SQL Server 2012 :: Incorporate RANK Or NTILE With LEAD Function?

Jan 9, 2014

We have accounts that pay for a particular "premium" service. It's entirely possible an account paid for this service for three consecutive months in 2013, then stopped paying, then started paying again. Why I'm trying to establish is, for the FIRST period of time the accout paid for this service, for how many consecutive months did they pay? Here is my test data:

if object_id('tempdb..#SampleData') is not null
drop table #SampleData
if object_id('tempdb..#DateAnalysis') is not null
drop table #DateAnalysis

-- Create temp tables for sample data

create table #SampleData
(AccountID int,
RandomDate datetime)
create table #DateAnalysis
(RowID int identity(1,1),
AccountID int,
RandomDate datetime,
NextDate datetime,
LeadInMonths int)

-- Insert some sample data

insert into #SampleData values
(1, '1/1/13'), (1, '2/1/13'), (1, '3/1/13'), (1, '6/1/13'), (1, '10/1/13'), (1, '11/1/13'), (1, '12/1/13'),
(2, '1/1/13'), (2, '4/1/13'), (2, '5/1/13'), (2, '6/1/13'),
(3, '2/1/13'), (3, '3/1/13'), (3, '4/1/13'), (3, '9/1/13'), (3, '10/1/13'), (3, '11/1/13')

-- Use lead function to determine how many months are between

-- consecutive dates per account

; with DateInterval as
(select AccountID, RandomDate,
NextDate = lead (RandomDate, 1, NULL) over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate)
from #SampleData)
insert into #DateAnalysis
select AccountID, RandomDate, NextDate,
datediff(mm, RandomDate, NextDate) as 'Lead'
from DateInterval

where NextDate is not null -- Last row will contain NULL for NextDate. Don't include these rows.

-- Show the results

select *,
'NTile' = NTILE(3) over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate),
'RowNum' = row_number() over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate)
from #DateAnalysis

Results (this is not getting me what I'm looking for):

11 2013-01-012013-02-01111
21 2013-02-012013-03-01112
31 2013-03-012013-06-01323
41 2013-06-012013-10-01424
51 2013-10-012013-11-01135
61 2013-11-012013-12-01136
72 2013-01-012013-04-01311
82 2013-04-012013-05-01122


This is what I'm trying to achieve:

11 2013-01-012013-02-0111
21 2013-02-012013-03-0111
31 2013-03-012013-06-0132
41 2013-06-012013-10-0143
51 2013-10-012013-11-0114
61 2013-11-012013-12-0114


The problem comes with accounts like AccountID = 1. They paid consecutively to start, then skipped, then started paying consecutively again. When using window functions, I'm running into trouble attempting to partition by AccountID and LeadInMonths. It's putting all the LeadInMonths = 1 together and that will give me skewed results if I want to know the earliest and latest date within the FIRST consecutive range of dates where the account paid. I've tried NTILE but it expects an integer and there's no telling how many "tiles" would be in AccountID partition.

I've looked at the OVER clause and the new "ROWS BETWEEN" syntax and still cannot get the desired results.

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SQL 2012 :: Using LEAD Function To Show Previous Month Difference?

Mar 25, 2014

I have 12 month report and I need show volume and difference between current and prev month volume, what is the smart way to do this, do I need to put prev month value onto same row horizontally? I think should be some other smart way, I heard about LEAD function?

This what I think for now, It should be listed per ClientID also, in my example I have single ClientID for simplicity.

I tried to do LEAD but with not success..

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') is not null drop table #T;
10001 ClientID,


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SQL 2012 :: Incorporate Several Queries In 1

Dec 18, 2014

I am wondering if it is possible to make 1 query that gives several, different resultsets.

I am working on a database for speedskating times, in particular I am working on seasonlists

The query I use for this i (in simplified form)

SELECT LastName, FirstName, Country, Time
FROM TbExample
WHERE Distance = '500' and Gender = 'Man' My question is about the "WHERE Distance = '500' and Gender = 'Man' " part.

I need the combinations 500-Man, 1000-Man, 1500-Man, 500-Women, 1000-Women, 1500-Women.

In the current setup I need to make 6 queries.

Is it possible to make some kind of (as they call it in Excel) Array (or 2: 1 for distances, 1 for gender) that runs through all possible combinations?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Rank Function Taking Care Of Gap Between Days

May 24, 2015

Working on sqlserver 2008 R2

CustomerID INT,
OrderDate date
INSERT OrderRanking (CustomerID, OrderDate)

[Code] ...

Looks fine but what I need is DRP with this:

CustomerID OrderDate 'DRP taking care of the gap in the days'
1 '01-01-2015' 1
1 '01-01-2015' 1
2 '02-01-2015' 1
2 '02-01-2015' 1
2 '05-01-2015' 4
2 '05-01-2015' 4

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SQL Server 2012 :: Rank On Repeating Groups Of Bit Field?

Jan 16, 2015

I have some data where a bit value changes over time and I want to rank it by the repeating groups, how do I write the SQL so that I get the result below?

I want to sort by create date, and every time the bit changes value we start the rank over.

If I partition by the bit field, it will just group the entire data set by the bit field.

Bit CreateDate Rank
1 3/15/2014 1
1 3/14/2014 2
0 3/9/2014 1
0 3/8/2014 2
0 3/6/2014 3
1 3/4/2014 1
0 2/28/2014 1
0 2/20/2014 2
0 2/15/2014 3
0 2/10/2014 4

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Rank Function

Jan 8, 2008

Is there a way to use the Rank function like in 2005 for sql 2000

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Rank Function

Jul 30, 2007

Hi ,

I have a report created and within the report is columns that perform additions on the fields from the database.

I want to create a rank column to show the rank of the row compare with the rest.

Col1 Col2 Total Ranks
1 2 3 3
2 3 5 1
2 2 4 2

On the above Col 1 and 2 would come form my database, Total is calculated by the report. How can I get ranking on this total? I cannot sort by the total as the report should only showing rankings but not be ordered by the rank.

I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services...anny help is much appreciated.


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Ntile By Date

Nov 6, 2006

Hello all

SELECT orderdate, salespersonid ,
ntile(5) OVER (ORDER BY t1count DESC) AS crank
FROM test2

How do I get it to rank each sales person's (salespersonid) t1count within each orderdate ?


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BCP,CTE And NTILE Problem?

May 12, 2006

Hi, i am trying to create a bunch of flat files from a table after breaking it down to deciles. this is what i am trying to do:

DECLARE @FileName varchar(50),

@bcpCommand varchar(8000);

With temporary(name,Decile)



select name, NTILE(10) over (order by sales DESC) as 'Decile' from table1 where date=199205


update table1

SET @FileName = REPLACE('D:Test9205'+'.txt','/','-')

SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "select name from temporary where decile=1" queryout "'

SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + @FileName + '" -U -P -c'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

the error i get is :Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'temporary'.

If i use Declare after the CTE has been defined i get :

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.

Any suggestion. Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Use MAX Function In Another Database

Nov 30, 2013

I want to use max() function and I want to read the input of this function from another database(its name is exhibitor). like below :

select @LastDate=MAX([exhibitor.dbo.Maintable.LastUpdate])but I have error below

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Exec_List, Line 131
Invalid column name 'exhibitor.dbo.Maintable.LastUpdate'.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Use Scalar Function Without WHILE

Jan 19, 2014

I have a scalar function, which calculates the similarity of two strings. I use the following query, to compare the entries of one table against the value 'Test' and return the entries, which have a value > 50:

;WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT b.FirstName,
(SELECT fn_similarity('Test', b.FirstName)) AS [Value],
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[Person] b

FROM cte1
WHERE [Value] > 50.00

Now I want to use this query against the first 50 entries of the [Person] table, so that the resultset includes all the values of the first 50 persons and the entries, which are similar to them.

At the moment I use a WHILE-loop and write the five single resultsets in a temporary table. Is there another way / a better way, maybe via a join?

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SQL Server 2012 :: CDC Get All Changes Function Error

Nov 13, 2014

I have setup CDC on 50 tables and then in one SP I’m calling all cdc function like below issue is I'm getting error “an insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes ... .” as error is not mentioning for which capture instance I'm getting this error so not able to find.

select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old') union all
select * from cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_<capture_instance>(@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all update old')

How to find which capture instance is failing?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Sum Multiplied Values From Function

Jan 18, 2014

I have an existing function and need to alter function to give result of the values multipiled until its parent is reached.need two seperate functions for city and amt columns..need to also display the parent-description

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CityData](
[Id] [int] NULL,
[ParentID] [int] NULL,
[City] [nchar](20) NULL,
[Location] [nchar](50) NULL,
[Amt] [int] NULL


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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting A Variable Recognized In A Function

Apr 4, 2014

I am having a hard time getting a variable recognized in a function. The variable is not being seen properly in the charindex function.

@ExtType contains = X
@PhoneNo contains = +1 (202) 123-9876 X012

select @intPos = charindex(@ExtType,Upper(@PhoneNo))

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SQL Server 2012 :: STUFF Function With HTML Tag

Jan 6, 2015

I have the following query that supposes to merge multiple result in a single one and put it into a temporary table:

SELECT DISTINCT [AlphaExtension],
STUFF((SELECT A.[NoteText] + '< BR />' FROM #temp A
WHERE A.[AlphaExtension]=B.[AlphaExtension]
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') As [NoteText]
FROM #temp B
GROUP BY [AlphaExtension], [NoteText]

It is working fine unless by a simple detail. If you look at the second line of the query you will see that I am stuffing together a < BR /> tag (break line) because the contents of the field is going to be spitted directly to the screen and I want that the multiple results be displayed in different lines.

OK, the issue is that it is stuffing & lt ; BR / & gt ; instead < BR /> and therefore the browser is displaying the tag instead to break a line.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Splitted Column Using Function

Apr 21, 2015

I am having staging table with separted by '¯'.I want to split the data with given number .i have given 31 means my main table have 31 column. it should handle the less or more column.

declare @TempTable as Table (Id int identity, sampleData nvarchar(500))
insert into @TempTable (sampleData)
select 'B¯080623719¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯Y¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯Y¯Y¯ ¯' union all
select 'B¯106618392¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯Y¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯'


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SQL Server 2012 :: Possible To Tell Whether Function Passed A Value Or Used Default Value

Apr 22, 2015

I have a function that accepts a date parameter and uses getdate() as its default value. If a date is passed in, I'm going to have to find records using the datediff method based on input. If no date is passed, I am going to bypass the datediff logic and search for records based on a column called "is_current" which will reduce the query time.

However, I don't know how to tell if the date value in the function came from an input or was the default.

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How To Incorporate A Table Field Into The Email Message Body Nto As An Attachment?

Oct 5, 2005

Hello everyone,

Please i need your help...

I dont know how to place the field 'strTitle and datBorrowed " in my email? Not as an attachment though....Just write it in the mail as part of message body...

I use this SQL select statement to retrieve the strTitle and datBorrowed fields

strSQL += @"Select replace(strtitle,'[Original Book] - ',''), datBorrowed from tblBooks where convert(varchar(10),datBorrowed,101) = convert(varchar(10),(getdate() - 1),101) ORDER BY strTitle asc";

Now, I have the following code to write the email

static void SendTest()

int iEmailLanguage = 0;
MailMessage objMail;
objMail = new MailMessage();
objMail.From = MAIL_FROM;
objMail.To =MAIL_TO;
objMail.Subject = "Books Borrowed Yesterday";
objMail.Body = Dict.GetVal(iEmailLanguage, "EMAIL_MESSAGE");
objMail.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(strAttachment));
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SSMTP_SERVER;

And the body of the email is this......

Dict.AddVal(0, "EMAIL_MESSAGE", "*** This e-mail is automatically generated. ***" +
"" +
"Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

"" +
"" +
"Thank you," +
"" +
"eLibrarian" +
"" +
"================================================== ===============" +
"" +
"This e-mail is automatically generated by the Library system." +
"Please do not reply.");

i need to put or wedge the data i got from the SQL Statement into this or after the line "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

So how should i do this?

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Preferred Method To Incorporate Common Table Expression (CTE) Functionality

Feb 26, 2007

What is the best approach to utilize a recursive CTE (Common Table Expression) to filter a resultset?  The CTE function is used in all application queries to limit recursively the final resultset based on a provided hierarchical organization identifier. i.e. join from some point in the organization chart on down based on an organization id. I would prefer that the query could be run real-time. i.e. not having to persist the prediction portion of the results to a sql relational table and  then limiting the persisted results based on the CTE function. 

It appears that I can use a linked server to access the prediction queries directly from SQL Server (link below). I believe that I might also be able to deploy a CTE recursive function within a .net assembly to the Analysis Server but I doubt that recursive functionality is availalble without a linked SQL Server.
Executing prediction queries from the relational server


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SQL Server 2012 :: Using User Defined Function In View?

Jan 31, 2014

I have a function that accespts a string and a delimeter returns the results in a temp table. I am using the funtion for one of the columns in my view that needs be to split and display the column into different columns. The view takes for ever to run and finally it doesn't split and doesn't display in the column.

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[func_Split]
@DelimitedString varchar(8000),


Not sure what I am missing in the above view why it doesn't split the string.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Window Function On Different Date Ranges?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a question regarding windowing functions. I have a sales order table with the columns "orderid", "customerid", "order_date" and "amount". I use the following query to get the amount of every customer as a additional column:

Select customerid,
SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid)
FROM sales_orders

My question is if there is a good way to add another column, which includes the SUM(amount) of the customerid, where the order_date > 2012-01-15 , something like this:

Select customerid,
SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid),
SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid WHERE order_date > 2012-01-15)
FROM sales_orders

I know, this is not a valid method, so do you know a way to achieve this? Can I maybe use CROSS APPLY or something like this? I know that I could use a subquery to get this, but is there maybe a way / a better way via window functions?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Function To Remove Excess Characters

Mar 5, 2014

I am looking for a function or way to return only results which does not include appended characters to order numbers.

For instance, below is a list of order numbers. I only want the order number that is SO-123456


I would like my query to only show the below results


What functions or query methods could achieve this?

I was hoping for something similar to RTRIM but that is only specific to white space.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Convert Function Inconsistent With XML Entities?

Aug 27, 2014

I have the following data stored in a column in a table:

£10,000.00 &amp; &apos; &quot; % &lt; &gt; Guðmundsdóttir Björk Lårs Marqués María-Jose Carreño Quiñones

I query this in a stored procedure using the FOR XML clause and universal table, and store the result in an XML data type variable:

EXECUTE[someStoredProcedure] @Result OUTPUT

This data (as XML) is then written to a file; in order to do this, I CONVERT the data to NVARCHAR since there are unicode characters in the source:

SET@strResult= CONVERT( NVARCHAR( MAX ), @Result, 1 )

Now this works fine, except on inspection, SQLServer has decided to render the data thus:

£10,000.00 &amp; ' " % &lt; &gt; Guðmundsdóttir Björk Lårs Marqués María-Jose Carreño Quiñones

Why it has changed the apos and quot entities to the corresponding character but not the other entities is beyond me.

how to preserve XML entities?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Call A Split Parameter Function

Sep 15, 2014

In t-sql 2012, the followinng sql works fine when I declare @reportID.

IF @reportID <> 0
SELECT 'Students report 1' AS selectRptName, 1 AS rptNumValue
SELECT 'Students report 2', 2


However when I use the sql above in an ssrs 2012 report, the query does not work since the @reportID parameter can have 0, 1, or up to 200 values.Thus I am thinking of calling the following following function to split out the parameter values:

FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_splitString]
@listString VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT SUBSTRING(l.listString, sn.Num + 1, CHARINDEX(',', l.listString, sn.Num + 1) - sn.Num - 1) _id
FROM (SELECT ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@listString)) + ',' AS listString) l
CROSS JOIN dbo.sequenceNumbers sn
WHERE sn.Num < LEN(l.listString)
AND SUBSTRING(l.listString, sn.Num, 1) = ','


how to remove the @reportID <> 0 t-sql above and replace by calling the fn_splitString function?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create A Function That Take A Value And Run Some Logic And Output The Value?

Feb 20, 2015

I would like to create a function that take a value and run some logic and output the value

I have a table like this

Table A

Logic I want to run is

The value that you are passing is numeric and numeric with only decimal 0 value, and then convert it to integer otherwise leave as it is

So if I run a query something like this

Select value, fn_convertointerger(value) as converted_value from TableA

I will get

Value converted_value
* *
001 1
004.00 4
3.0 3
1.22 1.22
2.02 2.02
4.000 4
Jkil& Jkil&

How can I create a function like this to convert specific numeric value?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Return Type In A Function

Mar 3, 2015

I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function

Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/


The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query With REPLACE Function?

May 22, 2015

using below code to replace the city names, how to avoid hard coding of city names in below query and get from a table.

select id, city,
'JRK_Ikosium', 'Icosium'), 'JRK_Géryville', 'El_Bayadh'),'JRK_Cirta', 'Constantine'),'JRK_Rusicade', 'Philippeville'),
'JRK_Saldae', 'Bougie')))
from towns

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Function In Create Index Statement

Jun 10, 2015

Can we use a sql function() in create index as below is giving error , what would be work around if cannt use the function in below scenario


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SQL Server 2012 :: Scalar Function Returning Zero When It Shouldn't

Jun 16, 2015

I have this code:

Declare @sql as varchar(4000)
declare @tbl as varchar(100)
declare @exists as bit
select @tbl = 'ACA_RSF'
select @sql = 'select count(*) from [member_score] where source_tbl = ''' + @tbl + ''''
print @sql
exec (@sql)

and it returns 18 million for a record count.I have this scalar returning function, which models the above, and it returns zero:

select dbo.fnGet_Rec_Count('ACA_RSF') as cnt

here is the code:

alter FUNCTION spGet_Rec_Count
@source_tbl varchar(100)
RETURNS bigint

-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @count bigint

-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

select @count = (select count(*) from [member_score] where source_tbl = ''' + @tbl + ''')

-- Return the result of the function

RETURN @count

I get zero regardless of where @count is declared as in or bigint.

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SQL Server 2012 :: String Variables Comparison Function

Aug 10, 2015

What i need is to create a function that compares 2 strings variables and if those 2 variables doesn't have at least 3 different characters then return failure , else return success.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Percentile With NTILE(100) For Less Than 100 Observations - How To Display On 100 Scale

Sep 15, 2015

I have process and people want to know percentile rank (on scale of 100), I'm bit lost as I have cases when I have let say 5 observations, so if use code below I can not got above number of observations:

Is there any way to get that numbers like RankWanted ??

; WITH cte AS (
SELECT 100 Cust_ID , 0.338129 Perc, 20 RankWanted union
SELECT 300 Cust_ID , 0.487179 Perc, 40 RankWanted union
SELECT 300 Cust_ID, 0.500000 Perc, 60 RankWanted union
SELECT 400 Cust_ID, 0.541666 Perc, 80 RankWanted union
SELECT 500 Cust_ID, 0.548780 Perc, 100 RankWanted )
SELECT Cust_ID, Perc,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Why Partition Function Works For Datetime2 But Not For Datetime1

Dec 20, 2013

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ....

Msg 7705, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not implicitly convert range values type specified at ordinal 1 to partition function parameter type.

However if I change to datetime2 it works

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime2) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime2 = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ...

Is the data type of the column used for partitioning. All data types are valid for use as partitioning columns, except text, ntext, image, xml, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), alias data types, or CLR user-defined data types.

In this case why isn't datetime works?

version is as follow:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64)
Dec 28 2012 20:23:12
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Evaluation Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

from [URL] .....

Table and index partitioning is supported in this edition

so I don't know why it fails!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Passing Parameters To Table Valued Function?

Mar 13, 2014

I am creating a function where I want to pass it parameters and then use those parameters in a select statement. When I do that it selects the variable name as a literal not a column. How do I switch that context.


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_Banner_Orion_Employee_Comparison_parser_v2]
RETURNS @Banner_Orion_Employee_Comparison TABLE



I execute this:

select * from ufn_Banner_Orion_Employee_Comparison_parser_v2 ('a.BANNER_RANK' , 'b.[rank]')

and get:


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