SQL Server 2012 :: Patindex Function - Cannot Retrieve Or Extract Single Numeric Value
Jul 17, 2015
I would like solving the following issue using the Patindex function i cannot retrieve or extract the single numeric value as an example in the the values below i would like retrieve the Value 2, but in my result set the value 22 also appears or it is completely omitted.
"2 8 7"
"2 8"
"3 2 8"
I have tried the following
Patindex('%[2]% [^0-9] [^1] [^3] [^4] [^5] [^6] [^7] [^8] [^9]' ,Replace(Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes, '"',''),'^',' ')) as Col3,
Patindex('[2]' ,Replace(Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes, '"',''),'^',' ')) as Col4,
Patindex('%[2][^0-9]%',Replace(Marketing_Special_Attributes,'^',' ')),
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Feb 14, 2008
I forget. How can PATINDEX be used to find column values where the data is all numeric? I've tried, the following:
select distinct acct from tbl_CYProcessedSales
where PatIndex('%[0-9]%',Acct) > 0
order by acct
Acct is varchar(8). What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your help!
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Apr 24, 2015
I need to list customers in a table that represents sales over the years.
I have tables:
Customers -> id | name |...
Orders -> id | idCustomer | date | ...
Products -> id | idOrder | unitprice | quantity | ...
I am using this SQL but it only gets one year:
SELECT customers.name , SUM(unitprice*qt) AS total
FROM Products
INNER JOIN Orders ON Orders.id = Products.idOrder
INNER JOIN Customers ON Customers.id = Orders.idCustomer
WHERE year(date)=2014
GROUP BY customers.name
I need something like this:
customer | total sales 204 | total sales | 2015 | total sales (2014 + 2015)
customer A | 1000$ | 2000$ | 3000$
customer B | 100$ | 100$ | 200$
Is it possible to retrieve these values in a single SQL query for multiple years and grand total?
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Aug 21, 2007
Hi all,
My database is not case-sensitive, but I want output like...
SELECT patindex('%[A-Z]%','gaurang Ahmedabad')
The output should be first occurrence of uppercase A to Z, so output should be 9 it should not be 1.
Above query is giving output as 1 bcoz the 1st character in the expression is 'g' and it is in A to Z, but this is not capital 'G'. The 1st capital letter in the expression is 'A' (9th character in the expression).
Is there anyway to achieve this using PATINDEX? or Is there any other way to achieve this?
Gaurang Majithiya
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Feb 11, 2007
How to search the last occurance of one String in to another string..Using function PATINDEX() in a column of data type Text..
plz Give some solution i really need it ...
Thanks Yogesh
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Oct 30, 2007
Hi All,
Can we use the SUBSTRING or PATINDEX function with a User Defined Function as one of the parameters? Something like this:
Code Block
Select SUBSTRING(Select * from DB.dbo.Function('Parameter'), PATINDEX('%\%', Select * from DB.dbo.Function('Parameter'), 8)
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Jul 20, 2006
I need to replace Access Val() functions with similiar function in sql.
i.e. Return 123 from the statement: SELECT functionname(123mls)
Return 4.56 from the satement: SELECT functionname(4.56tonnes)
Any one with ideas please
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Aug 21, 2007
My database is not case-sensitive, but I want output like...
SELECT patindex('%[A-Z]%','gaurang Ahmedabad')
The output should be first occurrence of uppercase A to Z, so output should be 9 it should not be 1.
Above query is giving output as 1 bcoz the 1st character in the expression is 'g' and it is in A to Z, but this is not capital 'G'. The 1st capital letter in the expression is 'A' (9th character in the expression).
Is there anyway to achieve this using PATINDEX? or Is there any other way to achieve this?
Gaurang Majithiya
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Sep 8, 2015
i have dat like this
I need the following output
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May 29, 2015
I have a report which is redirecting to a subreport. The main report is having multi value parameter. I need to pass these multi values to sub report. Passing parameters from MDX report to T-sql report. So, I'm using the below exp.
=SPLIT(REPLACE(TRIM(Join(Parameters!Grade.Label,",")),", ",","),",")
The value will look like this
02-Senior Mange
25-Associate Trainee
This is working for me in all the cases except one. In all other cases, the parameter's Label and Value field has same data in the sub report. But, in a specific parameter I'm getting Label and Value data are different. I'm getting an alpha numeric string value from MDX report , but I need to pass only the numeric values to the sub report since its value field contains only numeric value. The numeric value is coming at the starting of the string data. So I have used Mid()
Result will be 01
But, mid() will give only the first value. It is working for single value. But I need to extract multiple values.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a 2table like
create table test1
(col1 identity(1,1),
col2 varchar(20)
create table test2
(old int,
new int)
Existing record in test1 table
Now I want to insert a new record into test1 and then capture the old and new identity columsn in test 2 table
i.e. after insert test1 table will be
and test2 table will be like
1,2 -- old and new identity columns are captured during insert and stored in test2 table.
If the repeat the process again test2 table will be like
1, test
3, test
and test2 table will be
2,3 --- test2 table will always have only one record. old records will be deleted.
Using output clause i can get the new identity value.. but how can i get the old identity value and insert that into test2 table..
I am not willing to do a self join after the record is inserted into test2. I wanted to get the old ident value during insert of new ident value.
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Oct 20, 2014
I have a field which contains something like prj(5616) .
I have been assigned to display the actual name and not the text with the number.
Example: if prj(8616) is called Soccer , then I want display Soccer instead of prj(8616).
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Jul 14, 2014
I need to extract the .ispac file from the SSISDB. I can retrieve the stream with catalog.get_project sp. However, the file I end up with cannot be unzipped, giving an error message. My guess is that it is meta-data on the zip/ispac file that has a problem, because I can actually unzip it with Winrar, but not with any of those I (programmatically) need to unzip it with.
Below is the code for my stored procedure - My own suspicion is in the BCP usage to turn the stream into a file.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetIspacFile]
@project VARCHAR(255) ,
@environmentFolder VARCHAR(50) ,
@ispacTempFolder VARCHAR(100) ,
@ispacFilePath VARCHAR(200) OUTPUT
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Nov 19, 2014
We extract 10k tables every night and I have a table that keeps track of ETL tables that fail or succeed. I would like to know if a table fails during the night and nobody kicks off another job to fix it during the day.
The table structure looks like this:
| Table_Name | Time_Start | Status | Duration | Time_End |
Table_Name = varchar(20)
Time_Start = DateTime
Status varchar(7) = Success or Error
Duration = Number
Time_End = DateTime
Select Table_Name into #MyTempTable
From ETL.STATS_Table
Where Status = 'Error'
AND Cast(Time_Start as Date) = GetDate()
How do I take the table names from #MyTempTable and find out if they where successful for the same date? Duration time and Time_End fields aren't needed.
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Dec 17, 2014
I have a database table that was designed by someone else, and I'm trying to see if I can normalize the pattern. Here's the dummy table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BadTox](
[PatientID] [int] NULL,
[Cycle] [tinyint] NULL,
[ALOPECIA] [tinyint] NULL,
[Causality1] [tinyint] NULL,
[Code] ....
All the column names in upper case are actually symptom names, and in those columns are values {NULL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and they belong in a column, so the normalized structure should be like this:
SymptomName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -- from the source column *name*
Grade TINYINT NOT NULL -- from the value in the column with the name in uppercase
PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, Cycle, SymptomName));
I can untwist the repeating groups with the code I borrowed from Kenneth Fisher's article [ here ], but the part I'm having a harder time with is grabbing the information that's still left in the column name and integrating it into the solution...
I can retrieve all the column names that are in uppercase using this:
DECLARE @db_id int;
DECLARE @object_id int;
SET @db_id = DB_ID(N'SCRIDB');
SET @object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SCRIDB.dbo.BadTox');
SELECT name AS column_name
, column_id AS col_order
FROM sys.all_columns
WHERE name = UPPER(name) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
AND object_id = @object_id;
but I can't figure out how to work it into this (that I built by mimicking Kenneth Fisher's article...):
ALTER PROC [dbo].[UnpivotMaxGradeUsingCrossApply]
, Toxicity
, MAX(Grade) AS MaxGrade
The problem is that I need to extract the column names (where ToxicityName[n] would be). I can do that by querying the sys.all_columns view, but I can't figure out how to integrate the two pieces. About the only thing I have even dreamed up is to build the VALUES(...) statements dynamically from the values returned by the system view.
So how do I get both the value from the ToxicityName[n] column and the column name into my final data query?
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Jul 16, 2015
I am using following sql to extract locking information in database. It only work on current selected database, how can I tune to work on all databases and not only currently selected?
ES.login_name AS LoginName,
L.request_session_id AS BlockedBy_SPID,
DATEDIFF(second,At.Transaction_begin_time, GETDATE()) AS Duration_Sec,
DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName,
[Code] ....
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Sep 12, 2006
EXEC master.dbo.xp_msver ProductVersion can be used to return the server version in a resultset. I need this to do some conditional coding between varchar and varchar(max) in a UDF, so size of the text I return must be different between the SQL2000 and SQL2005.
I cant call an xp_ that returns a resultset within a UDF can I, so how can I get the SQL version?
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Nov 2, 2014
In my TSQL code i use a derived table to extract the value of account 321 to compare if they are the same that the SUM of my line invoice cost multiply by quantity line : Sum(fi.ecusto*qtt)
This is my script:
SELECT ft.ndoc [Doctype],ft.fno [Docnr] , Sum(fi.ecusto*qtt) [totalcostof my Invoiceline], xctb.conta [accountancy account],
sum(Case when ft.tipodoc = 1 then Xctb.ecre else Xctb.edeb end) as [Value of Cost of invoice in accountancy],
[DIF] = Sum(fi.ecusto*qtt) - Sum(Case when ft.tipodoc = 1 then xctb.ecre else xctb.edeb end)
[Code] ....
My problem is if i have more than on line on my invoice, for example 2 lines, the value of column [Value of Cost of invoice in accountancy] are duplicated, for 3 line invoice the value are multiply by 3.
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Jul 15, 2015
I am looking for the fastest way to strip non-numeric characters from a string.
I have a user database that has a column (USER_TELNO) in which the user can drop a telephone number (for example '+31 (0)12-123 456'). An extra computed column (FORMATTED_TELNO) should contain the formatted telephone number (31012123456 in the example)
Note: the column FORMATTED_TELNO must be indexed, so the UDF in the computed column has WITH SCHEMABINDING.... I think this implicates that a CLR call won't work....
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May 10, 2007
I have used the following Windows C codes to retrieve records from the bus_newjob table in SQL server:
// construct command buffer to be sent to the SQL server
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )"select job_number, job_type," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" disp_type, disp_status," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" start_time, end_time," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" pickup_point, destination," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" veh_plate, remark," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" customer, cust_contact_person," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" cust_contact_number, cust_details" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" from bus_newjob" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" where disp_status = 0" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" order by job_number asc" );
result_code = dbsqlexec( dbproc ); // send command buffer to SQL server
// now check the results from the SQL server
while( ( result_code = dbresults( dbproc ) ) != NO_MORE_RESULTS )
if( result_code == SUCCEED )
memset( ( char * )&disp_job, 0, sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
dbbind( dbproc, 1, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.job_number );
dbbind( dbproc, 2, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.job_type );
dbbind( dbproc, 3, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.disp_type );
dbbind( dbproc, 4, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.disp_status );
dbbind( dbproc, 5, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.start_time );
dbbind( dbproc, 6, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.end_time );
dbbind( dbproc, 7, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.pickup_point );
dbbind( dbproc, 8, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.destination );
dbbind( dbproc, 9, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.veh_plate );
dbbind( dbproc, 10, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.remark );
dbbind( dbproc, 11, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.customer );
dbbind( dbproc, 12, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_contact_person );
dbbind( dbproc, 13, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_contact_number );
dbbind( dbproc, 14, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_details );
// now process the rows
while( dbnextrow( dbproc ) != NO_MORE_ROWS )
new_job = malloc( sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
if( !new_job )
return( 0 );
memcpy( ( char * )new_job, ( char * )&disp_job, sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
append_to_list( &Read_Job_List, new_job );
sprintf( str, "Results Failed, result_code = %d", result_code );
log_str( str );
where the job_type columIn is of the char(1) type, NTBSTRINGBIND is the vartype argument in the dbbind() function.
However, what I have gotten is nothing more than a null string from the job_type column. I have alternatively changed the vartype argument to STRINGBIND, CHARBIND and even INTBIND, but the results are the same.
Who can tell me the tricks to retrieve a char(1) column from SQL server?
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Jan 10, 2014
I need to split NUMERIC & ALPHABETICAL values from string.
for eg :-
123456 heaven-guy
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Apr 14, 2014
I have been trying to store binary file in a folder from the SQL Server.
Here is the code I am using to do this but, it is not working. It doesn't show any error only shows 1 row(s) affected. The folder remains empty after running this query.
I have already configured server using
EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
SP_CONFIGURE 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1
[Code] .....
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Aug 6, 2015
I have the following query and where I need to use the t_PrevSession.DischargeTime which is in the nested query that is bolded below. How do i bring it up to the main select statement?
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Oct 13, 2015
The data I have is as follows -
ID1 ID2 Date Action
100 500 09/08/14 Open
100 500 09/24/14 Close
101 510 07/10/15 Open
101 510 07/19/15 Close
The output I want in a single result set is -
ID1 ID2 Open_Date Close_Date
100 500 09/08/14 09/24/14
101 510 07/10/15 07/19/15
Any way to do this in T-SQL .
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Oct 30, 2014
OK, so I have this query where I'm trying to subtract values like this, when I do this I am getting (Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.) I have tried many different things, and now of these work, it'll either return 0 because it loses the .XXXXX.
Convert(DECIMAL(10,7),CAST([TIME_OF_COMPLETION] as DECIMAL(10,7)) - Convert(DECIMAL(10,7),CAST([OPR_DELIVERED_TIME] as DECIMAL(10,7)) round(cast(cast(hist.[TIME_OF_COMPLETION] AS float) as DECIMAL(15, 5)) - CAST(hist.[OPR_DELIVERED_TIME] AS FLOAT),1 SELECT convert(FLOAT,CAST('735509.00053' AS DECIMAL(10,5))) - convert(FLOAT,CAST('735509.00047' AS DECIMAL(10,5)))
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Apr 2, 2015
Is there anyway we could retrieve the job history for all the jobs in all the sql server using Central Management Server?
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Sep 16, 2015
I have a table with a datetime and an Item column.
I want to retrieve only the rows where item didn't change for a given value.
In the example below, given the value of 5 I only want the rows starting at 19:14:50 to 19:26:06.
Dateteime Item
2015-06-05 19:05:03.0002
2015-06-05 19:08:31.0002
2015-06-05 19:14:50.0001
2015-06-05 19:19:33.0001
2015-06-05 19:20:46.0001
[Code] ....
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Oct 21, 2015
How can we get the result set as TESTING1,TESTING2 from below
DECLARE @MyString varchar(256) = '$I10~TESTING1$XYZ$I10~TESTING2$~'
Basically i need to get all the substrings which are in between $I10~ and $
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Aug 14, 2014
I'm moving data from one database to another (INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ....) and am encountering this error:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
My problem is that Line 6 is:
set @brn_pk = '0D4BDE66347C440F'
so that is obviously not the problem and my query has almost 200 columns. I can go through one by one and compare what column is int in my destination table and what is varchar in my source tables, but that could take quite a while. How I can work out what column is causing the problem?
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Apr 14, 2007
Hi All: I'm just trying to migrate from vbScript to .net and am trying to retrieve a single value from a dB based on a value passed in a form. I can't seem to find the right tutorial to explain this to me, and am open RTFL'ing any links!
What I have thus far is:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim strConn As String = "server=myServer;uid=myUID;pwd=myPWD;database=myDB"
Dim myQuery As String = "Select myVal FROM myTable WHERE myID= " & lbmyID.SelectedValue
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim myObj As SqlDataReader
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(myQuery, myConn)
myObj = cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
Dim myReturnedValue As String = myObj.....
end sub
I feel like I'm close, but I'm stuck on how to get the value returned by the query into "myReturnedValue"...if this is the wrong approach please let me know!
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Mar 11, 2008
I'd need to have a function that allows me to extract 'fields' fromwithin the stringI.E. (kinda pseudo code)declare @foo as varchar(100)set @foo = "Robert*Camarda*123 Main Street"select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 2) ; -- would return 'Camarda'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 3) ;-- returns '123 Main Street'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 0) ;-- would return entire stringselect EXTRACT(@foo,'*' , 9) ;-- would return nullExtract( string, text delimiter, occurance)Anyone have something like this as a user defined function in SQL?TIARob
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Oct 14, 2004
hi ,
can anyone tell me if there exists a function in SQL Server that help me determine if a variable is ALL Alphanumeric data or not by returning a 0 or 1 when condition fails or succeeds .
thank you
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May 16, 2008
I have two tables that have no relation. However, both have a column which has a field of nvarchar(50) that I want to retrieve together in one operation and bind to a DropDownList in a sorted fashion. So, what I'm trying to achieve is this:
1. SELECT name FROM table1
2. SELECT name FROM table2
3. Join the two results together and order them alphabetically
4. Return the result set
I'm not sure how to do this or even if it's possible. Ideally I'm hoping it can be done in a stored proc.
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