SQL Server 2012 :: Pattern Matching And Data Conversion

Feb 20, 2014

I have a table ("MyData") with string columns that have nvarchar data that looks like this:


I plan to do a mathematical grouping on the numerator (eg: 0-10,11-20,21-30, etc... ), So I need to grab the numerator and turn it into an int. For reasons I can't get into, I have to do this in pure T-SQL.

So my question: How would I write a select statement that regex pattern matches "^([0-9]+)/" on ColA and returns integers instead of text?

E.g. THis Query:

SELECT [magic t-sql syntax] as Converted_ColA from MyData

should return this set of int values:


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SQL Server 2012 :: Case Sensitive Pattern Matching?

Dec 20, 2013

I have a set of data where a column contains titles which have been formatted as follows:

"FirstWordSecondWordThirdWord...." etc.

That is, all the words have been concatenated but can be visually separated by their capital first letters.

For reporting purposes, I need to break this column into the separate words so that it looks like:

"First Word Second Word Third Word...." etc.

how this can be achieved?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Pattern Matching (positive Across Records - Negative Within A Field)

Jan 6, 2015

I am doing some analysis on our customer base and their payment profiles. I have generated two profile strings, one for whether the balance of an account has gone up or down and one for the size of the balance in relation to the normal invoice amount for the customer. So (for example) the balance movement string will look like this:

UUUDUUUDUUUD-D00 Where U = Up, D = Down, - = no change and 0 = no change and no balance

I want to analyse these strings in two ways. The first is that I want to find customers with a similar pattern: in the example below the first and last patterns are the same, just one out of sync but should be considered the same

Movement Multiple CountRecords

The second type of analysis is to find customers whose pattern has changed: in the examples above the patterns are repeated and therefore 'normal' in the records below the patterns have changed in that the first part does not match the second part.

Movement Multiple CountRecords

good way to approach this without either a cursor or a hidden REBAR. The challenge as I see it is that I have to interrogate every string to find out if there is a repeating pattern and if so where it starts and how long it is (heuristic because some strings will start with a repeating pattern and then the pattern may change or deteriorate) and then compare the string for N groups of repeating characters to see if and when it changes and I can't think of an efficient method to do this in SQL because it is not a set based operation.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pattern Matching And Extract Text

Sep 17, 2015

I have two tables in SQL Server--an expression table and a translate table.

expression varchar(100)

SELECT 'CALL("-","","TEST")'

[Code] ....

I am trying to (for lack of a better way to explain it), overlay the pattern onto the expression and extract the text where the "#" symbols are.


CALL("-","","TEST") using pattern CALL("#","#","#") would return -,,TEST
SUB(2,67,TEST,4,) using pattern SUB(2,#,TEST,4,) would return 67

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SQL Pattern Matching

Mar 20, 2008

Hi everyone. I'm developing a web search engine using asp and SQL Server 2000. I need to return records that matches with a string entered by users. In example, suppose my database to have this structure and it's filled like this:

--- ------- -----------
AA025 NAME1 attached, atic, common, business, hotels
AA026 NAME2 headache, medicin, aspirins, heat, health
AA027 NAME3 at, services, music, electronics

suppose that user enters 'at'. By now, i'm using this pattern '%<input_text>%'. So in this example, pattern would be '%at%'. As i remarked in the fields above, the three fields matches, and that's not what i'm looking for. I want that the result of that query be just the last field, with 'AA027' ID.
Thanks in advance guys.

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Unicode And Pattern Matching

Mar 30, 2015

I've been trying to find and filter out data that can cause FOR XML to fail with the error:FOR XML could not serialize the data for node ?? because it contains a character (0x0006) which is not allowed in XML.I thought it would be simple, just identify the rows that don't match the XML spec URL...

However, the following doesn't work.
select fieldname
from tablename
where fieldname
like N'%[^'+nchar(0x9)+nchar(0xA)+nchar(0xD)+nchar(0x20)+N'-'+nchar(0xD7FF)+N']%'

Not only does this fail to find the offending rows, when I checked by inverted it by taking out the "^" it still returns no rows.When I reduced 0xD7FF down to 0xFF it returns data, but I cannot add the other range back in without all rows not matching.I've experimented with values and found 0x02E9 was the highest I could go without all values vanishing. Even then, numbers lower than that caused a large variation in the number of rows returned.My Field is NVarchar(100) in SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

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[Fwd: Reverse Pattern Matching]

Jul 23, 2005

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Like Pattern Matching - Problem With Param

Mar 19, 2008

I've decalred this stored procedure with a simple where and like statement. The problem is I don't see any result.
Here is my code

create procedure sp_Select_ProfileNames
@NameSearch varchar(50)
select ProfileFirstName +' '+ ProfileLastName as ProfileName
from Profiles
where ProfileLastName like '%@NameSearch%';

When i change this line:
where ProfileLastName like '%@NameSearch%';
where ProfileLastName like '%Bil%';

I see names starting with Bil, but when i enter Bil as param, I don't get anything.

What's wrong here ?

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Pattern Matching With Multiple Values

Aug 25, 2006

I want to check for multiple patterns in a particular column.
For one pattern I can write e.g.
SELECT * FROM <TablName> WHERE ColumnName LIKE '%abcd%'.

My requirment is to select all rows for which column value matches with many patterns.I will fetch the patterns in a subquery
e.g. (SELECT '%'+name+'%' FROM <TableName>)

Any thoughts?

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Pattern Matching Or Find And Replace In SQL Query

Oct 29, 2007

I have a table called MessageBoard.  It has a column called Messages.
A user can type text including any html tags through a text area ans when he saves it by clicking a button, the content typed by the user is saved in the MessageBoard Table (in the Messages) column.  So once saved, the html tags are kept intact.  If I have to find and replace certain html tags, what kind of SQL Query I have to write?
For example I want to find all the <pre> </pre> tags and replace it with <p> </p> tags.  How do I do this?

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How To Pattern Matching For Zero Or Single Character In SQL Select?

Apr 22, 2005

The LIKE keyword in SELECT WHERE can use wildcard

Any string of zero or more characters.

Any single character.
but how to Pattern Matching for "zero or single character"?

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Pattern Matching And Full-text Search

Aug 30, 2007

I'm not quite sure that this is possible but, I figured that I would check with you experts out there before trying a new approach. I've done quite a bit of research and have not seen anyone quite figure this out yet.

We have a SQL Server 2005 application that stores and indexes documents to the database as an image data type. I'm able to do full-text queries against the documents without any trouble. I begin to run into problems when trying to pattern match social security numbers and drivers licenses stored in a full-text index. I have a user defined function that I call which runs my regular expression that checks for hits of a ssn or license number in the index. I have no problem getting hits when the data sits in a column.

I do need to mention that I have no trouble when searching for a ssn with a fixed value and where I know the ssn (ex: 123-45-6789). I am actually trying to find the existence of the pattern of ###-##-#### (ex: ^d{3}-d{2}-d{4}$) anywhere in the index.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Is Pattern Matching Possible In Derived Columns Expression Syntax?

Feb 8, 2008


apologies for the drip-drip approach......

Is it possible to do pattern matching against a string using FINDSTRING or similar in a derived column expression without recourse to including 3rd party regexp style plugins?

I want to seach for a reference in a string which will have the format ANNNNNAAA ie. an alpha with a certain value followed by 5 digits followed by three alphas with specific values.

eg Z00001YYY or X00022HHH

thanks for your assistance,



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SQL Server 2012 :: Bulk Load Data Conversion Error (truncation)

May 15, 2014

Is there a switch I can use to force a bulk insert and if data is truncated, I'm good with that. The truncated data, in this case, is not data I can use anyway if it is long enough to be truncated.

I need to keep the field at VARCHAR(23) and if I expand it, I won't be able to join on it after the file load completes. I'd like the data to be inserted (truncated if need be) and then I'll deal with the records that are truncated after I load the file.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Conversion Failed When Converting Varchar Value To Data Type Int

Aug 12, 2014

I am doing a Case statement to create a unified field for account type and vendor, in the code below I am receiving the error in the subject, because the account numbers have alpha characters in the string, I need to make them as OTHER if the first 2 left chars are Alpha, I thought how I have ISNUMERIC would do that but I am still getting the error.

I am also including example of how the account_numbers are formatted.


[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find Distinct Multiple Instances Of A Pattern In A String?

Apr 30, 2015

One of my varchar columns in a table has multiple key words enclosed in a pattern of special characters.

Eg: William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world's pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England's national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other [##playwright##].

I need to write to query to find all distinct key words that are enclosed within [## and ##]. My query should yield the following results from the string in the example above

[##playwright##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set
[##poet##] -- 2 occurrances, but I need it only once in my result set

I need to run this on a large table, so I am looking for the best possible way to minimize any performance issues.

Just give you sample code, I have provided below 2 separate snippets, one with table variable and another with temp table.

DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (MyString VARCHAR (8000))
INSERT @MyTable VALUES ('William Shakespeare was an English [##poet##], [##playwright##], and [##actor##], widely regarded as the greatest [##writer##] in the English language and the world''s pre-eminent [##dramatist##]. He is often called England''s national [##poet##] and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 [##sonnets##], two long narrative [##poems##], and a few other [##verses##], of which the authorship of some is uncertain.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Matching Rows Which Exist In Particular String?

Apr 3, 2015

Suppose I have string like

@strname varchar= = '3 April 15 abcd Oh rrrrrrrAAAAdd HJHJG'

and table contains two columns having rows like,

ID text
1 abcd ER
2 abcd AS
3 abcd Oh
4 xyz TR
5 azs WS
6 abcd O
7 OP trx

how can I search a ID's which are exist in my string.

result should be,

3 abcd Oh
6 abcd O

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Matching Rows Which Exist In Particular String?

Apr 14, 2015

Suppose I have string like

DECLARE @strname varchar(50) = 'i_ncm_ai04';

[Code] ......

how can I search a ID's which are exist in my string.

result should be,

3 i_ncm
8 i_ncm_a

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Reporting Services :: Exporting SSRS Reports To PDF With Background Pattern - Pattern Not Visible?

May 8, 2015

I tried creating one simple bar chart report in SSRS, with background fill with pattern "UpwardDiagonal", the stripes on the column when viewed insider report viewer control is quite prominently visible, whereas when exporting the same report to PDF the lines are very thin and dense and hence makes it very difficult to differentiate between one column with pattern inside and one without. I have even tried various other pattern like "LightUpwardDiagonal" and "WideUpwardDiagonal" but all have same result when exported to PDF.why?

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Pattern Matching - Searching For Numeric Or Alpha Or Alpha-Numeric Characters In A String

Aug 18, 2006


I was trying to find numeric characters in a field of nvarchar. I looked this up in HELP.



Any string of zero or more characters.


Any single character.

[ ]

Any single character within the specified range (for example, [a-f]) or set (for example, [abcdef]).

Any single character not within the specified range (for example, [^a - f]) or set (for example, [^abcdef]).

Nowhere in the examples below it in Help was it explicitly detailed that a user could do this.

In MS Access the # can be substituted for any numeric character such that I could do a WHERE clause:

Gift_Date NOT LIKE "####*"

After looking at the above for the [ ] wildcard, it became clear that I could subsitute [0-9] for #:

Gift_Date NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

using single quotes and the % wildcard instead of Access' double quotes and * wildcard.

Just putting this out there for anybody else that is new to SQL, like me.


Patrick Briggs,
Pasadena, CA

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SQL Server 2012 :: CROSS APPLY Returning Records From Left Recordset Even When No Matching Record In Right One

Oct 7, 2014

Following is the query that I'm running:

create table a (id int, name varchar(10));
create table b(id int, sal int);
insert into a values(1,'John'),(1,'ken'),(2,'paul');
insert into b values(1,400),(1,500);

select *
from a
cross apply( select max(sal) as sal from b where b.id = a.id)b;

Below is the result for the same:

idname sal

Now I'm not sure why the record with ID 2 is coming using CROSS APPLY, shouldn't it be avoided in case of CROSS APPLY and only displayed when using OUTER APPLY.

One thing that I noticed was that if you remove the Aggregate function MAX then the record with ID 2 is not shown in the output. I'm running this query on SQL Server 2012.

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SQL 2012 :: Implicit Conversion From Data Type Datetime To Int Not Allowed

Mar 18, 2014

I have code below not working in SQL 2012

declare @d1, @d2, @d3 datetime
...where @d1 between (@d2-15) and (@d3 + 15)


Implicit conversion from data type datetime to int is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Rows To Columns Conversion

Aug 28, 2014

I would like to reach out in converting rows to cols.

NodeName|upsBasicIdentName|upsBasicIdentModel | upsAdvIdentSerialNumber | upsAdvIdentDateOfManufacture | upsBasicBatteryLastReplaceDate

I have this query. the values of each are under status.

Nodes.Caption AS NodeName, CustomNodePollers_CustomPollers.MIB AS MIB, CustomNodePollerStatus_CustomPollerStatus.Status AS Status


((Nodes INNER JOIN CustomPollerAssignment CustomNodePollerAssignment_CustomPollerAssignment ON

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Serial Date Conversion

Nov 4, 2014

I am in need of converting serial date to regular date ie...735510.40461 and only need the hours, minutes and seconds, I have used the examples I've seen on different forums,

DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, '1900-1-1', getdate()) + 1, '1900-1-1'))

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SQL Server 2012 :: Conversion Failure Varchar To Int

Dec 15, 2014

How do I pass a variable to an INT calculation?

@TableStat varchar(30)
If OBJECT_ID('MyDB.dbo.' + @TableStat + '') is not null
DECLARE @count INT = -1;
SELECT @count = (Select COUNT(*) FROM [dbo]. + @TableStat);
IF (@count > 0)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Varchar To Datetime Conversion

Aug 14, 2015

I have column moddat which is of varchar(10,null)

Here is my data:

I want those data in this format YYYY-MM-DD

How to convert varchar to datetime?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Conversion Failed When Converting Varchar Value

Dec 19, 2013

Within in Visual Studio 2012 solution, I have several projects, one of which is a Database project. I am defining several tables. The one in question is:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblKppHierarchyPcl]
[Name] VARCHAR(500),
[PartStructureKey] NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL,
[PartNumber] VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL,
[ParentPartNumber] VARCHAR(500) NULL,


Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 76 Conversion.failed when converting the varchar value 'Coolant Quick Disconnect' to data type int.So it has a problem with inserting 'Coolant Quick Disconnect' into the Name column. The Name column is CLEARLY a varchar column but somehow it thinks it's an int column.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Conversion Failed When Converting Date

Oct 30, 2014

I have been trying to convert datetime but keep getting this error(Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.It works just fine if I don't use execute sp_executesql,.

DECLARE @tablename AS nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @startdate datetime


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SQL Server 2012 :: Implicit Conversion Comparing INT Column To 0?

Sep 15, 2015

In a stored procedure, the following code is causing a huge read and CPU load when it really shouldn't. The @IDParameter below is coming in as a parameter to the proc.

Here's the snippet of code where the problem is coming in:

SET @ID = (SELECT ID From OtherTable WHERE FKID = @IDParameter);
FROM LargeTable

WHERE MostlyZeroID = @ID AND MostlyZeroID > 0Most (90+%) of the MostlyZeroID rows are 0 (hence the name) but regardless of distribution this should evaluate with minimal work on SQL Server's part to 0. However, when this was run, it is using a ton of CPU and doing a ton of Reads as it seeks through the entire index. When I look at the execution plan, I see under the seek predicate a Scalar Operator(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(int,[@1],0)) which is what is destroying the performance.

I've confirmed that the MostlyZeroID column in the LargeTable is defined as an INT NOT NULL. I also tested the scenario outside the stored procedure without any variables as the following to make sure it wasn't some kind of strange parameter sniffing scenario:

FROM LargeTable
WHERE MostlyZeroID = 0 AND MostlyZeroID > 0

However, this query also did the implicit conversion. I then tried this out on a temp table populated with a similar number of records (100 million) with a similar distribution and I didn't get the implicit conversion (I got a constant scan as I would've expected) when I did this:

FROM #TestTable
WHERE MostlyZero = 0 AND MostlyZero > 0

I also tried the same on several other tables that are set up similarly (large amount of zeros in an INT column) and I always got a constant scan and didn't do an implicit conversion.

why the query engine is interpreting this 0 as something other than an INT and doing an implicit conversion when getting the count in the scenario above? What can be done to protect against it? In the above scenario, an IF @ID > 0 statement was placed before the code including the count since there was no reason to even run the code if the @ID was equal to zero.

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SQL 2012 :: Matching Column IDs Based On Field Contents

Apr 2, 2015

I have tables in my database, tblNames1, tblNames2, tblNames3, and a main addresses table (currently empty). Once I've imported the address data I need to match the addressIDs in the names tables to the Primary ID in the address table based on the values of a field CompanyName (which is common to all the tables) My issue is that I have a huge CSV file with the master address information but obviously SQL server needs to assign foreign keys so the names tables can linked to corresponding rows in address table. It's a a many to 1 relationship as their will be one address with multiple name entries. All the names are normalized so everything can be matched up...

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SQL 2012 :: Compare Two Tables A And B - Copy Matching Values To Table C

Mar 31, 2014

I have 3 table


1 RAJU 070491
2 VAMSHI 089767
3 ARUNA 068908


2 RAJU 070491
4 JKLKJ 098766



1 RAJU 070491

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Data Conversion From String To Decimal When Saving Data To SQL Server 2005 Using An ADO Recordset

Feb 12, 2008


I am wondering what conversion rules apply, when a string, which contains a number, is saved to a SQL Server 2005 into a column of type decimal.

This is the code I€™m using (C++):

CString cValue = "0.75"
_variant_t vtFieldValue;
vtFieldValue = _variant_t(cValue)
pRecordSet->Fields->Item["MyColumn"]->Value = vtFieldValue;

"pRecordSet" is an ADO recordset. The database column "MyColumn" is of type "decimal(19,10)".

The most important question for me is, if the regional settings of the database server or the regional settings of the client PC are considered during the conversion from the string to the decimal value. For example in standard French regional settings the "." would not be recognized as decimal separator.

I am also wondering if the language of the database instance, in which this data is saved, is considered during this conversion or any other settings of this database instance.

So my general question is: Does anybody know exactly what rules apply during the above mentioned conversion?

Thank you for your help.


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Integration Services :: Data Import From Excel Multiple Sheets With A Pattern Of Sheet Names

Aug 20, 2015

I have an excel file which contains lots of sheets. Some of them are named as DW-<day>-<month> (for e.g; DW-1-July). Like this I have sheets for the whole month. I have other sheets too with a different name. I would like to import data from these sheets only (DW ones). Upon my research I have found that this can be achieved via For Each Loop Container (I guess!). 

Post data import, I have a set of T-SQL query that I plan to execute via Execute SQL Task. 

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