SQL Server 2012 :: Joining Table To Itself To Get Most Recent Date As Well As Additional Fields
Mar 11, 2014
I am querying a table log file in an attempt to get the most recent status of an item. The items can have a variety of different statuses:
(A = Active, R = Repeat, L = liquidation......)
Here is a sample of the data I am trying to report off of:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item_status](
[item_number] [varchar](20) NULL,
[sku] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Field_Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Old_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[New_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[Change_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL
I have tried join to the same table - but I am still unable to get it to work.
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Jul 15, 2014
I need to get all customer records with the most recent tDate. A customer should never have duplicate tDate records, as only one record per day is allowed per customer, yet there somehow there are duplicates. Given this, I need to get the record with the Max date and Max ID. the ID column is an auto-incrementing Identity column.Below is the code without the Max ID column logic
SELECT tCustID, MAX(tDate) AS tDate--get MAX tDate records
FROM table1
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Jul 23, 2014
I have the following tables in my DB
Employee table - This table has EmployeeID, Name, DOB.
EmployeeDesignation table - 1 Employee can have many designations with each having an effective date. There is no flag to indicate which among multiples is the current entry. You can only figure it out by the newest/oldest EffectiveDate. I want to get the most recent and the oldest for each employee.
EmployeeSalaryHistory table - Structure/Design is similar to EmployeeDesignation table. I want to get the starting salary and current salary for each employee.
I want my query to output me the following fields...
Here is a piece of code to generate sample data sets
DECLARE @Employee TABLE (EmployeeID INT, EmployeeName VARCHAR (100), EmployeeDOB DATE)
INSERT @Employee VALUES (101, 'James Bond', '07/07/1945'), (102, 'Tanned Tarzan', '12/13/1955'), (103, 'Dracula Transylvanian', '10/22/1967')
DECLARE @EmployeeDesignation TABLE (EmployeeID INT, Designation VARCHAR (100), EffectiveDate DATE)
INSERT @EmployeeDesignation VALUES (101, 'Bond Intern', '01/01/1970'), (101, 'Bond Trainee', '01/01/1975'), (101, 'Bond...James Bond', '01/01/1985')
[Code] ....
Currently, I have a query to get this done which looks as below. Since I have more than 8K employees with each having multiple Designation and Salary entries, my query is taking forever.
selecte.EmployeeID, e.EmployeeName, e.EmployeeDOB,
(select top 1 Designation from @EmployeeDesignation ed where ed.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID Order By EffectiveDate) EmployeeStartingDesignation,
(select top 1 Designation from @EmployeeDesignation ed where ed.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID Order By EffectiveDate Desc) EmployeeCurrentDesignation,
[Code] ....
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Apr 15, 2015
Have a table that list item#, date the standard cost went into effect and the standard cost. How do I find the difference in StdCost on the last EffectiveDate and second to last EffectiveDate. 5.59 (01/05/2015) minus 5.81 (09/29/.014) = -.22.
Item# EffectiveDate StdCost
1152 01/01/2009 5.50
1152 09/29/2014 5.81
1152 04/04/2011 5.56
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Jun 16, 2014
I am working on a query that needs to return the record order number with the most recent requested delivery date.
It seems to work most of the time, but I have found some glitches for some of the items.
example is my item 10702, it is showing 2 records (both valid ones)
Record 1 is order # 10450-0, requested delivery date 03/21/2014
Record 2 is order # 10510-0, requested delivery date 04/29/2014
I need to only get the records with the most recent delivery date, in this example that would be 04/29/2014
This query is what I have so far:
s.SalesQuoteNumberAS 'PriorQuoteNumber'
WHERE s.rn = 1What am I missing in my query> how can I change it so it only returns the most recent date?
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Apr 23, 2008
Could anybody help me with the following scenario:
Table 1 Table2
ID,Date1 ID, Date2
I would like to link the two tables and receive all records from table2 joined on ID and the record from table1 that has the most recent date.
Table1 data Table2 Data
ID Date1 ID Date2
31 1/1/2008 31 1/5/2008
34 1/4/3008 31 4/1/2008
31 3/2/2008
The first record in table2 would only link to the first record in table1
The second record in table2 would only link to the third record in table1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 26, 2015
Say you have a fact table with a few columns that all reference the same key column in a dimension table, you want to write a view to return the information for those keys?
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.FactTemp' ,'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.FactTemp;
[Code] ....
I'm using very small data at the moment, and the query plan and statistics don't really say which way.
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Feb 21, 2014
This is my table:
ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/12/14 451
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 495
2 Oracle OR Software Info 01/24/14 279
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 310
2 Oracle ORL Software Info 01/25/14 219
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 600
MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
37.5623 Yes NE NA
41.2365 No N NA
23.2568 Yes OR InProgress
25.8333 Yes ORL NA
18.2189 Yes SOF Approved
50.0000 No IT RejectedExpected Output:
ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 946
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 589
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 819
MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
78.7988 No N NA
49.0901 Yes ORL NA
68.2189 No IT Rejected
I want to pick the recent modified date for DepCode and sum Yearly and Monthly Amount. I have tried this query and not able to get the output. This is the single table.
select B1.[ID], B1.[AppName], B1.[DepCode], B1.[DepName], B1.[Group],
B2.ModifiedDate, B2.YearlyAmount, B2.MonthlyAmount,
B1.[FuBded], B1.[AppCategory], B1.[Research]
FROM Business B1
(select [ID], MAX(ModifiedDate) as ModifiedDate, SUM(YearlyAmount) as YearlyAmount,
SUM(MonthlyAmount) as MonthlyAmount
from Business
Group by ID) B2
ON B1.ID = B2.ID AND B1.ModifiedDate = B2.ModifiedDate
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Sep 19, 2015
The "Last" function in the query below (line 4 & 5) is not exactly what I'm after. The last function finds the last record in that table, but i need to find the most recent record in the table according to a date field.
Last(tblclassificationhistory.classificationid) AS LastOfclassificationID,
Last(tblsquadhistory.squadid) AS LastOfsquadID,
[Code] ....
The query below finds the most recent record in a table according to a date field, my problem is i dont know how to integrate this Query into the above to replace the "Last" function
SELECT a.inmateID,
SELECT tblClassificationHistory.inmateID,
[Code] .....
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May 30, 2015
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
I have table containing 5 columns.
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Nov 2, 2015
I have some transactions with the same card number that needs to add value amount to its existing balance. For example:
Card Number Balance Amount Issue Date Issue Branch.
4000111122223333 $100.00 10/1/2015 123 <= This is an existing row in Card Number SQL table.
Now, the same card number with additional $50 dollars that I want to add to this card number to make the total to become $150. This additional $50 is from another transaction table. On the contrary, I will have -$20 from the same card number in different transaction that I will need to deduce $150-$20 to become $130. How can I update the card number table with debit/credit transactions to keep the outstanding balance?
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Sep 10, 2015
I have two tables. Status and Fourhistory tables.Status table contains a status column with effectivestart and end dates as history. This column is having history at month level.
Fourhistory table maintains 4 columns as part of history with the use of effectivestart and end dates. Here history capturing is at day level.
Desired Result: I want to merge the status column into FourHistory table.Below i have given some possible sample scenarios which i face and the third table contains the expected ouput.how to achieve this in T-SQL query.
create table dbo.#Status(
ID varchar(50),
Status varchar(50),
EffectiveStartDate datetime,
EffectiveEndDate datetime,
Is_Current bit
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Dec 28, 2006
I am attempting to add additional fields and data to the default users database that is created as a result of enabling roles on my website. Is it possible to add additional data fields to this file? Where can I find the commands to do this?
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Feb 18, 2008
I am looking to sum the dollar amounts spent by customer for their last five visits (actually looking for avg. spend in the last five trips).
So we are dealing with three fields: CustID, Date, Cost
I've had to do it the HARD way -- Crystal Report with running total fields numbering the five most recent trips (essentially rowID by group) and summing the $ figure; export to Access the entire report (1,000,000 records), and delete every record where the running rowID <> 5
There has to be a straightforward way to do this.
Any Top N query I've seen doesn't seem to be able to return a field other than the one sorting on. This is most annoying.
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Feb 23, 2015
I have a table full of service invoice records. Some of the invoices are continuous, meaning that there may be an invoice from 01-16-2015 through the end of that month, but then another invoice that starts on feb 1 and goes for 6 months.
I want to only pull the most recent. Keep in mind that there may be other invoices in the same table for a different period. An example might be:
FromDate ToDate Customer Number Contract Number
02/01/2015 07/31/2015 2555 456
01/15/2015 01/31/2015 2555 456
04/01/2013 09/30/2015 2555 123
03/13/2013 03/31/2013 2555 123
From this table, I would like a query that would give me this result:
01/15/2015 07/31/2015 2555 456
03/13/2013 09/30/2015 2555 123
There will likely be more than just 2 consecutive records per contract number.
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Apr 2, 2015
So I have a query that need to find the most recent datetime record each day for a customer. So I have a query that looks like this:
[dbo].[DecisionHistoryItem] as dhi WITH(NOLOCK)
[Code] ....
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Jan 13, 2015
I am trying to select data from table that have YYMM as table names, they are formatted table1410,table1411, table1412. I am trying to format it like this
declare @tablename60 varchar(50) = 'table' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(YY,dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)),3,4) + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(MM,dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as varchar(2)),1,2)
But this is hard coding the YYMM, and I would like to have it pull 30,60,90 days fromthe first of the current month. I am having a bit of trouble formatting, how to accomplish this.
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Oct 7, 2015
How do you Write an expression to Return the date value based on the most recent date only?
Eg. Date 10-7-2015, action - done, notes - all items fixed.
Date 4-5-2016, action - not yet done, notes - buying parts
All these dates are returned based on a search parameter based on a project number. I only want the most current date and associated fields displayed.
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Dec 23, 2014
I need to create a table which holds date information for our financial year.
I have all the dates between now and 2045 and the start of the week and the end of the week. What I also have is the first sunday of the previous week in the spreadsheet too.
Please see below attachment
What I need to autofill once I import these three dates into a database is the week and the month.
The difficulty surrounding the month is that, we start a new month on the FIRST Sunday of the month.
So dates 07/04/14 to 04/05/2014 would be month 1.
Month 2 would begin on 05/05/2014 as it is the day after the first Sunday of the month, and so on....Month 5 would start on the 04/08/14.
Need to script something that would automatically calculate the week and month for me on the basis on above, if I have the start date, end date and 1st sunday already in a table?
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Mar 16, 2015
I have a table with EmployeeID, StartDate, and EndDate with a PK of EmployeeID, StartDate. How can I check to see that there's no overlap for StartDate and EndDate for a given employee? That is, on any given day there must only be 1 row for an employee where Getdate() is Between StartDate and EndDate. For an active employee their EndDate is set to 06/06/2079.
I've tried it using Row_Number() with Over() but am returning too many rows indicating overlap when none exists.
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Aug 12, 2014
I have 2 queries where I select all accounts with bill code in 'bmonit' example ('12','39','124','1FA') then I also have a Select where the same account might have additional services, that are not in example ('12','39','124','1FA') and for these accounts I need to just put a 'Y' if stop_date is null.
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Aug 25, 2014
We have a database and have 6-7 growing tables. All the tables have Primary and foreign key relation. I want to do partition based on the date column.
I need 3 partitions
First partition has to hold present data
second partition need to hold the previous year data (SAS storage)
Third partition need to hold all the old data and need to be in the archive database
I understand that first we need to disable the constraints (Indexes PK & FK)
Then create partition function and partition schema
Then Create the Constraints again
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Oct 30, 2014
I have a table (we will cal DateTable) with several (20) columns, each being a date type. Another table's (Project) PK is referenced in the DateTable.
I am trying to write a query that will pull all dates for a specific project from the DateTable if they meet certain criteria(i.e. if the date is <= 7 days from now.
I started with a normal select statement selecting each column with a join to the project and then a where clause using
(DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()) OR (DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE())) ...
The rest of the columns(all with OR between them).
The problem with this is that because I am using OR once one of the dates meets the criteria it selects all the dates that are associated with the project. I ONLY want the dates that meet the criteria and don't care about the rest.
Obviously because I have all the columns in the select statement... So I need something like
Select ALL Columns
from DateTable d
Join Project p
where p.ProjectID = d.ProjectID AND only dates BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()))
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May 12, 2015
I have a date that I need to add 'n' number of business days to. I have a calendar table that has a 'IsBusinessDay' flag, so it would be good if I was able to use this to get what I need. I've tried to use the 'LEAD' function in the following way;
SELECT A. Date, B.DatePlus3BusinessDays
LEFT JOIN (Select DateKey, LEAD(DateKey,3) OVER (ORDER BY datekey) AS DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM Calendar WHERE IsBusinessDay = 1) B ON A.DateKey = B.DateKey
Problem with this is that because I am filtering the Calendar for business days only, when there is a date that is not a business day in TableA, a NULL is being returned.
Is there any way to do a conditional LEAD, so it skips rows that are not business days? Or do I have do go with a completely different approach?
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Dec 9, 2014
We have Three Tables in sqlserver2012
Master Table
OrderID PackageID CustomerName
1 1 Abc
2 2 Bcd
3 1 xyz
Child1 Table
OrderID ControlName
1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
Child2 Table
PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3
1 Pant Red Green Blue
1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple
1 Gown Blue Black Yellow
1 T Shirt Red Green White
2 Tie Red Green White
2 Socks Red Green White
2 Bow Red Green White
We want to have result like
OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow
1 1 ABC Red Blue White x x
2 2 Bcd x x x Green Red
I have tried
;with mycte as (
select ms.OrderID,ms.PackageID
, Replace(stuff([ControlName], charindex('Column',ControlName),len(ControlName),''),'Row','') rowNum
,Replace(stuff([ControlName], 1, charindex('Column',ControlName)-1 ,''),'Column','') columnNum
From child1 c inner join MasterTable ms on c.Orderid=ms.orderid)
it works if we have a product in one color only. like if we have pant in red and blue then its showing just first record
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Oct 21, 2013
the requirements are to return person ID with the most recent leaving date from a scheduled dept, who has previously arrived at an unscheduled dept within 7 days, but just now my query shows all the previous leaving dates within 7 days of that unscheduled dept arrival, I only want the last leaving date before the arrival at the unscheduled dept:
So for instance looking at a copy of one person's date below I have:
PersonID Last Dept Arrival Date To Last Dept Leaving Date From Last Dept Next Arrival Date to Unscheduled Dept
======== ================= ========================= =========================== =====================================
0106573268Dept 5 2013-03-01 2013-03-03 2013-03-05
0106573268Dept 6 2013-02-27 2013-02-27 2013-03-05
0106573268dept 2 2013-02-26 2013-02-26 2013-03-05
In the data above I only want to return the first row, which is the most recent leaving date before arrival at an unscheduled dept.
My query is much the same as before except my inline view is looking at the data for last scheduled leaves from depts in my inline view and also the outer query returning all arrivals to the unscheduled dept:
SELECT b.personID
,b.dept AS "Last leaving dept"
,b.arrival_Date as "arrival Date To Last dept"
,b.leaving_Date AS "leaving Date From Last dept",
a.[arrival Date] as "Next arrival Date to AREA_GH"
FROM Unscheduled_Arrival a INNER JOIN (SELECT *
FROM scheduled_Leaves
where [leaving date] is not null) b
ON a.Person_ID = b.Person_ID
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Jul 26, 2002
I am trying to join two tables and the datetime fields need to be part of the join. They contain times in the fields too. I just need them to join on the date part though. Is there maybe a way to just return the mm/dd/yyyy format and join on that? Any and all help is appreciated.
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Apr 26, 2006
I am trying to join two fields in a query in SQL 2000. For example.
Update myTable SET field_1 = @field_1_value , field_2 = @field_2_value, field_3 = @field_1_value + ' x ' + field_2_value
Is this even possible.
I want the user to input values for fields 1 and 2, then in the background combine the two and insert that value in field 3.
Thanks in advance,
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Feb 20, 2008
How can I create a Table whose one field will be 'tableid INT IDENTITY(1,1)' and other fields will be the fields from the table "ashu".
can this be possible in SQL Server without explicitly writing the"ashu" table's fields name.
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Apr 3, 2014
I have table like
45 vamsgui
87 praveen
32 vamshi
Above field mix with digits and character. I want to remove digits. I want o/p like ............
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Apr 20, 2008
need help on update from one table to another like this
this is my first table
this is my second table to insert into !
i need to insert to another table like this
single row for each day from start_date TO END_DATE
check each employee add row for each day
insert all employee one after one
ID fname new_date val_holiday
111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1
222 bbb 02/05/2008 3
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3
333 ccc 03/04/2008 4
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4
......................................................add row for each day
333 ccc 15/05/2008 4
TNX for help
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Feb 12, 2007
I have a sql 2005 dev ed running an application developed in vs.net 2005 C# I have several gridviews which have a field call first name and a field called lastname I need to put both the firstname and lastname in the same cell or colum row. I do not now how to join these. Can some one help me with a SQL query string that will do this for me.
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Sep 27, 2006
Question.I have a new table that I am adding to a script that I wrote. Thistable has 3 fields, the first 2 fields are used in the on statement asbeing = other fields in the script.The first field always has data in it, but the 2nd field is sometimesnull.So my problem is if both fields have data in them and they both matchto the data in the fields that I am linking them to, then it returnsthe 3rd field without a problem. However if the 2nd field is null thenit is returning a null for the 3rd field. I have checked and the fieldthat I am linking to is null also.So if I haveselect t1.field1, t1.field2, t2.field1, t2.field2, t2.field3from table1 t1join table2 t2on t1.field1=t2.field1 and t1.field2=t2.field2with 2 records in each tabletable1: record1: data, datarecord2: data, nulltable2: record1: data,data,datarecord2: data,null,datawhat I get from the script isrecord1: data, data,data,data,datarecord2: data,null,data,null,nullI would expectrecord2: data,null,data,null,dataI hope this makes sense, I didn't want to post the entire actual scriptas it is about 150 lines long.Thanks in advance.
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