SQL Server 2012 :: Calculating Working Hours Between 2 Dates
May 22, 2014
This function will return working hours between given 2 dates. This function assumes that the break is between 9:45 AM and 10 AM and that Lunch is between 12:30 PM and 1 PM. This function also assumes that the working hours are between 7:30 AM and 4 PM. There is a section for public holidays there. We have a table for that you might not so that piece needs to be fixed.
CREATE function [dbo].[fnc_myHinkley_ASSY_CalcWorkingMinutes] (@StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime)
RETURNS decimal(14,2)
Programmer: Goran Borojevic
Date: 5/14/2014
This function will return working hours between given 2 dates. This function assumes that the break is between 9:45 AM and 10 AM and that Lunch is between 12:30 PM and 1 PM. This function also assumes that the working hours are between 7:30 AM and 4 PM.
--check if one of the dates is null
if @StartDate is null or @EndDate is null
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Jul 23, 2015
I am trying to calculate the number of hours a device has been used and I cant find how. I need a query that calculated and does an average of the number of hrs used in a week.
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Sep 4, 2014
I need to be able to add minutes to a datetime value, which only cover working hours.
I have a holiday table as below:
Examples: (dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm)
01/01/2015 New Years Day
26/12/2014 Boxing Day
25/12/2014 Christmas Day
25/08/2014 August Bank Holiday
Our Business hours are 08:00-18:00 Mon-Fri (unless the day is in the holiday table)
Start Date............Minute to Add......Expected outcome
01/09/2014 10:00........30...................01/09/2014 10:30
01/09/2014 17:00........65...................02/09/2014 08:05
29/08/2014 17:00........65...................01/09/2014 08:05
22/08/2014 17:00........65...................26/08/2014 08:05
31/08/2014 02:30........65...................01/08/2014 09:05
01/09/2014 19:00........65...................02/08/2014 09:05
01/09/2014 10:00........3005...............08/09/2014 10:05
22/08/2014 17:00........3005...............01/09/2014 17:05
I have tried to create a function to do this (fn_pp_AddMinutesWithinWorkingHours(@StartDate,@Minutes)) but I am unable to come up with a solution which factors in everything correctly.
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Jul 12, 2000
Can anyone out there tell me if there's a simple way to calculate the number of week days between two dates in TSQL? Need it to calc. average turnaround times, excluding weekends. Can do it v. easily in VB, but gets a little more tricky in TSQL as there's no way to return the number of Sundays and Saturdays between the two dates. Any help much appreciated !
Jon Reade
Sql Server DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.
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Jul 12, 2000
Can anyone out there tell me if there's a simple way to calculate the number of week days between two dates in TSQL? Need it to calc. average turnaround times, excluding weekends. Can do it v. easily in VB, but gets a little more tricky in TSQL as there's no way to return the number of Sundays and Saturdays between the two dates. Any help much appreciated !
Jon Reade
Sql Server DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.
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Aug 19, 2014
I need a Query for calculating the fiscal_week based on the input dates (start_date and end_date), though I got a query from this forum, it is not giving me exact result.
the sample is in the excel file with the attachment.
In the excel:
First tab tells you the raw_data what I am using to find the Fiscal_week
Second tab tell you the data where i found the mistake, and how I am expecting the output.
I also have attached the query I have got from this forum, query I have modified for fiscal week.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have an SQL code below which removes weekends and non working days when calculating days difference between two dates:
ce.enquiry_time represents when the enquiry was logged
(DATEDIFF(dd, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) + 1)
-(DATEDIFF(wk, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, ce.enquiry_time) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, getdate()) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nonworking_day WHERE nonworking_day.nonworking_date >= ce.enquiry_time AND nonworking_day.nonworking_date < dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),1))
It works but I don't understand how it works it out. I am having issues understanding each coloured piece of code and how it works together.
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Jul 4, 2004
hello this is my store procedure and i want to set the hour of the first date to be 00:00:00 and the hour of the second date to be 23:59:59 but i don't know how to do this,so please HELP me
@date1 smalldatetime ,
@date2 smalldatetime,
@s float output
Select @s=sum(Pay) from RKO where Dates between @date1 AND @date2
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May 10, 2006
I am trying to calculate business hours that an order that is open. The rules are 8am-5pm. For instance the first row, the clock would stop at 17:00, and pick up again at 8am and add on to total business hours. If the order was created after business hours, and the endstamp was before business hours, this would be 0. If created after 5pm friday, and the endstamp was before 8am monday, this would be 0. In the second set of timestamps I have here the order was recieved at 14:39 but took until the following day at 14:49 to be ordered. I imagine I have to use datepart and datediff for this, but other than that I am not sure on how to do it. Any help would really be appreciated!
6/27/2005 14:356/27/2005 17:41:11
6/27/2005 14:396/28/2005 14:49
6/27/2005 18:486/27/2005 18:54
6/27/2005 11:416/27/2005 11:45
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Jul 20, 2005
All,I have a table with start and end dates/times in it, and would like tobe able to calculate the number of hours represented, accounting foroverlapping records.Note that I am looking for an answer on HOW to do this--I don'tnecessarily need it to be written for me (although it would not gounappreciated!).CREATE TABLE [dbo].[session_temp] ([session_pk] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[date_start] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[date_end] [smalldatetime] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO--These values make a very simplistic example,--as they only represent one--session,so using min and max would work in this case,--but would not work if there--were multiple sessions involved.--hopefully you get the idea of what I am going for:INSERT INTO session_tempVALUES('4/4/04 9 pm','4/4/04 10pm')INSERT INTO session_tempVALUES('4/4/04 9 pm','4/4/04 10:30pm')INSERT INTO session_tempVALUES('4/4/04 9 pm','4/4/04 10:45pm')INSERT INTO session_tempVALUES('4/4/04 9 pm','4/4/04 11pm')INSERT INTO session_tempVALUES('4/4/04 9 pm','4/5/04 2am')--the query I am looking to write would return "5"--the one below obviously does not do what I am looking forSELECTSUM(CAST(DATEDIFF(ss,date_start,date_end) AS NUMERIC(8,2))/3600)FROMsession_tempThanks very much for any insight.Phil---Check out my poker-only weblog at:http://www.livejournal.com/users/chicago_phil/Download my session-tracking spreadsheet at:http://www.geocities.com/fibby70/
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Dec 11, 2007
Hi All,
I am having some problems to calculate the basic work hours for a particular month.
Example is I chose for the month of November, I would like to calculate the number of working days (not weekends) and then multiply by 8 (assuming work hour is 8). The month also would be dynamically chosen from a list and not a fix attribute
Can this be done on reporting services?
Basically I am trying to port the same calculation from crystal report.
The crystal report code is as below:
(if DayOfWeek ({?From}) in 2 to 5 then
else if DayOfWeek ({?From}) = 6 then
else 0)
+(DateDiff ("ww",{?From} ,{?To}, crMonday)* 8) + (DateDiff ("ww",{?From} ,{?To}, crTuesday)* 8)
+ (DateDiff ("ww",{?From} ,{?To}, crWednesday)* 8) +
(DateDiff ("ww",{?From} ,{?To}, crThursday) * 8)+
(DateDiff ("ww", {?From}, {?To}, crFriday)*7 )
Thanks in advance for your help.
Mohd Fadzli
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Aug 26, 2005
I'm fairly new to MS SQL, but I'm trying to query the time elapse between two dates. Example below...
Cast (dbo.translog.systemdate as datetime)
dbo.res.resid > '500'
The third line is where I need help with a statement. I need the elapse time. Ex. if the book date is 20050820100000 and the arrive date is 20050820120000, I would like the third Select statement to return 2:00 hours or something similar. Thanks.
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May 16, 2004
I have a table in my sql server that calculates renewal dates for me, that date is based on the final suit date. The table has the ssn, and the FinalSuitDate its in a one to many relationship with the employeetable.
the Finalsuit table is suppose to calculate the renewal dates(which I'm trying to do in a query) my original expression in access was using dateserial FirstRenewal: DateSerial(Year([FINALSUITDONE])+2,Month([FINALSUITDONE])+1,Day([FINALSUITDONE])=30), but sql does not recognize that.
For Example
If the Finalsuit is 12/01/2000
then the renewal would be 12/31/2002
the renewal are to be done on the last day of the month and two years from the finalsuit date. Problems is I'm having problems doing this in sql servers query?
Can someone out there help please
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Nov 1, 2007
I have a project where I need to populate a table with a Begin and an end date based on another field with in the table. my example is that the other field will have a value of "monthly" I want then a record to be entered on the table with a begin date of November 1 and the en date as November 30th. I want this record to get populated only on business days. my thinking is a stored procedure that runs daily and only creates a record at a time. i am thinking if the user selects weekly the dates populated would be november 1 = begin date and Novemeber 2nd = end date
i want to fill out a current month at a time as if the account closes i will not need the extra cases.
Don S
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Nov 20, 2007
I'm trying to add records to a table that includes datetime value using INSERT query.
No matter what date value I'm giving the query, the value saved is 1/1/1900 00:00 .
Also, I'm interested in saving only the short date, without time. I thought changing the type from datetime to smalldatetime would do the job, but it didn't help.
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Jan 30, 2006
guys - is this a decent query to pull all columns (dateCreate)
that have a timestamp less than five minutes?
i know its simple, but i've never done a date compare with minutes or hours
in sql server
select top 10 * from ptpuritm
where datediff(MINUTE,dateCreate,getdate()) <=5
select top 10 * from ptpuritm
where datediff(MINUTE,dateCreate,current_timestamp) <=5
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Jun 24, 2015
I have a data file listing open and close hours for the day of the week. I need to format it like
Mon-Thurs 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sun Closed
Here is what the data looks like now.
Mon OpenMon ClosedTue OpenTue ClosedWed OpenWed ClosedThu OpenThu ClosedFri OpenFri ClosedSat OpenSat ClosedSun OpenSun Closed
7:30 AM5:30 PM7:30 AM5:30 PM7:30 AM5:30 PM7:30 AM5:30 PM7:30 AM5:30 PMClosed Closed
7:00 AM6:00 PM7:00 AM6:00 PM7:00 AM7:00 PM7:00 AM6:00 PM7:00 AM6:00 PM8:00 AM5:00 PMClosed
There seems like I would end up 5 lines max?
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Aug 7, 2014
So I have been struggling with a way to perform inventory turn calculations in SQL. I'll start off with the formula. Basically the formula is Cost of Goods Sold over last 12 months / Average Inventory Value over the last 12 months. Short hand as COGS/AvgInventoryValue = Turns
In order to obtain the COGS value I take the Avg(UnitCost) * Sum(InvoicedQty) in the last 12 Months for Sales documents. This is represented as DOCUMENTTYPE = 2
Then divide AvgInventoryValue
To obtain the AvgInventoryValue I need to know the Quantity purchased in the 12 month period * Avg(UnitCost) + QuantityOnHand at the start of the period * Avg(UnitCost)
The purchased documents are represented with DOCUMENTTYPE = 6
The purchases will be positive since we are putting value in. The sales are negative since value is going out. I'll start with a simple example where the product is at zero Quantity On Hand at the beginning of the period.
create table #VALUEENTRY
Is there another approach I should take to obtain the inventory turns?Also how do I account for periods earlier than 12 months where inventory is left over?In the sample data this item happened to be at zero inventory on hand at the start of the period. Also I believe it is my subquery's which are throwing the numbers off but I'm not sure how to isolate the subquery to just perform the result for a specific item. It is aggregating the entire table. How can I make the subquery more specific?
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Dec 9, 2011
I have data in which i need to calculate employees working hours for a day...
name time in_out
manisha 2011-01-01 9:30:00.000am 1
manisha 2011-01-01 10:30:00.000 0
manisha 2011-01-01 10:45:00.000 1
manisha 2011-01-02 1:00:00.000am 0
How can i calculate time in that two dates as 1 is for entry an 0 is for exit..
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Feb 20, 2008
Would you help me ?
In the example below, how can I do to have count = 9 ?
It means that I have 9 periods of 30 minuts from 09:00 to 13:30.
Thank you.
declare initial_hour as varchar(10)
declare final_hour as varchar(10)
declare per30min as varchar(10)
declare count as int
set initial_hour = '09:00'
set final_hour = '13:30'
set per30min = '0:30'
set count = (final_hour - initial_hour) / per30min ------>>> count = 9
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Jul 20, 2007
Hi Engine room.
I want to automatically populate an alternative date column with hijri (Arabic) dates. So I will have two date columns in my datawarehouse table, one is for gregorian dates, the other for the equivalent in Hijri - a bilingual date system if you like. Now I guess I could do it in the SSI ETL tool and use Julian Dates, but the problem is storing the resulting value. - what data type should I use for hijri dates?
The dates can be input by the user in either format, which means the alternate date has to be populated.
Eventually I hope to make a bilingual system, I don't understand the user-defined types or how to define them, but I suspect they could be used in someway to help. Why am I doing this? - well eventually I hope to populate a cube for analysis and deliver a dual-language-dashboard using the new CTP3 stuff.
Any suggestions on how I can make this dual-date system? - with a view to making a bilingual system eventually.
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Nov 11, 2014
I need only the count of databases that last fullbackup was older then 24 hours or null. and status is online. I have tried
SELECT Count(DISTINCT msdb.dbo.backupset.database_name)
From msdb.dbo.backupset
where datediff(day,backup_finish_date,GETDATE()) > 1 -- or is null
and Database_Name not in ('tempdb','ReportServerTempDB','AdventureWorksDW','AdventureWorks') --online also
group by Database_name, backup_finish_date
Tried using where max(backup_finish_date) < datediff(day,backup_finish_date,GETDATE()) .But get the aggregate in where clause error. get a count of databases with backups older than 24 hours not including the samples, report service, and tempdb. I would also want to put status is online but havent gotten the above to work so havent tried to add that yet.
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May 1, 2007
Ok, so I've been struggling with the logic behind this one for a while, so I thought I'd ask you guys for some ideas :)
Basically, I have the following table structure
Employee(employee_number, continuous_start_date, ...)
The problem lies in working out a summary of service categories (0-6months, 7-12months, 13-24, 25+).
I can work out the length of service in months with the following code
SELECT DateDiff(mm, continuous_start_date, GetDate()) AS 'Service in months'
FROM employee
So the first stage is to summarise the length of service into groups as mentioned above.
Then the final stage is working out how many people are in each group!
Hope I have given enough information - and please do not post a full solution - just some hints on how to get the desired result ;)
Thanks later, and in advance :p
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Nov 15, 2013
I have to calculate the total working hours between days, there hours must get automatically round off to nearest value example:
Date :12-05-2013 time : 4:15 will change to 4.00 and if Date :13-05-2013 time: 4:25 then needs to 4.30 and sum the above total hours and results Total : 8.30 hrs.
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Nov 20, 2006
Hi guys, im having bigtime problems transfomring a list of working hours into a readable report.
I got a db with a table that looks like this:
Userid Login Logout
22006-11-20 13:22:002006-11-20 22:31:00
22006-11-19 12:31:002006-11-19 17:31:00
22006-11-18 10:31:002006-11-18 17:31:00
I need to transform that data into this:
Weeknumber Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
46 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
47 9.15 0 0 0 0 0 5
All i got so far is this query:
SELECT DATEPART(ww, login) as weeknumber , DATENAME(dw, login) AS day, DATEDIFF(minute, login, logout) / 60.0 as hours
FROM timeliste
WHERE userid = '2'
Which isnt even close to what I want, can anyone give me some clues on what I should do to get it right?
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Aug 14, 2007
I am trying to use the DateDiff function to calculate the difference between two dates in working days only... Is this possible in SSRS 2005, or can anyone suggest an alternate solution?
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Sep 4, 2007
Hi 2 all,
I need to calculate the number of working days in a month. In clear, i need to ignore saturday.sunday and holiday in a month.
can anyone say the solution?
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Mar 31, 2014
Is there a way to make a single insert (in a loop) and take system dates and insert them in different languages without making a new loop for each language.
Create table dateLanguage(
monthName nvarchar(20),
monthNameEs nvarchar(20),
monthNameFr nvarchar(20),
MonthNamePt nvarchar(20)
So for example
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Jan 21, 2014
I have a dataset that contains an EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, and Location. Each record tells me at which location and employee was during a payroll period (fortnightly). So the data looks like:
Employees can be at multiple locations during the two weeks. They can work at one location, stop working there, start working somewhere else, and then maybe go back to their old location. There are duplicate records here as each employee can be at the same location multiple times during the two week period. What I need to capture is the actual start and end date of an employee at each location for each 'assignment'. An assignment is defined as a continual period of employment at a location with gaps of no less than 4 days - if there is a gap of more than four days then that is classed as a new assignment.
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Aug 14, 2014
I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:
CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus
123 A 01/01/2013
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Aug 14, 2014
I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:
CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus
123 A 01/01/2013 1
123 A 03/01/2013 0
123 B 03/01/2013 1
123 B 06/01/2013 0
123 A 08/01/2014 1
456 C 02/01/2014 1
[Code] .....
The RECORDSTATUS value of 1 means the record is active. A corresponding record of the same CustomerID, Tier. in startdate chronology, with a value of 0 indicates that the previous record with the status of 1 has now terminated and the startdate of the record with recordstatus of 0 is the start date of the termination of the previous record, or better stated, the end date of the previous record.
What I need to do is re-record the above data the startdate of each terminated record become an enddate for the previous record, minus 1 day, as follows:
123 A 01/01/2013 02/28/2013
123 B 03/01/2013 05/31/2013
123 A 08/01/2014 NULL
456 C 02/01/2014 NULL
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Nov 11, 2014
I have a table (Event_Table) like:
EmployeeID, CustomerID, Date
1, 11, 2014-11-11
2, 13, 2014-12-10
1, 11, 2014-12-21
2, 13, 2015-01-11
1, 11, 2015-03-02
And now I would like to have a summary with a unique Employee/Customer combination and 3 Date columns like:
EmployeeID, CustomerID, Date1, Date2, Date3
1, 11, 2014-11-11, 2014-12-21, 2015-03-02
2, 13, 2014-12-10, 2015-01-11
Dates should be arranged with the first date in Date1, the next in Date2 and the third in Date3 (if there are forth and more dates I donĀ“t care)
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Jul 23, 2015
I would like to get the most recent date within a given year per each EMP? For example, EMPID 1 can be enrolled in many programs, each program has start end dates. I need to list the most recent date an employee was enrolled (max date between START AND END DATE which ever is most recent enrollment) for a given year. For example, for 2014 his/her most recent enrollment should be 10/23/2014 for year 2014 and 2013-10-24 for year 2013.
12013-10-24 2014-03-11
12014-06-13 2014-03-11
12014-06-15 2014-03-11
12014-09-08 2014-03-11
12014-09-12 2014-03-11
12014-09-14 2014-03-11
12014-01-13 2014-05-17
12014-05-14 2014-06-09
12014-06-10 2014-06-16
12014-08-31 2014-09-04
12014-09-05 2014-09-06
12014-09-07 2014-10-23
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