I am trying to select data from table that have YYMM as table names, they are formatted table1410,table1411, table1412. I am trying to format it like this
declare @tablename60 varchar(50) = 'table' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(YY,dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)),3,4) + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(MM,dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as varchar(2)),1,2)
But this is hard coding the YYMM, and I would like to have it pull 30,60,90 days fromthe first of the current month. I am having a bit of trouble formatting, how to accomplish this.
This is how I calculate the ratio of failures in an order:
31 Days Table 1 query sum(CASE WHEN (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21')) >= 31 THEN 31 WHEN (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21')) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21'))END) as 31days1 .
How do i loop and pass dates dynamically in the Datediff?
31 Failures Table 2 query SUM(Case when sometable.FAILUREDATE BETWEEN dateadd(DAY,-31,CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-01-21 23:59:00.0', 102)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-01-21 23:59:00.0', 102)Then 1 Else 0 END) As Failures31,31 Day Cal(Formula) combining both Table 1 and Table 2 ((365*(Convert(decimal (8,1),T2.Failures31)/T1.31day))) [31dayCal]This works fine when done for a specific order.
I want a similar kind of calculation done for day wise and month wise.
2. what approach should I be using to achieve day wise and month wise calculation?
I do also have a table called Calender with the list of dates that i can use.
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
1. What is the best practice for partitioning (on date column)
2. The project on which i am working correctly have a case where in i get the update of my status flag after few days (Say 15 - 30) in that case if my data got into partition table how to update and how to search which partition has my data
3. Is creating partition occupies more disk space?
I am having trouble figuring out why the following code throws an error:
declare @cols nvarchar(50), @stmt nvarchar(max) select @cols = ('[' + W.FKStoreID + ']') from (select distinct FKStoreID from VW_PC_T) as W select @stmt = ' select *
[Code] ...
The issue that I am having is:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '[' to data type int.
I know that I have to use the [ ] in order to run the dynamic sql. I am not sure what is failing and why as the syntax seems to be clean to me (obviously it is not).
I have query which is used to dynamically insert value but not working. We are trying to get all table names and insert dynamically to all tables by looping through table names.
declare @a varchar(max),@i int; declare @table table(rno int, name varchar(max)) declare @b varchar(max) insert into @table select row_number() over( order by table_name) rno, table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables declare @tblname varchar(max)
Code written so far. this pivots the column deck and jib_in into rows but thats it only TWO ROWS i.e the one i put inside aggregate function under PIVOT function and one i put inside QUOTENAME()
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX), @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @columns = N''; SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(deck) FROM (SELECT p.deck FROM dbo.report AS p GROUP BY p.deck) AS x;
[Code] ....
I need all the columns to be pivoted and show on the pivoted table. I am very new at dynamic pivot. I tried so many ways to add other columns but no avail!!
I wan to print out the dynamic query result so that i can use as a script for some tasks.This is the scenario wher i got stuck, i am not able to print out the result as it return only the last value because of OUTPUT param limitation
Is there any way to print all the 3 INSERT stmt.
IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb.dbo.#temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp CREATE TABLE #temp (Command varchar(8000)) INSERT INTO #temp SELECT 'INSERT INTO Test1(column1,column2)values(1,2)' UNION ALL SELECT 'INSERT INTO Test2(column1,column2)values(1,2)'
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchiseid AS FranchiseId, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_brandidname AS Brand, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisetypename AS [Franchise Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisenumber AS [Franchise Number], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_transactiontypename AS [Transaction Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisestatusname AS [Status Code],
[Code] ....
I need to pivot this so I can get one row per franchiseID and multiple columns for [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual]. Each [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual] has associated percentage of ownership.
This has to be dynamic, because each FranchiseID can have anywhere from 1 to 12 respective owners and those can be any combination of of Entity and Individual. Please, see the attached example for Franchise Number 129 (that one would have 6 additional columns because there are 3 Individual owners with 1 respective Percentage of ownership).
The question is how do I PIVOT and preserve the percentage of ownership?
I have written a script to pivot a table into multiple columns.
The script works when run on its own but gives an error when i try to create a view or aprocedure from the same script. The temporary table #.... does not work so i have converted it to a cte.
Here is a copy of the script below
-- Dynamic PIVOT IF OBJECT_ID('#External_Referrals') IS NULL DROP TABLE #External_Referrals; GO DECLARE @T AS TABLE(y INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
Within a trigger, I'm trying to create a unique table name (using the NEWID()) which I can store the data that is found in the inserted and deleted tables.
I am working on FTP TASK in SSIS Package. i have to get files from FTP that file names are like 20141110.txt. i want to download any particular date file from ftp. How to i set expression in Remote path?
I need to create a table which holds date information for our financial year.
I have all the dates between now and 2045 and the start of the week and the end of the week. What I also have is the first sunday of the previous week in the spreadsheet too.
Please see below attachment
What I need to autofill once I import these three dates into a database is the week and the month.
The difficulty surrounding the month is that, we start a new month on the FIRST Sunday of the month.
So dates 07/04/14 to 04/05/2014 would be month 1.
Month 2 would begin on 05/05/2014 as it is the day after the first Sunday of the month, and so on....Month 5 would start on the 04/08/14.
Need to script something that would automatically calculate the week and month for me on the basis on above, if I have the start date, end date and 1st sunday already in a table?
I have a table with EmployeeID, StartDate, and EndDate with a PK of EmployeeID, StartDate. How can I check to see that there's no overlap for StartDate and EndDate for a given employee? That is, on any given day there must only be 1 row for an employee where Getdate() is Between StartDate and EndDate. For an active employee their EndDate is set to 06/06/2079.
I've tried it using Row_Number() with Over() but am returning too many rows indicating overlap when none exists.
We have a database and have 6-7 growing tables. All the tables have Primary and foreign key relation. I want to do partition based on the date column.
I need 3 partitions
First partition has to hold present data second partition need to hold the previous year data (SAS storage) Third partition need to hold all the old data and need to be in the archive database
I understand that first we need to disable the constraints (Indexes PK & FK) Then create partition function and partition schema Then Create the Constraints again
I have a table (we will cal DateTable) with several (20) columns, each being a date type. Another table's (Project) PK is referenced in the DateTable.
I am trying to write a query that will pull all dates for a specific project from the DateTable if they meet certain criteria(i.e. if the date is <= 7 days from now.
I started with a normal select statement selecting each column with a join to the project and then a where clause using
(DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()) OR (DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE())) ...
The rest of the columns(all with OR between them).
The problem with this is that because I am using OR once one of the dates meets the criteria it selects all the dates that are associated with the project. I ONLY want the dates that meet the criteria and don't care about the rest.
Obviously because I have all the columns in the select statement... So I need something like
Select ALL Columns from DateTable d Join Project p where p.ProjectID = d.ProjectID AND only dates BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()))
I have a date that I need to add 'n' number of business days to. I have a calendar table that has a 'IsBusinessDay' flag, so it would be good if I was able to use this to get what I need. I've tried to use the 'LEAD' function in the following way;
SELECT A. Date, B.DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM TableA A
LEFT JOIN (Select DateKey, LEAD(DateKey,3) OVER (ORDER BY datekey) AS DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM Calendar WHERE IsBusinessDay = 1) B ON A.DateKey = B.DateKey
Problem with this is that because I am filtering the Calendar for business days only, when there is a date that is not a business day in TableA, a NULL is being returned.
Is there any way to do a conditional LEAD, so it skips rows that are not business days? Or do I have do go with a completely different approach?
I have a table which is updated daily using a MERGE statement. As records are insert, updated and deleted, I am saving the OUTPUT from the MERGE statement into a history table with a timestamp and action$ column appended to the record.
Using this history table, I'd like to rebuild the data based on specific past date. I was able to create a stored procedure that inspects each record in the history table and apply it to the data in a temp table. The stored procedure solution uses multiple queries to rebuild the data at a point in time. I was curious if there was an easier and more efficient solution using a table function.
I have a pivot table query I am running and wanted to find out if there was a way to pull in the dates like getdate() - 12 months, getdate() - 11 months, etc. instead of hard coding the dates.
Here is my query
SELECT Client, [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month1, [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month2, [6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month3, [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month4, [8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month5, [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month6, [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month7, [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month8, [12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month9, [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month10, [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month11, [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month12, [4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month13, Engineer FROM (SELECT Client, DollarsBilled, SlipDates, Engineer FROM dbo.MonthlyClientBillables) p PIVOT (SUM(DollarsBilled) FOR SlipDates IN ([4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM])) AS pvt
I have a query to run a report where the results has a column named “Due Date” which holds a date value based on the project submission date.Now, I need to add 4 columns named, “45 Days Expectant”, “30 Days Overdue”, “60 Days Overdue” and “90 Days Overdue”.I need to do a calculation based on the “Due Date” and “System (I mean default computer date) Date” that if “System Date” is 45 days+ to “Due Date” than put “Yes” in “45 Days Expectant” row.
Also, if “Due Date” is less than or equal to system date by 30 days, put “Yes” in “30 Days Overdue” and same for the 60 and 90 days.how to write this Case Statement? I have some answers how to do it in SSRS (Report Designer) but I want to get the results using T-SQl.
I'm writing a view to check record counts in a table that has numerous datasets and therefore various "Activity Dates". Is it possible as part of the SQL statement to have a CASE statement for example so that it can identify the field to use as the activity date?
The field to use is being identified using a seperate table so at the moment I have CASE WHEN FieldToUse = '2' THEN MapCol ELSE '[Activity_Date]' END, where FieldToUse = '2' identifies the date field to use and the MapCol data is the field name to be used as the activity date.
I am trying to pivot some data as you would normally however I am trying to also group the pivot into three sub column groups too.
Basically the scenario is that I have three sub groups Budget, Person, RenewalDate for each Service (Service being the pivot point). So for each unique service I want to display the budget person and renewal date for each service by company.
I have created two tables to illustrate the base data and the required output.
How to do this dynamically because the number of Services is unknown, i.e. it could be 4 Services or 20, each with three sub columns, budget, person and renewal date.
Please find code below. It should be quite self explanatory as to what I am trying to do.
1. I really need it to be dynamic 2. the Services are not standardised names, they are numbered for illustration purposes only, they vary in naming convention.
create table #BaseData ( Company nvarchar(100), Person nvarchar(50), [Service] nvarchar(100), Budget int, RenewalDate datetime )
I am creating a dynamic query where i am appending a where clause something like -
IF (@CurCaptureDate IS NOT NULL) SET @where_clause = @where_clause + CHAR(10) + 'AND CD.CaptureDate = ' + @CurCaptureDate
PS - CD.CaptureDate is datetime and @CurCaptureDate is also datetime
but when executing , it gives this error - Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 169 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
i am not able to use convert here with these quotes.
i tried this - SET @where_clause = @where_clause + CHAR(10) + 'AND CD.CaptureDate = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),@CurCaptureDate )
but it makes it to -
AND CD.CaptureDate = Jul 19 2014 12:00AM. I would need the date in quotes.
INSERT INTO #Tab (Data) Select 'Apple=5,Orange=10,Banana=11' UNION ALL Select 'Apple=10,Orange=1033,Banana=0' UNION ALL Select 'Apple = 120,Orange = 1,Banana = 112' Select * from #Tab
How do I replace every value before the '=' but leave the comma.
Here is what the final output should look like
CREATE TABLE #TabFinal (Data Varchar(100))
INSERT INTO #TabFinal (Data) Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana' UNION ALL Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana' UNION ALL Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana'
I want to store data warehouse source tables and files in an Archive schema and then delete / drop them after a specified period of time.
Is there a table property that I can set (can't find one) or some other mechanism so that I can easily identify these tables with a script.
If there is no such property or feature within the database engine I will define a metadata table and record it there, but a property or similar that I can set at archive time would be very handy.
I have two dynamic pivot tables that I need to join. The problem I'm running into is that at execution, one is ~7500 characters and the other is ~7000 characters.
I can't set them both up as CTEs and query, the statement gets truncated.
I can't use a temp table because those get dropped when the query finishes.
I can't use a real table because the insert statement gets truncated.
Do I have any other good options, or am I in Spacklesville?
I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function
GO Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.
I have a very large table that I need to partition. Ideally the table will write to three filegroups. I have defined the Partition function and scheme as follows.
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION vm_Visits_PM(datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('2012-07-01', '2013-06-01') CREATE PARTITION SCHEME vm_Visits_PS AS PARTITION vm_Visits_PM TO (vm_Visits_Data_Archive2, vm_Visits_Data_Archive, vm_Visits_Data)
This should create three partitions of the vm_Visits table. I am having a few issues, the first has to do with adding a new clustered index Primary Key to the existing table. The main issue here is that the closed column is nullable (It is a datetime by the way). So running the following makes SQL Server upset:
ALTER TABLE dbo.vm_Visits ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_vm_Visits] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( VisitID ASC, Closed ) ON [vm_Visits_PS](Closed)
I need to define a primary key on the VisitId column, but I need to include the Closed column in order to partition on it.how I would move data between partitions on a monthly basis. Would I simply update the Partition function, or have to to some sort of merge, split, or switch function?