SQL Server 2012 :: Open Rowset With Non CSV Or TXT Extension
Jul 18, 2014
My goal is to have a file (it comes from another system) that I want to import via an OPENROWSET style query.
The query would look like this:
select [NoName] from openrowset('MSDASQL'
,'Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)};
,'select * from "file.lst"')
If I make the file a .csv it works fine. However, if it has a not CSV or TXT extension it throws the following error and cannot seem to find a solution to it.
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.". Msg 7350, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)".
In addition, (although I can probably find this elsewhere), I need to have the first line 'BLANK' so that it does not miss data (there is no header row). Is there a way to use OPENROWSET without BULK to basically include all rows as data?
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Feb 5, 2015
I'm trying to store the output of my stored procedure into a temp table, which takes Table Type as Input.
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Employee] AS TABLE(
[Field] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Criteria] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Value] [varchar](50) NULL
declare @Employee dbo.Employee
insert into @Employee values(N'Salary',N'is greater than',N'3520')
SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'',''Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;'',''EXEC dbo.uspGetEmployee ' + @Employee + ')'
I need to create a stored procedure which uses output of the above stored procedure. Hence, I don't want to put declare and insert into OPENROWSET as I get those values as parameter to the new procedure.
Any other solution instead of using OpenRowSet.
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Jan 11, 2007
Hi..I am trying to read text file using OpenRowSet function for this my DBA was created linked Server with Name "DBLServerText", my text file path c:/txtcount.txt. Please guide me syntax any one have idea.
I don't have access on XP_CMDSHELL & BULK Insert commands.
DTS package is also not allowing.
as per my knowledge, I have only one option that is OpenRowset.
Please help me the syntax using with Linked Server. with Linked it is showing the error. " You don't have OLEDB access use with Linked server"
Pls guide me
Thanks in Advance..
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May 19, 2007
In OLEDB Destination, AccessMode as OpenRowset Using FastLoad raises the following error:
"Failed to open a fastload rowset db_object. Check that the object exists in the database"
db_object exists in the database. Is there any key point for the table or view used for fastload?
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May 6, 2015
i have recently ported an old asp.net web application using crystal reports 9 from windows server 2003 to windows server 2008 . the crystal reports smoothly at first but one of the reports stopped working when the admin changed his password now the report is showing error. Failed to open a rowset
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Aug 28, 2015
i got a error [OLE DB Destination [16]] Error: Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[tempMaster]". Check that the object exists in the database.
i am creating and doping this table in beginning after insert/update i will drop this table but this is error.i am using sql server 2008R2
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Oct 6, 2014
I have a bit of trouble getting values into one alias field, my code is below. I am trying to get values into the alias extension, Agent_ID is sometimes null, and so is agent_id2, however sometimes they both have values in them, and then only one of the values is every returned. When in the example below only Agent_ID (11111) is ever returned by I want both of them returned.
Agent_ID Agent_ID2
11111 22222
CASE WHEN [AGENT_ID] is not null then AGENT_ID
when agent_id2 is not null then agent_id2 end as extension
FROM [AA_Helper].[dbo].[tblEmpData]
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Nov 30, 2015
I have a source file as filename.mar it is microsoft access report. When I am loading into my database the file name was something like filename.nov (its current month).
When I ran the package its shows error system cannot find the file filename.nov.
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Sep 27, 2012
Is there a way to open EDI file in SQL Server and insert the data into tables?
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Mar 24, 2014
Looking to pass in the @targetDbName into the Open Query.
The target DB is PostGres and requires 2 single quotes around the dataset name.
I have tried many possible variations using the '+ @variableName +'
USE JonathanDB
declare @dqzDateVer int;
declare @targetDbName varchar(25);
select @targetDbName = DB_NAME();
select @dqzDateVer = dqz_date_ver FROM OPENQUERY(ofr_meta_db, 'select dqz_date_ver from ofr_registry.dataset_feed_state where dataset_name=''JonathanDB'' and state = ''Done'' order by row_iddesc limit 1');
print @dqzDateVer ;
print @targetDbName;
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Jan 5, 2015
when i click on the modify option on a stored procedure it is not opening for editing as earlier. it opens as if for scripting.for example i clicked modify procedure on stored proc. "text" and the result is as follows.
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[test] Script Date: 05/01/2015 7:50:08 PM ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[test]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
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Sep 3, 2015
Currently we are using Custom Delivery Extension for SSRS 2008R2 We are planning to move it SSRS2012
My Question is: Whether we can use the same Code used for SSRS2008R2 to SSRS2012?
if not what code changes we should do?
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Dec 9, 2014
How can I open .str file format in sql server. Is there any manual method to do so?
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Sep 2, 2014
When performing a backup I'm reciving the error message: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open backup device. Operating system error 5(error not found). (Microsoft.SqlServre.Smo)
This is backing up to a network location and I'm able to backup other database on the same server/instance without error so it shouldnt be a permissions issue?why I can backup some databases to this location and not others?
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Jun 28, 2012
Apparently this error was fixed in CU12 for SQL 2008, but it seems to have raised it's head again in SQL 2012.[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console.
I've got a client who is seeing it. but I've not seen a fix in CU1 or CU2 for 2012.
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Nov 8, 2007
I am working through this example:
I have following all the steps but I am getting this error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The designer extension DATASET could not be loaded. Check the configuration file RSReportDesigner.config.
I have doubled checked the edits I made to that config file. Rebooted, relaunched, etc. No matter what, I cannot get past that error message.
I am using a Win XP machine with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2. Just curious, but does express version support CDEs?
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Jan 9, 2008
I receive event ID 108 every day only once the first time I modify a subscription. We have two instances of Reporting Services on the same box in seperat SQL instances; one is native and the other is SharePoint integrated. The issue is with the native instance. The error information along with hardware and software information is below.
Does anyone know why this happens?
HP ML370G5
16 Gb Memory
2 quad 2.33 GHz processors (8 proc)
Each SQL instance and OS is on a seperate RAID 5
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise x64
SQL 2005 Enterprise x64
SharePoint 2007 Server x64
Event Log:
Source: Report Server (RPTSVR)
Time: 07:03:59 AM
Catagory: Extension
Event ID: 108
Type: Error
User: N/A
Report Server (RPTSVC) cannot load the Report Server DocumentLibrary extension.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.3054.00</Product>
<TimeZone>Mountain Standard Time</TimeZone>
<Path>C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.6Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServerWebApp__01_09_2008_07_10_30.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2</OSName>
w3wp!extensionfactory!8!1/9/2008-07:10:30:: w WARN: The extension Report Server Email does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
w3wp!extensionfactory!8!1/9/2008-07:10:30:: w WARN: The extension Report Server FileShare does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
ReportingServicesService!library!e!1/9/2008-06:57:09:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!library!e!1/9/2008-07:07:09:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!8!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling processing 1 more items. 1 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!15!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling processing item 04d50ca5-18f0-4682-93ab-b49477dbbb6b
ReportingServicesService!library!15!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: Schedule 05e34a46-907b-458d-9c07-36da30972508 executed at 1/9/2008 7:14:01 AM.
ReportingServicesService!schedule!15!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: ac0d6836-0cc3-47ca-b3c3-b9e5b2ca81f5
ReportingServicesService!library!15!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: Schedule 05e34a46-907b-458d-9c07-36da30972508 execution completed at 1/9/2008 7:14:01 AM.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!15!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling finished processing item 04d50ca5-18f0-4682-93ab-b49477dbbb6b
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!8!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling processing 1 more items. 1 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!1b!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling processing item 6b9e905d-5a23-4a62-a57c-bf305b87ddde
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!1b!1/9/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: EventPolling finished processing item 6b9e905d-5a23-4a62-a57c-bf305b87ddde
ReportingServicesService!library!15!01/09/2008-07:14:01:: i INFO: Initializing EnableIntegratedSecurity to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!15!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item cd3223b0-a028-4a5b-8b66-38597bc940e6
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!18!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item 596786d9-56e0-4c4c-89b0-4a22c1b2ebde
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!e!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item 2ff98f45-2d20-4a75-b329-6e7b15aa15f5
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!17!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item 0ee17614-c9a9-4d8b-844b-70d14bb52787
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!4!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item a2db68a4-7be0-4934-9036-90fe7eb4a7ec
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!8!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing 7 more items. 7 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!1e!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item e886fe71-9245-4c52-b74a-c6aead1b0b5c
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!19!1/9/2008-07:14:03:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item 5969a46c-6e21-4b09-9f5e-fc44f20b90bf
w3wp!library!8!01/09/2008-07:03:54:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/Canned IHIP/Overridden Billing).
w3wp!library!1!01/09/2008-07:03:54:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
w3wp!library!1!01/09/2008-07:03:54:: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/Canned IHIP/Overridden Billing, PathBased).
w3wp!library!c!01/09/2008-07:03:54:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
w3wp!library!a!01/09/2008-07:03:54:: Call to ListSubscriptionsAction(/Canned IHIP/Overridden Billing, null).
w3wp!library!c!01/09/2008-07:03:55:: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/Canned IHIP/Overridden Billing, PathBased).
w3wp!library!c!01/09/2008-07:03:55:: Call to ListEventsAction().
w3wp!library!8!01/09/2008-07:03:55:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
w3wp!library!a!01/09/2008-07:03:58:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
w3wp!library!b!01/09/2008-07:03:58:: Call to GetReportParametersAction(/Canned IHIP/Overridden Billing).
w3wp!library!8!01/09/2008-07:03:59:: Call to GetSubscriptionPropertiessAction(703bc2bc-fce7-4929-bb67-25641931a3b1).
w3wp!library!8!01/09/2008-07:03:59:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
w3wp!extensionfactory!8!01/09/2008-07:03:59:: e ERROR: Exception caught instantiating Report Server DocumentLibrary report server extension: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.SharePointDeliveryExtension.DocumentLibraryProvider' threw an exception. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ExtensionClassFactory.CreateExtensionObject(Extension extConfig).
w3wp!library!8!01/09/2008-07:03:59:: Call to ListChildrenAction(/, False).
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Apr 22, 2014
Getting the following warning in SSIS - SQL 2012:
[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console.
Microsoft had a fix for SQL Server 2008.
How to get around this in SQL 2012?
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Jul 1, 2014
Today we were trying to use restore wizard (recovery advisor) to restore a database which is over 80 GB, but the wizard won't load or start. However the wizard dialog box opens without any problems with all other databases stored in the instance. Is there any problem or reason to why the restore wizard won't come up?
This is SQL 2012 enterprise version we are running.
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Mar 23, 2015
I am looking for a plugin or way of detecting an open tran in SSMS that is visible indicator,
Select @@trancount
SSMS know you have an open tran when you attempt to close your SQL query window. Just looking for that to show or alert before that.
The context behind this is you given a script and its run on SQL and for some reason the tran is not committed. or rolled back.
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Aug 7, 2015
I have a bcp command that works in 2008 standard edition but not in sql 2012 developer edition.
I'm using the SA account in both cases to a local sql server.
Results are attached.
set nocount on
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
select @@version
exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell'
[Code] ......
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May 21, 2008
I'm having a heck of a time trying to access a SQL server database using Saxon's SQL extensions with the Microsoft SQL server JDBC driver. The Saxon XSL processor has implemented some SQL extensions that allow you to access a SQL database through a JDBC driver. I have Visual Studio 2005 professional with SQL server express installed on my workstation. The SQL server express installation is installed at the default 1433 port on my workstation, it has been setup to accept connections over TCP and has been configured to accept Windows authentication and SQL authentication. In addition, I have downloaded and installed Microsoft's JDBC driver for SQL server.
After installing the JDBC driver I added the JDBC sqljdbc.jar to my Java CLASSPATH. Then I built a simple Saxon XSL that made use of the SQL extensions:
Code Snippet
<xsl:transform version="2.0"
exclude-result-prefixes="java saxon xsd xsi xsl xfn xdt xqe"
extension-element-prefixes="saxon sql"
<xsl:output method="text" media-type="text/plain" encoding="utf-8" />
<xsl:preserve-space elements="*" />
<xsl:param name="jdbc.driver" as="xsd:string" select="string('com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver')" />
<xsl:param name="jdbc.database" as="xsd:string" select="string('jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=prototype')" />
<xsl:param name="jdbc.user" as="xsd:string" select="string('saxon')" />
<xsl:param name="jdbc.pass" as="xsd:string" select="string('*****')" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:when test="element-available('sql:connect')">
<xsl:variable name="sql.conn" as="java:java.sql.Connection">
<sql:connect driver="{$jdbc.driver}" database="{$jdbc.database}" user="{$jdbc.user}" password="{$jdbc.pass}">
<xsl:message terminate="yes">SQL extenstions are not installed</xsl:message>
<xsl:variable name="sql.employees" as="element()*">
<sql:query connection="$sql.conn" table="dbo.Employees" column="*" />
<xsl:sequence select="$sql.employees" />
<sql:close connection="$sql.conn" />
<xsl:message terminate="yes">sql:connect element is not available</xsl:message>
When I run the Java version of Saxon it issues a JDBC connection failure:
SXSQ0003: JDBC Connection Failure: The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed.
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported
After some discussion on the Saxon listserv, I hacked a sample in the Microsoft JDBC documentation to see whether a standard Java program could use the JDBC driver and access the database:
Code Snippet
import java.sql.*;
public class connectURL {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a variable for the connection string.
String connectionUrl = "" +
"jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1443" +
// Declare the JDBC objects.
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
// Establish the connection.
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, args[0], args[1]);
// Create and execute an SQL statement that returns some data.
String SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees";
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
// Iterate through the data in the result set and display it.
while (rs.next()) {
System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + " " + rs.getString(2) + " " + rs.getString(3) + " " + rs.getString(4));
// Handle any errors that may have occurred.
catch (Exception e) {
finally {
if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch(Exception e) {}
if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch(Exception e) {}
if (con != null) try { con.close(); } catch(Exception e) {}
This Java application accesses SQL server express and prints out the list of employees from the dbo.Employees table in the database:
Code Snippet
-- Create the table definition.
CREATE TABLE dbo.Employees
mgrid INT NULL REFERENCES dbo.Employees,
empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
CHECK (empid <> mgrid)
-- Insert test data.
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 1, NULL, N'David' , $10000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 2, 1, N'Eitan', $7000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 3, 1, N'Ina', $7500.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 4, 2, N'Seraph', $5000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 5, 2, N'Jiru', $5500.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 6, 2, N'Steve', $4500.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 7, 3, N'Aaron', $5000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 8, 5, N'Lilach', $3500.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 9, 7, N'Rita', $3000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 10, 5, N'Sean', $3000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 11, 7, N'Gabriel', $3000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 12, 9, N'Emilia', $2000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 13, 9, N'Michael', $2000.00 );
INSERT INTO dbo.Employees( empid, mgrid, empname, salary )
VALUES( 14, 9, N'Didi', $1500.00 );
-- Create unique index.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxManagerEmployee ON dbo.Employees( mgrid, empid );
Internally, Saxon uses almost the exact same code, e.g., three argument DriverManager.getConnection, but the call fails. Michael Kay, has indicated that this issue isn't related to Saxon since the error message coming from Saxon indicates that Saxon is finding the JDBC driver and issuing the connection request, but the JDBC driver is failing.
Has anyone tried to use Saxon's SQL extensions with Microsoft's JDBC driver? If you have could you indicate how you have things setup to make it work? If anyone from Microsoft's JDBC driver team is listening, would you be will to help recreate this issue or help trying to diagnose the issue?
Thanks, Andy.
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Nov 6, 2015
I am trying to attach a database. But I am receiving below error:
Unable to open the physical file "D:databasepc.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".
I have added service accounts to administrator group.
I have provided full control to service account on the D drive and on the .mdf file also.
My self has full permissions on the drive and .mdf file, and I am in administrator group.
Restarted the SQL Server services.Still same error.
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May 9, 2008
Hi all: I am getting the following error when I try to review the deployed reports on localhost.
"An error has occurred during report processing.
An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'OLEDB' that is not registered for this report server."
I checked the report manager, and for "connection type", there is a warning message as shown below:
"The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly."
I will appreciate any help in this regard.
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Mar 21, 2007
I have written CDE to retrieve and process data before generating the report. It works very well inside VS.Net. However, when deployed to the report server I get the following error
An error has occurred during report processing. Cannot create a connection to data source 'CallsTaken'. Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
I have added appropriate CAS entry in rssrvpolicy.config file as following
Description="Code group for the Custom Data Extension"
Url="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServerinCSS.CustomDataExtension.dll"/>
I have added appropriate entry into rsreportserver.config for data extension as
<Extension Name="Dataset Extension" Type="CSS.RS.Extensibility.CustomDataExtension.DsConnectionWrapper, CSS.CustomDataExtension"/>
Even then I continue to get this error. Any help? Is there anything else I am missing? I am using VS .Net 2005, SRSS 2005 on W23 machine.
I have been stuck here for a while now. Help is appreciated.
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Aug 23, 2015
Normally we use rebuild, reorganize indexes when it is required, I used a SQL job using maintenance plan to run daily and rebuild, reorganize indexes and update statistics but I do not know if it runs either they are required or not. Should this plan automatically execute the build upon required indexes to be rebuild or it fires either they are required to be executed or not.
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Jan 12, 2004
hi all,
I'm trying to get some xml data into sql server but i ran into this problem: openxml seems to repeat results ...
I simplified my example to this:
Declare @rDoc int,
@sDoc varchar(4000)
Set @sDoc = '
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @rDoc OUTPUT, @sDoc
FROM OPENXML (@rDoc, 'ROOT/Rider', 1)
WITH (RiderName varchar(50) '../Rider')
it returns 3 records for the 'rider' elements, _but_ all the records contain the text 'aaa' :/
does anybody know the solution to this?
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Oct 29, 2007
I am attempting to deploy a sample report (SQL 2005 Workgroup w/SP2) and I am receiving the subject error message when I attempt to view the report on the web server. We are using SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition connecting to an Oracle database.
Is this a limitiation of this version? In report designer, I am able to select Oracle as a connection type. If I try to create a data source at the server, "Microsoft SQL Server" is the only option available. If I look at the ReportServer config file, I see many other data connection types available. Did I miss a step, or is this a Workgroup Edition limitation (it's not documented as a limitation that I am able to find)?
Thanks in advance...
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Mar 5, 2013
I have finally have reporting services up and running. A list of all built-in reports have been populated under Monitoring>Reports but when I click on them I get the results shown in the screen shot attached. Below is the error I get when I try to open any report from my IE browser. I have confirmed SSRS is running on my SQL server. I actually had to start it in order to get the list of reports to populate becasue it was stopped. An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot impersonate user for data source 'AutoGen__5C6358F2_4BB6_4a1b_A16E_8D96795D8602_'. (rsErrorIm personatingUser) Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct.
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May 3, 2004
I have sp20, simplified, as:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp20 (@CustomerID int, @aDate as datetime) AS
SELECT Customers.* INTO #EndResult1 FROM Customers WHERE Customers.CustomerID >= @CustomerID
SELECT Orders.* INTO #EndResult2 FROM Orders Where Orders.[TakenDate] >= @aDate
SELECT #EndResult1.*, #EndResult2.*
FROM #EndResult1 INNER JOIN #EndResult2 ON #EndResult1.CustomerID = #EndResult2.CustomerID
This works fine in EM.
When I try to execute it from MS Access ADP Project I get
'Stored Procedure excuted succesfully, but did not return any records'
Although, in EM it returns the right number of records.
Thank you in advance - Rehman
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Apr 8, 2004
I am not close to an sql server today and this question was posed to me. can someone hook me up?
" I want to query a column of values and place them into a single string seperated by commas" (as a function)
Table a
thanks in advance
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Jan 9, 2008
Well, i need a piece of code that return me the schema rowset of a desicion tree and let me iterate me on it. I need some columns like node_type, node_unique_name.... etc.. And another question is that the node_distribution has multiple rows of information. How can i access them. I think there must be a adomddatareader object to iterate on them..
Well thanks a lot for your responses...
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Jan 22, 2007
Please let me know if I am on the right track here.
I have an Execute SQL Task that selects multiple rows from an OLE DB connection, each row containing 3 columns (data types = string, Int32, Int32). In this task ResultSet = "Full result set" and Result Set > Result Name = 0, Variable Name = [User::viewInfo] which is a user variable with Data Type = Object.
I want to use a Foreach Loop Container to enumerate over the result set rows that are contained in the [User::viewInfo] variable described above. For each resultset row I want to breakout the 3 column values and assign them to 3 corresponding variables that can be referenced in a Data Flow in the Foreach Loop.
Current settings for the Foreach Loop Container: Collection > Enumerator = "Foreach ADO Enumerator", Collection > Enumerator Configuration > ADO object source variable = [User::viewInfo], Enumeration mode = "Rows in the first table". On the Variable Mappings page I select the 3 corresponding user variables I want the rowset column values assigned to, with indexes starting at 1 (not 0).
Thanks - Dana Reed
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