on which the following query is based. I need to build indexes so that the query will perform better. Now its very slow..
SELECT DISTINCT C.[afflt_cust_natl_key],[as_of_dt]
FROM [dbo].[SF_Affiliate_Customer] C
( [afflt_intrnl_cust_ind] = 'N'
AND [afflt_empl_ind] = 'N'
AND (ISNULL([phys_addr_st_rgn_cd],'')<>'CA' AND ISNULL([mlng_addr_st_rgn_cd],'')<>'CA')
What are driving criteria for creating filtered indexes on SQL server. I am trying to analyze the index stats through DMV,histogram and have to analyze if the filtered indexes should be created on tables. This exercise has to be done for all the transaction tables on the database. What are the approaches I should be looking on?
There was a deadlock on the DB because of huge writes on one of the big tables. Having filtered index on this table for the effected column would reduce the time taken for write operations. Hence we are looking for creating filtered indexes appropriately
I have a SSRS report with 6 columns each column containing count of total# of applicants meeting certain criteria. User want to click on each column and see the basic information and also want to get the ability to export the data into excel.
I know that I can create 6 drillthrough reports with basic information of applicants and link it to the count from each column respectively but I was wondering if it is possible to write a Stored procedure with all 6 select queries and execute only 1 select query based on the column that user clicks on main report ?
I have a scenario where I have 3 columns and all 3 of them are used in the where clauses of simple queries or ones having joins .
TABLE( Column1 int FLAG1 bit FLAG2 bit )
Sample queries :
Select * from TABLE where FLAG1 =1 and FLAG2 =0 (Any combination of these flags) Select * from TABLE inner join SOMEOTHERTABLE on TABLE.Column1 = SOMEOTHERTABLE .Column1 where FLAG1 =1 and FLAG2 =0
( any join and combination of flags)
Questions :
What would be the best nonclustered index strategy :
Column1 as the index key including FLAG1 and FLAG2 or Column1,FLAG1 and FLAG2 in the index key
Points to note :
The queries are part of an ETL process and are used to track new records vs old records. The Flags switch states within the same job . So if we are creating an index on all 3 columns, the index has to be reorganized more than once based on the flag states. If we keep them in the include list , then its only about updating the leaf data with the latest flag values.
On the other hand, an index on all 3 columns will result in an index Seek alone , where as for the included list , there will be an index seek and a predicate .
Does the predicate cause more overhead than reorganizing the index or is it the opposite ?
I have a set of data spread across a number of tables regarding stock market data. An example of this follows:
Market Capitalization...
Date CompA CompB 01/01/11 100 5 02/01/11 102 4
Share Price....
Date CompA CompB 01/01/11 100 100 02/01/11 101 99
Event Data...
Date Company 01/01/11 CompA 02/01/11 CompB
Pretty simply, I need a way to retrieve the market capitalisation and share price data based on the event data. So for instance I say 'oh, there is an event on the 01/01/11 involving company A, the market capitalisation on this day was 100, then for the next event it was 4 for company B.
I can also transpose the data so that the company name is in the rows and the dates in the columns for the market cap and share price tables, but this leads to the issue that when I try and get the data, I don't know how to query the correct company for that date.
For instance: SELECT Event.Date, Event.Company FROM Event
how do I now say.....
SELECT MarketCapitalisation.Column WHERE Column = Event.Company AND MarketCapitalisation.Date = Event.Date.
I have played around with a few basic joins, but I am having issue with the principle of that second to last line of SQL (so only getting the correct column).
I still have a copy of the data in excel so can flip things around as needed, but that would only mean that I would have the issue of WHERE Column = Event.Date instead of Event.Company.
It's often said or done that when inserting or updating into a 'large' table that disabling the non-clustered indexes can is needed for performance.
Now I know the obvious way to find out if this is best or not is by testing the different options. I was wondering if there was a rule of thumb to this?
Say you have a table with half a billion rows and 4 non-clustered indexes and are only updating half a million rows then sometimes disabling every night and re-enabling can take way more time than the actual update. Haven't found an articles advising to disable them when a table is over X rows and you are updating Y% of them...
My index reorganise maintenance plan fails partly due to the disabled indexes
Executing the query "ALTER INDEX [I_ModelSecurityCommon_RECID] ON [dbo]...
" failed with the following error: "Cannot perform the specified operation on disabled index 'I_ModelSecurityCommon_RECID' on table 'dbo. Model SecurityCommon'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I don't want to delete the indexes as they are standard indexes that where on the DB from install.. any script that will reorganise all enabled indexes? and also to rebuild?
We have customer accounts that we measure usage. We want to run a report for all customers whose current usage is 0 and a count of how many months it has been zero consecutively. Here is an example.
I have the table below and want to show the prop_code if the rent_review_date count is less than 1 in 12 months. This means to show only propcode if there has not been any rent update since the first rent_review_date
DECLARE @table TABLE ( Prop_Code INT ,Current_Rent INT ,Revised_Rent INT ,Rent_Review_Date varchar(10) ,Rent_Review_Time DATEtime)
There is a STIG Check that does not allow grant "Connect SQL" directly to any logins except SQL System and the SA account. My way of resolving this is to do the following:
Step One: We create a Server Role called SQL_APPLICATIONS – for the application accounts We create a Server Role called SQL_DBA – for the DBA accounts and give them direct “Connect SQL’ server permissions. MAKE THE ROLE OWNER = sysadmin (group)
Note: I think that creating a Server Role is only available starting with SQL Server 2012, but not sure. I am using SQL 2012
Step two: I add the members (Logins - SQL & Windows) – in this case any application accounts and DBA accounts to the new roles respectively
Step three: I remove the “Connect SQL” Permission from each Login
The first problem i noticed is that the maintenance plans failed with "The owner domainusername of job db_backup does not have server access.I am currently using a test system and wondered If you think I will have trouble with the application connecting when I try and implement on the production systems.
--I want to filter out S-SQLXX.NA.SN.ORG because S-SQLXX.NA.SN.ORG is a duplicate of S-SQLXX eliminating .NA.SN.ORG from it.
--I want to filter out S-SQLYY.NA.SN.ORG because S-SQLYY.NA.SN.ORG is a duplicate of S-SQLYY eliminating .NA.SN.ORG from it.
--However I want to keep S-SQLCL-HR and S-SQLCL-MIS in my list of names as they do not have .NA.SN.ORG as a part of their name
--I want ONLY these returned IN the SELECT
SELECT * FROM #Names WHERE ID IN (1,3,5,6) DROP TABLE #Names
I am trying to update records based on the results of a query with a subquery.
The result set being produced shows the record of an item number. This result produces the correct ItemNo which I need to update. The field I am looking to update is an integer named Block.
When I run the update statement all records are updated and not the result set when I run the query by itself.
Below is the code I am using in an attempt to update the block column but it updates all records and not the ones which I need to have the Blocked field set to 1.
Update #items set Blocked = 1 Where Exists ( SELECT ItemNo=MAX(CASE rn WHEN 1 THEN ItemNo END) --,SearchNo --,COUNT(*)
[Code] ...
Why is the update changing each record? How can I change the update to choose the correct records?
Now, on the above query I want to insert three extra columns with the name (status, location and contact) where the results in the extra three columns would be based on the conditions I want to define in the query based on the above results…
Something for example (I am not trying to write a condition: my question is how to write it),
if column_code1 = RO1 and column_description2 = PDF/ECOPY on status column it should return a value ‘ONLINE’ & on location column it should return ‘WEB’ and on contact column it should write ‘BOB’.
Also, if column_code1 = RO5 and column_description1 = JOURNAL on status column it should return a value ‘ON PRESS FOR PRINT’ & on location column it should return ‘S.R STREET, LONDON’ and on contact column it should write ‘SMITH’ like below result…so the final output should be the top four columns and the extra three columns…
See the attachment for better formatting...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status location contact --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONLINE WEB BOB ON PRESS FOR PRINT S.R STREET, LONDON SMITH
What I need to do it select the top 80 percent of records per group based on the group total. To be clear I am not trying to just grab the top x percent of rows.
Table 1 has the total number of repair orders per dealer. This can be obtained by simply grouping on DealerID and counting the number of RepairIDs.
Table 2 has information on some of the repair orders and it is needed to select the top 80% of tire sizes. This table will be joined to Table 1 and grouped by DealerID and Tire.
I've two tables A, B. In A table, I need to define the primary key with combination of 2 columns and this Primary Key will be a foreign key in table B. Based on these PK and FK I'll be writing a join to get the second column in table B.
My question is based on the Level, I want to append that many _(underscores) before the name.
Eg : for level 3 I want the name as ___AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD.
I was thinking to insert this into a temp table and call a while statement based on the number.
I am wanting to creating a column based on a value in a flatfile, and insert that value into the destination table...
I have a flatfile and a oledb destination, I dropped a script component on the dataflow tab, and I am wanting to take an existing field and create a for lack of a better word, "CODE" field based on that value. How would I accomplish this?
Example--- where description = Test1 code = 1, Test2 code = 2, and same thing for Test3
DECLARE @Date SET @Date = 2012 DECLARE @Year int SET @Year = (SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)) SELECT @Year AS Year --SELECT * -- FROM [Orders].[dbo].[Orders] od -- WHERE .Orderl_Date < @Date; ----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)= @Year ----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,od.Order_Date)= @ArchiveYear
I want to write a query that will cycle through the results and if it comes across another record that has a matching Table.ID I want to exclude that row from the result set.
I am not all too familiar with how to use either a Case or If..Else Statement within a Sql statement that would accomplish this.
I have a table that has multiple transactions for stock items.
This table holds all records relating to items that are inducted onto the system and there movement. For each stock item i am interested in getting the drop destination, if it has one, and only when it follows the sequential order of "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" (this sequence isn't always the case). Also note the CreatedDate for the Inducted and OnTransport records for the valid sequences are always the same. Below is a valid sequence for a stock item so i would want to return 'Lane01' for the Destination of this occurrence of the stock item, if this item didn't have a valid drop location then destination would be blank. Also note each stock item can be inducted more than one time per-day.
I think i have managed to build the below sql but it will only do one item at a time, so would have to wrap it in a function. Is there a way of writing a set based select statement that gets all the inducted items and for the ones that do follow the "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" return the destination it was dropped at? I've attached scrips below:
INSERT INTO MAIN VALUES ('1000', '1/1/2014',3000,1000,700,1500) INSERT INTO MAIN VALUES ('1000', '3/5/2014',1000,2000,650,200) INSERT INTO MAIN VALUES ('1000', '5/10/2014',500,5000,375,125) INSERT INTO MAIN VALUES ('1000', '11/20/2014',100,2000,400,300) INSERT INTO MAIN VALUES ('1000', '8/20/2014',100,3500,675,1300)
We have a database and have 6-7 growing tables. All the tables have Primary and foreign key relation. I want to do partition based on the date column.
I need 3 partitions
First partition has to hold present data second partition need to hold the previous year data (SAS storage) Third partition need to hold all the old data and need to be in the archive database
I understand that first we need to disable the constraints (Indexes PK & FK) Then create partition function and partition schema Then Create the Constraints again
I am working on a sql data that has a list of product names, shipment type and the count of shipments. The values are listed as rows in the database. it will be in the below format.I want to transpose only the shipment type and the corresponding count of each product name in the below format.I tried to do this but i am not able to achieve in the correct format.
I have a requirement regarding a color combination data. I have a lookup table that holds a colorid, p1, p2, p3, p4 to p8 which will be having colors Red, Green and Amber. P1 to P8 columns holds these three colors based on their combinations.
I have attached the look up table data for reference.I need to pass the color values to p1 to p8 and need to retrieve the color id based on the passed color. If we pass values for all p1 to p8 then it is easy to get the color code, however it will not happen. The passed values may be dynamic. ie we will not have all 8 values all the times. sometimes we will have 2 colors passed, sometimes 5 colors will be passed.
If i pass only two colors say red and red, i need the color id of only the row that has red and red for p1 and p2 alone. i dont want want all the colorid's that has red and red in p1 and p2 and some other colors in p3 to p4.
The exact colorid of the combination must be returned on passing the values to p1 and p2.I am passing Red and Red as values to P1 and P2. In the look up table we can have 10 rows that has red and red i p1 and p2 like
So the result must have only the colorid 1 and not all the colorid's listed above. when I pass 3 red as values for p1, p2, p3 then the result must be 10. Colorid 1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 must not come in the result.I need a function or procedure that will accept the arguments and provide me the result based on the values.
I have a client data which has the candidate id, a start date which will have only the date in varchar format and a time value associated to that date in varchar format in a seperate column.
To give a brief explanation about the data a candidate will come to study center at any time point in a day for example 10:00 AM on 20-10-2014. The start date will be 20-10-2014 and from 10:00 AM he will have test based on the time point. So if the time point is 2 HR, then at 12:00 PM he will have a test. If the time point is 8 HR, it will get added with 10:00 AM and based on this he will have the test at 06:00 PM. When the timepoint reaches 00:00 the start date needs to be the next date instead of 20-10-2014.
The start date needs to be appended with the time value such that when it crosses over the time 00:00, the start date needs to get increased by 1 ie the next day. I have added the start date to the time by using the code below
CAST(STARTDATE as datetime) + CAST(CAST(STUFF([TIME],3,0,':') as time(0)) as datetime) as [EXPECTEDDATETIME]
By this above code i have created the expected datetime however
I will not be able to hardcode the value due to dynamic data. I tried to apply >= and < to the time value something like
case when MyTime >= '00:00' and MyTime < '08:10' the Dateadd(day, 1, date)
This works perfect but my concern is that I cannot put the value 08:10 because it will not a constant value for all rows.
I have provided a screenshot of my data and a expected date column for reference.
create table dbo.#Status( ID varchar(50), Status varchar(50), EffectiveStartDate datetime, EffectiveEndDate datetime, Is_Current bit
I want result as the attached image.
Create table query for result is: CREATE TABLE dbo.#Result( ID varchar(50), Fee varchar(100), Bill varchar(50), A_Date date, B_Date date, Status VARCHAR(50), EffectiveStartDate datetime, EffectiveEndDate datetime )