In the above data, no record exist for 201403,201404,201405, query I wrote will give only the data for which there LeftCount exists, but I am looking for a query which get the data in the below format.
I have a table with dates and values and other columns. In a proc i need to get the result as Month and the values for all the months whether or not the data exists for the month.
The Similar table would be-
create table testing( DepDate datetime, val int) insert into testing values ('2014-01-10 00:00:00.000', 1) insert into testing values ('2014-05-19 00:00:00.000', 10) insert into testing values ('2014-08-15 00:00:00.000', 20) insert into testing values ('2014-11-20 00:00:00.000', 30)
This is how I calculate the ratio of failures in an order:
31 Days Table 1 query sum(CASE WHEN (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21')) >= 31 THEN 31 WHEN (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21')) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE (datediff(dd,serDATE,'2015-01-21'))END) as 31days1 .
How do i loop and pass dates dynamically in the Datediff?
31 Failures Table 2 query SUM(Case when sometable.FAILUREDATE BETWEEN dateadd(DAY,-31,CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-01-21 23:59:00.0', 102)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-01-21 23:59:00.0', 102)Then 1 Else 0 END) As Failures31,31 Day Cal(Formula) combining both Table 1 and Table 2 ((365*(Convert(decimal (8,1),T2.Failures31)/T1.31day))) [31dayCal]This works fine when done for a specific order.
I want a similar kind of calculation done for day wise and month wise.
2. what approach should I be using to achieve day wise and month wise calculation?
I do also have a table called Calender with the list of dates that i can use.
I have @Year and @Month as parameters , both integers , example @Year = '2013' , @Month = '11'
SELECT T.[Year], T.[Month]
-- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run) , (SELECT SUM(Stores) FROM #ABC WHERE [Year] = T.[Year] AND [Month] = T.[Month]) AS [Sum_Stores], (SELECT SUM(SalesStores)
What I want to do is to add more columns to the query which show the difference from the last month. as shown below. Example : The Diff beside the Sum_Stores shows the difference in the Sum_Stores from last month to this month.
I need to build a report that compares a count on a certain day of the week by month by year by stacks. That is,for first Monday in October 2012 against first Monday in October 2013 for stack DM1 against first Monday in October 2014 stack DM1, same for second Monday, first Tuesday, second Tuesday, ect. Attached is a sample dataset and what I want to achieve.
I am trying to get count of records by month wise when they select year .It was showing the out put correctly but its showing months arer in numbers,but I want to display Jan,Feb ...
SELECT DISTINCT Standard, COUNT(Standard) AS Total,month(ReportDate) Month FROM CPTable where year(ReportDate) = '2015' GROUP BY Standard, Standard , month(ReportDate)
Let's say if the date is 01/01/2015 till 01/01/2016
I want split these dates monthly format wise and then use them in variable in cursors to loop
For an example Monthly date should be 01/01/2015 and 01/31/2015 and use these two values in 2 variables and make a loop until it never ends whole date range which is 01/01/2016
i want to show data Party Name and Time interval wise. here is my table from where i will fetch data. so pasting table data here.
Call start Call duration Ring duration Direction Is_Internal Continuation Party1Name Park_Time ------------------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ----------- 2015/06/08 08:06:08 00:02:28 2 I 0 0 Emily 0 2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:00:21 0 I 0 1 Line 2.0 0 2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:04:13 5 I 0 0 Jen 0
now i am not being able to cross join this CTE with my table to get data party name wise and time interval wise. say for if no data exist for a specific time interval then it will show 0 but each party name should repeat for time interval 9:00:00 - 9:30:00 upto 17:30:00. i like to add what filter need to apply to get data for incoming, outgoing, call transfer and miss call.
For Incoming data calculation where direction='I' and Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 and RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)<> '00:00:00' For outgoing data calculation
How to get Instance wise CPU resource utilization report in sql server 2012? I have 2 sql server instance INST1 and INST2 running in window server 2012.I want report like this
I am trying to add month to a date. Here is my code
declare @CollectionDate date='10-28-2014' select @CollectionDate ;WITH CTemp AS ( SELECT TransactionDate=CAST(@CollectionDate AS DATE) ,RemainingTransaction=1 UNION all
[Code] ....
It is working fine. But when I am giving date '10-30-2014' it shows me the error
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
I can understand the problem that it is for the month of February. But How do I overcome the situation?
I'm trying to find the most succinct way to get the last occurrence of April 1st given a date.
At the moment I'm using this:
DECLARE @Date DATE = '20131217' SELECT CONVERT(DATE, CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, IIF( --If we're at the start of a year --we'll need to go back a year DATEPART(MONTH, @Date) IN (1,2,3), DATEADD(YEAR, - 1, @Date), @Date )) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '0401')
I want to display records from Jun-2006 To Mar-2008.Month and Year are two different fields.I got the expected result using Union as follows.But i want it within one qury only.Is it possible? if yes please guide me.
(Select SUM(Amt), R.Month AS Month ,R.Year AS Year FROM Receipt R WHERE (R.Month >= 6 AND R.Year = 2006) Group By R.Year , R.Month ) Union (Select SUM(Amt), R.Month AS Month ,R.Year AS Year FROM Receipt R WHERE (R.Month <=3 AND R.Year = 2008) Group By R.Year , R.Month )
I am in seach of a query where in I can provide month, year and client name and fetch last available comments from the table.
Client,Month,Year and Comments are columns in that table.
For Ex: If i pass client as A, month as 7 and year as 2015, I should get comments for client A, month July and year 2015 if available.
If data not available, it must go to June month and so on until it finds comments.Also when month is Jan, if query is going back, year also should get changed.
I'm trying to extract some data from an XML column, into the demo below I would like to obtain the CommandText value but my attempts so far are in vain, I'm fairly sure its just a path issue in the .query command but I just can't seem to get it to work.
What's the best way to calculate a customers age and value by month and year?
I need to be able to calculate customer value by month and year, and then to calculate their age at each month in time. I've found a way of grouping sales by month and year that includes age for a particular contact like this:
select fh.contact_number , concat(year(fh.transaction_date), '-', month(fh.transaction_date)) as transaction_month_year , cast(fh.transaction_date as date) as transaction_date , sum(fh.amount) as ttl_amount_in_month
[Code] .....
It seems to work, but any better way to achieve this?
I have a query currently that looks like this . @Month and @Year are supplied as parameters
SELECT -- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run) (SELECT SUM(SalesofProductA) FROM #ABC WHERE [Year]=T.[Year] AND [Month]=T.[Month]) AS [Sum_SalesofProductA]
[Code] ...
Right now I see an output like this : for a particular value of @Month and @Year
SalesofProductA, SalesofProductB, SalesofProductC What I would like to see is :
I need to make a query that counts installed developer software for all our developers (from the sccm database), for licensing purposes. The trick here is that a license should only be counted once per. developer and that should be the highest version. But in the database, the developers can have different versions of the software installed (upgrades) on the same computer and they often use several computers with different software versions.
So for example: A source table with two developers
------------------------------------------------------------------- | dev1 | comp1 | Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 | dev1 | comp1 | Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2010 | dev1 | comp2 | Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2010 | dev2 | comp3 | Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2010 | dev2 | comp4 | Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------
I want the result to be: ----------------------------------------------------- | dev1 | Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 | dev2 | Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012 ------------------------------------------------------
I have created a query using cursors that give me the correct result, but it's way to slow to be acceptable (over 20 min..). I also toyed with the idea of creating some sort of CRL proc or function in C# that does the logic, but a SCCM consultant from MS said that if I create any kind of custom objects on the SCCM SQL Server instance, we loose all support from them. So I'm basically stuck with using good old fashioned T-SQL queries.
My idea now, is to use a CTE table and combine it with a Temp table with the software and a rank. I feel that I'm on the right track, but I just can't nail it properly.
This is how far I have come now:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#swRank') IS NULL CREATE TABLE #swRank(rankID int NOT NULL UNIQUE, vsVersion nvarchar(255)) INSERT INTO #swRank(rankID, vsVersion) VALUES (1, 'Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013'), (2, 'Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012'),
hi, i am generating report for my project. my table goes like ID VASID VASSID JanMail JanVisit JanPhone JanComment FebMail FebVisit FebPhone FebComment................. DecPhone 1 25 4 True False False Mail me False True False Visit me
My report has 3 check boxes for Mail,Visit,Phone respectively and a listbox of 12 months january-december respectively.. once user check on Mail and select a month suppose January in my report,the report should generate only January Comments. here user can select any number of months.if user selects january,february and march, report should generate respective months Comments. Please help me in writing SQL Query to get the comments.......
if any one know the solution for the above problem,Please help me
I.E. I WANT two columns C1# and C2#, where C1# contains data from 2015 and C2# contains data from previous year (2014). If 2015 data is not present, then C1# will contain data of 2014 and C2# will contain data of 2013.
I have the table below and like to create a view to show the no of days the property was vacant or void and rent loss per month. The below explanation will describe output required
For example we have a property (house/unit/apartment) and the tenant vacates on 06/09/2014. Lets say we fill the property back on 15/10/2014. From this we know the property was empty or void for 39 days. Now we need to calculate the rent loss. Based on the Market Rent of the property we can get this. Lets say the market rent for our property is $349/pw. So the rent loss for 39 days is 349/7*39 = $1944.43/-.
Now the tricky part and what im trying to achieve. Since the property was void or empty between 2 months, I want to know how many days the property was empty in the first month and the rent loss in that month and how many days the property was empty in the second month and the rent loss incurred in that month. Most of the properties are filled in the same month and only in few cases the property is empty between two months.
As shown below we are splitting the period 06/09/2014 - 15/10/2014 and then calculating the void days and rent loss per month
Period No of Void Days Rent Loss 06/09/2014 - 30/09/2014 24 349/7*24 = 1196.57 01/10/2014 - 15/10/2014 15 349/7*15 = 747.85
I have uploaded a screenshot of how the result on this link: [URL] ....
Declare @void Table ( PropCode VARCHAR(10) ,VoidStartDate date ,LetDate date ,Market_Rent Money