SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Number Of Days From A Date - Exclude Weekends And Holidays
Feb 2, 2014
I have already created a table name 'tblHolidays' and populated with 2014 Holidays. What I would like is be able to calculate (subtract or add) number of days from a date. For example subtract 2 days from 07/08/2014 and function should return 07/03/2014.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ElapsedBDays] (@Start smalldatetime, @End smalldatetime)
Function designed to calculate the number of business days (In hours) between two dates.
I have a query to run a report where the results has a column named “Due Date” which holds a date value based on the project submission date.Now, I need to add 4 columns named, “45 Days Expectant”, “30 Days Overdue”, “60 Days Overdue” and “90 Days Overdue”.I need to do a calculation based on the “Due Date” and “System (I mean default computer date) Date” that if “System Date” is 45 days+ to “Due Date” than put “Yes” in “45 Days Expectant” row.
Also, if “Due Date” is less than or equal to system date by 30 days, put “Yes” in “30 Days Overdue” and same for the 60 and 90 days.how to write this Case Statement? I have some answers how to do it in SSRS (Report Designer) but I want to get the results using T-SQl.
The below code works fine to measure the difference in days between two dates. However, there is an additional business requirement to subtract week-ends, and holidays, from the equation. Any ideas on how to accomplish this task, and leverage the below, existing code? Thanks in advance! (SELECT ABS((TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(" & ToFieldDate & "),'yyyymmdd') - TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(" & FromFieldDate & "),'yyyymmdd'))) FROM DUAL) AS Measurement "
Iam trying to calculate the number of working days between two dates. Iam getting the uouput as only 1 02 r working days??
select building_number as SchoolID,building_name as Campus, count( distinct( CASE WHEN(( DATEPART(dw, CurDate) + @@DATEFIRST)%7 NOT IN (0,1)) tHEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as NumberofDaysServed from Sales sl join Buildings b on sl.Building_Num =b.Building_number join students2 s on s.Student_Number= sl.Student_Num join Sale_Items SI on si.UID = sl.UID where CONVERT(CHAR(10),CurDate,120) between '2015-05-01' and '2015-05-07' and VoidReview <> 'v' and SI.INum = '1' group by building_number,building_name order by building_number,Building_Name;
There are three methods to consider when calculating the days to pay logic.
Method 1 - Simple : Look for Document Type 2 (Invoice), if "closed at date" > "posting date" then number of days = ("closed at date" - "posting date")
Method 2 - A Document Type 1 (payment) closes a Document Type 2 (Invoice) For this method the formula would be: Payment Record (1) "posting date" - Invoice Record (2) "posting date"
Method 3 - An Invoice closes the payment.
On a payment entry “closed by entry no.” refers to an Invoice entry.
a. In our code we are not on the payment looking for the invoice, we are on the invoice. i. Because of this we need to find the entry that our current invoiced has closed.
I am taking this from a page that has the pascal code that I need to translate to SQL.
IF (CustLedgEntry2."Document Type" = CustLedgEntry2."Document Type"::Invoice) AND NOT CustLedgEntry2.Open THEN IF CustLedgEntry2."Closed at Date" > CustLedgEntry2."Posting Date" THEN UpdateDaysToPay(CustLedgEntry2."Closed at Date" - CustLedgEntry2."Posting Date")
[Code] ....
I am also including create table and insert data scripts ...
Hi, I need to calculate the number of working days from a date backwards. For example 2 working days before Thursday would be the Tuesday (as a basic example)
I use the following code and a Calendar table to calculate the working days from a date but can anyone help with reworking this query to do the reverse
declare @WorkingDate as datetime
SELECT @WorkingDate=dt FROM tblCalendar AS c WHERE (@WorkingDays = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM tblCalendar AS c2 WHERE (dt >= @StartDate) AND (dt <= c.dt) AND (IsWeekday = 1) AND (IsHoliday = 0))) AND (IsWeekday = 1) AND (IsHoliday = 0)
-- Return the result of the function RETURN convert(varchar(12),@WorkingDate,106)
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days Total days 53 Days for this :
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
I have client table which has client_id Eff_from and Eff_to columns.Eff_from and Eff_to are the dates that client is eligible for service. I need to know the average number of days from the day that he became not eligible and new eligibility date .
Our fiscal year starts on July 1st. Each month they call a period - so July is period 1, August is period 2, etc.
They are wanting a report that pulls numbers for a given period. There are parameters for them to select the fiscal year and the fiscal period, and then it calculates the numbers for that period. That part works fine.
Now they want me to do some calculations, and one of them is to divide one of the numbers by the # of days since the fiscal year. So if they choose July, it would be 31 days. If they choose August, it would be 61 days, etc. How can I set this up to calculate the number of days when they really aren't entering a start date, it's just a fiscal year and period.
Is there a way to calculate a date field that is 07/01/xxxx where xxxx is the fiscal year they chose? Also a way to calculate a date field that would be the last date of the month for the fiscal period and year they chose?
I suppose I could add 2 other parameters where they enter the start of the current fiscal year, and the last day of the period they're running it for, and use a datediff to calculate that. Just seems kind of redundant.
I need to add days to a date field, my date field is as varchar(20041030 for example) and I need to add 4 days to it, my result should be 20041103, result field is also in varchar,how would I do that, can anyone pls help?
What is the piece of SQL which looks at the average date difference for each enquiry and then sums it all up to give an overall average number of days it takes?
Aim – Calculate the number of days between the [CreatedDate] and getdate, however if stage name = ‘Live Transactions’ then Calculate the number of days between [CreatedDate] & [CloseDate]
This is my query so far
SELECT [CreatedDate] ,[StageName] ,[CloseDate] ,DATEDIFF(dd,CONVERT(datetime,[CreatedDate]),GETDATE()) as Age FROM [FDMS].[Dan].[Raz_Reporting_LCS]
I am looking for a formula to calculate the number of weekdays/business days between two dates in power pivot.I do the same in SQl using the following query
Hi All, I have a table call case and case_status have two fields, date and status as below: date status 04/01/2006 open 04/05/2006 closed 04/10/2006 open 04/15/2006 closed Whenever i open and closed the case, one record is insert into the case_status table. Now I would need to calculate the total days of the case in storeprocedure. Anyone can help me please. Aung
I need to calculate the last two columns (noofgrp and grpsize) No of Groups (count of Clientid) and Group Size (number of clients in each group) according to begtim and endtime. So I tried the following in the first Temp table
GrpSize= count(clientid) over (partition by begtime,endtime) else 0 end and in the second Temp Table, I have select ,GrpSize=sum(grpsize) ,NoofGrp=count(distinct grpsize) From Temp1
The issue is for the date of 5/26, the begtime and endtime are not consistent. in Grp1 (group 1) all clients starts the session at 1030 and ends at 1200 (90 minutes session) except one who starts at 11 and end at 1200 (row 8). For this client since his/her endtime is the same as others, I want that client to be in the first group(Grp1). Reverse is true for the second group (Grp2). All clients begtime is 12:30 and endtime is 1400 but clientid=2 (row 9) who begtime =1230 but endtime = 1300. However, since this client begtime is the same as the rest, I wan that client to be in the second group (grp2) My partition over creates 4 groups rather than two.
First things first - I have a table which holds employee information (tbl_EmployeeDetails), and another table which holds information about the holidays they have booked (tbl_Holidays).
If an employee books 5 days off, 5 rows will appear in the tbl_Holidays table, each line showing 1 under the day field and 7 under the hours field.
I'm trying to produce a function which will do the following :
1) Pass in the employee number 2) Establish whether the employee works full time or part time by looking up to tbl_employeedetails, and checking the fulltime flag 3) If full time, look up to tbl_Holidays and count number of days 4) If part time, look up to tbl_Holidays and count number of hours 5) After this, return the number of holidays booked
My code is as follows : ============= CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Get_Booked_Holidays_Current_Year] ( @EmpNo int )
-- Declare fields DECLARE @FullTime int
-- Determine if Part Time or Full Time SET @FullTime = SELECT FullTime FROM tbl_EmployeeDetails
IF @FullTime = 1 SELECT COUNT(NumberOfDays) AS TotalHolidays, EmployeeNumber AS EERef FROM dbo.tbl_Holidays GROUP BY EmployeeNumber HAVING (EmployeeNumber = @EmpNo)
IF @FullTime = 0 SELECT COUNT(NumberOfDays) AS TotalHolidays, EmployeeNumber AS EERef FROM dbo.tbl_Holidays GROUP BY EmployeeNumber HAVING (EmployeeNumber = @EmpNo)
END ==========
Can someone please let me know where I'm going wrong, or what I need to do to get this function done?
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date. I have tried to explain below.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days Total days 53 Days
For this :
I calculated datediff + 1 and got sub jobs days BUT
say financial director wants to see Title of 'Sub Jobs' with 'Days' from 1st Dec to 31st Dec
so on paper I calulated as :
1-31 Dec 2014 PhaniMarketing NULL (Do not fall in Req Dt) PhaniAdmin 20 (Deduct 2 days of Nov & calculated 20 days of Dec) PhaniCRM 11 (Deduct 20 days of Nov and deduct 11 days of Jan so for Dec , we got 11 days) Total days 31
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
I need help with creating a query that compares the current date with a stored date field. If the difference between the two dates is greater or equal to 5 days for example, I need to be able to return these records. I am not sure if this can be done through a query alone but any help and suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have a date that I need to add 'n' number of business days to. I have a calendar table that has a 'IsBusinessDay' flag, so it would be good if I was able to use this to get what I need. I've tried to use the 'LEAD' function in the following way;
SELECT A. Date, B.DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM TableA A
LEFT JOIN (Select DateKey, LEAD(DateKey,3) OVER (ORDER BY datekey) AS DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM Calendar WHERE IsBusinessDay = 1) B ON A.DateKey = B.DateKey
Problem with this is that because I am filtering the Calendar for business days only, when there is a date that is not a business day in TableA, a NULL is being returned.
Is there any way to do a conditional LEAD, so it skips rows that are not business days? Or do I have do go with a completely different approach?
--From the rows I want to know how many number of days a person was active for the given date range.
create table [dbo].[personstatus] ( id int identity(1,1), name varchar(100), DateAdded date, InactivationDate date ) ; insert into [dbo].[personstatus] values
[Code] ....
--The output I am looking for. /* 1) FromDt = '2014-01-01' ToDt ='2014-01-30' KRISS = 7 VDENTI = 7 days
I have a column which stores a set of dates. I want to tell how many days left of a date till it’s month end. It should be noted that month ends are taken from the date series, not a calendar month end.
I need to associate aggregate gross_revenue with calendar year, but do not have a date field that reflects payment dates, just contract periods a start_date and an end_date. The contract periods are typically 1 or 2 years and can start at any time I.e start_date 6/1/2012, end date 5/31/13. I think by finding the number of days that fall in each calendar year and storing in a temp table, I can create a simple formula to associate revenue to each year.
I have a table with a list of jobs along with their start and end datetime values.
I am looking for a function which will return the time taken to process a job using a start date and an end date. If the date range covers a Saturday or Sunday I want the time to ignore the weekends.
Start Date=2014-05-15 12:00:00.000 End Date=2014-05-19 13:00:00.000
Total Time should be: 2 Days, 1 Hour and 0 Minutes
I am trying to write a query to calculate the running difference between data on different dates. Below is what my table of data looks like. Basically I want to calculate the difference between the total_completed for each state and date.
below is my code (I almost have what I need) I just can't figure out how show 0 as the completed_difference for the first Date for each state since there is no prior date to calculate against.
I would like to calculate difference between end_date and current date in Months.And also how we can calculate the sum of difference in months between start_date and end_date for each ID?
CREATE TABLE datedifference ( id INT ,start_date INT ,end_date INT ) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (10,20091202,20100629) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (20,20071202,20090330) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (30,20051202,20101031)
This is a followup to a previous question to a previous but in reverse of Find rows where value in column not found in another row
Given one table, Table1, with columns Key1 (int), Key2 (int), and Type (varchar)...
I would like to exclude any two rows where Type is equal to 'TypeA' and Key2 is Null that have a corresponding row in the table where Type is equal to 'TypeB' and Key2 is equal to Key1 from another row.
I would like to return all the rows except where Key=1 and Key=3 because those rows together meet the criteria of Type='TypeA'/Key2=NULL and does have a corresponding row with Type='TypeB'/Key1=Key2.
I want to write a query that will cycle through the results and if it comes across another record that has a matching Table.ID I want to exclude that row from the result set.
I am not all too familiar with how to use either a Case or If..Else Statement within a Sql statement that would accomplish this.