SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Size Of Filtered Table?

Jun 18, 2015

I would like to get the size of the tables in my database BUT as follows:

SIZE OF (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Section = 1)

...what is the fastest way to do it?

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SQL 2012 :: Filtered Indexes In Server

Aug 14, 2014

What are driving criteria for creating filtered indexes on SQL server. I am trying to analyze the index stats through DMV,histogram and have to analyze if the filtered indexes should be created on tables. This exercise has to be done for all the transaction tables on the database. What are the approaches I should be looking on?

There was a deadlock on the DB because of huge writes on one of the big tables. Having filtered index on this table for the effected column would reduce the time taken for write operations. Hence we are looking for creating filtered indexes appropriately

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SQL Server 2012 :: Table Partitioning For 500gb In Size

Feb 25, 2014

Script to do the table partitioning for a 500gb in sliding window technique?

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SQL 2012 :: Removing Columns That Are Filtered?

Aug 5, 2015

I have a query that I'm filtering using Customer ID, CustomerID = '12345', even though I need the query to filter that data, I don't need to see that column in my results. I tried removing it from my Select Distinct group but I'm guessing it needs to be there or the filter won't work(like I said, very green). Is there something that I can add to hide this column?



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Possible To Find Table Size And In That Table Each Row Size

Jun 10, 2014

It is possible to find table size and in that table each row size.

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SQL 2012 :: Estimate Size Of A Table

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table like below,

Id BIGINT not null
,Name NCHAR(20) not Null
,Branch NVARCHAR (64) null

The table contains : 100000 rows .

Getting details of below

1)Number of rows in a data page
2)Total number of pages required for the table
3)Total Table size in KB or MB
4)Total file size in Kb or MB

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SQL 2012 :: Incorrect Table Size Being Reported

Aug 15, 2014

I have a table that contains 1.6 million rows, and is about 2.6GB in size.One of the columns is ntext and contained some xml.Realistically, I don't need the xml for anything older than about 2 months, however, i'd like to keep some of the data in the other fields.I decided that if I updated the xml to blank, I would see some considerable space savings, however that doesn't appear to be the case.This is the output of sp_spaceused for my table

name rows reserved data index unused
CommitmentsForPosting1660979 2740336 KB 1857104 KB312 KB882920 KB

After I updated the table to remove the xml, the output of sp_spaceused remained the same.My first thought was that it was probably statistics, so I updated statistics for the table, and nothing changed.I then updated statistics for everything in the database, still no change.I then ran DBCC CLEANTABLE for that table. I didn't really expect it to make a difference, and no surprise, it didn't.

The index on the table is a clustered index on just a GUID column.I rebuilt the index and again it still made no difference (that's a bit of a lie - index_size changed by a few hundred KB)my next test was to run 'select * into XXX from YYY' to create a copy of this table with the same data and data types. I also created the same clustered index from the original table onto the new one.If I then run sp_spaceused on this new copy of the table, I see what I expect to see in sp_spaceused - a table using approximately 256MB of space

name rows reserved data index unused
SPS_TEST 1660979 266400 KB 266400 KB 304 KB56 KB

To be honest, this isn't hugely critical, but I'm just curious as to why the original table is still reporting 2.6GB size, when I think it should probably be nearer 256MB.

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SQL 2012 :: Size Of Null Column In Table

Jul 8, 2015

Does null column take storage in table ? I created the following table:

drop table [dbo].[TBL_orig]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TBL_orig](
[1] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[2] [bigint] NULL,
[3] [bigint] NULL,
[4] [bigint] NULL,
[5] [float] NULL,

[Code] ....

Does null value will take a place even no data insert to this columns and if yes this answer is 4 mb is logical gap ?

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SQL 2012 :: Data Size Of Table Is Not Reduced Even After Deleting Millions Of Rows

Sep 21, 2015

I have deleted nearly 30 million rows from a table. But however when I used the sp_spaceused command to calculate the data occupied by the table I don't see any difference in the data size of the table. In fact the data has increased to few MBs after the deletion, but not much.

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Cache Entire Table Then Make Filtered Queries Against It

Feb 11, 2008

 I have a table that I want to cache. So, if this is my query "SELECT * FROM myTable" that I create the cache from, how can I filter the data?
I really need to cache the whole table, since there are a myriad of different statements being executed against the table, so just caching a specific query won't do.
I've found the best approach to make a question is writing it in code, so how can I do the following:
SELECT ColNames FROM MyTableWhichShouldNowBeCached WHERE whereColumns=someParams.
ColNames and someParams make up for a variation of about to 120 different queries. I use SQL 2005 express edition with advanced services.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Backed Up Transaction Log - Log Still Same Size

Feb 24, 2015

I backed up my transaction log file using this:

BACKUP LOG iTest2_AELetters TO DISK = N'nul'(yes I know this breaks the log chain - it's expected in this intance)

But after I run it my t log is exact same size. I have refreshed many times.

I am using SQL Always On on this DB.

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SQL Server 2012 :: MDF And LDF Size For Spreadsheet - Multiple Databases

Aug 28, 2015

I need a script that will return the mdf & ldf for multiple databases.

I am currently running...

sp_helpdb 'TestDataname'

...and copying the size of the mdf and ldf into an excel spreadsheet.

How can I get the mdf AND ldf file size for all of the databases in an instance? I need the MDF and LDF seperated and I want the actual size of the file as it appears on the file system.

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Transact SQL :: Size Of Foreign Keys In Server 2012?

Jun 30, 2015

I have question about the size of foreign key’s in sql-server 2012. If I in one table had a foreign key of the “INT” type. Do it still cost 4 bytes of storage?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Number Of Groups And Group Size With Multiple Criteria

Jun 15, 2015

I need to calculate the last two columns (noofgrp and grpsize) No of Groups (count of Clientid) and Group Size (number of clients in each group) according to begtim and endtime. So I tried the following in the first Temp table

GrpSize= count(clientid) over (partition by begtime,endtime) else 0 end
and in the second Temp Table, I have
,NoofGrp=count(distinct grpsize)
From Temp1

The issue is for the date of 5/26, the begtime and endtime are not consistent. in Grp1 (group 1) all clients starts the session at 1030 and ends at 1200 (90 minutes session) except one who starts at 11 and end at 1200 (row 8). For this client since his/her endtime is the same as others, I want that client to be in the first group(Grp1). Reverse is true for the second group (Grp2). All clients begtime is 12:30 and endtime is 1400 but clientid=2 (row 9) who begtime =1230 but endtime = 1300. However, since this client begtime is the same as the rest, I wan that client to be in the second group (grp2) My partition over creates 4 groups rather than two.

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Sql Server Uses Data Which Was Filtered Before

Apr 11, 2007

I got this table named 'Streets':

Street (varchar)
PLZ (varchar)





SELECT Strasse,PLZ FROM Streets

) SUB WHERE IsNumeric(PLZ) = 1


I always receive this error:

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '?' to data type int.

How must the statement look like, to execute this successfully?

I also tried to use a view which returns only valid streets, also a function, but it seems sqlserver tests the row with the '?' anyways


PS: If you want to try it, create the table because using the following instead the table works fine:

SELECT 'A' as Street ,'?' as PLZ


SELECT 'B','1'

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SQL 2012 :: Existing Replica MDF File Size Increased In Size Than New Replica Install

Apr 14, 2015

Here are my scenarios:

We have an application with replicated environment setup on sql server 2012 . Users will have a replica on their machines and they will replicate to the master database. It has 3 subscriptions subscribed to the publications on the master db.

1) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with no sql server on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 33gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studion . Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 84 gb with little empty free space available.

2) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2008 on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.

3) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2012 on it. We have dropped the local database and recreated the local db and did the initial synchronization using replmerge tool. The mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.

Why it is allocating the space differently? This is effecting our initial replica set up times.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Transactional Replication With Filtered Published Data

Apr 15, 2015

From distribution db, which table(s) store info about filtered data?

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Limiting Size Of A Table In SQL Server

Aug 14, 2004


im doing network monitoring app where basically i run a checks on servers every few minutes and log the data to a table. Naturally the table can get big, quite quickly. What I want is to be able to overwrite the table data at the start of each new day. Alternatively, rollup the data into a daily or weekly packets and then overwrite table data. How do i do this?

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SQL Server Table Size /Fragmentation

Jun 8, 2000


I have a process(Peoplesoft) in SQL Server which takes long time to finish. I am looking for is there any way to find out fragmentation of the table to defagment it or is there any way to allocate the size for particular table. Couple of users are running the process at same time but as SQL Server has table/page locks it locks and releases after the job is done. Can i make it row level lock by executing sp_tableoption procedure. I would appreciate for all your suggeations.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Estimate Size Of A Table

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table like below,

Id BIGINT not null
,Name NCHAR(20) not Null
,Branch NVARCHAR (64) null

The table contains : 100000 rows .

1)Number of rows in a data page
2)Total number of pages required for the table
3)Total Table size in KB or MB
4)Total file size in Kb or MB

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Size After Reindex

Feb 22, 2015

I'm trying to understand what is happening to one large table.

In a DB SQL 2008R2, I'm trying to track a rapidly increasing DB size. It's due to one table recently added.

Despite the table's no rows increasing its size reduces after a scheduled re-index.

I've recorded the space used by this table by recording EXEC sp_spaceused 'tableName'

NoRows reserved data index_size unused
128864512300384 KB 2290928 KB9432 KB24 KB AFTER reindex
128864515406232 KB 5366184 KB39280 KB768 KBBEFORE reindex

N.B. The only thing I'm aware of happening in the time period is a reindex as part of scheduled task. I could be missing something else happening.

The table has only one Index the PK which is clustered, No Fill factor is specified. The Server Default fill factor =0.

I read fillfactor=0=100 Will always try and fill the pages so space used will be minimised?

After running the reindex the index fragmentation is v.low. I've not recorded the fragmentation before reindex.

I can see the Data is not added in Clustered index order.

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DB Engine :: How To Reduce Size Of Server Table

Jan 20, 2012

I have a table with 99.9% of unused size. How do I reduce the size?I have tried those commands below but they do not work.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Process To Get File Size In Kb And Record Count In A File?

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a process to get file size in kb and record count in a file. I was planning on writing a c# console app that takes the file path and name as a param however should i use a CLR?

I cant put a script in the ssis when it's bringing the file down because it has been deemed that we only use ssis for file consumption.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Sudden Increase In Table Size?

May 5, 2015

I save Table size and recs. no every day. and check it some days.

insert into @t
exec sp_msforeachtable 'exec sp_spaceused ''?'''

But Today I saw sudden increase size in a table. about 128 MB in a day. (Average Growth fro this table was 4 or 5 MB in a day)This growth was for Only 4222 Records. While for more number of records (about 7000) in yesterday we had only 2 MB GRowth!

This Table information (Now):

sp_spaceused 'Table1'


name ---Rows --reserved --data

Table1--1021319--460328 KB --283104 KBI Try to gess The reason. I copy These new records to another table.But The result was more strange : on new table the size of these record was : < 1 MB I copied All records to another table . The size was : 148 MB (while this is 283 MB in my real database)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Table Size Difference In Two Database

Jul 20, 2015

I am having an issue in determining the correct size of a table.

I have a tableA in some DB on transaction server (Enterprise Edition), this table is being replicated in reporting server DB (Standard edition).

When I check the space used by this table in both the databases i see noticeable difference.

I am using EXEC sp_spaceused 'tableA' to determine the space.

Transaction Server
name rows reserveddata index_size unused
TableA1439999 695416 KB507048 KB182912 KB 5456 KB

Reporting Server
name rows reserveddata index_size unused
TableA1439999 656904 KB483664 KB172680 KB 560 KB

So I wanted to know what could be the possible reasons for this difference ?

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Table Size And Database Size

Mar 2, 2008

i use this script that show me the size of each table and do the sum of all the table size.

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND sysindexes.id > 100
AND object_name(sysindexes.id) <> 'dtproperties'
GROUP BY sysindexes.id WITH ROLLUP) AS X
ORDER BY X.[name]

the problem is that the sum of all tables is not the same size when i make a full database backup.
example of this is when i run this query against my database i see a sum of 111,899 KB that they are 111MB,but when
i do full backup to that database the size of this full backup is 1.5GB,why is that and where this size come from?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Copy A Table With 200 Million Rows To Another Table On Same Server

Aug 11, 2014

I need to use Bulk insert statement for copying a table with 200 million rows to another table on the same server...the table has no primary key or identity column.... script for BULK INSERT ...

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SQL Server 2008 :: Way To Check To Find Number Of Rows And Size Of A Table

Apr 29, 2015

How can we monitor the all tables in all databases and send notifications to the team.Is there a way to check to find the no of rows and size of a table last month and find out growth % now

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Two Table Data And Insert Changed Field To Third Table

Aug 12, 2014

I want Compare two Table data and insert changed field to the third table ...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedures Compiles Even When There Is No CREATE TABLE For A Temp Table

Feb 11, 2015

i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?

--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it.
--no compilation error.
INSERT INTO #tmp(dt)

only on calling the proc does this give an execution error

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SQL Server 2012 :: Data Transfer From Staging Table Into Main Table

Jan 14, 2014

What is the best way to transfer data from the staging table into the main table.

Staging Table Name: TableA_satge (# of rows - millions)
Main Table Name: TableA_main (# of rows - billions)

Note: Staging table may have some data same as the main table.

Currently I am doing:
- Load data into staging table (TableA_stage)
- Remove any duplication of rows from the staging table (TableA_stage)
- Disable all indexes on main table (TableA_main)
- Insert into main table (TableA_main) from staging table (TableA_stage)
- Remove any duplication of rows from the main table using CTE (TableA_main)
- Rebuild indexes on main_table (TableA_main)

The problem with the above method is that, it takes a lot of time and log file size grows very big.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join To Find All Records From One Table That Do Not Exist In Other Table

Apr 29, 2014

I have table 'stores' that has 3 columns (storeid, article, doc), I have a second table 'allstores' that has 3 columns(storeid(always 'ALL'), article, doc). The stores table's storeid column will have a stores id, then will have multiple articles, and docs. The 'allstores' table will have 'all' in the store for every article and doc combination. This table is like the master lookup table for all possible article and doc combinations. The 'stores' table will have the actual article and doc per storeid.

What I am wanting to pull is all article, doc combinations that exist in the 'allstores' table, but do not exist in the 'stores' table, per storeid. So if the article/doc combination exists in the 'allstores' table and in the 'stores' table for storeid of 50 does not use that combination, but store 51 does, I want the output of storeid 50, and what combination does not exist for that storeid. I will try this example:

'allstores' 'Stores'
storeid doc article storeid doc article
ALL 0010 001 101 0010 001
ALL 0010 002 101 0010 002
ALL 0011 001 102 0011 002
ALL 0011 002

So I want the query to pull the one from 'allstores' that does not exist in 'stores' which in this case would the 3rd record "ALL 0011 001".

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SQL Server 2012 :: Table Returning Function With Input Table Name As Parameter

Nov 19, 2014

I'm using SS 2012.

I started with an inline table returning function with a hard coded input table name. This works fine, but my boss wants me to generalize the function, to give it in input table parameter. That's where I'm running into problems.

In one forum, someone suggested that an input parameter for a table is possible in 2012, and the example I saw used "sysname" as the parameter type. It didn't like that. I tried "table" for the parameter type. It didn't like that.

The other suggestion was to use dynamic sql, which I assume means I can no longer use an inline function.

This means switching to the multi-line function, which I will if I have to, but those are more tedious.

Any syntax for using the inline function to accomplish this, or am I stuck with multi-line?

A simple example of what I'm trying to do is below:

Create FUNCTION [CSH388102].[fnTest]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@Source_Tbl sysname
select @Source_Tbl.yr from @Source_Tbl

Error I get is:

Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 12
Must declare the table variable "@Source_Tbl".

If I use "table" as the parameter type, it gives me:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'table'.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure fnTest, Line 12
Must declare the scalar variable "@Source_Tbl".

The input table can have several thousand rows.

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