i am displaying some information in a datagrid as part of shopping cart.i want to store the informations which i displayed and some informations which the user enters in a temporary table, so that i can perform manipulations based on that. how can i do that? how to load those informations into a temporary table during runtime can anyone explain me in detail? please thanks in advance
I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.
Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!
Does abyone know how to compare data-type xml in a temp/variable/physical table in MSSQL 2000?
I tried this works in MSSQL 2005,
Code Snippet create Table #t1 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text) create Table #t2 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text) Insert into #t1 Values('This is a test') Insert into #t2 Values('This is a test') Select * from #t1 Select * from #t2 Select * from #t1 where [c2] LIKE (Select [c2] from #t2) drop table #t1 drop table #t2
but not MSSQL 2000.
Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 12 The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
Is this true (from BOL)?
Code SnippetIn comparing these column values, if any of the columns to be compared are of type text, ntext, or image, FOR XML assumes that values are different (although they may be the same because Microsoft® SQL Server„¢ 2000 does not support comparing large objects); and elements are added to the result for each row selected.
I have a table in SQL Server with following spec Table1(Grossamount(money))
I have a SSIS variable called grosstot of type double and use following sql in Execute SQL task in SSIS
Select Sum(Grossamount) from Table1
I then assign the result of above sql stmt to the SSIS variable grosstot within the same Execute SQL task.
it gives me the error : [Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "grosstot ": "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::grosstot " differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".
I tried the following sql to no avail
Select CONVERT(numeric (12,2), Sum(Grossamount) from Table1
i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?
--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it. --no compilation error. CREATE PROC testTemp AS BEGIN INSERT INTO #tmp(dt) SELECT GETDATE() END
only on calling the proc does this give an execution error
I am trying to insert a single row in Temp table #InventoryItems . The temp table is mentioned in a curosor childcur_inventory. While looping through the cursor I have mentioned nested if else condition . In the Else condition where I have mentioned PRINT "Hello World" I want to insert a single row in the temp #InventoryItems. I trying to use Select Top 1 but the cursor is looping indefinitely trying to insert multiple record
I want to insert only one record with null values.
DECLARE childcur_inventory CURSOR FOR SELECT Structure_Number, State, Neighbor_State, Border_Bridge_Structure_Number FROM #InventoryItems OPEN childcur_inventory FETCH childcur_inventory INTO @Structure_Number, @State, @Neighbour_State, @Border_Bridge_Structure_Number
In a stored procedure I dynamically create a temp table by selecting the name of Applications from a regular table. Then I add a date column and add the last 12 months. See attachment.
So far so good. Now I want to update the data in columns by querying another regular table. Normally it would be something like:
UPDATE ##TempTable SET [columName] = (SELECT SUM(columName) FROM RegularTable WHERE FORMAT(RegularTable.Date,'MM/yyyy') = FORMAT(##TempMonths.x,'MM/yyyy'))
However, since I don't know what the name of the columns are at any given time, I need to do this dynamically.
how can I get the column names of a Temp table dynamically while doing an Update?
I could deploy across my environment, which is a mix of 2008R2/2012 servers, to give some information on log files. Running into a silly issue right off the bat. The table that DBCC LogInfo() conjures out of magic is different between the two. In 2012 it gained the RecoveryUnitID column. So I'm trying to write some logic to create a temp table based on which version is running. I would like to avoid a global temp table if possible. Here's what I've tried:
sp_executesql creates a table outside of the scope of my session: DECLARE @PrVers NVARCHAR(128) , @PrVersNum DECIMAL(10,2) , @StageTable NVARCHAR(1024) = N''
Using a string of IDs passed into a stored procedure as a VARCHAR parameter ('1,2,100,1020,') in an IN without parsing the list to a temp table or table variable. Here's the situation, I've got a stored procedure that is called all the time. It's working with some larger tables (100+ Million rows). The procedure passes in as one of the variables a list of IDs for the large table. This list can have anywhere from 1 to ~100 IDs passed to it.
Currently, we are using a function to parse the list of IDs into a temp table then joining the temp table to get the query:
[Code] .....
The problem we're running into is that since this proc gets called so often, we sometimes run into tempDB contention that slows this down. In my testing (unfortunately I don't have a good way of generating a production load) swapping the #table for an @table didn't make any difference which makes sense to me given that they are both allocated in the tempDB. One approach that I tried was that since the SELECT query is pretty simple, I moved it to dynamic SQL:
[Code] ....
The problem I had there, is that it creates an Ad Hoc plan for the query and only reuses it if the same list of parameters are passed in, so I get a higher CPU cost because it compiles a plan and it also causes the plan cache to bloat since the parameter list is almost always different. Is there an approach that I haven't considered that may get the best of both worlds, avoiding or minimizing tempDB contention but also not having to compile a new plan every time the proc is run?
Simple example:    declare @tTable(col1 int)    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)    select * from @tTable
Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.
But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.
Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.
Hi all, Im trying to use a temporary table along with a gridview. But i keep getting an issue that says that I need to declare the variable name. Right now, I have it set up that I have a permanent table in the database that is serving as my temporary table, however Im running into issues if multiple users access at once... So I would like to dynamically create a table and use that for my temporary table and then drop the table when the user is done with it... heres my code so far..Private Sub AddRecords(ByVal prodins As String, ByVal releaseins As String, ByVal opsysins As String, ByVal currelins As String, ByVal schemains As String, ByVal commentins As String, ByVal freeformins As String) Dim tablevar As String = lblRequestor.TextDim tablename As String = "##" + tablevar Dim myConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection Dim query As String = "CREATE TABLE " + tablename + "(UniqueID int Identity(1,1), Product varchar(50), OperatingSystem varchar(50), CurrentRelease varchar(50), Release varchar(50), SchemaSize varchar(50), Comments varchar(50), TempRelease varchar(50), FreeFormFlag varchar(50), sourcereleasedir varchar(125))" Dim query2 As String = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + "(Product, Release, OperatingSystem, CurrentRelease, SchemaSize, Comments, TempRelease, FreeFormFlag) VALUES ('" & prodins & "','" & releaseins & "', '" & opsysins & "', '" & currelins & "', '" & schemains & "', '" & commentins & "', '" & currelins & "', '" & freeformins & "')"Dim myCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommandmyConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=mydatasource") myConnection.Open()myCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, myConnection) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()myCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(query2, myConnection) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myConnection.Close()
And here is my query for the gridview.... SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM @tablename where FreeFormFlag <> 'Y'" and <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tablename" Name="tablename" PropertyName="Text" DefaultValue="##default" /> </SelectParameters> so @tablename is set to the value of a textbox i have hidden which the textbox gets the username of the user and adds ## to it..so if john doe comes on... the texbox reads ##jdoe... and thats what im trying to name the temp table. SO the syntax is all there.... But i keep getting an error saying i need to declare @tablename... which is puzzling to me.. I tried doing declare @tablename varchar (50) select.....etc.
but then it brings up an error saying... @tablename is already declared, each variable must be unique..., You must declare @tablename... It tells me that its already declared then tells me i must declare it??? it makes no sense..
Can someone send me an example of creating a variable to use instead of a temp table? I cannot find an example on books on line, but know it is possible in SQL2000.
I am trying to use a stored procedure to update a column in a sql table using the value from a variable table I getting errors because my syntax is not correct. I think table aliases are not allowed in UPDATE statements.
This is my statement:
UPDATE [dbo].[sessions_teams] stc SET stc.[Talks] = fmt.found_talks_type FROM @Find_Missing_Talks fmt WHERE stc.sessionid IN (SELECT sessionid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks) AND stc.coupleid IN (SELECT coupleid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks)
It's SQL 2008 R2. I need to bring data from Oracle using .Net Providers/ODBC Data Provider to MS SQL table converting Oracle UTC dates to PST.  The source connection type cannot be changed as it's given. For the Destination I'm using the OLE DB.
As the truncate all and load could take time I'm trying to use a temp table or a variable to use it further with t-sql merge or not exists to bring/add the only new records to the destination table.
I'm trying different scenarios that is all failed.
Scenario A:
1. In DTF after OLE DB Source I'm using the Derived Colum to convert dates. It's working well.
2. Then use Recordset Destination with an object variable User::obj_TableACD. It's also working well.
3. Then I created a string variable with a simple query that I could modify later "select * from " + (DT_WSTR,10)@[User::obj_TableACD] trying to get data from the recordset object variable but it's not working.
Scenario B:
1. Created a store procedure to create a temp table.
2. Created a string variable to execute SP str_CreateTempTable: "EXEC dbo.TempTable". It's working well with the SQL Task with SQLSourceType as Variable.
3. Then how to populate the temp table from the Oracle source to bring data into the Destination?
I want to store Images as binary data in SQL table and compare it each time with a image file I am getting. I've tried below approach but getting error:
DROP TABLE #BLOBTest CREATE TABLE #BLOBTest ( TestID int IDENTITY(1,1), BLOBName varChar(50), BLOBData varBinary(MAX) );
[Code] ....
Error: Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 10 Cannot bulk load because the file "C:Files12656.jpg" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).
How to use table variable in SSIS 2012, is it possible to use table variable in SSIS.
I want to insert some results from EXECUTE SQL TASK to this table variable and use this variable in OLEDB SOURCE task in data flow where it is used in SQL query with IN Operation.
The table variable contain multiple values like '100','234','XYZ' Is it possible to do or is there any other solution to achieve this?
Hi All,Hope someone can help me...Im trying to highlight the advantages of using table variables asapposed to temp tables within single scope.My manager seems to believe that table variables are not advantageousbecause they reside in memory.He also seems to believe that temp tables do not use memory...Does anyone know how SQL server could read data from a temp tablewithout passing the data contained therein through memory???Is this a valid advantage/disadvantage of table variables VS temptables?
In a previous post "Could #TempTable within SP cause lock on tempdb?" http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=2691763&siteid=1
It was obvious that we have to limit the use of #Temp table to a minimum. Let assume that some of the temp tables are really difficult to replace and we have to live with them.
Would it be easier on tempdb if the #TempTable is replaced by a table variable? Or do they all end up in tempdb?
I am writing a query to update table variable. It is throwing me some error.
I have a table variable declared and inserted the data with three columns. I want to update col1 of that table variable when the second column of that table variable= one column from a physical table
update @MYtabvar set @Mytabvar.LatestDate=B.LatestDate from TableB B where @Mytabvar.id=B.ID
I am working with the SP tuning. I want to know clearly about the temp tables.Instead of Select * into #table, it is always better to create temp table structure and insert the data later.Is it true in the case, if the data is small? insert into #table (select colmn1, column 2 from TableA join Table B on JoinC on joinD on..If they use several joins, in that situation, which way of creating temp table would be better?
Hi, i am using command files(.cmd) and osql utility to conneft to a database. following is the requirement. I have a query "SELECT top 1 au_fname FROM pubs..authors".
Can i store the value of au_fname in the command file?