And works perfectly, but ... how to make sure every item has an element "nodes" ? The case here is for the child leafs obviously. This, because on the client i have to inject this element "nodes" on a json version of this xml, and just wanted to avoid normalizing the structure on the client.
For the root I am using
FOR XML PATH('root'),TYPE; and for the hierarchy that follows
FOR XML RAW ('node'), root('nodes'), ELEMENTS
To get the results of a stored proc into a table you always had to know the structure of the output and create the table upfront.
CREATE TABLE #Tmp ( Key INT NOT NULL, Data Varchar );
Has SQL 2012 (or SQL 2014) got any features / new tricks to let me discover the table structure of a stored procedure output, - i.e treat it as a table
EXEC dbo.MyProc INTO #NewTmp or SELECT * INTO #NewTmp FROM ( EXEC dbo.MyProc )
Let's say I have a scalar functions that I'd like it's input to be the output from the previous row, with a recursive CTE I can do the following:
;with rCTE(iterations,computed) as ( select 0 [iterations], 1e+0 [computed] union all select iterations+1,dbo.f(computed) from where rCTE where iterations < 30 ) select * from rCTE
Thus for each iteration, is the nTh fold of the function f applied to 1. [e.g 5 is f(f(f(f(f(1)))))]
However, for some illogical reason this relatively simple function did lots of read and write in tempdb. Can I reform this query somehow to just use lag instead? I know for a fact I only want to get let's say 30 iterations. It'd be very nice to be able to enjoy a window spool which will spawn a worktable with minimal IO.
I know I can put 30 rows into a table variable and do a quirky update across it, but Is there a nice way to do this without doing some sort of hack.
I need to use WHILE to avoid Cursor under certains conditions.
My SELECT statement is:
SELECT ref, ano, numberofyears ,nreint, naoreint,degress, tabela, tax, taxamaxima,[evactual], [evaldepact],[ereintact],nrregbt,[taxAmtAno] FROM deprec ORDER BY [ref] ASC
numberofyears= 100 /tax for exemple for a good where lifecycle is 4 years ,ex: Tax = 25% Then 100/25 = 4 years
I see this WHILE script, but i need to run :
1. for each REF + Until years < 4 in this exemple, because i have goods years depend on Percent.
the WHILE script i see is:
DECLARE @table1 TABLE (Id int not null primary key identity(1,1), col1 int ) INSERT into @table1 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM table2 SET @num_rows=@@ROWCOUNT
SET @cnt=0 WHILE @cnt<@num_rows
[Code] .....
My doubt is how to make the LOOP for each REF until Year < 4 (like my example)
I am using Server 2012 and very new to SQL. I have a request from a physician for a list of his patients that meet a criteria. This is stored in a temp table names #cohort.
Using this cohort he wants each row to be one patient with a list of labs, vitals, etc. Three items are the most recent lab value and date. I could query each lab individually and place it into a temp table and then join all temp tables at the end, but I am trying to move past that and have all labs in one temp table. All temp tables are joined with PatientSID.
I tried to do something for just 2 labs, but it is not working. There could be nulls values when joined with the #cohort table.
Individually the SELECT statements pull in the most recent lab value and date, but I cannot get them into a temp table with one row of PatientSID and then the lab value and date if they exist.
IF OBJECT_ID ('TEMPDB..#lab') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #lab SELECT cohort.PatientSID ,SubQuery1.LabChemResultNumericValueAS 'A1c%' ,SubQuery1.LabChemCompleteDateTimeAS 'A1c% Date' ,SubQuery2.LabChemResultNumericValueAS 'LDL'
Hi, I am running a script which inserts certain rows into a table and at the end of the execution, I do a select statement to show the inserted data as output in the results pane and it is showing as truncated...How can I show the full results.. Here is my script to show the results. ---------- SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @errorCount INT SELECT @errorCount = COUNT(*) FROM error_report WHERE id != - 2 ANDid != - 5 IF @errorCount = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO error_report VALUES( '' , - 1 , 'No error found.' ) END INSERT INTO error_report VALUES( '' , - 2 , 'The Report was generated on ' + CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), GETDATE(), 1) AS VARCHAR) ) GO SELECT table_name + ' table has bad data at id = ' + CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), id) AS VARCHAR) + ' (' + CAST(reason AS VARCHAR) + ')'FROM error_report WHERE id > 0 SELECT table_name + ' table has bad data (' + CAST(reason AS VARCHAR) + ')' FROM error_report WHERE id = 0 SELECT reason FROM error_report WHERE id = - 1 SELECT '' SELECT reason FROM error_report WHERE id = - 2 SET NOCOUNT OFF GO ------------------------- The Results in the bottom pane looks like this below ------------------ NODETABLE table has bad data (There are 2 duplicate subclass) Propertytable table has bad data (at Parentid = 2000000859 and p) Propertytable table has bad data (at Parentid = 10122 and proper) ------------------- But, when I do a select, they are like this below ----
NODETABLE0There are 2 duplicate subclass name: Specification Propertytable0at Parentid = 2000000859 and propertyid = 721 Propertytable0at Parentid = 10122 and propertyid = 9
I wrote the below code and procedure that exports two tables contents into 2 separate Excel files. Is there a way to export contents of two tables via BCP utility into 1 Excel file but 2 different Worksheets of this file?
DECLARE @FileName varchar(50), @FileName1 varchar(50), @bcpCommand varchar(2000) SET @FileName = 'E:GPPD_db_stats.XLS' SET @FileName1 = 'E:GPPD_file_stats.XLS' print @FileName SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "master.dbo.spdbdesc" OUT ' + @FileName + ' -Samex-srv-gppdb -T -c' print @bcpCommand EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand
SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "master.dbo.spfiledesc" OUT ' + @FileName1 + ' -Samex-srv-gppdb -T -c' print @bcpCommand EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand exec master.dbo.xp_stopmail set @bcpCommand = ' ' + @FileName + '; ' + @FileName1 + '' DECLARE @body VARCHAR(1024) SET @body = 'Please find enclosed files with the database status reports as of '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE()) + '. Please DO NOT respond to this email or the ones coming in the future ' + 'with data files as this email address is not monitored for incoming emails. However, if you have any ' + 'questions/concerns please contact ....'
i am using xp_sendmail to notify system users when certain actions happen in the database but cannot control the format of the output. I am building a string for the message in the a trigger and then use exec xp_sendmail @recipients='email address', @Subject='subject',@message=@msg
however in the @msg variable it would make a lot more sense if i could include linebreaks.
I have tried using html tags and setting the outlook installation on the server to send in html format but that doesnt work, the html tags are output as text in the message.
i have tried putting CHAR(13) in the @msg variable as i build it up but that doesnt work either.
Once again, SSIS is giving me a 'F.U.N.' time (ask for definition of the F.U.N. acronym another time ).
I have a relatively simple task - create an excel spreadsheet with 3 columns of data - Id, Description and Sales. ID and Description are text, sales is int.
So my SP aggregates and creates my resultset in my OLE DB Source in the Data Flow. It proceeds to the Excel destination, and that all seems fine. My issue is that the data is being written as text. Looking at the excel destination in Advanced editor: the Excel Destination Input, Input columns are formatted as I expected: DT_WSTR 8 for the ID, DT_WSTR 100 for the Description and DT_I4 for the Sales. Excel Destination Input, External columns refuse to fall in line, though. They are all listed as DT_WSTR 255.
The target excel spreadsheet is being created from a template file. That template file has header columns. The target column for the Sales has the entire column formatted to NUMBER (0 decimals). Yet to now avail.
When I check the spreadsheet, the column has retained the cell formatting, and I have a 'I' pop-up to inform me that 'someone' has inserted text data into the number column (even though the data IS number).
Since the SP spits out INT, it isn't a case of receiving a text value, imho. While trying to change the external column data type in the advanced editor, SSIS is quite happy to let me change the value for the Sales output to DT_I4, apply, and ok. Then, when I open it immedaitely aftgerwards, it has reverted to the DT_WSTR's! AArrgh. If is can't handle it, at least tell me when I try and change it. don't let me change it, and then revert back without telling me! Grumble grumble...
I have table named TEMPLATE_ACTIVITY. This is template table I have 27 this kind of tables.
I want to create stored procedure to change name MICHELIN_US_ instead of TEMPLATE_ all remaining name should be same. For that I am using 'Create Table As Select' to keep same structure as Template tables.
I want to create sp as like execute this way Exec @MICHELIN_US_
So that in future if Client change to MICHELIN_US_ to UNITED_ I can just change Exec @UNITED_
And it will change all table names to UNITED_ACTIVITY
I have a procedure where after processing, i am required to send multiple message to calling application.
For ex:
create procedure test as (@a as int, @b as int @c as int ) /* some transformations */ print 'variable a is' + @a; print 'variable b is' + @b; print 'variable c is' + @c;
I am only providing a sample of return messages, but in reality there a lot more messages where a string and a parameter value need to concatenated.Unfortunately print is not allowing to concatenate parameter value.I can use RaiseError, but these messages are not really any error messages.
i tried to concatenate all message and output it using OUT type parameter, but the length of all messages combined exceeds 10000 characters.
Is there any other alternate to send these messages out to application?
A heavily-selected database will be in an inconsistent state for several hours during a batch process. For that time, a database snapshot is created and accessed instead. To allow constant client read access to the database, a database that only contains synonyms exists. Those synonyms point to the main database except during the batch process, at which time they point to the database snapshot.
To switch the synonyms, each synonym is dropped and then created pointing to the database snapshot (after its creation, of course). The drop/create occurs inside a transaction. Roughly, the SQL looks like this:
SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION; DROP SYNONYM [dbo].[some_proc]; CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[some_proc] FOR [snapshot_db].[dbo].[some_proc]; GRANT EXECUTE, SELECT ON [dbo].[some_proc] TO public; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
When the batch update is completed, the process is reversed with "snapshot_db" replaced with "regular_db". The SQL snippet above is dynamic SQL. What I've pasted is the dynamic SQL that is executed as a single batch.
While this switch is happening, clients are accessing the procedures through the synonyms, potentially at a high request rate. Testing reveals that clients can get the error:
Error=-2147217900, Id=0, Meaning=IDispatch error #3092, Source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers, Description=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.some_proc'.
This error only occurs once. If the same SPID retries its request and the transaction has not completed (for testing, a delay was added), then it blocks until the transaction completes.
Any way to prevent it besides a client-side retry?
I am trying to setup a client alias to connect to a named instance on another server.
TITLE: Connect to Server ------------------------------ Cannot connect to fred. ------------------------------
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)
The network path was not found
------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
I have set up the alias on the server and as expected it works. On the client side I have used the SQL Server Client Network Utility to configure the client side alias but no luck
I am using TCP/IP with a specific port ..
By the way the SQL is SQL Server 2012 Ent and the O/S is Windows 2012 R2 minshell
We have a database residing on a SQL Server 2012 Express system running under Windows Server 2012. I have installed the SQL 2012 Native Client on the user's workstation. I created the System DSN with the required settings and when I test the connection all tests pass. I am able to ping the server as well as connect to it via SQL Server Management Studio.
Now when the user launches the application he is presented with the dialog window as in Screenshot1 (see attached). After clicking on Ok he is next presented with the dialog window where he has to select the SQL server. See attached Screenshot2. The user selects the SQL server from the drop down list and he is then able to access the application and work normally. I cannot understand why this is happening because I have included the correct server instance in the DSN settings i.e. sqlserversqlexpress
Telling the user to select the server himself is not an option for us.
I have checked the settings on the SQL Server. TCP/IP is enabled, remote connections are allowed and there is no firewall blocking. Port 1433 has been set as the default port to use.
I have the following code and the result set is coming out as nvarchar. So, when I create a report in SSRS, it is not formatting as a date.
, CASE WHEN isnull(cv2.Accepted,0)='True' AND cv2.Visit ='V2' AND cv2.StepNo='3' THEN 'Y' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,[dbo].[fn_Get_WorkingDays] (co.PlannedGoLiveDt, -10)) END AS 'System Verified'
I have a sql query that gets the count of exams held in each month.
Below is the code that I have used.
select Examid, count(*) as CumCount from [dbo].[Exams] where ExamCategory in ('Major','Critical') and Month(EXOCCRDATE) = Month(getdate()) and Year(EXOCCRDATE) = Year(getdate()) group by Examid
The code works good when we have data for the current month. When we dont have any exams for the current month, the code outputs empty values. I want the code to be altered so that when there is no value returned in the output, i want a default value shown in the output.
I have attached the sample data that I am using. In the data we dont have dates for the month of October. So when I run the code it will display empty output. So what I need is I need a text like 'No Data' to be shown when no value is returned by the query.
I am building a bunch of packages on our new server and all was going well until I edited the project using the client tools on my PC. I now receive the below error if I try to execute any of the packages on the server (all is still fine on the client). I have scoured the net but I don't seem to be able to come up with a solution. I have tried altering the folder & object permissions for my login (that created the project on the server and edited using the client) but I still get the error.
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------ Failed to start project ------------------------------
Exception deserializing the package "Access to the path 'G:VisualStudioTestTestbinDevelopmentTest.ispac' is denied.". (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
------------------------------ Access to the path 'G:VisualStudioTestTestbinDevelopmentTest.ispac' is denied. (mscorlib) ------------------------------ BUTTONS:
insert into #sample values ('customerid','15339119') insert into #sample values ('Title','15339119') insert into #sample values ('firstname','15339119') insert into #sample values ('prevcr','2146822710') insert into #sample values ('currcr','2146822710') insert into #sample values ('brandcode','2146822710')
I've the following T-SQL block that I'm executing where I want to print the following output in next line but not sure how to do this:
This is printing everything in one line: SET @BODYTEXT = ' Dear ' + @fname +',We realize you may have taken ' + @course_due + ' in '+ @month_last_taken +'.'
How do I do this: SET @BODYTEXT = ' Dear ' + @fname + ',We realize you may have taken ' + @course_due + ' in '+ @month_last_taken +'.'
Also how can I create a table in this variable, something like this:
(Course Name) (Last Completed) (Now due in Month/year)
My T-SQL code:
DECLARE @email varchar(500) ,@intFlag INT ,@INTFLAGMAX int ,@TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(100) ,@EMP_ID INT ,@fname varchar(100)
declare @xmldoc as xml select @xmldoc = '<Text>This is firstline<Break />This is second line<Break />This is third line</Text>' select @xmldoc.value('(/Text)[1]','varchar(max)')Result is: "This is firstlineThis is second lineThis is third line"
My problem is, that the <Break /> tags within the text are removed in the conversion to varchar. How to preserve the such tags in the varchar output? Or to get the <Break /> tags "translated" to e.g. CHAR(10)?
I am exporting the data from database to an excel template that will have 100+ columns and approx 4000 rows of data. Then the business user will make changes to some columns without modifying primary key columns and will send back to us where we will update the same to database.
In order to this am using an excel template by protecting the primary key columns with a password protection.
At template level am fine and whenever am trying to modify any primary key column it's not allowing and am totally good there. But when I use that excel template as a destination to load data from SSIS, all the protected columns are no longer protected and i could able to make changes.
I am working on a code that will convert the query output into a html query output. That is the output of the query will be along with html tags so that we can save it as a html file.
The stored procedure that i have used is downloaded from symantec website and is working fine. Below is the code of that stored procedure.
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_Table2HTML] Script Date: 12/21/2011 09:04:30 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Table2HTML] ( @TABLENAME NVARCHAR(500), @OUTPUT NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT,
[Code] ....
The code works fine and i am able to get the output with html tags. The problem occurs when i insert stylesheet in the code. I tried to enforce styles using a stylesheet for the table returned in my sql code, so that it will look good. below is the stylesheet code that i inserted between <head> and </head> tags.
If I run the procedure without the style sheet code, it works fine. but when i run the procedure with style sheet code i am getting the below errors.
Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 98 Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '</table></body><'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 98 Incorrect syntax near '</table></body><'.
[Code] .....
I checked the code and i am not able to find what is the mistake. I tried changing the quotation mark but it didn't worked.
I have been given a request at work that requires us to run the SQL scripts that are held in a report configuration table and output the results as .csv or.xls files in a desired folder with a file name that is also specified within the report config table.
An example of the table is as per script below with column A being the desired file name to be created and Column B contains the script that will be executed.
Ideally I require a script that i can drop into a Stored Proc that will run down each row in the table and export and create each rows results as a separate file in a desired folder.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----SAMPLE TABLE SCRIPT ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Test_Table_PS] Script Date: 21/09/2015 09:14:57 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_Table_PS]( [File_Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
How can I get the result stored in Inserted.ColName (by Output clause of insert command). In the documentation (BOL) for SQL 2005, there is written "returned to the processing application for use" in Output clause (first paragraph).
Question 2:
How to store Inserted.ColName into local variable when insert command is running in stored procedure.: