SQL Server 2012 :: Randomly Delete Records Based On Some Condition

Mar 19, 2014

create table #sample
Name varchar(100),
value int


From that I wanted to delete some records based on following condition. randomly select any number of records but sum(value) = 125 and name = xxx

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Transact SQL :: Get Records Based On Condition In Server

Nov 22, 2015

I have a question about SQL Server.

Table patient:

create table patient (pn int,code int,date date,doctorcode int)
insert into patient (pn,code,date,doctorcode)

[Code] ...

Table Patientref:

create table patientref
(pn int,code int, sdate date,edate date,status int)
insert into patientref(pn,code,sdate,edate,status)

[Code] ...

Here we need consider patient dates that fall between sdate and edate of the patientrefs table, and then we need to consider the highest status values in order (for example, the highest values in order - 2 is first highest, 4 is second highest, 3 is third highest, and 1 is fourth highest value)

If the date falls between multiple different sdate and edate with the same status values, then we need to consider the latest sdate value and from that entire record we need to extract that value.

Examples: patient

pn |  code  |  date      |   doctorcode
2  |  10    |2015-02-12  |   101
2  |  10    |2015-02-13  |   102
2  |  10    |2015-02-14  |   103

Table : Patientref:

pn |  code  |  sdate      |   edate      | Status
2  |  10    |2015-02-08   |   2015-02-19 |  4
2  |  10    |2015-02-09   |   2015-02-19 |  2
2  |  10    |2015-02-10   |   2015-02-19 |  2
2  |  10    |2015-02-11   |   2015-02-18 |  1

Here, pn=2 values have dates which fall between sdate and edate of patientref table. Then we give highest values status is 2, and status 2 values have two records, then we go for max sdate(latest sdate). Then this pn=2 latest sdates is 2015-02-10 and we need to retrieve the corresponding edate and status values.

pn = 4donot have sdate and edate and status values dut not fall conditon 

Based on this, the desired output is below:

pn |  code  |  date      |   doctorcode | sdate     |edate      |status
1  |  10    |2015-02-19  |   100        |2015-02-19 |2015-03-24 | 2
1  |  10    |2015-02-19  |   101        |2015-02-19 |2015-03-24 | 2
1  |  10    |2015-02-19  |   102        |2015-02-19 |2015-03-24 | 2
2  |  10    |2015-02-12  |   101        |2015-02-10 |2015-02-19 | 2

[Code] ...

I tried it like this:

select p.pn,p.code,p.[date],p.doctorcode,pr.sdate,pr.edate,pr.[status] from patient p
 outer apply (select top 1 pr.pn,pr.code,pr.sdate,pr.edate,pr.[status] from patientref pr 
where pr.pn=p.pn and pr.code=p.code and p.date between pr.sdate and pr.edate
 order by case when pr.status=2 
then 1 when pr.status=4 then 2
 when pr.status=3 then 3 
when pr.status=1 then 4 end ,pr.sdate 

but this query not given expected result.here when dos not fall between sdate and edate  that records not given in the above query. I required that records also.if not fall b/w condition then we need retrive that records empty values for that records.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting New Columns Based On Condition

Feb 25, 2014

I have a very simple query like the following…

SELECT table2.column_code2,
FROM database_001.table2 table1 LFET OUTER JOIN database_001.table2 table1 on (table2.column_code1 = table1.column_code1)

From this query, its returning me a result set of something like below:

column_code1 column_description1 column_code2 column_description2


Now, on the above query I want to insert three extra columns with the name (status, location and contact) where the results in the extra three columns would be based on the conditions I want to define in the query based on the above results…

Something for example (I am not trying to write a condition: my question is how to write it),

if column_code1 = RO1 and column_description2 = PDF/ECOPY on status column it should return a value ‘ONLINE’ & on location column it should return ‘WEB’ and on contact column it should write ‘BOB’.

Also, if column_code1 = RO5 and column_description1 = JOURNAL on status column it should return a value ‘ON PRESS FOR PRINT’ & on location column it should return ‘S.R STREET, LONDON’ and on contact column it should write ‘SMITH’ like below result…so the final output should be the top four columns and the extra three columns…

See the attachment for better formatting...

status location contact

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Exclude Row From Result Set Based On Condition

Sep 15, 2015

Lets say I have a set of columns as follows:

Table.Name - Table.ID - Table.Code

I want to write a query that will cycle through the results and if it comes across another record that has a matching Table.ID I want to exclude that row from the result set.

I am not all too familiar with how to use either a Case or If..Else Statement within a Sql statement that would accomplish this.

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How To Delete Existing Data Based On Where Clause Condition

Feb 18, 2014

I have written a merge Statement where i am facing trouble to delete the data basing on Where Clause Condition.

1) Case 1 : For example i have inserted Data from Source to Target based on Date Key Condition.Take an Instance 10 Records Inserted.
2) Case 2 : For example some changes in the records and it has been updated through the Merge Statement .
3) Case 3 : For the Same Date key based on Conditions now three records has came and need to be inserted and rest should be deleted for that Date Key.

How i need to proceed on this before 10 records are not getting deleted and new records adding for that one

My Example Code :

MERGE INTO TargetTable AS Target
FROM Table1 AS cga
ON dad.AnchorDate = CASE

[Code] ....

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Delete Multiple Rows One At A Time Based On A Condition

Aug 28, 2007


I have the following scenario :

[status = 0 means customer virtually deleted]

archiveno [autoincrement]

At the end of the month, I have to physically delete customers. I have written two stored procs:

create proc spoc_startdeletion
declare @app_no int
select @app_no = (select app_no from customerdetail where status=0)
EXEC spoc_insertcustomerarchive @app_no
-- After transferrin, physically delete
delete from customerdetail where status=0

create proc spoc_insertcustomerarchive
@app_no int
insert into customerarchive(customerid,customername,status)
select customerid,customername,status from customerdetail where app_no = @app_no

It works fine if there is only one row with status=0, however the problem is that when there are multiple rows in customerdetail with status=0, it returns 'Subquery returned more than one value'

How can i transfer multiple rows one by one from the customerdetail to customerarchive and then delete the rows once they are transferred.


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SQL 2012 :: Query To Make Single Records From Multiple Records Based On Different Fields Of Different Records?

Mar 20, 2014

writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29

output should be ......

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29

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SQL 2012 :: Concatenate And Sum Based On Condition

Jan 28, 2015

I have a table where I need to concatenate and sum based on conditions given below .

[SalesRegion] [VARCHAR](5) NULL,
[OrderType] [INT] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

SELECT 1296 AS OrderID, 2547 AS ProjectID,364 AS ProductID,6 AS FormatID,66 AS MEdiaTypeID,'Fast Track,Fast Track' AS ProductComment,'sq mi' AS UOM,'Y' AS FormatName,'LTO4_800' AS MEdia ,41.67000 AS aPPLIEDRATE

IF OrderID,PrjectID,ProductID,FormatID,MediaTypeID AND AppliedRate AND ProductComment IS different , THEN I want TO concetenate ProductComment AND sum AppliedRate

SELECT 1207 AS OrderID, 2351 AS ProjectID,364 AS ProductID,6 AS FormatID,32 AS MEdiaTypeID,'no charge,final volume' AS ProductComment,'sq mi' AS UOM,'Y' AS FormatName,'3590E' AS MEdia ,55.56000 AS AppliedRate

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Delete All Rows Satisfying Certain Condition From Table A And Related Records From B And C

Apr 14, 2015

I have around 3 tables having around 20 to 30gb of data. My table A related to table B by a FK and same way table B related to table C by FK. I would like to delete all rows satisfying certain condition from table A and all corresponding related records from table B and C. I have created a query to delete the grandchild first, followed by child table and finally parent. I have used inner join in my delete query. As you all know, inner join delete operations, are going to be extremely resource Intensive especially on bigger tables.

What is the best approach to delete all these rows? There are many constraints, triggers on these tables. Also, there might be some FK relations to other tables as well.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Records Based On Year

Aug 17, 2015

I am trying to select records based on a year.

SET @Date = 2012
DECLARE @Year int
SET @Year = (SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,@Date))
SELECT @Year AS Year

-- FROM [Orders].[dbo].[Orders] od
-- WHERE .Orderl_Date < @Date;
----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)= @Year
----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,od.Order_Date)= @ArchiveYear

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Records Based On Year?

Aug 17, 2015

SET @Date = 2012
DECLARE @Year int
SET @Year = (SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,@Date))
SELECT @Year AS Year
-- FROM [Orders].[dbo].[Orders] od
-- WHERE .Orderl_Date < @Date;
----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,@Date)= @Year
----WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,od.Order_Date)= @ArchiveYear

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Related Records Set Based Results

Sep 29, 2015

I have a table that has multiple transactions for stock items.

This table holds all records relating to items that are inducted onto the system and there movement. For each stock item i am interested in getting the drop destination, if it has one, and only when it follows the sequential order of "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" (this sequence isn't always the case). Also note the CreatedDate for the Inducted and OnTransport records for the valid sequences are always the same. Below is a valid sequence for a stock item so i would want to return 'Lane01' for the Destination of this occurrence of the stock item, if this item didn't have a valid drop location then destination would be blank. Also note each stock item can be inducted more than one time per-day.

I think i have managed to build the below sql but it will only do one item at a time, so would have to wrap it in a function. Is there a way of writing a set based select statement that gets all the inducted items and for the ones that do follow the "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" return the destination it was dropped at? I've attached scrips below:

DECLARE @StockItemID nVarchar(128)

Set @StockItemID='8cbe17da-6079-4170-b27a-41c0d38830f6'
Set @CreateDate = CAST('2015-08-31 13:52:39.890' AS datetime)

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Keep Only Top 50 Records For Every User And Delete Remaining

Aug 4, 2015

I have a table 'library' with two columns

user_name, access_time

every user is having more than 500 entries, i want to keep only top 50 records for every user and delete the remaining records.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Large Number Of Records?

Sep 8, 2015

I have the following scenario:

SQL database on SQL 2012

Large Production table 15 Million record

The table has 3 years of data

New monthly data is being added every month.

A New Monthly data is being loaded, checked and finally approved after 6 or 7 iteration before approval.Because of this iteration the monthly data set is being added then deleted then added then deleted few times.Because the table is big this process takes time, any thoughts on how to make the delete insert process faster.Keep in mind I cannot do much because it is a production table and is being access by other users to do other analysis.

Delete is done based on trx_date which is a year/month combo, like 201508.

The table has monthly sales by customer aggregated.

The table structure is:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales](
[batch_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[Company_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[customer_key] [char](22) NOT NULL,
[Trx_Date] [int] NOT NULL,
[account] [nvarchar](35) NOT NULL,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Unmatching Records In Child Table

Feb 24, 2015

I've 2 tables ResumeSkill (Child table) and Skill (Parent table), There are duplicates in the parent table and after removing the foreign key constraint in child table deleted all duplicate values from Parent table. But those deleted duplicate values has references in child table which need to be deleted now.

ResumeSkill Skill

Id SkillId
SkillId Name

I want to delete all the records from ResumeSkill that dont have matching skillId in Skill table.

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How To Randomly Select Records From Sql Server 2000 To ASP.NET(vb Language)

Mar 19, 2008

Hai friends,,
  I have a table name "Student"
it contain 2 fields no ,name
no      name
1        Raja
2        Larsen
3        Ravi
4        Ankit
5        Eban
my questions  is I have a webform random.aspx
whenever any user open a webform random.aspx
it should display anyone of name  in a random order..... CODING:-
Dim cn As New System.Data.sqlclient.SqlConnectionDim rd As sqlDataReader
cn.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=master;password=david;"
cn.Open()Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand("select no,name from Student", cn)  ' how i can chage to random order....
rd = cmd1.ExecuteReader
Response.Write(rd(0) & "." & rd(1))
thank u..

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How To Delete Records Based On Time?

Oct 8, 2003


I want to delete my record after ten days of the Posted date(field)..how do I do it? I'm able to insert date(short date , long time) to the database. I'm using sql server and C#. this is what I have so far.I would appreciate your help..

Thanks!!!<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<script runat=server>

void Page_Load(Object sender , EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conPubs;
string strDelete;
SqlCommand cmdDelete;

conPubs = new SqlConnection( @"Server=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=Book" );
strDelete = "Delete tblbook Where Posted_Date =???????????";
cmdDelete = new SqlCommand( strDelete, conPubs );
Response.Write("Records Deleted!");

<form runat="server">
<!-- Insert content here -->

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SQL Server 2012 :: Set Based Method To Insert Missing Records Into Table - Right Join Not Work

Apr 24, 2014

I have table A (EmployeeNumber, Grouping, Stages)
Table B (Grouping, Stages)

Table A could look like the following where the multiple employees could have multiple types and multiple stages.

EmployeeNumber, Type, Stages
100, 1, Stage1
100, 1, Stage2
100, 2, Stage1
100, 2, Stage2
200, 1, Stage1
200, 2, Stage2

Table B is a list of requirements that each employee must have. So every employee must have a type 1 and 2 and the associated stages listed below.

Type, Stage
1, Stage1
1, Stage2
2, Stage1
2, Stage2
2, Stage3
2, Stage4

So I know that each employee should have 2 Type 1's and 4 Type 2's. I hope that makes sense, I'm trying to change my data because ours is very proprietary.

I need to identify employees who do not have all their stages and list the stages they are missing. The final report should only have employees and the associated missing types and stages.

I do a count by employee to see how many types they have to identify the ones that don't have all the types and stages.

My count would look something like this:

EmployeeNumber Type Total
100, 1, 2
100, 2, 2
200, 1, 1
200 1, 2

So I know that employee 100 should have 2 more Type 2's and employee 200 should have 1 more Type 1 and 2 more Type 2's based on the required list.

The problem I'm having is taking that required list and joining to my list of employees with missing data and pulling from it the types and stages that are missing by employee. I thought I could get a list of the employees that are missing information and right join it to the required list where the missing records would be nulls. But, that doesn't work because some employees do have the required information and so I'm not getting any nulls returned.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Group Up Records Randomly Into N Number Of Batches

Jul 6, 2015

I need to group up the records randomly into ‘n’ number of batches. That can be done by NTILE, but I want group up similar records in single group.

Say for example, following is the list of records I have in my table which I want to group into 5 batches


After Ntile I will get the below,

Desired output is, Need output like Ntile but all same id should reside in single batch

Even if I n=5, maximum possibility of batches are 3 only.

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Delete Records Based On Derived Column Content

Nov 18, 2011

I have a MS SQL table with a derived column, for date the records were imported, and need to delete records, based on the content of this column. What I need to do is delete all records from the table with a date of '2011-11-18'. Now this column is a datetime column, so it contains the time info after the date, i.e. 2011-11-18 09:29:38.000, but no matter what command I try for this:

-Delete from table where Date_Imported like '2011-11-18%'
-Delete from table where Date_Imported like '2011-11-18'
-Delete from table where Date_Imported = 2011-11-18

It comes back saying "0 rows affected", even though I know there are records with that date in the table.

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Check 2 Tables A Delete Records Based On Common Fi

Aug 8, 2007

I'm kinda embarrased, it's been quite awhile since I've played with SQL or Access but here's my brain fart. I need to open an access DB by the name of eHomes. Inside there are two tables AD_IMAGE & PROPERTY. Property is the main table and stores most of the info. It has a field in it called AD_ID and others except for the image file name. The AD_IMAGE table just keeps the image file name and has 3 fields: ID - AD_ID - & Image1. The problem is when the ad is deleted from the property table the AD_IMAGE table record referring to the PROPERTY.AD_ID doen't get deleted. So, I just want the AD_IMAGE table cleaned up to match what's active in the PROPERTY table using the common AD_ID fields in both tables.


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Transact SQL :: Delete Query Based On Count Of Child Records?

Oct 12, 2015

I've been able to get this select query to work, but I'm not sure how to modify it to turn it into a DELETE query:
select p.[testid], COUNT(c.[testid])
FROM [dbo].[tblTestHeader] p
left outer join [dbo].[tblTestMeasurements] c ON p.[testid]=c.[testid]
where p.[model] = 'XPPowerCLC125US12'
group by p.[testid]
having COUNT(c.[testid]) <>48;

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Can I Print The Results Of A Condition Based On The Condition?

Feb 9, 2006

For example..

select * from mytable where MyNum = 7

If this brings back more than 1 row, I want to display a message that says,

Print 'There is more than one row returned'

Else (If only 1 row returned), I don't want to print anything.

Can I do this? Thx!

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Selecting Records Randomly With SQL

Jan 29, 2008

I'm looking for a bit of SQL code that will select some entries randomly from an SQL table.

For instance I'd like to feed a parameter in that contains the number
20, and the returned record contains 20 randomly and distinct selected

Anyone know how this can be done? (never came across randomly select records) Appreciate any help  

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Randomly Pick Records

Apr 10, 2001

I need to randomly pick one or more records from a query e.g

select c_id, c_name
from c_table
where cat_id = 52

There may be more than one records for cat_id = 52. and I need to pick 3 of them randomly.

Thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: Update A Column Randomly Based On Values From Another Table

Oct 27, 2015

I'm trying to Update a column table based on values from another table but I need these values are random.My query looks like this and doesn´t work

DECLARE @Rowini int,
DECLARE @lastrow int
SET @Rowini = 1
SET @Lastrow = 80000


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Selectings Records Randomly From A Quiz Database

Oct 17, 2007


i have created a quiz software in VB. i have used ini files to fetch questions.. now i have thought of changing it to SQL.. i have created a table with questionno, question, option1,option2,option3,option4 and the correctanswer.. now i want to select the questions randomly each time the question session is started.. please help me out as i need to complete this project for my school...

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Stored Procedure Inserting Duplicate Records Randomly

Feb 1, 2005

I have a web app that calculates tax filing status and then stores data about the person.

The insert is done through a stored procedure.
All the sites that this program is being used are connecting through a VPN so this is not an external site.
The duplicate records are coming from multiple sites (I am capturing there IP address).
I am getting a duplicate about 3 or 4 times a day out of maybe 300 record inserts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are many sqlcmdInsert.Parameters("@item").Value =


And that is it.

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Removing Duplicates Records From A Column Populate Randomly?

Jan 26, 2015

I ran this query to populate a field with random numbers but it keeps populating with some duplicate records. how I can remove the duplicates?


Below are sample output that I need the dupes not show. The table already exist and its sql 2008


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SQL 2012 :: Delete From One Table Based On Results Of Other Table

May 28, 2015

I have this table:

with actividades_secundarias as (
select a.*, r.Antigo, r.Novo, rn = row_number()
over (PARTITION BY a.nif_antigo, r.novo ORDER BY a.nif_antigo)
from ACT_SECUNDARIAS a inner join

[Code] ....

I want to make a delete statement like this:

select * into #table1 from actvidades_secundarias where rn>1
Delete from act_secundarias where act_secundarias.nif_antigo = #table1.nif_antigo and act_secundarias.cod_cae = #table1.cod_cae

But it seems that I cant delete like this.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get Column Used In Where Condition In A Procedure

Apr 16, 2014

Is there any way to get the Columns Used in where condition in a procedure using SQL?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Cancel A Query If A Condition Is Not Met

Apr 23, 2015

Is it possible to stop a query from running if a condition is not met?

I have a stored procedure that returns some email addresses. A condition is that a load of new data should have happened in the current month.

If a load of new data hasn't happened I want the stored procedure to stop and return an error message instead of returning the email addresses.

I have a variable that finds the maximum data load date and I thought I could use an IF... ELSE... to check if new data had been loaded. Like this:

DECLARE @MaxLoadDate as date = (select max(load_date)
from #table)
IF @MaxLoadDate<Dateadd(month, Datediff(month, 0, Getdate()), 0) --First Day of Current Month
<Something here to kill the query>
SELECT email_address
FROM... etc

I've tried a couple of things like PRINT 'Error', and SET NO EXEC ON, but the query seems to happily carry on past the IF condition and return the email addresses. I know that data hasn't been loaded this month, so it should fail.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Condition To Identify Values That Are +/- Than 2 Cents?

Jul 23, 2014

I want to identify rows that go negative but only for 2 cents or more as well as identify rows that 2 or more.

I have this expression that does not work how I want it to work:

WHEN (SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) < (2/100) THEN 'Less'
WHEN SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) > (2/100) THEN 'More'
END AS 'Flag'

But I get:

0.00000815000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
-0.00094700000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00222000000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00012250000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
0.00000000000000000000NULL -- this is zero so null is fine
0.01188576000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number

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