I have a problem that requires me to write Daily sum aggregation script, I wrote the script; But what I'm not sure of is the "Daily" part, my script will give me only give me results when I execute it.
I have a problem that requires me to write Daily sum aggregation script, I wrote the script; But what I'm not sure of is the "Daily" part, my script will give me only give me results when I execute it. How to make this code daily?
SELECT Receipt ,"Date" ,Item ,Reason ,Division ,SUM(Cost) AS Cost
currently need to re-create an aggregate table in a proc every night to aggregate purchases broken down by person/store in groups of 3, 6 12 etc months.finding the performance of it is very slow as it covers 500,000 million rows.The query looks like
SELECTCusID(int) , StoreID(int) , SUM(L3M) as Last3Months , SUM(L6M) as Last6Months , SUM(L9M) as Last9Months
I need to make changes to this because it is using a BETWEEN on a datetime column. I was wondering though, if anyone else has made agg tables like this before an found a better way of doing them?
I have a code I wrote and I'm required to get Product Name and Quantity with the maximum quantity sold per day. My issue is with the "per day" part, here's my code below.
Looking for what others have done to keep a copy of a database, for read only, on another instance. Need to do this once a day early in the morning with no, or minimal, downtime at the source and target. We have applications that access this copy 24/7, so prefer not to disconnect active users, as a detach/attach or backup/restore might do. Permissions are different on each instance, so would prefer not to overlay users on destination database. Options we are looking at right now are...
Log Shipping Snapshot Replication Transfer SQL Objects Task (SSIS)
Our environment for this is SQL 2012 on Windows 2012, in the same AD domain located in the same server room. The database size is 1gb. Needs to be copied around 6:30am daily. Does not need to be updated thru the day.
For a few days now I have a discussion with a colleague about shrinking the transaction log as a daily maintenance job on an OLTP database. The problem is I cant figure out a way to convince her she is doing something really wrong. Its not the first discussion.. Maintenance Plans.
She implemented this "solution" with a lot of customers as a solution against VLFs fragmentation and huge transaction log sizes. My thoughts about doing this is very clear and I have used the following arguments without success to convince her:
- To solve too many VLFs you have to focus on the actual size of the transaction log and the autogrowth settings in combination with regularly transaction log backups. Check the biggest transaction and modify the transaction log size based on this. Not use shrinking as a solution for solving many VLFs.
- Shrinking the transaction log file on a daily basis that is disk I/O intensive. When the transaction log file is too small for new transactions, the transaction log needs to grow and this will cause disk I/O, this can cause performance problems.
- It looks unprofessional.
These steps are used every morning at 6:00 AM and a transaction log backup is made every 30 minutes.
My main purpose is making sure the customers have the best possible configuration and I cant accept this is being implemented. Are there any more arguments available for this issue?
I'm using SSMS 2012. I have multiple queries that are run daily(I also have a few that are run every Monday) that I want to schedule to run at midnight and export to a new xls file on the network drive to be used the next morning. Is there something that I can add to each query to accomplish this or would I have to set something else up to call the queries?
I want to send auto email to my subscribers(no. of subscribers always vary) This auto email has to be send daily. Could it be done by generating certain Stored Procedure ? if yes then please help me by providing Stored Procedure.
Trying to generate a daily KPI report from our SQL server. I do not have access to write any functions. In the "start date" and "end date" section what numerical value would I enter to give me the equivalent of CURRENT_DATE ()?
Trying to get a report to run daily between certain hours. I can set a start time and an "end date" in Report Manager, but as far as I can tell, I can't say run hourly every day from X to Y. am I missing something?
If this isn't doable from RS, can I just find the associated job in the Agent and change the schedule of that job?
I'm working on a reporting tool that could bring back hundreds of thousands of results back at once. I need some way to run the actual query only once a day, and then the reporting tool would just pull back this cached results. To be short, I need to figure out how to do this using a minimum amount of resources. Would a DataView work with something like this? How would I have it update only once a day? I appreciate any advice!
I have got 4 MS Access Database Files, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables which gets updated with new data every evening, by an external application. Means new data gets appended to all these 12 Tables.
I want to have exact same 4 Databases, which have got 3 Tables each, means Total 12 Tables, but WITHIN MS SQL SERVER. And then update all of these 12 Tables every evening, with the corresponding updates from the respective tables from the MS Access Databases.
I do not want to Manually Update all these 12 tables every evening into SQL Server. Hopefully there would be some easier method to do this in automatic manner.
Hi, I have a Users table in Oracle database and same table (Users) in SQL Server 2000 database. I want to create a DTS Package through which I can copy the data from Oracle database to SQL Server 2000 database. This package should run automatically at mid-night daily so that if there are some entries done in Oracle database then it get copied in SQL Server 2000 database. Also is there any way to copy only those entries from Oracle database which are not present in SQL Server 2000 database. Please help me in this regard as I am new to DTS.
I'm using ssms 2014, but got the same problem with 2012. I use ssms almost entirely on remote desktop sessions ( Windows 7, Server 2008R2, Server 2012 ). It may be related to having filtered job activity monitor windows open for hours, but about once per day ssms fails, and has to restart. Upon resuming usually only one of several queries is restored.
I'm using an Aggregation task to summarize an input file by item and week before inserting it into a SQL table.
Two of the fields I'm summing, because their totals per record can occasionally exceed 32k, are defined as int (I4) instead of smallint (I2). However, the summarized total never exceeds the value an int can hold.
I ran into a problem on the insert, however, with SSIS telling me it couldn't insert an I8 value into an I4 table field. I discovered the metadata for the summed totals had automatically been set to bigint (I8), and the mapping was failing.
I didn't see a way to change that metadata within the Aggregation task itself, so I added a Data Conversion task to convert the totals to four-byte signed integers and enable the mapping. Was that the proper workaround?
Hi. i have a problem that related to aggregation functions. i have a table (requests)that consist with the following fields:event_id, request_type,data. i want to present a report that for each event_id it will show the number of records where the request_type value is:"VMR".
i wrote the following query- SELECT event_id, Count(request_type) FROM requests WHERE ((requestType)="VMR") GROUP BY event_id
the problem is that:if event_id don't has a record with the value "VMR" it will not be showen in the report and the goal is to present those kind of events with the value 0. who can i make it happen.
Can anyone help me with an problem I have come across in my databasedesign.I have a primary table and a related table with 3 child records (eachwith a numeric field). I require a query to return the primary keyfrom the main table and the PRODUCT (i.e. all numeric valuesmultiplied together) of the three child records, much like a SUM wouldadd them together.Any help would be gratefully received!Tony.
I am new to the reporting services and I've been working on problem in one of my reports all day long and after 8 hours of frusturation I decided ask for a profesional help.
Ok here is my problem: I have a report that calculates the amount of meetings with our clients. The dataset contains an activity_id field that we assign for each our meetings with our clients. SSRS counts these meetings and shows it in a drilldown enabled report. Everything seems fine on the report except that someof the activities involves few different clients and SSRS is not counting the activities multiple times in region drilldown as there is only one activity id associates in that region even though it contains different companies. And I want those companies to be calculated in too.
From the crude drawing below I wanted to explain my dilemma visually. As it can be seen the total number of meetings we had is actually 40. But as we had 3 activities that involves more than 1 clients it only gives 37 as a count. I would like to know is there a way to make the report count the same activity multiple times if activity_id is associated with more than one clients.
I hope I managed to explain my problem
********************************************************************************************** Manager Region Market Company Meeting Detail
I know we can design Aggregation usage for a dimension within a cube. For example, you can choose Full , None, Unrestricted and Default method. I assume this is the Global settings.
Is it possible that Ican do the same thing for the attributes within a dimension? I cannot find such property in attributes. Does this means we can't control which attributes we want Analysis Services to aggregate in a dimension?
I have the following three tables : Account (Id int, AccountName nvarchar(25)) Role (id int, Rights int) AccountRole (AccountID, RoleID)
In Role table - Rights Column is a bit map where in each bit would refer to access to a method. One account can be associated with multiple roles - AccountRole table is used for representing the N:N relation.
I want to develop a store procedure - which would return all AccountName and their Consolidated Rights. Basically I want to do a BitWise OR operation for all the Rights in the Aggregation instead of the SUM as shown in the following statement.
SELECT Account.Name, SUM(Role.Rights) FROM Account WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN RoleAccount ON RoleAccount.AccountID = Account.Id JOIN Role ON RoleAccount.RoleId = Role.Id GROUP BY Account.Name
I have a table imported from a legacy Oracle database that stores values vertically in name/value pairs. I store it in table-type variable that is an exact copy of the structure:
If this information were pivoted horizontally: OMNI_NUMBER would be the primary key.
TIMESTAMP is a 10-digit integer that represents the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC that requires additional conversion. DATA_TYPE is not the data type. It is a general categorization of the next two columns.PARAMTER would be the column headings if it were horizontal..PARAMETER_VALUE would be the data value in that column.
I would like to try to use PIVOT to list the PARAMETER column values as column headers. This seems to work fine. What's confusing me is that I'd like it to list the PARAMETER_VALUE column values as raw data, just as it is in the source version, without having to apply some sort of aggregate function to it. Here's a CSV sample of the data you can paste into Excel. I'm trying to transform this:
I have a Sales cube and I want to be able to display Products and the Price at which they were purchased in a given period. I have a Product dimension while Price is a measure in my Sales Fact Table. Is there a way to have a "Group By" aggregation instead of a Sum? This way, I can show Products grouped by their list price.
My Product Dimension consists of product_numbers (such as 100, 101, 102 etc...) My Sales Fact Table consists of sales data (such as product_key, price, net_sales, returns, etc...) at the transaction level.
where Net_sales and Returns are "summed" and Price is simply a "Group By". In other words, this report would show the net sales and returns by product for a given price.
I'd rather not use a Price dimension since we have hundreds of products at hundreds of different prices. Moreover, this data is already in the Sales Fact table.
I am trying to port a database from SQL Server 2005 Express to SQLServer 2005 Standard. Idetached my database from the SQL Sever 2005 Express instance andattached it to the SQL Server 2005 Standard instance. Whenever I do aselect on tables in the database I have no problem. However if Iattempt to open or modify a table by selecting open or modify from thepopup menu, I get the following error --TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote)(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION))(Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTools.VSIntegration)------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------I tried repairing the .NET 2.0 framework but to no avail.Please help!!!Thanks,