SQL Server 2012 :: Padding Zeros After Decimal

Jan 29, 2014

I have a table like


I need both columns A and B to be padded with zeros at the end upto 9th place after decimal so the output should look like:


Note: total number of digits = 10 not including '.'decimal

I tried this but just getting 11 zeros.. it work when i want zeros in the left but not on the right

select right(REPLICATE('0', 11) + CAST([table] AS VARCHAR(11)),11)

from #table

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Padding Fields With Zeros.

Oct 4, 2006

I am trying to create a field in SQL query builder that takes the input number 12345 and formats it 0000012345. In MSAccess there is a great Format() function which allowed this to be done easily, but I cant find an equivalent in SQLServer. Can anyone provide me with a new function and possibly a sample? Thanks in Advance,


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Padding An Auto-incremented Int Column To Ten Zeros

May 11, 2004

Good day gentleman,
Is it possible to pad columns of Int data type with zeros?

I currently have a primary key column of data type Int which is auto-incremented by 1. My problem is I need to pad the auto-incremented ID's with ten zeros so, 0000000009 instead of 9.

I can pad the ID's in the c# dataaccess layer, but i need to generate/store them padded in the database to allow direct reporting.

I am using Enterprise Manager and i can see a Formula field when the table is in design view, can i use this? i am just guessing here.

Any comments or pointers would be a big help.

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Padding Identity Column Values With Zeros

Aug 5, 2006

Hi Guys

Is there an easy way to pad identity column values with zeros to the left (0001, 0010,0100, etc) or I will just have to format them before displaying


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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Remove Trailing Zeros From A Decimal (type) Value

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to 'drop' some trailing zeros from a decimal value, e.g.: 50.000000, and I am wondering how to go about this?

The value is definitely of decimal type, and in this instance I know that I want to eliminate exactly six (6) zeros.

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How To Remove Trailing Zeros From Decimal (type)

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to 'drop' some trailing zeros from a decimal value, e.g.: 50.000000, and I am wondering how to go about this?

The value is definitely of decimal type, and in this instance I know that I want to eliminate exactly six (6) zeros.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting Undesirable Trailing Zeros After Casting To Decimal

Sep 7, 2014

The following line of SQL returns the first screen shot below.

((T0.TotalSales - ISNULL(T1.TotalSales, 0)) - (T0.StockValue - ISNULL(T1.StockValue, 0))) / (T0.StockValue - ISNULL(T1.StockValue, 0)) * 100 AS 'Gross Profit %'

I now want to limit the decimal places to two (2), and one might think that using a CAST operation here is the solution, as follows.

CAST(((T0.TotalSales - ISNULL(T1.TotalSales, 0)) - (T0.StockValue - ISNULL(T1.StockValue, 0))) / (T0.StockValue - ISNULL(T1.StockValue, 0)) * 100 AS decimal(15,2)) AS 'Gross Profit %'

However in actuality I am still seeing too many decimal places, but the extra ones have changed to ZEROS!

Ideally I would like to have no extra trailing zeros. How to achieve this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: INT Or BIGINT With Leading Zeros

Nov 5, 2015

Looking at an execution plan the conversion of NVARCHAR(15) to BIGINT is a big yellow exclamation NO NO. However, the numbers in the NVARCHAR(15) have leading zeros.

Technically speak 0123456789 is not an INTEGER or BIGINT, the performance of my Stored Procs is there any way to allow leading zeros in a BIGINT Field?

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SQL 2012 :: ANSI PADDING Off When Generating Replication Snapshot

Jul 9, 2015

I am attempting to create a snapshot replication publication.

When the snapshot is generated, any table that consists of all numeric columns creates a script with SET ANSI PADDING OFF

I googled around a bit and found that if a DDL trigger is in place on the database, it will cause this to happen.

I dropped the triggers, re-created the publication and subscription, same thing.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Rounding With A Decimal

Sep 3, 2014

I would like the

DECLARE @MyPay decimal(5,9);
SET @MyPay = 258.235543210;
SELECT CAST(@MyPay AS decimal(5,2))

This is what the resultset is currently with the code above:


I would like to Not have the value round up. I would like to always show only the first two digits to the right of the decimal and not perform any rounding.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Positions After Decimal Point

Oct 21, 2014

Why are there more decimal positions here

PRINT cast(111 as decimal(38,35)) / 23
--> 4.82608695652173913043478260869565217

then here

DECLARE @Zähler decimal(38,35)
, @Nenner decimal(38,35)
SET @Zähler = 111.0
SET @Nenner = 23.0
PRINT cast(@Zähler as decimal(38,35)) / @Nenner
--> 4.826086

Of course, in the upper part 23 is implicitly an integer, in the lower example it is declared as decimal. But what if I need to devide by 23.5? Why is dividing by an decimal reducing the results decimal positions?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Decimal Data Type Round Off The Values

Sep 11, 2014

I have table with data type decimal (18,2) when i try to load more then 2 decimal it is rounding off

Example 34.456 is rounded with 34.46

I want to store 34.45 only with out round in decimal data type how can i achive this

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SQL Server 2012 :: CSV Import With Non-character Data (Date And Decimal)

Mar 29, 2015

I'm using OpenRowSet to import about 30 columns from a csv file with 190 columns with a format file. Ultimately, I want to put this in an SSIS Package. I am receiving the following error when trying to import date and decimal info.

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 990, column 64 (TOTALSALES). There are several similar errors. I looked at this line and it is 17873.34 so I am not seeing the problem. Every value in the column is either 0 or a 2 digit decimal value. If I change the SQL Column and format file to to NVARCHAR, it imports fine.

The existing format file and SQL Column looks as follows. There are multiple errors referring to different columns and all of them seem to be valid decimals. I am having the same issue with date fields that exist in the csv as 20130521. If I bring it in as text, it is fine.

<FIELD COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" MAX_LENGTH="12" TERMINATOR="," xsi:type="CharTerm" ID="64"/>

The SQL Column is defined as Decimal ((15,2), NULL))

I created a small csv file with representative decimal, date, integer and NVarchar fields and it imports into SQL fine as decimal and date info. The SQL Query used is pretty simple. Ultimately, I am planning to create a package that imports this data and joins to a production table based on values in the csv file. It will either update existing values in a Production Table or insert New Values

INSERT INTO Import.dbo.test1
) AS t1;

I am assuming there is bad data in the csv file but I'm not sure how to identify it as my test file seems to bring in date values with a format of 20140923 and 2 digit decimal values and that is what exists in the line numbers being referenced. I've not used OpenRow Set for this purpose before. The only workaround I've found is to bring it all in as text and create additional fields so I can cast or convert the date values which I'd rather not do as this process seems to work in my small sample file.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Empty String In A Decimal Field?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a requirement where i have to insert empty string in column whose datatype is decimal.

I have to replace the column value if it is null then insert it as ' '.

Obviously its generate error msg for conversion, is there any workaround for this. I cannot add 0 or other value as this column is used to generate some output value.

IIF(Column1 IS NULL, ' ', Column1))

I used TRY_PARSE but it insert null value if there is conversion error.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Trim Values If More Than 2 Numbers After Decimal Point

Jul 23, 2015

I am importing an excel spreadsheet into a MS SQL database table. When the spreadsheet is finished importing, I am noticing that some values that were brought in resemble something like this 1.41666666666667. Other values may be shorter or only have 1 digit. The problem is another web application that pulls this data for use in online forms only allows up to 2 digits. How can I round all of the numbers like the above to 2 decimals and replace the existing values?

I know there is the rounding function that could be used like so:

SELECT ROUND ([Hrs Total 2],2)
FROM AnnualClassifiedPAFs

How do I then take that rounded value and insert it back into the records?

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SQL 2012 :: Populate Number With Leading Zeros To Make It As 5 Digits

Jan 23, 2015

Logic:ensure the Docket number is 5 digits and populate with leading zeros if not.I have to check input number field is 5 digits, if not I have to populate with leading zeros to make it as 5 digits.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculation Based On Count Function To Format As Decimal Value Or Percentage

Dec 4, 2014

I'm trying to get a calculation based on count(*) to format as a decimal value or percentage.

I keep getting 0s for the solution_rejected_percent column. How can I format this like 0.50 (for 50%)?

select mi.id, count(*) as cnt,
count(*) + 1 as cntplusone,
cast(count(*) / (count(*) + 1) as numeric(10,2)) as solution_rejected_percent
from metric_instance mi
INNER JOIN incident i
on i.number = mi.id
WHERE mi.definition = 'Solution Rejected'
AND i.state = 'Closed'
group by mi.id

id cnt cntplusone solution_rejected_percent
-------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------
INC011256 1 2 0.00
INC011290 1 2 0.00
INC011291 1 2 0.00
INC011522 1 2 0.00
INC011799 2 3 0.00

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SQL 2012 :: Retain Leading Zeros While Exporting SSRS Report To Excel

Jan 28, 2015

I have a query in a SSRSreport that returns a value that looks like '012345'. The value looks fine on the report preview screen.

When the report is exported to excel, that value is displayed in a cell as '012345'. When I click out of the field, excel is dropping the leading zero and converting the value in the field to 12345.

Why is this happening and i have converted the value as string as well using expression.

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SQL 2012 :: Won't Convert To Decimal

Feb 3, 2015

I'm trying to insert into a table from an XML file. The mapping works OK however there is a problem with one of the fields. It is field name "Length" set up as Decimal(18,2) and it stops on the first row with an error, something like "Cannot convert to decimal". The values are all integers, such as "9", etc. but I presumed SQL would convert to "9.00" for example. It has worked for another field name "Weight", where values are stored in the XML file such as "0.28", etc. Does it reject it because it's an integer and needs to be to two decimal format in the XML?

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SQL 2012 :: Decimal Value - Output In Lakhs

Mar 3, 2014

I have a decimal value, 10,55,263.55 . This value should be converted into lakhs and the output should show as 10.55. I need to display in lakhs. What is the query do I need to write to get this output.

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SQL 2012 :: Convert Division Of Int Result Into Decimal

Jul 4, 2015

Which one is good method to convert a following division into 2 decimal digits.


select cast(( cast( sum(population) as decimal) * 100) / sum(totalpopulation) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state


select cast(( sum(population) * cast( 100 as decimal)) / sum(totalpopulation) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state


select cast( (sum(population) * 100) / cast( sum(totalpopulation) as decimal) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state


select cast(( cast(sum(population) as decimal) * 100) / cast( sum(totalpopulation) as decimal) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state


select cast( (cast(sum(population) as decimal) * cast(100 as decimal) ) / cast( sum(totalpopulation) as decimal) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state


select cast(( cast(sum(population) * 100 as decimal) ) / cast( sum(totalpopulation) as decimal) as decimal(7,2)
table1 group by state

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SQL Server 2000, Truncating Trailing Zeros

Jan 28, 2008

I'm uploading data from a CSV file into SQL Server 2000 using an upload routine in C# (ASP.NET 2.0). I'm using an OleDbDataAdapter to select all the data in the CSV file into a DataTable. I then use a SQLBulkCopy to copy all the data into my SQL Server table. The CSV file maps exactly to the fields in the SQL Server database and I've used a custom delimiter of a '~' (tilda) that is declared in a schema.ini file.
The import works fine and my SQL Server table is fully populated with all the data. However, one source field in the CSV file is getting truncated in my SQL Server table. It is a field containing a value e.g. 32,000, 64,500 but this is getting truncated and losing the trailing zeros in SQL Server i.e. 32,000 (CSV) becomes 32 (SQL Server) and 64,500 becomes 65,5.
I've tried mapping the source field to a varchar, nvarchar and text field, but all data types have the same problem with truncating the trailing zeros (I only need to display the data - no calculations required) and the ',' in the number in the CSV file has prevented me from mapping this to an integer.
Also, locally the code works fine and my local database is SQL Server 2005, but the remote host is using SQL Server 2000 and this is where the problem occurs.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

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Maintain Leading Zeros When Exporting To .csv Using SQL Server 2000 DTS

Jan 13, 2008

I am trying to export the result of a select into a .csv file using SQL Server 2000 DTS. The data for varchar fields has leading zeroes in the database, which is very much required in the csv file.

But, the .csv file trims the leading zeroes. How do we force to maintain the same data as in source?

I had used Text File Destination Connection as the destination, with the below options
File Extension: .csv
File Format: Delimited
File Type: ANSI
Text Qualifier: Double Quotes ("")
Row Delimiter: {CR}{LF}
Column Delimiter: comma

Source Data: 0123
Target Data (Requirement): 0123

The data in .csv: 123 (This is the issue)

When I open this file in a Text Editor, I do see the data in double quotes..."0123".

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Adding Zeros Into Date Column

Oct 1, 2015

I have a date column (not datetime) in SQL Server and the dates are in the format yyyy-mm-dd

I need to replace the date values with zero's so it looks like 0000-00-00

I can currently get the current date in to the column like this:

UPDATE TestTable_1
set datecolumn = CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 10)

But instead of GETDATE() I need to enter the zero's like this: 0000-00-00

How can I do this?

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SSIS Leading Zeros Gone After Migration Of Mainframe To SQL Server

May 22, 2007

I am migrating mainframe data to SQL Server 2005 and have found that from a mainframe character field with leading zeros for example the value of 00023 to a SQL Server column defined as varchar (5) the resulting column value is 23 not 00023. I need the leading zeros because these are account ids, etc. So the value is 00023 not 23. Is this some setting in SQL Server 2005 that needs to be changed or what? This is not a numeric field on the mainframe or a numeric column for SQL Server.

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Legacy Database Uses Decimal Data Types.--&> AutomobileTypeId (PK, Decimal(10,0), Not Null) Why Not Integers Instead ?

Sep 26, 2007

I am working with a legacy SQL server database from SQL Server 2000. I noticed that in some places that they use decimal data types, that I would normally think they should be using integer data types. Why is this does anyone know?
Example: AutomobileTypeId (PK, decimal(10,0), not null)

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Data Type With Decimal Point For Decimal Values But Not For Whole Integers

Dec 8, 2013

I am creating a table on SQL Server. One of the columns in this new table contains whole integer as wells as decimal values (i.e. 4500 0.9876). I currently have this column defined as Decimal(12,4). This adds 4 digits after the decimal point to the whole integers. Is there a data type that will have the decimal point only for decimal values and no decimal point for the whole integers?

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Cast Or Convert Nvarchar With Comma As Decimal Separator To Decimal

Apr 29, 2008


My database stores the decimals in Spanish format; "," (comma) as decimal separator.

I need to convert decimal nvarchar values (with comma as decimal separator) as a decimal or int.

Any Case using CAST or CONVERT, For Decimal or Int gives me the following error:

Error converting data type varchar to numeric

Any knows how to resolve.

Or any knows any parameter or similar, to indicate to the Cast or Convert, that the decimal separator is a comma instead a dot.

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Converting (casting) From Decimal(24,4) To Decimal(21,4) Data Type Problem

Jul 24, 2006


I would like to cast (convert) data type decimal(24,4) to
decimal(21,4). I could not do this using standard casting function
CAST(@variable as decimal(21,4)) or CONVERT(decimal(21,4),@variable)
because of the following error: "Arithmetic overflow error converting
numeric to data type numeric." Is that because of possible loss of the

Thanks for giving me any advice,


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How Can I Use The Decimal Comma Instead Of Decimal Point For Numbers In Jet Engine?

Sep 19, 2007

I wanted to convert a dataset from vb.net (2.0) to an .XLS file, by MS Jet. My national standard is using decimal commas, not decimal points for numbers signing the beginning of decimal places.
But the MS Jet Engine uses decimal point,in default. Therefore, in the Excel file only string formatted cells can welcome this data, not number formatted.
How can I solve or get around this problem? (with jet if it possible)

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Converting Decimal To String W/O Decimal Point

Jul 23, 2005

I'd like to convert a Decimal value into a string so that the entireoriginal value and length remains intact but there is no decimal point.For example, the decimal value 6.250 is selected as 06250.Can this be done?

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Converting Decimal Point To Decimal Comma

Nov 30, 2007

Hi all,

I am designing some reports for a German branch of my company and need to replace decimal point with a comma and the thousand comma seperator with a decimal point.

‚¬1,500,123.00 to ‚¬1.500.123,00

Is there a property that I can change in the report designer to allow this to happen or is this something I need to convert in a Stored Proc.

Any help would be much appreciated


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Jul 31, 2000


I'm using SQL Server 7.0. I am importing data from an EXCEL spreadsheet. I need to pad my agent_id column from the spreadsheet with zero's. Here are the values from the spreadsheet:


This is what I need to see in my database column:

agent_id (char(6))

Is there a setting on the column in SQL Server 7.0 that I can set to pad the column with zero's?

Thanks in advance,

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