SQL Server 2012 :: Sequence In A Table Instead Of Identity
Dec 12, 2012
I've started using a SEQUENCE in a table instead of an identity.
I seem to be experiencing problems of the sequence getting reset to a lower value periodically. Inserting will work on the table, producing the next bigint in the sequence as the primary key, for days and then all of the sudden duplicate primary key errors show up. When I check, the last primary key value in the table is higher than the current value of the sequence.
For example: right now I have primary key values 6000 through 7032 contiguously in the table, all of which were generated with the sequence. Suddenly I'm getting duplicate primary key errors. A quick check of the sequence shows it's at 7002, but the last inserted row has a primary key of 7032!
I'm populating this table in one place (in the application layer), leaving the primary key null, which allows the default constraint to get the next sequence.
When the problem shows up, I've reset the sequence to the higher number in the past and all is well for many days, then the problem occurs again.
The definition for the sequence is:
CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].[IntegrationQueueSEQ]
AS [bigint]
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
The default constraint for the primary key on the table is defined as:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IntegrationQueue] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_IntegrationQueue_IntegrationQueueID] DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR [dbo].[IntegrationQueueSEQ]) FOR [IntegrationQueueID]
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Jul 23, 2005
How do I get the next int value for a column before I do an insert inMY SQL Server 2000? I'm currently using Oracle sequence and doingsomething like:select seq.nextval from dual;Then I do my insert into 3 different table all using the same uniqueID.I can't use the @@identity function because my application uses aconnection pool and it's not garanteed that a connection won't be usedby another request so under a lot of load there could be major problemsand this doens't work:insert into <table>;select @@identity;This doesn't work because the select @@identity might give me the valueof an insert from someone else's request.Thanks,Brent
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Dec 23, 2013
I just created a new table with over 100 Columns and I need to populated just the first 2 columns.
The first columns to populate is an identify column that is the primary key. The second column is a foreign_key to an other column and I am trying to populate this columns with all the values from the foreign_key value. This is what I am trying to do.
column1 = ID
column2= P_CLIENT_D
So I am trying to insert both an identity values and a value from an other table while leaving the other columns blank. How do I go about doing this.
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Jun 14, 2015
I am designing a database. I want to define a automatic sequence on a table primary key field. what is the best solution for it?I know I can enable identity property for a field, but it has some problems ( for example its seed jumps on restart and unsuccessful events).I also can use some calculated sequences. for example I can calculate max of the filed values and after incrementing use it as key for new inserted record.
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Jun 21, 2015
So, I have some questions about best practice in SQL Server.
1.) I have PK like this (company TINYINT, store TINYINT, action TINYINT, invoice INT, sn SMALLINT). I know JOINS will work faster with surrogate key but I have only couple of JOINS on that table. I use members of PK in WHERE clause mainly, alone and combined for reporting purpose. Is it always better to have surrogate key because they don't have any meaning and context of data laying in current PK.
2.) In my PK from above I have two candidates for using Sequence object. Invoice start with 1 for every (company,store,action) combination. Sn start with 1 for every (company,store,action,invoice) combination. I would like to know can I implement Sequence object here knowing that Sequence don't support PARTITION BY in OVER clause. From what I red it cannot be done via Sequence but I have to ask.Here is data sample for this PK
company store action invoice sn
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 1 2017 1
1 1 1 2018 1
1 1 1 2019 1
1 1 1 2019 2
1 1 1 2019 3
1 1 2 1 1
1 1 2 2 1
1 1 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 3
1 1 2 3 1
1 1 2 3 2
1 1 2 3 3
1 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 3 5
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May 14, 2015
I have a problem described as follows: I have a table with one instead of insert trigger:
create table TMessage (ID int identity(1,1), dscp varchar(50))
Alter trigger tr_tmessage on tmessage
instead of insert
--Set NoCount On
insert into tmessage
When I execute P1 it returns 0 for Id field of @T1.
How can I get the Identity in this case?
PS: I can not use Ident_Current or @@identity as the table insertion hit is very high and can be done concurrently.Also there are some more insertion into different tables in the trigger code, so can not use @@identity either.
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Feb 21, 2014
I need to be able to identify breaks in a sequence so I can evaluate the data more correctly. In the sample I have given I need to be able to identify the break in sequence at 69397576, ideally I would set that as a D. My query also needs to recognize that the 3 sequences following 69397576 are sequential and would belong to that set. so the out come would look like this.
id file_name page_follow
here is some test data.
create table test1 (id INT
, [file_name] VARCHAR(100)
, page_follow CHAR(1));
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Jul 29, 2015
I'm looking to see if there is a way to populate starting number for the sequence from a max value of a table.
AS [int]
START WITH (select max(col1)+1000 from table1)
MAXVALUE 2147483647
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Mar 20, 2014
Create Table Sample (ID int not null primary key, RefID int , SeqNo int , Name varchar(10) )
insert into Sample
select 1, 1000, 1, 'Mike'
select 2, 1000, 2, 'Mikey'
select 3, 1000, 3, 'Michel'
select 4, 1001, 1, 'Carmel'
select * from SampleI have here sample data given. What I want to do is, I want to check the RefID which is not having proper order of sequence number. If you see the RefID 1000, 1001 they are having properly sequence order in SeqNo field. But it is not in RefID 1002. RefID 1002 does not have proper order. It is because user has deleted a row which was having seqno 2. So i want to get what are all the RefID's are not having properly sequenced. So that I would be able to know these are all the RefID's are affected by delete statement that was done by user.
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Aug 4, 2014
We are running SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008. Just wondering what type of actions would break the backup-chain or backup sequence? For instance, if you have tlog backups being taken every 10 minutes and you stop the SQL Server Service for say 30 minutes. Would this action break the backup chain? Or would everything return to normal once the SQL Server Service is restarted?
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Apr 27, 2015
Write the query that produces the below results. I'm not ale to join the two sets in a way so that it displays NULLs if no purchase was made on a given day for a particular product. I need NULLs or s so that it shows up correctly on my SSRS report.
-- declare @from DATE='2015-1-5',@to DATE='2015-1-10'
-- test data
;with testdata as(
SELECT 1 AS Id,'1/6/2014' AS Date, 21 As Amount UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/8/2014', 25 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/9/2014', 30 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/10/2014', 60 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/5/2015', 3800 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/6/2015', 7120 UNION ALL
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a process to rollover prior quarter data to new quarter in a table.
For example, i have a table with (col1, col2, year, qtr) with data like ( Note: col1 is identity(1,1) )
Now when i run my process, above 3 records will be rolled over new quarter 2014 Q2 and the table will be like
Row 1 with identity 1 has rolled over to new quarter row 4 with identity 4 ( qtr fields are changed )
Row 2 with identity 2 has rolled over to new quarter row 5 with identity 5. Same with last row as well.
Here, i have another table called "ident_map" with columns like (old identity, new identity ) and during rollover i am supposed to load ident_map table with old and new identity. So after rollover is complete, ident_map table should look like
I know using output clause I can capture the new identity values. 4,5,6 in this case. But is there any way to capture both old identity and new identity during rollover so that i can load the ident_map table with old and new identity.
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Sep 3, 2014
I have a Contact table where I enter a "Parent" (Mother or Father) with IsSubscriber = 1. I also enter all of their children in this same table, with IsDependent = 1.
I then have a Relationship table that relates each child to the appropriate parent record in the Contact table.
I need to assign a sequence number to each child ONLY if they were a multiple birth (twins, triplets, etc.; all have the same DOB). I've been successful at writing a query using ROW_NUMBER(), but it includes the single births (no other child of the same parent has the same DOB).
Stripped down version of Tables and Data and my failed attempt to write a query to do what I want:
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Contact','U') IS NOT NULL
, IsSubscriber BIT
[Code] ....
This is as close as I can seem to get.
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Nov 29, 2006
Recently I'm working on a multi-thread solution based on SQL-Server, now I'm facing such a problem:
Suppose I have process No.1(with multi-threads) inserting data to Table A, which has its identity column auto generated. And process No.2(also with multi-threads) retrieving data from Table A ,generate some records and insert the result into Table B. Both of these two processes are doing batch processing(batch retrieving and batch writing), and they are running parallelly.
Now since process No.2 retrieve data sequencely by the identity of Table A, it found there exists missing results. This is due to that records with bigger identities are not necessarily commited earlier than those who have smaller identities.
One direct solution is add one flag field in Table A indicating whether this record has been processed by process No.2, and each time it was processed , the field will be set. But unfortunatelly the table structure is not supposed to be modified.
So is there any other good solutions for this problem? Thanks.
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Jun 19, 2008
I am having problem in bulk update of a sql server table haning identity column from a datatable( has no identity column) using sqlbulkcopy. I tried several approaches, but it does not show any error nor is the table getting updated. But the identity value seems to getting increased every time.
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May 23, 2015
Can a Primary Key column also be a Identity column? The reason I am asking this question is because I have created a table and each time I insert data into the Address Table I am also inserting the AddressID, how do I get the Primary Key (AddressID column) to self generate ID values.
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Dec 27, 2013
So for years I was using the int identity(1,1) primary_key for all the tables I created, and then in this project I decided, you know, I like the uniqueidentifier using newsequentialid() to ensure a distinctly unique primary key.
then, after working with the php sqlsrv driver, I realized huh, no matter what, i am unable to retrieve the scope_identity() of the insert
So of course I cruised back to the MSSMS and realized crap, I can't even make the uniqueidentifier an identity.
So now I'm wondering 2 things...
1: Can I short cut and pull the uniqueidentifier of a newly inserted record, even though the scope_identity() will return null or
2: do I now have to add a column to each table, keep the uniqueidentifier (as all my tables are unified by that relationship) and also add a pk field as an int identity(1,1) primary_key, in order to be able to pull the scope_identity() on insert...
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Aug 25, 2015
Somehow all of my sequences got reset to 1. The only thing that occured was the database was renamed.
SQL Server 2014
Is this a bug ?
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Sep 5, 2013
I am upgrading my application's SQL Server from 2008 R2 to 2012.
As discussed in the below URL I am able to see the Identity jump after I upgrade and the server is restarted.
Now since I cannot afford this and at this moment I do not have the time to create a sequence with NOCACHE and test it again I have to go ahead and add trace flag 272 in the start up parameter as this is the only solution which I can implement and even rollback without much hassles.
[URL] ....
What I got to know, this flag will disable the new feature of IDENTITY property that has been implemented as part of SQL Server 2012 and will make it work like it was doing in SQL Server 2008 R2.
But I want to know implementing this flag would impact any other feature or performance (except the performance of IDENTITY) of SQL Server.
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Jul 18, 2015
I have two databases with different collation sequences, let them be called A (SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS) and B (Latin1_General_CI_AS). Now I need to join between the two (including through temp tables with server collation being Latin1_General_CI_AS). In order to get rid of the errors when trying to do so I changed all my statements in the WHERE and ON clauses to
A.table.column collate database_default = B.table.column
If I were to change the collation of the character typed columns in database A to the one in database B, would it make any difference in terms of performance, or would it just be a useless exercise? Just asking because many of those columns are part of a primary or foreign key that would need to first be dropped and then recreated after changing the collation, and I'd prefer to save myself the effort of writing scripts to do so if the answer is NO.
BTW, I tried to change the database's collation sequence, but that leaves the collation of the columns unchanged.
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Oct 7, 2015
If Exists ( Select c.name from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('HH835HP') and C.name = 'ID_1' )
SET ID_1 =
Obviously... The stuff inside the IF is wrong syntax...I mean
SET ID_1 =
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Jul 9, 2006
While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.
.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.
To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.
1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.
2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!
3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?
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Oct 8, 2015
The following works just fine. The table tmpMHPCLMDET does have a column ADMTDT ( varchar(8) ).
While I am adding the sequence of numbers I like it to be sorted based on ADMTDT column.
What that means is the row with the earliest ( smallest ) ADMTDT will get 1 and the next 2 and so on.
Declare @ID int
If Exists ( Select c.name from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('tmpMHPCLMDET') and C.name = 'ServiceLineID' )
--Adding a sequence of numbers to the ServiceLineID column.
SET @id = 0
SET @id = ServiceLineID = @id + 1;
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Jun 30, 2006
I want to insert a new record into a table with an Identity field and return the new Identify field value back to the data stream (for later insertion as a foreign key in another table).
What is the most direct way to do this in SSIS?
P.S. Or should I pass the identity value back in a variable and not make it part of the data stream?
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Jul 25, 2015
I have a four tables called plandescription, plandetail and analysisdetail. The table plandescription has the columns DetailQuestionID which is the primary and identity column and a QuestionDescription column.
The table plandetail consists of the column PlanDetailID which the primary and identity column, DetailQuestionID which is the foreign key attribute of plandescription table and a planID column.
The third table analysisdetail consists of a analysisID which the primary and identity column, PlanDetailID which is the foreign key attribute of plandetail table and a scenario.
Below is the schema of the three tables
I have a two web form that will insert, update and delete data into these three tables in a two transaction. One web form will perform CRUD operations in plandescription and plandetail table. When the user inserts QuestionDescription and planid in this web form, I will insert the QuestionDescription Value in the plandescription table and will generate a DetailQuestionID value and this value is fed to the plandetail table with the planid. Here I will generate a PlanDetailID.
Once this transaction is done, I will show the second web form in which the user enters the scenario and this will be mapped with the plandescription using the PlanDetailID.
This schema cannot be changes as this is the client requirement. When I insert values I don’t have any problem. However when I update existing data, I need to delete existing PlanDetailID in the plandetail table and recreate PlanDetailID data for that DetailQuestionID and planID. This is because, the user will be adding or deleting a planID associated with the QuestionDescription.
Once I recreate PlanDetailID for that DetailQuestionID and planID, I need to update the old PlanDetailID with the new PlanDetailID in the third table analysisdetail for the associated analysisID.
I created a #Temp table called #DetailTable to insert the values analysisID, planid and old PlanDetailID and new PlanDetailID so that I can have them in update statement once I delete the data from plandetail table for that PlanDetailID.
Then I deleted the plandetailid from the plandetail table and recreate PlanDetailID for that DetailQuestionID. During my recreation I fetched the new PlanDetailID’s created into another temp table called #InsertedRows
After this I am running a while loop to update the temp table #DetailTable with the newly created PlanDetailID for the appropriate planID’s. The problem is here. When I have the same number of planID’s for example 2 planID’s 1,2 I will have only two old PlanDetailID and new PlanDetailID for that planID and analysisID.But When I add a new PlanID or remove a existing planID I am getting null value for that newly added or deleted planID. This is affecting my update statement of analysisdetail table as PlanDetailID cannot be null.
I tried to remove the Null value from the #DetailTable by running the update statement of analysis detail in a while loop however its not working.
DECLARE @categoryid INT = 8
DECLARE @DetailQuestionID INT = 1380
/*------- I need the query to run for the below three data.
Here i'm updating my planids that already exists in my database*/
DECLARE @planids VARCHAR(MAX) = '2,4,5'
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Apr 27, 2007
How do I determine the max value for Sequence table in SQL Server?
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Feb 24, 2015
I have the following 2 Query's - case when Table has no Identity Column and other with identity Column . I am planning to make it to single Query .
Query 1:
SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE object_id =
SELECT sys.objects.object_id
FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing1' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'
SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE is_identity != 1 AND object_id =
(SELECT sys.objects.object_id FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing2' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'
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Apr 10, 2008
i have a table whose Primary Key is "UserID". the sample "UserID" are M1,M2,M3,M4,B1,B2,B3 .
i want that when i insert a valuse "M4" in the table ,by pressing Submit Button.
it should not be at the end or at the start of table.
Rather it should be next to M3. like the following
i need the C# code of how to do that !!!!
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May 18, 2005
Here is my problem:
I have a table with following columns:
PersonID FirstName LastName
102 John Ben
103 Josh Parker
104 Mark Ben
Now if I type SELECT * FROM Person WHERE LastName = 'Ben' these two records will be displayed
PersonID FirstName LastName
102 John Ben
104 Mark Ben
But I want this to return with one additional Sequence column like this:
New Column PersonID FirstName LastName
102 John
104 Mark
How can I add this so called "New Column" ?
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Nov 14, 2013
I have a table with no sequence column. I created a new column, but I need a way to add sequence number. This is not going to be a Primary key or indexed. I assume I will use update, but how do I do this?
Name | Seq
Paul | NULL
Tom | NULL
Grant | NULL
Name | Seq
Paul | 1
Tom | 2
Grant | 3
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Aug 11, 2014
I need to use Bulk insert statement for copying a table with 200 million rows to another table on the same server...the table has no primary key or identity column.... script for BULK INSERT ...
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Aug 29, 2007
this problem. I've a table to manage spedition with an identity column
(id), a year field and a numberInYear field. The identity is the pk of
the table and I want to make the numberInYear growing sequentially and
restart every change year. I don't want to make a table to manage this
sequence.I thought this alghoritm:1) Extract the max identity value (id) of the year before this, before the insert of the new record;2) Insert the new record;3) NumberInYear = the id just inserted minus the max id extract before.The
problem is the NumberInYear cannot be null, so I've to know the id of
the record inserting before the inserting itself... Is it possible?
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Dec 4, 2007
What transformations can be used to generate sequence numbers in a data flow?
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