SQL Server 2012 :: RAISERROR Not Showing Custom Message In Job History

Apr 1, 2014

So I have two steps in my job that check conditions and call RAISERROR to gracefully complete the job if those conditions are met (meaning I only want the final step to run in a specific situation). Works great, except for some reason my messages are not making it into the log. It is appending the SQLSTATE, and a default error instead of anything that I'm putting into RAISERROR.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Cleanup History Has Extra Output Message

Apr 16, 2015

Oldest Day till I want to Purge[30 days of Old Data] : 03-17-2015

Running Cleanuphistory Procedure On Server:

NO of records are qualifying for deletion:0

Deleted Sysmail MAil Items, Old history: 1
Deleted Sysmail Log Old history: 1
0 history entries purged. <<<<<<< ----------------------- [HOW IT IS COMING ?? ??]
Deleted SQL JOB Old HISTORY: 1


[Code] .....

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EM Backup Devices Not Showing History..

Jan 12, 2000

I am using EM to administer SQL 6.5 SP5a and have a few dBs that do not show backup history by expanding the backup device. The server is regestered as SA and MSDB does contain the the correct data in the sysbackuphistory table. MSDB DBCCs OK and other dBs show history. I manage multiple SQL 6.5 servers but this is the first time I've seen this and can find no info in the various KBs or NGs..
Anyone have any clues?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Password History Table

May 7, 2014

I have a table of users including: UserName, Password (comuted col), FirstName, LastName, Address and other details....

I have to keep 10 Recent passwords , so I created another table "ut_Password " (Table2)

This table contains the following columns : Username, Password , and Password_Date.

I searched a lot but could not find something similar in my opinion need SP for it.

- 10 row Max for Password History in table 2
- when user change password it's need to be uniqe and it should not appear last 10 passwords
- Each user can have a maximum of 10 lines containing history password table
- Most old password deleted and replaced with a new password will enter the correct date (FIFO method first in first out).

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting End Dates For History Segments?

Aug 14, 2014

I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:

CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus

123 A 01/01/2013

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting End Dates For History Segments

Aug 14, 2014

I have a customer history table with the follow structure and data:

CustomerID Tier StartDate RecordStatus

123 A 01/01/2013 1
123 A 03/01/2013 0
123 B 03/01/2013 1
123 B 06/01/2013 0
123 A 08/01/2014 1
456 C 02/01/2014 1


[Code] .....

The RECORDSTATUS value of 1 means the record is active. A corresponding record of the same CustomerID, Tier. in startdate chronology, with a value of 0 indicates that the previous record with the status of 1 has now terminated and the startdate of the record with recordstatus of 0 is the start date of the termination of the previous record, or better stated, the end date of the previous record.

What I need to do is re-record the above data the startdate of each terminated record become an enddate for the previous record, minus 1 day, as follows:

123 A 01/01/2013 02/28/2013
123 B 03/01/2013 05/31/2013
123 A 08/01/2014 NULL
456 C 02/01/2014 NULL

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SQL 2012 :: View Server Agent Job History ONLY

Jul 6, 2015

I want to give developers access to view SQL Job history, but not let them inhert permission to create local jobs like they get with the fixed server roles.

how can this be achieved? Or can it only be achieved by giving them access to the tables in msdb and querying them?

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SQL 2012 :: Retrieve Job History For All The Jobs Using Central Management Server?

Apr 2, 2015

Is there anyway we could retrieve the job history for all the jobs in all the sql server using Central Management Server?

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Message Box Not Showing In Production Environmett

Feb 6, 2008


I am trying to write some run time validation so that my users do not select a date more than a year in the past.
My problem is that while the message box appears when I am developing in BIDS it does not appear when I deploy to my web site.

Does anyone know of a way to do run-time parameter validation?


The report parameter that calls the code using the following:

=Code.CheckDate(Parameters!ForDate.Value, DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Today()))

The code:

Function CheckDate(StartDate AS Date, PrevYearDate As Date) AS Integer

Dim msg as String

If (Cstr(StartDate) <Cstr(PrevYearDate)) Then
msg="Start Date cannot be earlier than 1 year prior to the current date!"
End IF

If msg <> "" Then
msgbox(msg, 16, "Report Validation Error")
End IF

End Function

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SQL Server 2012 :: List Catalog Reports With No Execution History Returns 0 Rows

Feb 13, 2015

comparing UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns..This query returns several rows where the [ReportId] and [LastRunDate] columns are both NULL:

SELECT [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
, MAX([TimeStart]) [LastRunDate]
FROM [dbo].[Catalog] [c]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] [xl] on [c].[ItemID] = [xl].[ReportID]
WHERE [c].[Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
group by [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
order by 4

However, trying to just list catalog reports with no execution history returns 0 rows, but I'm expecting it to return a row for every NULL [ReportId] from the above query:

FROM [dbo].[Catalog]
WHERE [Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
AND [ItemID] NOT IN (SELECT [ReportID] FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage])

I even tried casting [ItemId] and [ReportId] columns in the 2nd query to VARCHAR(255), and still got no rows, but the following queries return 0 rows and 1 row (respectively).

select * from [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] where [ReportID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'
select * from [dbo].[Catalog] where [ItemID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'

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Custom DataFlow Transformation Not Showing Up In Toolbox

Nov 27, 2006

I've created a custom data flow tranformation and it isn't showing up in the Tool Box Items to be added under the Data Flow Items tab (right click on tool box, 'Choose Items...', then clicked Data Flow Items).

I have done the following:

signed the assembly,
added to GAC,
copied the dll to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPipelineComponents.

It worked previously when I was just starting out, however now I cannot see it. What would cause it to not show up? Everything compiles fine. How would I determine how to fix it so that it shows up?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Execution Not Showing Up In Profiler Trace

Aug 22, 2014

Set up a trace with the events RPC:Completed, SQL:BatchCompleted, SQL:BatchStarting, and SQL:StmtCompleted.

When I issue the statement: SELECT * FROM XyzView there is nothing captured in Profiler. If I script out the view and then execute the select statement that defines the view, it does show up in Profiler.

I've tried adding a lot of the other events, i.e. SP:StmtCompleted and the various other StmtStarting events and the trace still does not capture anything.

Am I capturing the wrong events or is this known behavior? My goal is to see what the overhead is for using a view versus persisting the results of the view as a table and referencing that instead. The view in question is against static data, joins 9 tables, and is referenced a lot.

I can use the stats generated when I execute the select that defines the view but I still find this to be curious behavior so I assume I'm doing something wrong.

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Message 3009 - Could Not Insert A Backup Or Restore History/detail Record In Msdb.dbo.sysbackuphisto

Oct 1, 2001


While backing up our database, I am getting the following message:

Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in msdb.dbo.sysbackuphistory or sysrestorehistory. This may indicate a problem with the MSDB database. DUMP/LOAD was still successful. (Message 3009)

Does anybody have any resolution for the same ?


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Dec 19, 2006

I would like to know if there was any semantic differences between the two following statements?

RAISERROR('Invalid argument.',11,1);

or simply

RAISERROR('Invalid argument.',11,1) WITH NOWAIT;

It seems that both statements interrupt the current transaction.

Does anyone has an idea on the subject?

Thanks in advance,

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Custom SQL Error Message

Dec 19, 2005

When the user does not have permissions to select, update, or delete a record I would like to write a custom error message to capture the sql error. I have tried "On Error Resume Next", which bypasses the error. Using an include file that will handle all the query errors that is accessible to the entire ASP application is the goal.

Thank you for the assistance.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Concat Parameter In A Message

Jun 2, 2014

I have a procedure (a) where i call another procedure (b) passing @message as a parameter to procedure B.

Create procedure a
declare @prevyear
exec b @message = 'avvasdva' + cast(@prevyear as varchar)

When i execute above procedure, i get error at + sign i.e. @message parameter. how can i concatenate string with another parameter when passing parameters

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Custom Error Message, When Database Is Not Accessible

Apr 22, 2000

Hi everybody,
There are times when the database (SQL 7.0) cannot be accessed ( backup, routine maintenance, etc....) from asp page.
In those cases i am getting an ugly asp error message.
Is there a way ( code ) which will trap that error and return a nicer custom message for user or something like that.
Thanks a lot,

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Check Constraint With Custom Error Message

Mar 14, 2008

i need the t-sql statement for a check constraint that has a custom error message that shows the proper fromat for column entry.... i know its confusing...

example... if im using the authors table in the pubs database and the numbers in the au_id column reads xxx-xxxxxx where x represents numbers... what must i do so that the error message reads the proper format... ie. use proper format XXX-XXXXXX, is what i might want the error message to read.

thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Unique Custom Error Numbers For THROW Statements?

Apr 20, 2015

My team is starting to implement error handling in our sprocs. One question we have is whether or not to use unique error numbers for custom errors (ie Errors we throw after doing some sort of validity check, not SQL Server errors). For example, we might check the value of a parameter and then throw an error that says "Parameter State_Date must be less than today, please retry".

We are using SQL Server 2012 and will be using the THROW statement, not RAISERROR, so we don't HAVE to put the numbers in sys.messages. Also, we are going to log the errors in a table, along with the error message, sproc name, line number, etc.

Is it useful to maintain a custom list of error numbers and messages? Or is it just as useful to use one standard error number and add a custom error message (which we can then search for in our code, or use the sproc name & line number we logged)? And if it is worth maintaining a list of numbers plus messages, should we go ahead and put them in sys.messages?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Find CPU Usage From History

Jun 15, 2015

I am trying to find out CPU utilization from the history using process.%processor time. I am having dual core CPU with 2 numa nodes each having 16 logical cpus bind to it.

how to calculate the CPU utilization using perfmon.I tried to use SQL query which gives CPU history using SQL DMV, but I am unable to get the exact value. Because in between I have used the same querry to capture my CPU usage on the run day, the value on run day and the query which iam tryting to pull out is different. I am using the same query to pull the history data with providing the date.

-- Get CPU Utilization History (SQL Server 2008 and above)

SELECT @ts =(SELECT cpu_ticks/(cpu_ticks/ms_ticks)
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info);
SELECT SQLProcessUtilization AS [SQLServer_Process_CPU_Utilization],
SystemIdle AS [System_Idle_Process],
100 - SystemIdle - SQLProcessUtilization AS [Other_Process_CPU_Utilization],


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SQL 2012 :: Query For History Table?

Nov 3, 2015

I have order history table that tracks who worked on a order

ID. ColA. ColB. ColC
1. Process 1234
2. Work. 7666
3. Return. 6789
4. Work. Null Role1
5. Return. 6538

I want a query to return recent colB or ColC where colA or colB are not null. In this case row 4

I have order history table that tracks who worked on a order

Another example

ID. ColA. ColB. ColC
1. Work. 1234
2. Process. 7666
3. Return. 6789

I want a query to return most recent colB or ColC where colB or ColC are not null. In this case row 2

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SQL Server 2012 :: Error Message - Aggregate Function And Group By Clause

Feb 19, 2014

I'm trying to write a query to select various columns from 3 tables. In the where clause I use a set of conditions, but most important condition is that I only want to see all results from the different columns where the ph.ProdHeaderDossierCode contains at least 25 lines of processed hours. I tried this with group by and having, but I constant get error messages on all other columns that I want to see: "is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause". How can I make this so I can see all information I need?

Here is my code so far:

fromdbo.T_ProcessedHour ph,

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Select Statement From History Table?

Jan 26, 2015

Project has 2 tables process(parent) and processchild(child).

Project workflow recorddsany changes to these tables as a history.

I want to find out all the process that are in status = saved(1) where processchild is at status = started(1).

Here is example.

Process table

PK, processid, status , other data
1, 1, 1,...
2, 1, 2,...
3, 2, 1,...
4, 3, 1,...

ProcessChild table

PK, processid, processchildid status, other data
1, 1, 1, 1,..
2, 1, 1, 2,..
3, 1, 2, 1,...
4, 1, 2, 2,...
5, 2, 1, 1,..
6, 2, 1, 2,...
7, 2, 2, 1,...
8, 3, 1, 1,..

I want to find out all the processes where processchildid=2 and processchild.status =1

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SQL Server 2012 :: SSRS - Display A Message When User Enter Wrong Parameter?

Mar 12, 2015

Issue #1 I have a report that takes 8 character parameter, A error message needs to popped out if user enters parameter less than 8 character.

Issue #2 I have a report with Tablix. A message needs to display if Tablix returns no Rows.

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SQL 2012 :: Database Failover History In AlwaysOn Group

Jun 16, 2014

If there is a history kept somewhere of failover events of a database in an AO group? I have 2 replicas with automatic failover and I'm looking for a history of failovers.

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SQL 2012 :: Deadlocks - Not Showing In Profiler

Feb 24, 2015

We have some Deadlock alerts set up in SQL Agent that email us when the performance counter for deadlocks goes above zero. I've used the following script to identify the event file which has deadlock information in there.

select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData
from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st
join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address
where name = 'system_health'

Now that is fine, and we're looking into that (number of deadlocks appear to be 0.5) but out of interest ran a SQL Profiler session to capture the details as well and nothing is showing, I've received a few alerts and the trace file has information in there - but profiler shows absolutely nothing (all deadlock events are captured)

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SQL 2012 :: Copy SSRS Report Snaphot History To Another Folder

Mar 17, 2015

How can I make a copy of an SSRS Report history snaphot to another folder in Report Manager. I have a report that has history snapshots. But want a copy of the report snapshot history in another folder for users to view easier in Report Manager.

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SQL 2012 :: 64 Bit Options Not Showing Up In Configuration Manager

Jun 20, 2014

I installed SQL Server 2012 on a windows server 2012 that had an existing 2008 R2 SQL installation.

After the install I can see only the 32 bit network configuration options in SQL Server Configuration Manager for both versions. Before the install they were available in the 2008 R2 version of the tool.

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SQL 2012 :: Job In Rollback Not Showing In Activity Monitor?

Feb 22, 2015

We have killed a job which is now in KILLEDROLL BACK state. Job activity monitor is not showing any running jobs but I can see the SPID of that job. When tried to kill again its giving the message ‘command completed successfully‘, not able to get the percentage or time for the roll back to complete.

Another DBA tried to create a snapshot and it was stuck and I believe it was because of this ROLLBACK as both were using same Database.

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SQL 2012 :: Applying Encryption On Database - Showing Error

Sep 22, 2014

How can I create encryption on database ?. When I try to apply encryption on my database then it showing error message below....

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SQL 2012 :: Why Are Databases Showing Up In Newly Created Instance

Sep 18, 2015

Why are the user databases that were created in the MSSQLSERVER default instance showing up in the newly created ALPHAONE instance? I'm successfully logging into the alphaone database as it shows as "DASAlphaOne,1xxxPport) at the top of the treeview in ssms. I'm logging in as sa and can edit anything.

The issue here is that all the user databases are shown and can even be edited. I created this instance in an effort to hide databases from whoever is not supposed to see.I was expecting a clean instance with only the system databases..Is there something that can be set to keep each instance's databases private into itself?

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Feb 16, 2007

Whats the relation between SYBASE RAISERROR and SQL Server RAISERROR in terms of user-defined error codes

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn High Availability Group Showing All Databases

Apr 28, 2014

I came across an issue while migrating from SQL 2005 to SQL 2012 and using AlwaysOn Group. For some strange reason, when ever i connect to the Listener name for each AlwaysOn group, it list all the databases which is on the SQL instance, so i would be able to see databases that is not part of that Availability Group. I am not using default port, so have to put the port after the Name to connect and both Instance and Listener are using different port.
Testing the fail over works fine too, when i perform a manual failover, i can connect to any of the databases in the group from my application with no problem.

Considering that the Listener Port is different to the port which the instance is using?

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