Subquery Result?

Dec 12, 2014

I have some data in the following format;


ABC123 // A // abc123.pdf
ABC123 // B // abc123_2.docx
ABC124 // A // abc124.xlsx
ABC124 // A // -
ABC125 // A // abc125.docx
ABC125 // C // abc125.jpg
ABC125 // C // abc125.docx
ABC125 // C // -
ABC126 // 0 // -
ABC127 // A1 // abc127.xlsx
ABC127 // A1 // abc127.pdf

I'm looking to select all rows where the DOC_NO and REV_NO appear only once.(i.e. the combination of the two values together, not any distinct value in a column)

I have written the sub query to filter the correct results;


I now need to strip out the records which have no file (represented as "-" in the FILE_NAME field) and select the other fields (same table - for example, lets just say "ADD1", "ADD2" and "ADD3")

I was looking to put together a query like;


But of course, DOC_NO alone being in the subquery select is not sufficient, as (ABC125 /A) is a unique combination, but (ABC125 /C) is not, but these results would be pulled in.

I also cannot simply add an additional "AND" clause on its own to make sure the REV_NO value appears in the subquery, because it is highly repetitive and would have to specifically match the DOC_NO)

What is the easiest way of ensuring that I only pull in the records where both the DOC_NO and REV_NO (combination) are unique, or is there a better way of putting this select together altogether?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Spool Backup Command Result To A Text File

Jun 9, 2015

I am running backups on SQL Sever express and I take backups via the batch file executing the TSQL as below. This works perfectly fine, I just need to be able to spool out the backup completion log. What TSQL command can I use to do that?

My batch file looks like this:

@echo off
sqlcmd -S SERVER01 -E -i H:master_scriptsTOM_FAM_log.sql

Which will the call the TOM_FAM_log.sql :

DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name
DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup
DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name
SET @path = 'H:BackupTOM_FAM'

[Code] ....

Usually if we schedule the backups using the maintenance plan, we can chose reporting options that can spool the result of the backup to a text file. What is the T-SQL for the spool report to a text file.

This option produces a file that writes logs with the details I posted below. I would like to do the same or similar using T-SQL in my code.

Microsoft(R) Server Maintenance Utility (Unicode) Version 11.0.3000
Report was generated on "SERVER01".
Maintenance Plan: Backup logs
Duration: 00:00:00
Status: Succeeded.

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Generate Scripts Result In Order Of Tables And Then Stored Procedures In Server

Sep 10, 2014

I have created one table and one stored procedure for to insert/delete/update the data in that table.

So,I was trying to move the scripts from one database to another by Generating Scripts options in SQL Server.

Generating Scripts:

Object Explorer --> Databases --> Database --> Tasks --> Generate Scripts

The generated script output is in a order of stored procedure first and then table.

REQUIREMENT: My stored procedure is dependent on table. So, I need the table script first and then stored procedure.

Note: I can generate two separate scripts for table and stored procedure, But in a just curiosity to know, Is there any way, can we re order the Generate Scripts output in SQL Server.

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