SQL Server 2012 :: Group Data Into 15 Minute Intervals

Apr 8, 2015

I want to group my data into 15 minute interval . Below is my sample data and desired result set.

Create TABLE #HalfHourlyIntervals
IRevenue FLOAT,
TRevenue FLOAT

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Scrub Data In 5 Minute Intervals

Nov 2, 2015

I have a situation where I have table with over a billion records and needs to be scrubbed. Table does have a field with date time timestamp. I have been deleting rows from the table using the script below which basically provides me delete statements by date for records older than 90 days.

But now on each day row count is over 30 million rows and it takes forever to delete by date and transaction log becomes humongous.

So I would like to scrub it in 5 minute intervals instead of daily for records older than 90 days. Even in 5 minute intervals the record count tends to be around a million. This will keep the delete slice small enough to not a gigantic transaction log.

declare @startdate Datetime
declare @enddate Datetime
set @startdate = getdate()-480
set @enddate = getdate()-90

--set @vStart = select convert(varchar,@startdate, 102)

print @startdate
print @enddate

WHILE (@startdate < @enddate)
print 'delete from vending where DetectedDate < ''' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101) +''''
set @startdate = @startdate+1

I am hoping to modify the script above to produce a script with statements like this for a window between last 90 and 120 days:

delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:25:00 PM'
delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:30:00 PM'
delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:35:00 PM'

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Aggregating Financial Data To 1 Minute Intervals

Aug 19, 2006

I'm trying to create a query to return Open, Close, Max and Min Price for each 1 minute interval. Source data has two fields - Price, and Datestamp at 5 second intervals.

I can calculate the Max and Min (below) and set the datestamp to the middle of the interval, but get stuck on how to also return the Open and Close price for each interval.

SELECT MAX(price) AS MaxPrice, MIN(price) AS MinPrice,
DATEADD(ss, 30, DATEADD(n,DATEDIFF n, '1/1/2006', DateStamp),'1/1/2006')) AS DateStamp
FROM MasterData
GROUP BY DATEDIFF(n, '1/1/2006',DateStamp)

Any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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Going From 15 Minute Intervals To 1 Min Intervals?

Jun 3, 2015

I have two fields ID and Log data and log data is a 96 character long string of numbers representing 15 minute intervals from midnight to midnight.

I need to convert these 96 characters to a full 1440 characters which would mean taking each of the 96 characters one by one and making 1 character into 15.

I had Vb macro to do the conversion but now it's broken and I can't fix it. Getting it done in SQL would solve a lot of problems.

I then go from the 1440 fields and do log analysis like total time doing a specific activity but my query is dependent on having all 1440 characters.

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Generate 5 Minute Intervals

Jan 28, 2008

Probably a very simple problem, but im stumped. I have a table which gives the start-time and end-time of an employees work day. I want to create a view which contains a line of data for each 5 minute period worked. Please help.

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Need To Only Return Rows In 5 Minute Intervals

Mar 6, 2012

I have collected perfmon data that is in every 15 seconds. I need to run a query that will only retrun rows that are 5 minutes from the last row starting at a specific date/time.

Here is the current query


[Code] ......

"CounterDateTime" is in every 15 seconds. So starting from '2012-03-02 11:59:00' I need only rows for every 5 minutes after that.

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SQL 2012 :: Server Agent Shutting Down Minute After Starting

Aug 27, 2014

When I start SQL Server Agent it's shutting down minute after starting. I tried to set Alerts to send email. After I configured Database Mail ,I was able to send test email , however after that SQL Server Agent started to misbehave.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Group By Values Over None Contiguous Data

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to generate a list of data such as this


From a large set of data similar to this


[Code] ...

returns just 2 rows and misses the fact that the wmNumbers stop and start a few diffrent times. I cant see how to set up the query to bring back the 6 rows i would be expecting it this case, without going to a cursor which i really don't want to.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Obtaining A Comma Delimited List For Each Group In The Output Of A Group By Query?

Jan 10, 2014

I'd like to ask how you would get the OUTPUT below from the TABLE below:

id category
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 C
7 B


category count id's
A 3 1,3,4
B 2 5,7
C 2 2,6

The code would go something like:

Select category, count(*), .... as id's
from TABLE
group by category

I just need to find that .... part.

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SQL 2012 :: Dump Every 1 Minute In Secondary Replica?

Jun 9, 2015

SQL is generating dump every 1 min with error

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0000000000000020 at

Server is running SP2 CU2.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Merging Intervals With Identical Data

Jul 10, 2014

I'm having issues building a cte sql statement for merging intervals. I have a table with data as follows:

declare @table table
startpoint int,
stoppoint int,
value int
[Code] ....

The resulting query returns the rows in the table, sorted by startpoint:

startpoint stoppoint value
----------- ----------- -----------
0 10 1
10 15 1
15 25 2
25 30 2
30 40 2
40 55 3
55 60 3
60 80 2

I'm looking for a merge cte that returns consecutive intervals with the same value, as follows:

startpoint stoppoint value
----------- ----------- -----------
0 15 1
15 40 2
40 60 3
60 80 2

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Populating Data By Date Intervals

Mar 6, 2015

Table Name: EmployeeDetails
Columns: EMpID - Date - WorkedHours

For each day I get details of number of hours worked by each employee in this table.

Now my HR wants a report with such columns

empid - Week - Month - Qtr

So, week will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that week
Month will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Month
Qtr will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Qtr

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How To Exract SQL Minute Data To Houly Data?

Aug 1, 2006


I have a SQL table that has data filled with million records and the date is in minutes it looks like :-

Meter 1
Meter 2
Meter 3

25/05/2006 02:49:00

25/05/2006 02:50:00

25/05/2006 02:51:00

25/05/2006 02:52:00

25/05/2006 02:53:00

25/05/2006 02:54:00

25/05/2006 02:55:00

25/05/2006 02:56:00

I want to make a query to the above table and convert the data to houlry by summing Meter1,Meter 2 and Meter 3 to be the average. I want to import all the hourly data to a new table that will look like :-

Meter 1
Meter 2
Meter 3

25/05/2006 03:00:00

25/05/2006 04:00:00

25/05/2006 05:00:00

Your help will be highly appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Compress Data Transfer During Synchronization Between Availability Group Nodes?

Apr 13, 2015

I got this situation where my network admin observerd that there is a high network utilization between 2 nodes in our AG (the primary node & the DR site, 2 separate locations of course); then he advised to compress the data transfer between those 2 nodes as the previous DBA already did that before!

Ok, I have no clue about this, so decided to google it, got nothing. My backup is already compressed through some third party app (just in case if that matters to the subject).

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Return Data Only If Time Is Equal By A Minute

Apr 9, 2015

Just wondering what is the best time to ensure that we only return data when the datetime field is the same when compared between two datetimes within a minute difference.

As in the following should return the data:

'2015-04-09 09:00:20' compared to '2015-04-09 09:00:50'

And the following should not return the data:

'2015-04-09 09:01:20' compared to '2015-04-09 09:00:50'

The problem, is that I'm merging data from three different result sets, which they all have data for every minute, however, the timestamp can be different by seconds or milliseconds.

So, I'm only interested to return the data when the two fields that I'm comparing are equal within a minute. I need to ignore seconds and milliseconds.

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SQL 2012 :: 15 Minute Interval Report Between Two Dates With Total For Each Interval

Jul 21, 2014

I'm trying to create a report which will give me a break down of how many unique vehicles have been seen between two dates via a 15 minute interval and what Lane they were seen. My current script looks like this

SELECT l.Name [Name], count(l.Name) Total, p.Created
FROM PlateReads p
inner join Lanes l on p.Lane_ID = l.ID
where LicencePlate in (Select Plate from LPRnet_MelAir_C.dbo.TempVehiclePlates)
group by Name
Name being the Lane they were in and the Total being the amount of times a unique vehicle has been seen and p.Created being the date they were seen (thats what I need the interval powered off)

Ideally the output would look like this

16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Bus Lane 15
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Elevated Road150
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Public Pickup75

16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Bus Lane 13
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Elevated Road120
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Public Pickup55

All the way to 12/04/2014

I’ve got it so it says Lane and Count just can’t get the interval part

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting First And Last Value For Every Group?

May 30, 2014

I have the some data in one of a temporary table inside a stored procedure. I want to take the first and last value for every group and the number of records for every group. For example if you run the following script you will get a set of result.

create table #sampledata
userId int,
BaseYear int,
TotalSales float
insert into #sampledata
select 1,2008,25000 union


From that set of result I want to get the data in the following format:

userId StartValue EndValue Records
1 25000 25200 5
2 25050 26200 4
3 53504 23804 6

I am just not able to write the correct query.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Top 1 Row In Group

Nov 18, 2014

write the T-SQL to get the top 1 row in the group.

Sample data

Stack RefID Name
DM1-102Australia Post
DM2-102Australia Post
DM6-102Australia Post
DM3-102Australia Post
DM4-102Australia Post
DM5-102Australia Post
DMASOS-102StarTrack Express


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SQL Server 2012 :: Group By On Different Timelines?

Oct 12, 2014

I would like to do a group by when the timestamp is different from an usual pattern,

create table #tbl ( V1 int, V2 datetime, V3 float)
insert into #tbl values (1,'2012-12-12 10:15', 12.5)
insert into #tbl values (1,'2012-12-12 10:35', 2.5)
insert into #tbl values (1,'2012-12-12 10:45', 1.5)
insert into #tbl values (1,'2012-12-12 11:15', 10.5)
insert into #tbl values (1,'2012-12-12 11:30', 11.5)
select sum(v3) [value], v1 from #tbl group by v1
drop table #tbl

i would like to have result set as, aggregating results of every 15 minutes and when it exceeds 15 minutes then add the same in next group by. This 15 minute interval can be specified in the query itself.

value v1
16.5 1

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Average Column Group Value For Row Group

Feb 28, 2014

I'm having a fight with Reporting Services at the minute when trying to compute an average at the row group level for a value summed in a column group.I have the following column groups:


And the following row groups:

SubType (hidden, data at the date level is summed to Product)

At the moment I'm computing the average for SubType for each Date at the Product level (giving a decimal value), so for each day I end up with a nice average, that works. However I am unable to average that average over the whole Year for a Product. The issue being that I'm trying to combine Row Groups (Product) and Column Groups (Date/Year)

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SQL 2012 :: Fast Way To Do Group By Count On Items Within Group?

May 1, 2014

select top 15 count(*) as cnt, state from table
group by state
order by cnt desc


Can the above three queries be combined into one and still be fast, if so how?What i am trying to go is an item count, by group, similar to ones Inbox in Outlook.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Group By Column As Sub Header

Jan 28, 2014

I have a table which I would like to format like so:

From this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_1](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[header] [varchar](50) NULL,
[citation] [varchar](200) NULL,

[Code] ....

Just as a single varchar(max) field.

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SQL 2012 :: Server Clustered Availability Group

Jul 30, 2014

I have 2, 2 node clusters

PROD1(cluster 1) Clustered SQL instance1
PROD2(cluster 1)
DR 1 (cluster 2) Clustered SQL insatace 2
DR 2 (cluster 2)

I have set an availability group up from the PROD instance to the DR instance.How does the AG behave if a SQL instance fails at PROD? Does it try to fail over to Node 2 on Prod before going over to DR? or bring the Replica at DR online straight away? Can we only use Manual Failover of the AG in this scenario to make use of the High Availability of the Windows cluster?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Group By Part Of String

Jan 8, 2015

I am trying to make a query that will group my errors messages together - my problem is that each of the error messages is unique, due to them having an unique id in them.

"GROUP BY LIKE '%ThePartToGroupBy%'"

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Schedule A Job To Run At Different Intervals

Jul 31, 2014

Is there a way to schedule a sql job to run at different intervals

For eg:
The job should run at
7:00 Am
8:00 AM
and then at 10:00 Am

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SQL Server 2008 :: Time Differences Between Different Intervals?

Apr 30, 2015

how can I get the time differences between them.Let's say , a person who click on break @ 12:00 PM and he is back and select I am back option @ 12:15 the total break time is 15 minutes. However, can I display this difference of break time.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Top X% From Group Based On Total?

Mar 21, 2014

What I need to do it select the top 80 percent of records per group based on the group total. To be clear I am not trying to just grab the top x percent of rows.

Table 1:

DealerID RepairID
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
1 10
2 11
2 12
2 13

Table 2:

RepairID Tire
1 225/65R17 102T
2 225/65R17 102T
3 225/65R17 102T
4 235/60R18 102V
5 235/60R18 102V
6 235/60R18 102V
7 235/60R18 102V
8 205/55R16 89H
9 205/70R15 89H
13 225/65R17 102T

Table 1 has the total number of repair orders per dealer. This can be obtained by simply grouping on DealerID and counting the number of RepairIDs.

Table 2 has information on some of the repair orders and it is needed to select the top 80% of tire sizes. This table will be joined to Table 1 and grouped by DealerID and Tire.

Desired Output:

DealerIDTire RepairsOfThisTireRepairCount PercentOfTotalRepairOrders
1 235/60R18 102V4 10 40
1 225/65R17 102T3 10 30
1 205/55R16 89H1 10 10
2 225/65R17 102T1 3 33

The equation I am given to calculate the top tires per dealer is as follows: Total # of tires for the size / Total # of repair orders per dealer.

Here is what I have so far though I think I might have to rewrite all of it.

DealerID ,
INTO #TotalDealerRepairOrders


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SQL Server 2012 :: Range Group Summary Of Particular Column

Jun 3, 2014

I have column which stores People count based on department, Now I want to keep them in the batch of 1000, If the running summary of (No of people) from departments reached 1000 then it should start sum(no of people) from 0 to 1000

Is there any running summary kind of function which can start sum record with in range of 0-1000

For Ex. My Data stored like this
Dept People Count
CSE 200
IT 250
EEE 312
ECE 214
MEC 337

Batch Grouping
Dept People Count BatchSum
CSE 200 200
IT 250 450
EEE 312 762
ECE 214 976
MEC 337 337 (Note here since its crossing 1000, its resetting and starting summary)

I implemented this with While Loop & if condition, But its very slow, is there any other way to achieve it in better way.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Pivot Column To Rows Within A Group

Dec 18, 2014

I need to convert the column to rows but within group. example

Group Name Value
p a 1
p b 2
p c 3
p d 4
q a 5
q b 6
q d 7
r a 8
r b 9
r c 10
r d 11

This need to be transposed to :

Group a b c d

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SQL Server 2012 :: Missing Months In A GROUP BY Statement

Jan 20, 2015

I am trying to get a count by product, month, year even if there are is no record for that particular month.

Current outcome:
Product Month Year Count
XYZ January 2014 20
XYZ February 2014 14
XYZ April 2014 34

Desired outcome:
Product Month Year Count
XYZ January 2014 20
XYZ February 2014 14
XYZ March 2014 0
XYZ April 2014 34

The join statement is simple:
Select Product, Month, Year, Count(*) As Count
From dbo.Products
Group By Product, Month, Year

I have also tried the following code and left joining it with my main query but the product is left out as is seen:

SELECT @StartDate = '20140101', @EndDate = '20141231';
WITH dt(dt) AS
n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [object_id]) - 1
FROM sys.all_objects ORDER BY [object_id] ) AS n

2nd attempt:
Product Month Year Count
XYZ January 2014 20
XYZ February 2014 14
NULL March 2014 0
XYZ April 2014 34

What I want is this (as is shown above). Is this possible?

Desired outcome:
Product Month Year Count
XYZ January 2014 20
XYZ February 2014 14
XYZ March 2014 0
XYZ April 2014 34

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SQL Server 2012 :: Automatically Adding New Databases To Availability Group

Oct 28, 2013

automatically replicates new databases to Availability Group partners - if you do a little prep work on your environment first.To make it work:

1) Create linked servers on all group members pointing to all other servers in the group, with names matching the hostnames they represent.
2) Ensure suitable credentials (or 'current context' impersonation) for linked servers. Also: Enable RPC and RPC OUT
3) Run the DDL code below.
4) Schedule hadr_replicate_queue on [master] to run as often as you want initial syncs to occur. Every 5-10 minutes is plenty for most purposes.
5) Connect to an availability group listener and call CREATE DATABASE :)

I use a slightly more extended version of this code at home to do things like permissions synchronization across replicas - I essentially allow applications to install direct to an availability group replica and then have all the relevant objects replicate to other nodes. I don't really like going through manually and doing things, even though there's an AddIn from SQLSkills for management studio - it still requires manual intervention.

The main use I have for this at home is that I'm using the Azure pack, and want to automatically ensure that my newly created 'SQL Server Cloud' databases are highly available, plus it means when I install a non-alwayson aware product it doesn't require any extra work afterwards to allow failover to another machine.

* AlwaysOn Self-Population Script
* By: Steve Gray / steve@mostlyharmful.net
* Usage: Free, but buy me a beer if you're ever in Brisbane.
USE [master]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name='hadr_pending_replicate')


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SQL Server 2012 :: Assigning A (Group ID) Based On Consecutive Values?

Jul 31, 2014

I have a data set that looks something like like this:

Row# Data
1 A
2 B
3 B
4 A
5 B
6 B
7 A
8 A
9 A

I need wanting to assign a group ID to the data based on consecutive values. Here's what I need my data to look like:

Row# Data GroupID
1 A 1
2 B 2
3 B 2
4 A 3
5 B 4
6 B 4
7 A 5
8 A 5
9 A 5

You'll notice that there are only two values in DATA but whenever there is a flip between them, the GroupID increments.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Group Near Duplicate Records Under A New Common Field

Aug 26, 2015

I've inherited a table of members that has the following structure:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dimMember](
[dimMemberId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[dimSourceSystemId] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_dimMember_dimSourceSystemId] DEFAULT ((-1)),
[MemberCode] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

Based on the way the data loads into the table there's a possibility of some records being near duplicates of each other. For example, we can have a member that has records that have the same first name, last name, SSN, but different addresses, membercodes, subscribercode etc... This can happen in pretty much any variation thereof.

What I want to do, is add a new column and use that to group the similar records under based on comparing on several columns. By this I mean, if a member matches 4 of the 7 values below with another member, we would group these:

First Name (1st 3 characters)
Last Name

I'm at a loss of how to structure the SQL to update the new column in the table.

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