I got some xml that is essentially an html table that I need to turn into a standard table resultset from a stored proc. If you take this xml and save it as html that is the desired resultset I am looking for. I realize the <td> tags repeat so I would just prefer 'col' + positional index for the col name. Keep in mind that <td> could be is 1 to n.
I have a stored procedure that I have written that manipulates date fields in order to produce certain reports. I would like to add a column in the dataset that will be a join from another table (the table name is Periods).
USE [International_Forecast_New] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetOpenResult] Script Date: 01/07/2014 11:41:35 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
[Code] ....
What I need is to add the period, quarter and year to the dataset based on the "Store_Open" value.
For example Period 2 looks like this Period Quarter Year Period Start Period End 2 1 20142014-01-27 2014-02-23
So if the store_open value is 02/05/2014, it would populate Period 2, Quarter 1, Year 2014.
Using a string of IDs passed into a stored procedure as a VARCHAR parameter ('1,2,100,1020,') in an IN without parsing the list to a temp table or table variable. Here's the situation, I've got a stored procedure that is called all the time. It's working with some larger tables (100+ Million rows). The procedure passes in as one of the variables a list of IDs for the large table. This list can have anywhere from 1 to ~100 IDs passed to it.
Currently, we are using a function to parse the list of IDs into a temp table then joining the temp table to get the query:
[Code] .....
The problem we're running into is that since this proc gets called so often, we sometimes run into tempDB contention that slows this down. In my testing (unfortunately I don't have a good way of generating a production load) swapping the #table for an @table didn't make any difference which makes sense to me given that they are both allocated in the tempDB. One approach that I tried was that since the SELECT query is pretty simple, I moved it to dynamic SQL:
[Code] ....
The problem I had there, is that it creates an Ad Hoc plan for the query and only reuses it if the same list of parameters are passed in, so I get a higher CPU cost because it compiles a plan and it also causes the plan cache to bloat since the parameter list is almost always different. Is there an approach that I haven't considered that may get the best of both worlds, avoiding or minimizing tempDB contention but also not having to compile a new plan every time the proc is run?
I have a table name stored in a scalar variable (input parameter of my stored procedure). I need to run SQL statement: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM MyTable and store the result of my query in a scalar variable:
For example:
declare @countRows int
set @countRows = (select count(*) from MyTable)
The problem is that the name of MyTable is stored in the input variable of my stored procedure and of corse this does not work:
declare @countRows int
set @countRows = (select count(*) from @myTableName)
I also tried this:
declare @sqlQuery varchar(100)
set @sqlQuery = 'select count(*) from ' + @myTableName
set @countRows = exec(@sqlQuery)
But it looks like function exec() does not return any value...
Simple example:    declare @tTable(col1 int)    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)    select * from @tTable
Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.
But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.
Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.
Hello Forum !I want to have the tablename "dbo.Enbxxxx" as an additional parameterfor a procedure like this:ALTER Procedure prcSucheUNR(@UNR int)Asset nocount onSELECT ABRUFNR,UNR,STICHTAG,Datum,InhaltINTO #temp FROM dbo.Enb WHERE UNR = @UNRFor some reason:@tablename varchar(11),and: INTO #temp FROM @tablename WHERE .... does not work. :-(I get the following syntax Error:Zeile 33: Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von '@tablename'.I'am sure it is possible but i don't know how.Greetings
I need to use a variable for a table name, pass it to a stored procedure that extracts data, and then store the result of the sp in another variable.
For example, earlier in the program I construct the table name using this statement:
@tablename = 'OC_TEMPLATE_' + @FORM. The resulting table name may by something like: OC_TEMPLATE_101
Now I need to use this table name in a statement like this:
If I use code like this, I can get a result, but I can't store it in a variable:
Running this give me a value of 309 in the results pane in Management Studio. 309 is the value I want, but I want to now store that in a variable called @ITEM.
I'm trying to run this as a stored procedure where I pass @tablename and @rec into the proc and I want to return @item as an output parameter with the value of 309 (in this case) in @item. I can't figure out how to configure the proc to give me the output parameter.
I am working on an mailing list program and I am trying to create a preview option for the sender (to preview their message prior to sending)
I am new to .net and sql but I thought it might be best to do this with table variable inside a stored procedure.. I just do not know how to insert the data into the table variable and select that data at the same time, to return it back to a preview.aspx page.
I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure
at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I am trying to use a stored procedure to update a column in a sql table using the value from a variable table I getting errors because my syntax is not correct. I think table aliases are not allowed in UPDATE statements.
This is my statement:
UPDATE [dbo].[sessions_teams] stc SET stc.[Talks] = fmt.found_talks_type FROM @Find_Missing_Talks fmt WHERE stc.sessionid IN (SELECT sessionid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks) AND stc.coupleid IN (SELECT coupleid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks)
To get the results of a stored proc into a table you always had to know the structure of the output and create the table upfront.
CREATE TABLE #Tmp ( Key INT NOT NULL, Data Varchar );
Has SQL 2012 (or SQL 2014) got any features / new tricks to let me discover the table structure of a stored procedure output, - i.e treat it as a table
EXEC dbo.MyProc INTO #NewTmp or SELECT * INTO #NewTmp FROM ( EXEC dbo.MyProc )
On SQL 2012 (64bit) I have a CLR stored procedure that calls another, T-SQL stored procedure.
The CLR procedure passes a sizeable amount of data via a user defined table type resp.table values parameter. It passes about 12,000 rows with 3 columns each.
For some reason the call of the procedure is verz very slow. I mean just the call, not the procedure.
I changed the procdure to do nothing (return 1 in first line).
So with all parameters set from
command.ExecuteNonQuery()to create proc usp_Proc1 @myTable myTable read only begin return 1 end
it takes 8 seconds.I measured all other steps (creating the data table in CLR, creating the SQL Param, adding it to the command, executing the stored procedure) and all of them work fine and very fast.
When I trace the procedure call in SQL Profiler I get a line like this for each line of the data table (12,000)
SP:StmtCompleted -- Encrypted Text.
As I said, not the procedure or the creation of the data table takes so long, really only the passing of the data table to the procedure.
How to use table variable in SSIS 2012, is it possible to use table variable in SSIS.
I want to insert some results from EXECUTE SQL TASK to this table variable and use this variable in OLEDB SOURCE task in data flow where it is used in SQL query with IN Operation.
The table variable contain multiple values like '100','234','XYZ' Is it possible to do or is there any other solution to achieve this?
I am writing a query to update table variable. It is throwing me some error.
I have a table variable declared and inserted the data with three columns. I want to update col1 of that table variable when the second column of that table variable= one column from a physical table
update @MYtabvar set @Mytabvar.LatestDate=B.LatestDate from TableB B where @Mytabvar.id=B.ID
In order to pull back data from several servers to one central server I need to execute a stored procedure over each remote server. SQL 7 doesn't accept the following syntax when comparing date fields:
I'm new to SSIS, but have been programming in SQL and ASP.Net for several years. In Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition I've created an SSIS that imports data from a flat file into the database. The original process worked, but did not check the creation date of the import file. I've been asked to add logic that will check that date and verify that it's more recent than a value stored in the database before the import process executes.
Here are the task steps.
[Execute SQL Task] - Run a stored procedure that checks to see if the import is running. If so, stop execution. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
[Execute SQL Task] - Log an entry to a table indicating that the import has started.
[Script Task] - Get the create date for the current flat file via the reference provided in the file connection manager. Assign that date to a global value (FileCreateDate) and pass it to the next step. This works.
[Execute SQL Task] - Compare this file date with the last file create date in the database. This is where the process breaks. This step depends on 2 variables defined at a global level. The first is FileCreateDate, which gets set in step 3. The second is a global variable named IsNewFile. That variable needs to be set in this step based on what the stored procedure this step calls finds out on the database. Precedence constraints direct behavior to the next proper node according to the TRUE/FALSE setting of IsNewFile.
If IsNewFile is FALSE, direct the process to a step that enters a log entry to a table and conclude execution of the SSIS.
If IsNewFile is TRUE, proceed with the import. There are 5 other subsequent steps that follow this decision, but since those work they are not relevant to this post. Here is the stored procedure that Step 4 is calling. You can see that I experimented with using and not using the OUTPUT option. I really don't care if it returns the value as an OUTPUT or as a field in a recordset. All I care about is getting that value back from the stored procedure so this node in the decision tree can point the flow in the correct direction.
The SSIS package passes the FileCreateDate parameter to this procedure, which then compares that parameter with the date saved in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
If the date is newer (or if there is no date), it updates the field in that table and returns a TRUE IsNewFile bit value in a recordset.
Otherwise it returns a FALSE value in the IsNewFile column.
SELECT @CreateDateInTable = FileCreateDate FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
IF EXISTS (SELECT ProcessName FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName)
-- The process exists in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Compare the create dates.
IF (@FileCreateDate > @CreateDateInTable)
-- This is a newer file date. Update the table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
UPDATE tbl_ImportFileCreateDate
SET FileCreateDate = @FileCreateDate
WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
SET @IsNewFile = 1
-- The file date is the same or older.
SET @IsNewFile = 0
-- This is a new process for tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Add a record to that table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
INSERT INTO tbl_ImportFileCreateDate (ProcessName, FileCreateDate)
VALUES (@ProcessName, @FileCreateDate)
SET @IsNewFile = 1
The relevant Global Variables in the package are defined as follows: Name : Scope : Date Type : Value FileCreateDate : (Package Name) : DateType : 1/1/2000 IsNewFile : (Package Name) : Boolean : False
Setting the properties in the "Execute SQL Task Editor" has been the difficult part of this. Here are the settings.
General Name = Compare Last File Create Date Description = Compares the create date of the current file with a value in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. TimeOut = 0 CodePage = 1252 ResultSet = None ConnectionType = OLE DB Connection = MyServerDataBase SQLSourceType = Direct input IsQueryStoredProcedure = False BypassPrepare = True
I tried several SQL statements, suspecting it's a syntax issue. All of these failed, but with different error messages. These are the 2 most recent attempts based on posts I was able to locate. SQLStatement = exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output SQLStatement = exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
Parameter Mapping Variable Name = User::FileCreateDate, Direction = Input, DataType = DATE, Parameter Name = 0, Parameter Size = -1 Variable Name = User::IsNewFile, Direction = Output, DataType = BYTE, Parameter Name = 1, Parameter Size = -1
Result Set is empty. Expressions is empty.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ... exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output ... the following error message appears.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "No value given for one or more required parameters.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
When the above is run tbl_ImportFileCreateDate does not get updated, so it's failing at some point when calling the procedure.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ... exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output ... the tbl_ImportFileCreateDate table gets updated. So I know that data piece is working, but then it fails with the following message.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC001F009 at GLImport: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The IsNewFile global variable is scoped at the package level and has a Boolean data type, and the Output parameter in the stored procedure is defined as a Bit. So what gives?
The "Possible Failure Reasons" message is so generic that it's been useless to me. And I've been unable to find any examples online that explain how to do what I'm attempting. This would seem to be a very common task. My suspicion is that one or more of the settings in that Execute SQL Task node is bad. Or that there is some cryptic, undocumented reason that this is failing.
name age weightaaa 23 50bbb 23 60ccc 22 70ddd 24 20 eee 22 30i need the output that calculate the sum of weight group by name input : age limit ex: 22 - 23 output : age total weight 23 11022 100 this output must stored in a sql declared variable for some other further process .
I'm seeing where previous developers have used a single stored procedure for multiple reports, where each report required different columns to be returned. They are structured like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetSomeData (@rptType INT, @customerID INT) AS BEGIN IF @rptType = 1 BEGIN SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial
[Code] ....
As you can see, the output depends on the given report type. I've personally never done this, but that's more because it's the way I learned as opposed to any hard facts to support it.
I need to set a variable to datetime and time to exact milliseconds in SQL server in stored procedure.
Example: set MyUniqueNumber = 20071101190708733 ie. MyUniqueNumber contains yyyymmddhhminsecms
Please help, i tried the following: 1. SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ////// shows up with - & : , I want single string as in above example.2. select cast(datepart(YYYY,getdate()) as varchar(4))+cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2))+convert(varchar(2),datepart(dd,getdate()),101 )+cast(datepart(hh,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(mi,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ss,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ms,getdate()) as char(4))
This one doesnot display day correctly, it should show 01 but shows 1
We need to create a pdf file from SQL server preferably from a stored procedure. Application will call the stored procedure and it should generate pdf. From my research it appears it can be done using various external tools with licensing/costs. But is it possible to do this within sql server database without additional costs? I read that this can be done by SSRS in SQL server but not sure if it is a good solution and if it is additional licensing..